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City and County of San Francisco Tuesday, September 11, 2012 >> President Chiu: ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. Madam Clerk, could you please call the roll. Supervisor avalos, present. Supervisor campos, present. President Chiu, present. Supervisor chu, present. Supervisor cohen, present. supervisor elsbernd, present. Supervisor farrell, present. Supervisor kim, present. Supervisor mar, absent. Supervisor olague, present. Supervisor wiener, present. Mr. President, you have a quorum. >> President Chiu: thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, given that it is September 11, 2012, I'd like to ask that we take a moment of silence to remember the victims of 9/11. >> President Chiu: thank you very much. If you could please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with

liberty and justice for all. >> President Chiu: colleagues, we have our July 31 board meeting minutes. Motion by supervisor campos, seconded by supervisor farrell. without objection those are approved. Madam Clerk, any communications? >> Angela Calvillo: I have no communications. >> President Chiu: could you call our 3 pm special order. >> Angela Calvillo: first item of business is policy discussion between mayor and linley and board of supervisors. This week representing the even districts, specifically district 4. The mayor May address the board for up to five minutes. the President Will recognize the sproofers who will present her question to the mayor, as long as the entire discussion does not exceed five minutes per supervisor. >> President Chiu: Mr. Mayor, welcome back to the board. >> Mayor Lee: thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors, and to the public, thank you again for inviting me here to present answers to your questions. Before I begin, I want to welcome everybody back from the August break. And, also, just to add to the moment of silence, we had earlier for 9/11 victims, if I might just ask you to remember our local heroes, as a part of that, and in addition to the -- some almost 3,000 people who

lost their lives for us in san francisco, one of our many connections, is betty yong and mike bingham for saving the people that they did and struggling with that tragedy. Thank you, Mr. President and the board. we're back to work, and appreciate the question. >> President Chiu: thank you, Mr. Mayor. Our one and only question for today was provided by our colleague from district 4, supervisor carmen chu. >> Supervisor Chu: I am pleased to offer the one question. The question is the area you have to support economic growth in our neighborhoods in March we invited you to participate in a merchant walk on taraval street where you saw blocks of vacant storefronts and saw thought of city investment. What specific physical improvements have your departments completed in the naks six months on taraval, and what specific actions has the office of small business or the office of economic workforce development take in in the last six months to reach out to property owners and business between 31st and 33rd avenues. >> Mayor Lee: thank you for that question. On our merchant walk on taraval street, it really did emphasize to me the incredible potential and opportunity for transform in change in neighborhoods. I'm pleased to share with you that as part of the 2011 repavement and street safety bond, that the department of

public works is implementing, we prioritized 1.6 million dollars for improvements along taraval, particularly between the streets of 46th and the great highway. These improvements are based on a conceptual plan that was prepared by one of your community members, and was given to me while we were on that walk with you in March. The next steps will be to work closely with your office and certainly to organize a series of meetings so that we can confirm, with feedback from the community, and then refine this conceptual design, and we would be prepared and dpw and the other agencies will be prepared to start construction pursuant to that agreed-upon plan as soon as summer of 2013, which is next year. in addition, the office of economic and workforce development has funded the sunset neighborhood beacon center. In fact it's funded, that center, since 2009, in terms of hosting a part time corridor manager that specifically dedicated to assessing and addressing the unique needs of that street and that area. This corridor manager talks to property owners and businesses along the street, encouraging them to upgrade the storefronts, what were they see fit, to be able to utilize effectively the 311 system, fill, and have ideas

to fill vacancies, as they occur along that avenue, and participant in the neighborhood cleanups. Because I believe we can do more, I also made sure that taraval street was part of our new invest in neighborhoods initiative, which will leverage resources from the various departments, and all of the economic development tools that are currently available to us. on public safety, we are also working closely with our police department to increase the number of patrols along taraval, particularly in response to the uptick in criminal activity, especially in front of that seven-eleven store on 31nd and taraval. You know, although it's slightly outside of the few blocks that you've identified in your question, supervisor, I want to mention that we have partnered with the community and your office, to increase visitors to the area, including the promotion of movies in mccapen, a series that had great success this past month of June. In fact it had such success that we intend to provide funding for a second series of movies that will begin every friday night during the month of September. I'm also pleased to report that we're laurening a new ad -- launching a new ada improvement program in district 4. For you other supervisors this might be something you would be interested in as well. we're partnering with the the asian neighborhood design and mayor's office of disability to complete free assessments for

businesses around ada compliance. Some of you have deliberated around what the businesses are facing to ada compliant matters. So providing this free assessment would be helpful and I would be glad to entertain other requests from your supervisors as well to help our small businesses. And then after these assessments are done, supervisor, the businesses will then be encouraged to apply for grant funding through the sf shines program to make these improvements. I would like to invite everyone here to come and continue this conversation at the community coffee, which will be held this saturday, in district 4, saturday, September 15. And I know supervisor, your concern about your constituents as the others are, and so am I. I look forward to productive working relationship, both this community coffee, as well as the community clean team effort that's scheduled for this saturday for both district 4 and district 7. Thank you very much. >> President Chiu: thank you, Mr. Mayor. I think that conclude today's question time. >> Mayor Lee: and I want to especially acknowledge and thank the other supervisors for their questions as well. thank you. >> President Chiu: with that, Madam Clerk, why don't we go to our consent agenda. >> Angela Calvillo: items 2 through 5 compromise the consent agenda, and will be ablthd upon by a single roll call vote. If a member would like to

discuss a matter it shall be removed and considered separately. >> President Chiu: colleagues, anyone want to sever any of these items? Roll call vote on 2-5. >> Angela Calvillo: supervisor farrell, aye. Supervisor kim, aye. Supervisor mar, aye. Supervisor olague, aye. Supervisor wiener, aye. Supervisor avalos, aye. Supervisor campos, aye. president chiu, aye. Supervisor chu, aye. Supervisor cohen, aye. Supervisor elsbernd, aye. There are 11 ayes. >> President Chiu: those ordinances are passed. Items 6. >> Angela Calvillo: an ordinance amending the police code to eliminate certain requirements for secondhand and antique dealers, modify permit requirements, and to set the secondhand dealer permit application fee at 200. >> President Chiu. >> President Chiu: thank you. First, I want to thank the sponsor of this legislation, supervisor wiener, for his work in moving this through and I think he's dealt with a lot of the issues that were raised, both from the public safety community as well as from the secondhand community. There was one question and I have an amendment to address the situation. I want to appreciate the fact that this legislation really does help to minimize bureaucratic hassles for secondhand dealers interacting with city government and to focus on goods that are more often than not the subject of criminal activity. One

of those goods that was emoom rated in supervisor wiener's legislation vosms jewelry. I was approached by several small business folks within my district, who asked to ask that we exempt out jewelry that involved minimal amounts that typically would not be involved in criminal activity. So I have circulated a brief amendment that states that jewelry and watches would be encompassed by this legislation unless they have a fair market value as a secondhand good of $40 or less. This was a number arrived at after conversations with the police department, looking at these activities, as well as by secondhand dealers dealing in jewelry and watches. I want to thank supervisor wiener for his engagement in this conversation and ask for your support. >> we have a motion by p President Chiu. Supervisor eastern. >> Supervisor Wiener: I wanted to note I support the amendment. >> President Chiu: can we take that without objection? Without objection. Can we take this item, same house, same call? Same house, same call. This ordinance is finally passed. Madam Clerk, can you call item 7. >> Angela Calvillo: an ordinance amending the administrative code to authorize the airport commission to enter into leases with entities providing aviation support services without competitive bidding for a term not to exceed 10 years. >> President Chiu: colleagues, same house, same call. This ordinance is passed on first read. Item 8.

>> Angela Calvillo: and ordinance waiving the fee in the public works code for temporary street space occupancy as part of the ocean avenue arts and cult festival October 15, 2012. >> President Chiu: same house, same call, passed on the first reading. >> Angela Calvillo: item 9, an ordinance setting san francisco's property tax rate and establishing pass-through rate for tenants 2012-2013. >> President Chiu: same house, same call. This ordinance is passed on first read. >> Angela Calvillo: item 10, resolution approval a port lease commission with ammunition llc for office space located at 10 lombard street, roundhouse 2 in the northern waterfront with a 52 month term. >> President Chiu: same house same call. This resolution is adopted. >> Angela Calvillo: item 11 a a resolution authorizing the exercise of a 10 year option to extend the master lease at 124 turk street with department of health.

>> President Chiu: same house, same call. This resolution is adopted. >> Angela Calvillo: item 12 resolution authorizing a contract amendment increase with alliant insurance services for an amount not to exceed 15.1 million. >> President Chiu: same house, same call, this resolution is adopted. Madam Clerk, could we call a number of items related to treasure island that came out of the budget committee without recommendation. >> The Clerk: item 13 a resolution the amendment to treasure island master lease to extend the term to November 30, 2012. Item 14 resolution approving the 37th amendment to the treasure island master lease. Item 15 resolution approving the 16th amendment to the treasure island master lease. Item 16 resolution approving the eighth amendment to childcare master lease. Item 17 amoving the 24th amendment to treasure island event master lease. Item 18 resolution approving and authorizing the treasure island development authority to enter into a modification of the cooperative agreement with united states navy to extend the agreement from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013. >> President Chiu: I understand the director of treasure island is here to make a presentation but I'd like to acknowledge the district supervisor, supervisor kim, to make some opening comments. >> Supervisor Chu: opening.

>> Supervisor Kim: thank you. Given the new concerns regarding tida no longer as a redevelopment agency and the city attorney's memo regarding potential increased liability on the city's general fund, we did bring this item to the board of supervisors without recommendation so that colleagues could take additional time to read through the items and to feel comfortable with supporting these items which we actually have been routinely bringing before the board over the last 15 years, I believe. we did also request hearing just because there has been new news potentially radiologically impacted sites on treasure island. Of course there have been concerns AMONGst residents and we want the board to have opportunity to learn more about these reports and also ask any questions as necessary. So we have the director of the treasure island development authority here to present on both items before us and to answer any connective questions that we might have regarding the navy which is the party we are contracting with, as well as questions about liability. So I did want want to introduce merriam from the treasure island development authority. >> President Chiu: supervisor avalos. >> Supervisor Avalos: thank you. And, yes, that's exactly how we had our discussion last week, colleagues, that we had some

concerns about the recent reportings of potential radiological contamination that still remains or May still remain on treasure island. Actually, it does remain. We're trying to figure out what level it is. And I have concerns -- there were different reports that have come out over the years and most recently from california department of health that there are some known unknowns about what exists there on treasure island. And what I wanted to make sure is that we could get a report back from what is the latest discussion from the california department of public health which seems the last entity that's really involved in looking at review of potential radiological contamination that's there. last week as well, there was an article that came out in the east bay express, probably the third or fourth article that came out, that expressed a lot of concerns as well and I would like that to be touched upon by Ms. Sons of the treasure island development authority. And if you want to go on with your presentation, be able to touch upon those concerns, and I'll probably ask follow-up questions as we proceed. >> President Chiu: supervisor kim, last comment you want to make. >> Supervisor Kim: I wanted to clarify what is before us today. We have two separate issues before us. One is the items that we actually are voting on today, items 13 through 18 which tida will walk us through the master lease amendments along with the cooperative agreement. One of the concerns that has come up through that process is with the aging infrastructure on that site, owned by the navy, who is then responsible for improving that infrastructure, whether it is the navy, the future developer, or the city and the puc. So I think that is one of the issues

that I think members of this board will have questions on because that directly relates to the agreements that are before us today. But tagging along with that, because the navy is one of the parties to which these -- the master lease and the cooperative agreement are with, we certainly have concerns now that there is news that there is additional sites with potential radiological impact. What is the city going to do to ensure that we are doing the proper cleanup and the safeguards that need to take place to protect our residents and of course our workers on that island. I wanted to separate those two issues out. >> President Chiu: why don't we go to the authority, Madam Director. >> mereian sighas, director of operations at treasure island, President Chiu and members of the board. I just want to first just make some remarks with regards to the items before you today, and then quickly get into the issue at hand with regards to the recent media report. so with that, 15 years ago, tida -- the board of supervisors approved the resolution establishing tida as a single entity focused on planning, the redevelopment, the reuse, and the conversion of treasure island for development. Concurrent with the base closure the city and county entered into a co-op agreement with the navy for services including operation of maintenance and utilities, police and fire, grounds and

street maintenance, property management, and care take services. Then tida entered into master leases with the navy to sublease properties and buildings for commercial use, maritime use and special event use, specifically those are the master leases before you today, the southern waterfront master lease, the childcare development center, events venue, land and structures, and maritime leases. Tida, in turn, subleases these properties and -- to generate revenue to offset costs associated with the property management and municipal service obligations of the co-op agreement including leases for housing, commercial, and special event. Some subleases are for public service and do not generate income like to our nonprofits, little league, boys and girls club, were to open spaces. housing and commercial leases generate millions of dollars each year for tida's operations to pay for the day-to-day spending. Both the co-op agreement and master lease expire annually and indeed they have been before you for 15 years. But as the supervisor avalos and supervisor kim said last week during the committee meeting, there is a request for tida to present on the most recent media account of the navy remediation. So for that today, we have amy brownwell from the san francisco department of public health who will speak to the regulatory process associated with

remediation, and then bob burns, who is tida independent expert on radiology with over 15 years of experience. >> May I ask a question to director sykes. >> President Chiu: supervisor kim. >> Supervisor Kim: before we move on to the radiological issues which there are a lot of questions concerning I wanted to put to rest some of the issues around the cooperative agreement. So some of the concerns that have come up -- now that tida's no longer a legally separate entity, I think there are some questions that have come up around some of the aging infrastructure. And I was hoping that maybe you could touch a little bit about what the discussions are currently today around the aging infrastructure, what discussions are headed towards in terms of who May be able to invest and fund for some of this work to ensure we aren't having electrical outages and some of the aging we're seeing in the wastewater treatment. if you can address some of those concerns and move on to the radiological issue. >> it is true that the infrastructure is old and that it continues to be repaired, and we've had some recent outages. But I must say the puc has been very responsive in their attention to not only getting

the repair done, but proactively inspecting all components of the infrastructure so as to prevent repairs in the future. The infrastructure is part -- will be part of discussions in the future, and puc -- I need to turn to the puc family who is here today, and also to michael time-off, who will present -- who could present to you those issues that are part of the greater development plan. >> good afternoon, President Chiu, members of the board, michael carlan, deputy general manager for san francisco public utilities commission. We currently work with tida operating the utilities on the island. It's something that we have done for numerous years. As the director has stated, we do proactively look at trying to maintain the utilities out there, but as time progresses, we see that there needs to be an investment made in some of the infrastructure on treasure island to keep it going in the future. And that's something that we're in discussions with tida at this point in time. I'm not here to discuss great details of all what that might be, but part of what you need to do today is actually continue the cooperative agreement so we can continue operating the utilities in the manner we have in the past for residents out in treasure island. we can come back and discuss with you, in detail, sort of what the infrastructure needs might be out there. In the interim period between the period of time when the city accepts perhaps treasure island and when the developer actually starts replacing all the infrastructure on the island. I'll be glad to answer any questions. >> Supervisor Kim: I just want to say I'm hoping we can get an update at budget committee in

the following months on ongoing negotiations both with the navy and our developer, seeing if we can share some of the cost repairing this infrastructure because we all depend on it, his whether it's the residents, the coast gard, or a future developer. I think this is something that is a shared issue to all of us and I'm hoping that we'll all pitch in to figure out a way to strengthen some of that infrastructure in place today. I wanted to point out in we do need to terminate the cooperative agreement we can do that with 30 days notice to the navy. Is that correct? >> that's correct. >> Supervisor Kim: thank you. >> thank you very much, President Chiu. >> President Chiu: supervisor avalos. >> Supervisor Avalos: just to be clear on questions about liability, we have infrastructure that is not in the best shape on treasure island, and we need to make significant investments in order to keep that infrastructure most of all utilities, working and functional. And what do we expect that's going to cost in the next few years? And who's going to be responsible for covering those costs? >> that's a very good question. >> Supervisor Avalos: general

fund, versus puc, enterprise. >> so it's a very good question. I'm going to try and give a simple short answer. But it deserves a lot of attention. We've kind of identified that in the next year, and next two years, that there's an investment need of about $5 million a year that needs to be made in the infrastructure on treasure island. And I'm talking about the four utilities that we actually operate. We operate the water, sewer, electric, and gas systems on treasure island. Those are capital improvements. Right now, we collect money to cover operation and maintenance costs but we're not collecting any moneys to cover capital cost. Tida -- or treasure island is still a federal facility. Those people who live on treasure island are city residents, but the actual utilities still belong to the navy. So liability and such, this is where the caretaker agreement comes in. Some of it is the navy, some of it gets passed onto tida. In the future in the city were to accept the utilities in the state they're in now, it could be that you would have to make overriding considerations of accepting sup standard utilities and how do we invest in those, whether it's the puc or the city's general fund and that's the question we haven't answered yet. >> Supervisor Avalos: so we could very well have a significant impact to the general fund, and if not, how -- what constraints are there for the puc to be able to take over such utilities, and have the financial wherewithal to do that? >> right. that's one of the issues that we need to discuss, especially on the water and sewer side

because we're constrained by -- unless the city actually owns the utilities about capital fund on the utilities because of state law. We can't have our ratepayers subsidizing other ratepayers thp they're not puc ratepayers. >> Supervisor Avalos: so that's still being worked out. >> that's correct. To supervisor kim's questions there are two federal ent itself, department of labor job center and coast guard and they're starting to engage on some of these discussions about how they will get utility services in the future which May affect on how we discuss capital needs with them 16r789s. >> Supervisor Avalos: how do you see the city, and tida and developer come into -- is that when the agreement comes before us? Is that some other time? That is something that would be important for us to know hopefully today. I don't think my vote is contingent on knowing that information but I think it's important for us to have some sense of a timeline moving forward. >> I think I'll leave that to the development team, when the development agreement comes to you but we're engaged in those discussions and we're willing and able to kind of stay engaged and get those resolved. The development agreement at least. >> President Chiu: supervisor campos.

>> Supervisor Campos: I want to thank staff for the presentation and supervisor kim and her staff for their work on this issue. I have a basic question. And I understand that the items before us are more narrow in tems of what's being asked of us but one overarching concern that I maj -- that I know is in everyone's mind is the issue of safety, the safety of the residents, the safety of any worker who's going to be doing work. So I'm wondering if someone can speak to that. I see this letter from the california department of public health, that talks about how the preliminary results from their analysis indicate that the radiation I guess is within allowable limits. So I'm wondering if you can speak to what that means exactly. Preliminary results, by definition, imply that the results are not final. And what is allowable and what does that mean in terms of the day-to-day health of the residents of the island. Thank you. >> good afternoon, President, board members, michael timeoff with the treasure island development authority, project director. I did want to respond to the last question. So as Mr. Carlan pointed out, tida and puc are engaged in conversations as to the scope and cost associated with the utility repairs in the interim period between today and the development.

and we anticipate bringing forward funding solutions and an operating agreement at the same time as we bring back amendments that we have been working on, on the edcmoa, which is the transfer agreement between tida and the navy to confer the property and we anticipate doing that in the next couple of months. To supervisor campos' question we have a full presentation on the radiological issues so I'd like to turn it back over to amy brownel to address those. >> President Chiu, supervisors, my name is amy brownel an environmental engineer with san francisco department of public health. I have 19 years of reviewing navy cleanup. As you're aware the navy has been conducting and is operating the facilities at the -- they're in charge of the facilities at treasure island, and they've been conducting cleanup at treasure island since the mid-1990's under protocols established by the comprehensive response compensation and reliability act. The oversight agency for this work monitoring what the navy is doing is the california department of toxic substances control. and with respect to radiological protection, the california department of public health oversees that aspect. There are two other regulatory agencies also involved in overseeing all the navy's work and they oversee various aspects of the cleanup. Those are the regional water quality control board and the united states environmental protection agency.

these agencies review the navy's work plans prior to them conducting the work. They review all the data after the work is done, and verify that it is correct. And they verify that air monitoring and fences and controls are in place when the work is being done. In addition, they also conduct independent scans, which our radiological expert will speak to you about in just a moment. For the past 10 years, amack, environmental and infrastructure has provided independent oversight and review of this navy's cleanup program on behalf of tida. They also have a consultant who works with them, ngts, and they provide independent review and analysis of the navy's radiological cleanup activities for tida. Mr. Bob burns is here. He's the chief executive officer of ngts and a certified health fizz sift and he has over 20 years of experience in radiological assessment and will give you a preparation on the raid radiological issues at treasure island. >> good afternoon. i know you've all been provided a briefing packet, I believe earlier today. There's a lot of information there, and you May not have had ample time to digest it all at this point. So we have just a few brief slides summarizing the high points of that presentation. I was going to go over those

with you today. as you know, radiological characterization and cleanup operation -- I'm sorry. If we could bring up the powerpoint please. >> President Chiu: it's on. >> great. Radiological characterization and cleanup activities have been going on at treasure island for roughly six years now. To date, areas of known radiological contamination -- there's only three areas identified with no radiological contamination. We have a map here. I'm not sure... >> excuse me, could you speak directly into the microphone. >> I'm sorry. Okay. If we could switch to the overhead, I'm told. There we go. The three areas with known contamination to date are site 12, the building 233 site, which i can't see because I just changed glasses, building 233 site, and then the site 31, which is in this area here. And that's the extent of known areas of known radiological contamination today at treasure island. It's important to recognize there's extensive oversight by

all the navy's cleanup activities there. And through all its oversight activity they have not identified any human health concerns or human health issues at treasure island. Likewise, they have consultants to tida based on our independent evaluations and reviews of the documentation, and the investigations performed out there, we have never seen anything that would question or contradict cdph's conclusions. Right back to the powerpoint, the second slide. I'm reminded just today we were provided a letter by cdph, summarizing some of their more recent investigations and i believe you all have been provided a copy of that. As you all know, the navy recently released what it turned as supplemental technical memorandum which is an addendum to the 2006 historical assessment of impacted and non-impacted areas on treasure island. And this supplemental memorandum they identified some -- some -identified some newly identified impacted areas that had not been identified in the previous hra. But in digesting that information it's important to

recognize that the radiologically impacted does not mean there is contamination present. so to understand... Going back to the letter we received in cdph today we wanted to make it clear that the quote, a direct quote, no health and safety concerns were identified in our surveys in or around the five locations at treasure island. And I'll administer on those additional locations in a moment. Going back to the impact versus non-impacted I think that's been a source of a lot of confusion. I wanted to start, the definition of a non-impacted area, which is simply an area where there is no reasonable possibility of residual contamination. So for a non-impacted area we set a very high bar for being able to -- once an area is deemed non-impacted you're done. You don't do additional investigations, no surveys, no nothing. In general some sites you don't necessarily identify non-impacted areas. Often your non-impacted areas are off site used for so-called reference areas for background. what then is an impacted area. An impacted area is an area that you cannot call non-impacted. Those areas are impacted by default. Impacted does not mean contamination is present. It means the additional scoping surveys are warranted.

So some of these additional impacted areas identified in this latest tech memo, if we go back to the overhead, there's usf pandemonium site one, used by the navy for radiological training exercises and decontamination. Wastewater treatment area, building 3, also building 342. Too small for me to see. In response to the tech memo coming out, the cdph has gone out and performed some investigations in the vicinity around site 31, around the boys and girls club area, childcare center, community housing partners facilities. They took both direct measurements and what are known as white surveys where you're looking for removable contamination. That's the subject of those surveys documented in the letter we received today. In addition to those, there are additional investigations that are going to be performed with cdph at the request of tida and using prioritization requested by tida, specifically the sites identified above, pandemoium site one, wastewater treatment plant area where there's public utilities workers, and also building three and building 342. It's my view there's little likelihood of finding anything of public health concern in these additional areas. >> President Chiu: supervisor kim. >> Supervisor Kim: thank you, Mr. Burns. Thank you for the memo that was brought before us. In the memo you said that you were confident in the data that cdph has provided and measures that they take to assess human health risk and due diligence on the oversight of the radiological program. Could you explain why you feel

confident in the processes and the measures that cdph takes and go into a little more detail about what they do. You mentioned surface wipes. To a layperson that doesn't sound very scientific and is not very reassuring. Maybe you could talk more about that. >> I would say just looking at everything cdph has done today I think their reactions or responses have been timely and appropriate under the circumstances because you have an ongoing cleanup action as you know, but you also have residents and workers in close proximity. So they've been very proactive and diligent in the actions they've taken, which included so-called direct surveys, where you're making direct measurements of exposure rates in these residential areas, also you mentioned the white surveys. When you talk about surface contamination you can take a detector and take a measurement on the surface and say there's a certain activity level there. in addition you want to know if they're removal activity because that could present a greater hazard to individuals and would also be indicative, if present, would be indicative of activity that would have been say wind blown or something of that nature. So if it's removal, it's readily dispersible, and it's something that requires a greater degree of care, and also means it's easier to clean up if there. White surveys are another type

of assessment that cdph has performed. >> Supervisor Kim: could you talk about what surface wipes is. Are you talking about the ground, the soil? >> no. They're looking, as i understand, I think as windows, window sills, things of that nature, you know, just -- cdph would have to provide more detail but, again, what they're screening for, what they're looking at is was there any wind dispersal or anything of that nature. >> Supervisor Kim: I'm sure you understand the concerns that our residents have. >> crm. >> Supervisor Kim: particularly the cield care center and boys and girls club because that was listed by the navy as a potential site. You've made it clear just because it's radiologically impacted doesn't mean there's actual contamination present but it also does not mean there isn't contamination present. >> that is correct. >> Supervisor Kim: so the early assessments of cdph that these sites are safe for use by our children and families, I hope you can go into more detail as to why that is the case. I personally have concerns. I understand why our residents have concerns given that this is what we're presenting to them. So kind of speak to that. >> okay. Again, I can't go -- I can't speak on behalf of cdph, I can't go into great detail about their measurements, other than my outside review, I guess, or just looking at the work that they've done, like I said, everything --

I don't see anything that -they did everything -- I would do, whatever that's worth. like I said, their measures were timely and appropriate, and they're going to continue to perform investigations in these newly identified areas. And the residents will be informed of that information as soon as it's available. Like I said we got the letter from cdph today, which I... >> Supervisor Kim: I do want to give my colleagues an opportunity to ask questions because there are some. In your work experience, have you ever had suffers wipes collected, that have shown that the sites are safe, but then after further investigation, that you found that there was contamination on site that was hazardous to the health of workers and residents? >> okay. Well, let's ask the resident question first. I've never been involved with a cleanup project where we've had material get off site, where it was any sort of -- of any concern to residents or were identified contamination off site. You have to recognize the difference between measurements and assessment you're making within the work sites which are geared toward the cleanup actions versus the types of measurement that cdph is doing which are geared toward assessing public health. So I mean can you find -- you know ->> Supervisor Kim: why don't we -- when I meant workers I meant people work on the island, not workers involved in cleanup activity. We have folks that work at the boys and girls club, the child center, we have families on site as well.

For us as elected officials, as san francisco residents that we speak to what can we do to assure them given the sample swipes have shown that there aren't contamination on site currently. But my question is, is that have there been cases in the past where that has been the preliminary conclusion but then with further surveying work that we have found contamination on site that is hazardous to the health of our residents -- not our residents, residents in other sites? >> understood. I was saying in general. my general answer would be no, but it's important that these measurements and assessments are -- they need to be done periodically. >> Supervisor Kim: my next question, and this wasn't in your memo but was in our city attorney's memo, was that -some of the potential sites that additional scoping surveys would not be conducted until 2013. And my question is why so late? >> I can't speak to that. I'm not involved with the scheduling. But I know as far as the priorities that tida has requested of cdph regarding these newly identified areas, the focus is areas where there are occupied residences, and areas where there are puc workers. >> Supervisor Kim: have you read some of the media articles that have come

out lately? >> not all, but some, yes. >> Supervisor Kim: what would be your response to some of the concerns from previous residents of treasure island that say that they feel like there's a higher rate of cancer amongst their family, and their neighbors, and some of the concerns that have come up through those articles? >> I'm not aware of an elevated cancer rate. As far as that being -- but I'm also not aware of any radiological exposure of anyone on treasure island that -- of that background, of a -- you know, distinguishable from background and that's what cdph and -- have said all along. Again, I'm not aware of any elevated cancer rate but I wouldn't think you could draw any correlation, if there was such a thing, I can't see drawing a correlation to elevated radiation when there wasn't been any. Radiation is a fact of life we're exposed to it every day, it's a natural thing, it's nothing to be afraid of. >> Supervisor Kim: would you feel comfortable with your kids being at the boys and girls club? Is. >> yes. Given the -- I have two children. My kids are 5 and 3. They're my whole world. >> Supervisor Kim: I do want to give opportunity to my colleagues to ask some questions as well. >> President Chiu: supervisor avalos. >> Supervisor Avalos: thank you, supervisor kim. Thank you for your questioning. I think they're real good questions you were asking.

I'm not going to belabor the point, but there is a forthcoming report from cdph that's coming out, correct? Is I'm expecting it to to be -- they're doing ongoing work now based on the latest data that's come out. You reference it here in your talking points. You say there's -- cdph's investigation to date have identified any public health dangers. There is little likelihood of significant public health risk with regard to the impacted areas. You say the same thing again earlier in your talking points. So do you feel that the work that cdph is doing is redundant? how is it different from what you've already accomplished, but you can still say that -- how is their investigation different from what you have already accomplished? How could you say that I'm not going to come up with any health risk? >> I'm not sure what you mean about what I've already accomplished. My role has been review and oversight. As far as what do I mean when I say -- I think there's little likelihood. That's twofold. One, I don't think there's fewer possibility of finding any contamination in these newly identified areas. I don't think that there would be significant contamination found in those areas. Given that, you know, there's been work going on at tr easure island for some time and that the known radiological areas, areas which would most likely contain the most contamination have been deemed not to present a health risk, then I think by logical extension I just don't see it as being a high probability, even if there is any activity identified in these newly impacted areas, newly

identified impacted areas. >> Supervisor Avalos: cdph are they doing any other kind of assessment done by ->> I don't do assessments, I strictly -- 16r78g9s but you do oversight. >> I review what the navy contractors are doing, what cdph is doing. i have not performed any independent assessment. >> Supervisor Avalos: who could talk about that? >> either -- well, cdph would have to talk about their work, and... >> Supervisor Avalos: so last weekend, the east bay express, they talked about radium wells, talked about disks that were found in different places, in some of the areas that have had -- where there's radiation that's been potential contamination of radiation. Can you talk about those -- that were found. >> the foils and disc are commodities as they're called out there. they're deck markers, they're radio loom nes sent devices used back in the day like I said for marking decks on the ships. They're used for marking gauges, marking ditches. They're used today they're just not radium. where those commodities have been identified are these solid

waste disposal areas. >> Supervisor Avalos: where there have been known -- you talk about it as known areas of radiological contamination, in those areas they were found? >> correct. 12 primarily was my understanding. >> Supervisor Avalos: we're going to have a hearing on the whole thing later on. So I will be cosponsoring that, and will go into further discussion. >> President Chiu: supervisor campos. >> Supervisor Campos: thank you. I know the items before us involve a master lease, and a cooperative agreement. but I do think it's important in the context of the siting whether or not to support those items to have a better sense of the safety issues that have been raised. I think -- I know that there's going to be a public hearing on this, which I think is a great idea. And I want to thank supervisor kim, supervisor avalos, for sponsoring that. What worries me about this is the fact that, as you said, you know, there is no guarantee that that in fact there is no contamination that could create a health hazard. I mean I think your presentation is a carefully drafted document that, you know, leaves open the very possibility that there could be health implications here. Isn't that correct? >> that's correct, recognizing

there's these additional investigations that cdph is still going to be conducting. I don't want to be me mature. And I believe in, you know, never say never. >> Supervisor Campos: and that's the question. I mean so I do have a question about the wording though. In your report, it says that there is a little likelihood of these areas representing a health risk. In terms of definition of likelihood, what is that definition? i mean what percentage, what... >> it would be difficult to quantitative. Again, me being a scientist, that's how we speak. We don't look at things in black and white but in continuum of probability and such. So when I say little likelihood again I can't assign a probability to it but certainly no more so than -- like I say i think what we already know out there is the low-hanging fruit. I don't see these additional areas, you know, for whatever quantification you want to assign to what we've encountered and assessed out there, I don't see these additional areas presenting any risk, certainly not any greater than that. >> Supervisor Campos: would likelihood be like 40%? Is that lower? >> lower. >> Supervisor Campos: 20?

>> if you're going to hold me to a number, we're talking about likelihood of a public health risk? I would say probably less than five. If that. >> Supervisor Campos: so less than five. i think that's the question for us is at what point do we feel comfortable enough to reach the point that we feel like we've done everything. I still wouldn't want to be less than 5%, you know, that have 5% or 4% likelihood that we're wrong. So ->> well you've got to bear in mind, you've got to look at radiological risk or any individual risk in context with the overall spectrum of risk that we're all exposed to just from being alive. Again, radiation is a natural thing. We're all exposed -- the average american gets 620 milligram a year of background radiation. >> Supervisor Campos: if that's the case then you certainly want to vote areas where there is even more radiation than is usually allowed, right? I mean that cuts different ways. >> again we're talking about levels that is so small I don't think we're encroaching on allowable levels at all. >> Supervisor Campos: let me ask you this way. so there is this supplemental technical mement memorandum that showed there are new areas that are rage lodically impacted -- radiologically impacted. Legally under federal law or state law, are there limitations in terms of what kind of developments can go into a radiologically impacted area? >> in my limited experience, and I'm not a lawyer and not a real

estate expert but usually those are deed restrictions that can be -- my bad. >> again, amy brownel from the san francisco health department. All of these areas that were identified in that supplemental technical memorandum are navy areas that navy is going to investigate. They are doing their work, and investigating them. There is not going to be any development until the navy has finished all their investigation, and then all of the regulatory agencies have signed off that everything has been done correctly. During the investigation phase, the navy will control the area, have fences, do air monitoring. The cdph and the other regulatory agencies will verify that they're doing that. There is no chance of contamination going outside of the area, that the navy will control during their work. And then when it is all done, and signed off, and cdph will give a free release letter that says all the work is done, there is no contamination left, everything is same as background, basically. That's called a free release. Only at that point would the property then transfer, and be used by tida and developed. There will be no development until the navy has signed off on all the radiological issues. >> Supervisor Campos: well I appreciate all the work and I think that it's good to just follow up on these issues through the additional hearing. I'm still concerned.

I think a 95% likelihood that we are right about no health implications is pretty good but I don't think it's good enough. so hopefully we'll get to 100% at some point. Thank you. >> President Chiu: supervisor mar. >> Supervisor Mar: thanks, Ms. Brownel, Mr. Burns for the presentations. I wanted to say if I were one of the parents of the child development center I think supervisor kim was raising this questioning, Mr. Burns, whether he would have his kids in a spot that we weren't absolutely 100% sure was going to be safe would make me nervous, given some of the press reports. And then I know in 2003, and the department of public health is aware of this that we passed our cautionary principle policy that states where threats of serious or irreversible damage to people or nature exists lack of full scientific certificateity about the cause and effect shall not be viewed as sufficient reason for the city to prevent the degradation of the environment or protect the health of its citizens. I really worry that of the 2,000 residents that live on the island, that some of the key kind of new potential sites are very close to many of the residences. And the boys and girls club, and many areas where young children, who might be even more susceptible live. But I just wanted it know, could you give us more certainty that the sites are going to be safe. Because I would be worrying if I were one of those parents or one of those kids. >> thank you, supervisor mar. Again, Mr. Burns was talking about the areas and how the investigation was going to happen, and the question was asked about his certainty on those issues. Again, that's for the areas that the navy is going to investigate, the residents do

not live there, and they're not going to be allowed to live there. There will not be any development there. Those areas will be properly investigated. The -- as we already mentioned, and is in your letter that you received from california department of health -- public health, the boys and girls club, the childcare center, the school, the winery, and the trailer, were all scanned by cdph and have been cleared, that there is no public health risk, based on their scans that they have already done. There are other areas that -- as Mr. Burns was mentioning, are going to be investigate by cdph. In fact I'm aware that they went out there today to start that, and to do their scans. So all of those areas and those issues of uncertainty, they're not areas where people are living. Thank you. >> President Chiu: supervisor olague. >> Supervisor Olague: I just have a quick question. I know that sometimes during these periods of members of the public residents are probably reading a lot of different pieces of information, in the newspaper, and it might be creating anxiety or fear among them. So I was wondering how are there going to be community meetings out there? I know even when we do wire or towers for at&t the department of public health, or there's some kind of allowance for some kind of testing and this sort of thing.

I'm wondering how are we reassuring the residents that live out there that they're safe, or, you know -- what kind of outreach is being done to the residents? >> I can answer that question for Ms. Unbrown. Our office is cohosting a meeting with tida and the navy next tuesday, September 18 at 7 pm on treasure island. And I'm not sure if we will be able to address all the concerns residents have but we will be there to answer questions and get feedback on where we would like to see the efforts the city makes to advocate on behalf of our residents at that meeting. I don't know if Ms. Brown if you have anything to add to that. >> thank you, supervisor kim. Yes. The meeting will be held next tuesday. Representatives from the navy will be conducting the meeting and representatives will be there from cdph and dtfc. I will be there. In addition there was a letter sent to all the residents with this information, and maps, and information about what's going on. So tida has been keeping the residents up to date and this additional meeting will be another venue for them to hear the information. >> Supervisor Olague: transparency is important, obviously. Thank you. >> President Chiu: colleagues, any additional questions to city staff? Supervisor kim. >> Supervisor Kim: no additional questions. I do want to speak a little bit to the item at hand, and also some follow-up to the contamination impact issues. So our office is cohosting a meeting with the navy again and cdph and tida to

address questions from the residents and concerns. More than anything, what I would like to ensure from the city, whether it is cdph or tida or our office that we're doing the advocacy that needs to get done on behalf of our residents. I want our residents to feel safe and also that we are fighting for them, getting the truth out in terms of the level of contamination. I think it's great the preliminary assessments so far have shown that there aren't potential hazards to the health of humans living on that island. But of course I think that that's not always assuring to residents, that live there. I do in particular have concerns with the boys and girls club site. I know they have an interest in relocating. I think that even if there isn't evidence of contamination i think that there's enough questions that I think we should certainly look into it and see if that's possible. I think there's a lot of sites on that island. I would like to at least explore that, and also to address the 38 residents that might be on a potentially impacted site as well. The big thing is we need to be bulldogs for our residents, fighting and making sure that we get the answers we need. If it is true there is no contamination on site, great. We can move forward. There are other issues that need addressing in treasure island like the aging infrastructure in terms of delivering services like electricity add gas to the residents. I want to speak to the items before us today. it's separate from the radiological issue. While one of the parties to the amendments -- sorry, to the master leases and the agreement is the navy, I think that this is a separate issue. The navy is completely liable for both doing the assessment and the cleanup of radiological contamination on site prior to turning over conveying this property to tida and to the city. And that must be done when the property can be transferred with no use restrictions. And I think we as a city need to ensure that we fight to ensure that happens. I want to even touch on the fact that we have other neighborhoods where clearly environmental health hazards are on site. we have neighborhoods like the bayview where there are higher rates of asthma. This is not just limited to treasure island but we as a city need to ensure that we are providing safe places for all of

our residents to live and work. But the set of items before us are really just to allow tida to continue to subleases buildings on site, and also to allow us to deliver fire, police, and other gas and electrical services, wastewater treatment services, to the island. And I think that we should move forward and support these items before us today. If in any case we find that we don't want to continue this relationship with the navy, and really the the only case I think that would happen is if we decide to relocate all 2,000 residents we have 30 days notice if we decide to move forward in that direction. Supervisor campos did mention it though and I will talk more about it at roll call but supervisor avalos and I will be cosponsoring a hearing on the radiological impact at treasure island and I'll speak a little more to that at roll call. >> President Chiu: colleagues, any additional discussion? With that, why don't we take a roll call on these six items. Madam Clerk. >> Angela Calvillo: on items 13 through 18, supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. Supervisor mar, aye. Supervisor olague, aye. Supervisor wiener, aye. Supervisor avalos, aye.

Supervisor campos, aye. President Chiu, aye. Supervisor chu, aye. supervisor cohen, absent. Supervisor elsbernd, aye. There are 10 ayes. >> President Chiu: the resolutions are adopted. Why don't we go to our committee report, item 19. >> Angela Calvillo: item 19 was considered by the rules committee at a regular meeting on thursday, September 6, and was recommended as amended with a new title sent to the board as a committee report. It's a motion approving the President Of the board of supervisors, supervisor david chiu's nomination of arcelia hurtado for the board of appeals ending July 1, 2016. >> President Chiu: same house, same call? Without objection, this motion is approved. And why don't we now go to roll call. >> Angela Calvillo: supervisor farrell, you are first. >> Supervisor Farrell: I have one item, an in memory, I'd like to adjourn in the memory of chuck hug begins. He passed away at his home and was 87 years old. He was the former President And

ceo of seas canneddies a beloved san francisco institution. He worked there as a manager in the packing department and in 1972 selling the company to warren buster among buffett. As a philanthropist he was a generous person in town. He loved jazz. he served on numerous boards of san francisco nonprofits including grace cathedral, san francisco traditional jazz foundation and the children's health council. More importantly, in district 2 he and his wife brought together a number of people to raise money to restore the palace of fine arts to the jewel that it is today raising over $16 million in private money. he served our country as a paratrooper during world war ii. They had -- after her passing he married and is survived by donna hug begins who was with chuck for 15 years. He is survived by his sister, ruth, sons, peter, charles, and daughters, ann and shelley, nine children and a nephew. A tribute is planned for saturday, September 28 at the hetious theater from 1 to 3 pm. I would invite everyone to come out. The rest I submit.

>> Angela Calvillo: supervisor chu. >> Supervisor Kim: I chu. >> Supervisor Chu: first is norah patricia spears known as patsy to many of her friends and family, passed away September 1. She was a sunset resident and active parishioner at st. Gabriel's. she volunteered at laguna honda hospital and was always involved in the neighborhood and stayed current. We very much appreciated all the work she did on behalf of the neighborhood. She was here many times to testify at the planning commission, on behalf of the sunset district. And we will all Miss Her but she will be especially missed by her husband, sean, her children, and their spouses and many grandchildren. I also want to adjourn today's meeting in memory of celia rodriguez, she passed away surrounded by her family. She joins her husband and her son in heaven. Her husband immigrated to san francisco in 1955 and celia joined him in 1956 but it was in san francisco that they raised their family and realized their dream of opening their restaurant in the outer sunset district. Her restaurant opened its doors in 1962 first as a simple coffee shop and later becoming mexican food restaurant. Over time she brought to the sunset her unique style of cooking, and her hard work and dedication eventually led to the establishment of more than a

dozen celia's mexican restaurants in the bay area. They quickly became a bay favorite and many remember going there and still do now. She will be deeply missed by her family and friends. she is survived by her sisters, her children, and her grandchildren. The rest I will submit. Thank you. >> Angela Calvillo: thank you, supervisor chu. Supervisor kim. >> Supervisor Kim: thank you. the first item that I'll speak to is just the item that we most recently discussed. Supervisor avalos and I are cosponsoring a hearing to -- related to the radiologically impacted areas that need further explanation before the land is of course transferred from the navy to the city of san francisco. i think the presentation, while it answered a number of questions also raised additional questions related to this issue. We're having a hearing to follow-up on the radiological issues to ensure we're doing everything we can do to intur the ensurethe safety of those on the island. As representative of this part of our city, this is an area where we do actually place many families, working class and low income families, formerly homeless individuals, and of course our veterans, as well as other population on -- that are particularly vulnerable. So I'm requesting tida and the department of public health to

report on the navy's recent disclosure, the oversight and monitoring of the navy's cleanup efforts, and whether -- and just the work of the recent scans conducted by cdph and also the national standard for radiological contamination that is a harm to the health and human safety of our individuals, and what precautions we as a city can take to ensure the health and safety of our residents and workers and to have discussion of potential sites which May even conclude in a relocation of organizations such as the boys and girls club that do serve our children and our families. second, I am introducing a set of ordinances to move forward with the implementation of the next space of south of market alley way improvement project, a beautification project the community has been tracking since the 6th street corridor improvement project was completed. phase one was completed last year and this included new street trees, textured asphalt paving. And the neighborhood residents have been incredibly appreciative of this noticeable change. Based on lessons we've learned from phase one the city is working on a plan on the next phase, including enhancements of -- and clara between 5th and #th street.

These alleys are the life blood of the community. So the alley ways are often used as routes for pedestrians and often play areas for children and sitting areas for our seniors. we do have many seniors and families that rely on these alley ways as thoroughfares through the neighborhood. Project improvement includes more street lighting on something we've heard a lot about from our constituents, special roadway roadway paving, raised sidewalks, all of which enrich the pedestrian experience. As many of you know we have a lot of pedestrian safety issues in the south of market area, some of the highest incidents of collisions between vehicles and cars and we are hopeful this will continue to do a lot of the common work that we are seeing and the city is engaging in, in the south of market area. The rest I submit. >> Angela Calvillo: thank you. supervisor wiener. >> Supervisor Wiener: thank you. I have several items today. First, I introducing legislation that will ensure that new housing developments in san francisco are able to include car sharing spots, accessible to the general public. Car sharing is part of the future of transportation in san francisco. If we truly want to get people out of their private automobiles, then in addition to improved muni and bike access we need to provide people with high quality taxi service and convenient access to car sharing opportunities.

Being a transit-first city means making it easy for people to use these various transportation options. my legislation will help move us in this direction by allowing developers to include a limited number much car sharing spaces without counting those spaces towards their parking maximums. These optional car sharing spots would be an addition to the one or two car sharing spots that certain larger projects are already required to provide. In many parts of the city, developers require to build projects with less than one-to-one parkinging, constituently one parking spot for every two units. Currently any required and any optional car sharing spots are included together in this maximum parking allotment, even though easy access to car sharing, as we know, makes it easier for people not to own a private automobile. As a result, particularly in smaller developments, developers May forego having car sharing spots because they don't want to reduce the already-low number of parking spots for the residents of the development. My legislation would allow an optional car sharing spots, with up to five optional spots for developments up to 49 units, and eight optional spots for any developments 50 units and above. In exchange these

spots would have to be deed restricted and could never be used for private vehicle parking. So colleagues I look forward to a discussion about this important aspect of our transportation system. I'm also calling for a hearing on the city's urban forest, with the specific focus on the city's plan to care for our street trees and park trees. We have hundreds of thousands of trees in the public realm in this city and it's one of our greatest assets that makes our city green, cleans our air and beautifies our streets. Yet for a number of years budget cuts have severely reduced dpw and urban parks budget and their ability to maintain these trees. Dpw has proposed a tree maintenance transfer plan, transferring tens of thousands of trees to property owners who May not want them, who May not know how to care for them and May not be willing to spend the the money to care for them properly. Rec and park on average is able to prune its trees once every 50 years. Which is not acceptable. I believe we need to find sustainable source for our urban forest. I'm asking the department of public works, rec and park and the planning department to participate in this important hearing which will include discussion of the forthcoming urban forest master plan. Then I'm also introducing legislation to approve the mta's purchase of -- contract to purchase 45 new 40 foot long low floored diesel hybrid buses and the rehabilitation of 80 existing buses. Muni has the great need for new and rehabilitated buses and it will help improve the system. the rest I submit.

>> Angela Calvillo: thank you, supervisor wiener. President Chiu. >> President Chiu: first of all as someone who regularly uses car sharing services in san francisco and as legislator in this area I want to cosponsor supervisor wiener. I appreciate what you're doing in that area. i have two in memoriams, Mr. Fabs served our san francisco police department for 27 years from 1966 to 1993. He was known by former members of this board for his service, in protecting the public safety of our neighborhoods. There will be a memorialal service this friday at forest city. also would like to make an in memorium request for andy lee leecokeus a local small business owner who ran the sports bar at the ferry building for many years. he was also known as the mayor of golden gateway based on his close relationships in that neighborhood and that neighbors told me no one had more friends or more generous than andy. He served as a army ranger in the korean war. We will Miss Him dearly. Colleagues,'m also introducing a resolution today to congratulate the city college of san francisco on the upcoming completion and opening of the chinatown north beach campus. This is a campus that has been 40 years in the making in the northeast neighborhoods that I'm honored to represent. we've had a number of disoperate and unconnected sites that have not been

adequate for meeting needs of higher education for our residents. I know that we are all looking forward to a ribbon cutting happening in a week and a half to open up this campus which will be educating 6,000 students a year, many of whom are recent immigrants, and working folks in the northeast neighborhoods. The completion of this campus will exemplify the end of a 40 year dream for so many education activists, and neighborhood activists, and folks that have wanted to see with the financial support of the community, the creation of this campus. I want to take a moment and thank my colleagues -- our colleague, supervisor mar, and -- for their cosponsorship. The rest I will submit. >> Angela Calvillo: thank you, Mr. President. Supervisor campos. >> Supervisor Campos: thank you, Madam Clerk. I wasn't planning on saying anything today, but after watching the exchange in question time today, I think it's only appropriate for us to say -- for me to say something about that. I appreciate the question from supervisor carmen chu, but I don't know that I'm the only one who feels this way about question time. But my own personal view is that question time is no longer working. I don't know that it ever really worked. i think that it's too scripted. And from my perspective, the intent of question time when it was first brought forward and first talked about was to engage in a meaningful

discussion between the board of supervisors and the mayor. And I think that the way that it's currently structured in my view, I don't think that that meaningful discussion is really taking place. So I'm certainly interested in pursuing and exploring different ways in which we can modify question time to make sure that it is more interactive and not as scripted as it's become. So I certainly will be thinking of ways of tweaking it, and with the hope of bringing something to the board, and I would encourage my colleagues if they have specific ideas about ways in which we can actually create a process that actually allows for that meaningful discussion so that the public really benefits, I think it would be something that will be of service, not only to this board, to the mayor, but to the public. >> Angela Calvillo: thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor olague. >> Supervisor Olague: I have two in memoriums. One for james mccray sr. He was born March 12, 1927. The third son of johnny and rosie hughes. Mccray, on the family farm, located at dennis mills louisiana. He grew up surrounded by five brothers and three sisters. In 1948, he moved to

san francisco, and in 1949, he married gloria irving. To this union, one son was born, james mccray Jr., who some of you might know. He's a commissioner on the building inspection commission, and a long time pastor and community advocate in district 5. James mccray sr. Lived as a self-starter and was quite entrepreneurial. Operating an evening janitorial service, while working by day for the ford company. After extending his educational background, james went to work for standard oil, which eventually became chevron. Becoming one of the first african-americans to manage service stations in san francisco. After retiring in 1989, he spent the remainder of his life working in his yard, and chatting with those friends he met daily while running errands. Mr. Mccray sr. Is survived by his loving wife, gloria h. Mccray, his devoted son, james mccray Jr., three special sisters, his four grandchildren, as well as his five great

grandchildren, keith, justin, james iv, sophia and grayson. He was a special part of the jones memorial united methodist community and he will be greatly missed. also, I would like to close the meeting in memory of Mr. Jonathan bullock Jr., who passed away last week. He was a well-known member of the westside courts community, and he will be missed. Mr. Bullock's death is a reminders of our individual and collective responsibility to keep our communities safe and free from violence. I send my condolences to his family, and will remain committed to working with groups like the healing circle, and west side community services, to provide assistance to to victims and family members that have experienced loss and trauma. >> Angela Calvillo: thank you, supervisor olague. Supervisor mar. >> Supervisor Mar: thank you, Madam Clerk. Today, I'm requesting a hearing on the series of theft scams that have targeted chinese elders. As a member of the public safety committee but also the district 1 supervisor, I'm concerned because they've been hitting the richmond district. From January to September

elderly members of the chinese community were victimized by several scam artists and nearly $2 million has been made off by the scam artists this year. Several of these cases were in the richmond, but also other areas like chinatown, the sunset and other district in the city. The scams have targeted the chinese communities of other major cities like new york and chicago. The san francisco police department and the district attorney's office have continued to receive reports from many elderly chinese seniors in our communities. My office is working closely with the police department, and the district attorney's office, but also safety awareness for everyone, sf safe and members of our community on key strategies to stop these scams that target the vulnerable in our communities. There's a cantonese and -- tip line, 415-a 553-9212. I am cosponsoring the resolution congratulating the city college chinatown north beach campus. It's been a 10 year struggle for that campus to be built and I wanted to congratulate the new dean, and kind of the outgoing dean for their tremendous work and students and staff members. I plan to be there on friday, September 21, to celebrate with everyone the victory of the campus and a brand new place in chinatown and north beach. Also this morning, I was joined by our city librarian, luis herrera, and adrian pawn, to raise awareness about an important public hearing process

for the public library system. It's very important, every five years, under the library preservation fund, we're required to listen hard to representatives and residents and users of libraries. We're starting the first of 11 public hearings on improving the libraries. I'm very proud that our office is really trying to help with getting more of the immigrant communities and non-english speakers to weigh in on the hours, the types of materials, computer labs, number of ebooks, even issues related to improving our libraries. There's a whole list of the 11 different supervisorial hearings but I wanted to raise awareness on thursday from 6:00 to 8:00 at the branch library on 9th avenue at geary and clement we will be holding the first of 11 hearings. I also wanted to alert people and congratulate the chef at assiza restaurant one of the best in the city on geary and 22nd. He's been named by the U.S. Government in a ceremony recently by U.S. Secretary of state hillary clinton as one of the american chef corps chefs. He's called a state chef now and

the U.S. State department really brings them together to celebrate food as a diplomatic tool. So he will be able to share the great food of assiza and san francisco kind of throughout not only the u. S. But throughout the world. It's really important that he will be preparing meals at state dinners and traveling to other countries, representing not just san francisco but the united states of america. I wanted to thank sarah confrom the richmond sf blog for alerting us and congratulate chef lalu from assiza if you can. I think people know I was on the school board for eight years when we enacted our arts education plan for the school district. This week is national arts in education week. I know some of my colleagues from jane kim to david campos know this but our education master plan is a model for other school districts around the country. This week there is a number of events, one on wednesday, at the asian art museum is a special gathering called the creative impact public reception and it's free to teachers and parents throughout the san francisco bay area. It's a fair that will highlight 35 of our city's arts organizations that really focus on providing arts in the schools. I also wanted to say that my daughter is really a beneficiary of our arts education master plan in the school district as are many of our kids here on the board of supervisors. But the arts education master plan main goal is to create equity among all the kids in the school district so that kids

from low income neighborhoods have as good and possibly better arts education than kids in the more affluent areas where it's an equalizer goal of the arts education master plan. We have to fully fund it so supporting the schools through proposition h for example is one thing hopefully we will all support in the coming years. Assemblyman tom ammiano and leaders from the school district and our communities were starting to get together to discuss the reauthorization of prop h so that we have a fully funded arts education master plan for all children in the san francisco schools. The rest I'll submit. Thank you. >> Angela Calvillo: thank you. supervisor avalos. >> Supervisor Avalos: thank you, Madam Clerk. Colleagues,for introduction I have a couple of items related to the passage of proposition b that was on the ballot in June. Prop b is related to coit tower. It was passed by 53.4% of the vote. And was a declaration of policy to suggest strictly limiting commercial activities and private events at coit tower and to prioritize funds generated at coit tower for maintenance of the tower's murals. According to the city charter, around declarations of policy the board of supervisors shall,

within 90 days of such approval, take such actions within their powers as shall be necessary to carry out the declaration and to effect. And I'm requesting the budget analyst and park department to work together on identifying how funds have been -- revenue has been generated at coit tower and how they have been expended over the past five years, and looking forward about how we could actually get a sense of what spending has been like and how we can better program funding that's there. So I have a letter of inquiry to the rec and park department to that effect and a request of the budget analyst to carry out analysis about funding and how it can be used and recommendations for the board to begin to enact new policy. That is mine. Thanks. >> Angela Calvillo: thank you. Supervisor carmen chu. >> Supervisor Chu: I wanted to adds my comments to the resolution congratulating city college for the chinatown north beach campus. Again I know supervisor chu and supervisor mar spoke to it about the importance of the campus, especially to the chinatown and chinese community but I also want to say this is such an important step for us. I won't be there at the opening unfortunately but it is a place or institution where many of our newest immigrants are able to go, to learn the language, to gain new skills. And it's something I think will really help to revitalize the chinatown area. I want to simply say how important this opening of the campus is, and again of course I am absolutely supportive of the resolution. Thank you.

>> The Clerk: thank you, supervisor chu. Mr. President, seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introductions. >> President Chiu: thank you. I understand supervisor cohen had a motion to rescind. Supervisor cohen. >> Supervisor Cohen: I'd like to make a motion to rescind items 13 through 18. >> President Chiu: I think it's 13 through 19. >> Supervisor Cohen: 13 through 19. >> President Chiu: yes, 13 through 19. Supervisor cohen's made a motion to rescind those items. There is a second? Seconded by supervisor chu. Any objection? Without objection those items are rescinded. If we can take a roll call vote on items 13 through 19. >> Angela Calvillo: supervisor farrell, aye. Supervisor kim, aye. Supervisor mar, aye. Supervisor olague, aye. Supervisor wiener, aye. Supervisor avalos, aye. Supervisor campos, aye. president chiu, aye. Supervisor chu, aye.

Supervisor cohen, aye. Supervisor elsbernd, aye. There are 11 ayes. >> President Chiu: those items are passed. And why don't we go to our 3:30 special commendations. I know our first commendation will be offered by supervisor avalos. Supervisor avalos. >> Supervisor Avalos: thank you, President Chiu. Colleagues, I would like to call up ameal deguzman, a resident in my district, and has been a great public servant in it san francisco for a number of years. Coming up now. Colleagues, I'm excited today to honor emeal, on the occasion of his retirement from the scoin of san francisco. He is retired after almost 15 years of service, with the human rights commission. He's been a housing representative there. Before the human rights commission, he was employed by the san francisco police department for 12 years, to provide protective services for the elderly, who are vulnerable to street crimes. He has a bachelor's from uc-berkeley, a master's of public administration from harvard university, john f. Kennedy school for government, born and raised in san francisco and grew up in the fillmore district. He's an active resident of district 11, where he's done a

lot of great work residents. He lives with his wife and two kids. His daughter is with him as well. she's filming him as we speak. His wife maggie, teaches elementary school for the san francisco unified school district. Emill has a long history of public service to the city but on top of that he has also a long history of social justice work for decades in san francisco. as an undergrad at uc-berkeley, he was involved in the 1969 third world strike and was very active with united farm workers. As a student he was also involved in the historic struggle to preserve manilatown. As President Of the international hotel tenants association he fought along side the ihotel residence and a coalition of students tenants and community activists to stop the demolition of the "I" hotel. He was among the tenants on that notorious night back in 1978 when the courageous tenants were dragged and forcibly removed from their place of residence. After the eviction he continued to fight along side other community members to rebuild the "I" hotel which was rebuilt and reopened as affordable housing for seniors in 2005. He is currently on the board of the directors of -- board of directors of the manilatown heritage foundation which is promoting social and

economic justice for -- and preserves the "I" hotel legacy advocating for equal access and advancing filipino arts and culture. You have done tremendous work in the city and county of san francisco in your touch and mark on the city is around in so many different ways. I want to congratulate you on your great service and I look forward to all the work we can do together in our district in the years to come. >> well thank you, supervisor. I just wanted to thank President Chiu and honorable supervisors, and, you know, my colleagues from the human rights commission. this is sort of a 180 degree turn from when I was an advocate and not working for the city. Because hostility in the board of supervisors was more kind of what things were like in the 70's. And to the point where we gathered our cockroaches in the "I" hotel and threw them at the board of supervisors because they were so hostile to us. So I have many friends on the board, and I'm very happy to be here. Having, you know -- I'm at the quorum, always an activist, and I will always continue to be there. But I was also a city official and I worked for the city. and I tried to do my best of providing public service. And I will always encourage people to work for the city, to make it a better, to make it more affordable, to

make it so that it serves the most lowest income and the most deprived individual. So I want to just kind of get that across as to what I think is -- what the spirit of many of us in san francisco. We come from an era where so much was done to make it a great city. I don't want it to just purely be for, you know, a world-class city for well-off people. It's got to be for working people. Thank you very much. >> I know a couple of other folks want to speak but emeal, as you know, you have been someone who has led so many efforts in the city, particularly within my district and the international hotel. Colleagues I should let you know when I don't have a district chart in my office I have a photograph of emeal as a slightly younger man in 1977 as he was being dragged out of the international hotel during that protest by our city deposit deputy sheriffs. It became symbol not just of that fight but the beginning of the asian-american political mobilizations that have continued to this day. And I very much want to thank you for your service over the years. Thank your family for their service and thank supervisor avalos for recognizing one of his great district 11 residents. >> thank you, honorable President. >> [Applause.]

>> President Chiu: and that's not all. I know supervisor olague and others have a few things to say. Supervisor olague. >> Supervisor Olague: I want to thank you for all of your help. When I was working at the mission agenda we used to call you frequently, asking for help with some of the habitability issues, with that residents of single room occupancy hotels had to contend with. And then you were also very helpful when I was working at the senior action network. We'd call you all the time, me, tony robles and others. And just want to thank you for all of your wisdom and your openness, because you never turned away a call, and you always did everything you could to help the residents, especially the ones we were working with, particularly, very low income residents. So thank you. I know -- is here, but we're glad to have lupe, but we'll Miss You a lot. >> thank you, supervisor. >> President Chiu: supervisor kim. >> Supervisor Kim: I just wanted to dhiem chime in and also thank you for all of your work. As a college student I remember watching the fall of the "I" hotel and learning about you and the story of al robles. It was inspiring to me as a student to be committed and dedicated to working on behalf of our communities, and also just learning about the history of our activism, and of asian-americans who stood up on behalf of our neighborhoods and our most vulnerable members for a population. your work is inspiring. When we were finally able to rebuild the "I" hotel 30 years

later it was amazing to see both you and al, and al was serving up food just like he did in the 70's. It's amazing to see that continuum and to be a part of that now and to work with you and your family, maggie of course is a really important part of the south of market community and bessie carmichael. Your family does so much not just in the manilatown and cheentown chinatown but south of market as well. >> thank you, supervisor. >> President Chiu: last but not least, supervisor mar. >> Supervisor Mar: thank you, for your leadership in our movements from the international hotel tenants oh, and the spirit of the "I" hotel to the work on housing justice and even for seniors and so many others. I know you as a great parent too. I remember immigrant pride day events with you and your children. And for you and maggie and your family I wish you the best of everything. But I know that you're going to stay involved. And you have nurtured so many young activists to many other organizations. And I hope you get some rest, and recuperation, and then get back out there and helping to build our movements. But thank you so much for your service to san francisco. >> thank you. Thank you, supervisor. >> [Applause.] >> it's kind of rare I do two in one day but I've got another

commendation for another amazing person, lilie haskell who i would like to call up to the podium. Lilie haskell is a moroccan american organizer who has been organizing a community based organization here in san francisco since 2007. Lilie has contributed to and led arab community organizing youth development and educational initiatives through cultural and political work as well as antiwar coalition building for over 10 years. She is a graduate of wellesley university with a bachelor in sociology. She cofounded a foundation providing training opportunities for civic and political engagement. Since she joined arock she has helped build a member of low income and immigrant members of the arab community, empowered to provide mutual support in issues around the arab community. She helped to grow the organization threefold, providing immigration services to the local arab community as part of the san francisco immigrant legal and education network. Lilie has been a leading committee member of the coalition for a safer san francisco, a strong advocate for for on and -- immigrant and civil rights issues impacting low income communities. She joined with san francisco rights defense community to pass a policy to help protect immigrant

youth from deportation, bringing an arab voice to the diverse immigrant rights movement here in san francisco. Most recently, she was a key organizer with the coalition for a safe san francisco, helping successfully pass an ordinance here at the board of supervisors, this past mai, requiring transparency and accountability from the san francisco police department in dealings with the F.B.I. And other federal law enforcement agencies. Through her leadership arock played a central role in bringing arab and muslim community members as well as other communities of color to city hall to support this ordinance and educate us on the experience of arab and muslim communities with law enforcement after 9/11. I am honoring her today as she leaves arock after five years of service as its program director. Given that today is September 11, I think it's important to acknowledge the significance of her role, not only as a service prior in this city but as a civil and human rights advocate and organizer working to lift up the voices of the arab and muslim communities, especially during a period of anti-immigrant and anti-arab and muslim skate goating. She has not only organized her community but across communities, building bridges to ensure that san francisco as a sanctuary city continues to protect all of our communities and also speak up for the palestinian refugee population against all human rights -- globally.

It is an honor to welcome you to the board chambers and thank you for your service and look forward to our future work together as well. >> thank you, supervisor. >> [Applause.] >> I just wanted to say I look forward to arock continuing their work with the board of supervisors to ensure the human rights and services for all of san francisco's immigrant and working class communities. Thank you. >> [Applause.] >> President Chiu: thank you. >> lillian is joined by her mom from georgia. >> President Chiu: welcome to the chamber. >> [Applause.] >> President Chiu: now, I'd like to acknowledge our district 6 supervisor, supervisor kim, who has a commendation. >> Supervisor Kim: thank you. I have a separate commendation but I want to acknowledge lilie as well, and your work with arock on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. Our office got to work really closely with you, and I can't tell you how immensely proud we were to work with you, and the organizing work that you were able to do in the arab-american, muslim, and south asian community to bring to light some of the issues and racial profiling that had been ongoing in this city. It was really difficult work. And you brought up a lot of members of our community that were not used to coming to city hall to speak and speak on very sensitive stories. And you know, really required a lot of courage and I know you were key in supporting that and I'm glad to see you go.

I know arock is currently in district 6 and we will Miss Your presence in arock and in district 6. Thank you for all of your work. I'm actually -- I have a commendation and I'm sure that many of my colleagues will want to speak on behalf of this individual. We were waiting for our emergency preparedness month because we could honor this individual every week. But we wanted to take time to recognize someone who has been a steadfast presence at the site of every single emergency call in our district and in our city. I want to bring up ben ames up to the podium. >> [Applause.] >> Supervisor Kim: whether it's a major fire, in a single family home, a residential apartment building, a gas leak, he has become a familiar face as he is often the first person on the scene and usually the last person to leave. He has been the emergency response coordinator for the city's human services agency since 2002, so over the last 10 years. This past decade you have been serving our city. Since I took office in 2011, he has responded to at least 10 significant fires in our district, and worked with residents to find both temporary and in many cases permanent housing, after those incidents.

Many of us that have gone on the fire of these scenes, it's scary. Families and individuals and seniors often don't know where they're going to go next, have lost a lot of their belongings, but most importantly, have lost their home and their security. It really takes an individual I think of a high level of caliber and sensitivity to be able to work with so many individuals who are scared, and who don't know what they're going to do next. Ben has demonstrated a commitment to going above and beyond of what is expected and required of him in his work. He immediately puts our residents at ease and helps them to move through the shock of losing in many cases everything that they own. And to prioritize our most vulnerable and impacted residents. His empathy and responsiveness are things that representatives single out when they come to our office when they give feedback on how our emergency response has gone. He has talked about creating a cultural shift by thinking of how we it continue to help victims and survivors over the long-term. People are often immediately concerned and sympathetic to victims of fire or displacement but that often wanes over time as the media turns their eye elsewhere. he evaj lives good samaritan behavior where he goes. We're he we want to thank you in this month for the work you do on behalf of our city and county and we look forward to continue working with you. Thank you, ben.

>> [Applause.] >> before you speak, I know there are a number of colleagues on the roster want to thank you and I also want to say a few words. I think it was in my second year that we brought you to this board for a commendation that we prepared for you for all the work you had done in my district, particularly particularly after a series of fires in chinatown. i am convinced there are several -- and you managed to help put out fires and deal with emergencies and coordinate services every single week of the year, most nights of the week. And I want to just thank you on behalf of my constituents again for that. With that I want to acknowledge supervisor cohen. >> Supervisor Cohen: thank you. i wanted to take the opportunity to thank you. I had the pleasure to meet ben first and work with him firsthand during hurricane katrina. Many of you remember hurricane katrina many years ago. I was working in the mayor's office at that time and san francisco received several survivors and ben was right there on the front line, as well as other department heads but ben was the one that -- he and I worked hand in hand, elbow to elbow, in setting up cots, making sure that kids got enrolled in school, and that they got their vaccinations. As a supervisor now enjoy the pleasure of working with you and consider you most certainly a partner. It is a pleasure to stand here to say thank you to one of our city's leaders and our first responder. Thank you so much for what you do. Thank you very much. >> President Chiu: supervisor campos.

>> Supervisor Campos: thank you very much, Mr. President. I'll be very brief. I think it's a testament to you, ben, that you get to work so closely with each member of the board of supervisors, and you still are able to keep your sanity, and still are able to have good relationship with all of us. I think it's a testament to how you approach your job. And I think I would be remiss if I didn't mention something that it is -- that is so clear about the way in which you approach your job. those of us who have seen you in action, interacting with people, when they're at their most vulnerable, you know, when a fire has taken place, something that has essentially made them, you know, forced them out of their home, the humanity, and the dignity with which you treat every individual is something that comes through. And I think the sense of empathy is very real, and I think it's not so much what you do, what you say sometimes, but how you do it, how you say it. And just on behalf of the dozens and dozens of people in my district that you have helped, and that you have really given them a sense of belief in government and what government can do, thank you from the bottom of my heart. >> thank you. >> President Chiu: supervisor wiener. >> Supervisor Wiener: thank you. I think one of the hardest parts of this job is when the fires happen, and you get notified, and just knowing the impacts that it has on people's lives. You as an elected official, you want to help and we try to help in whatever way we can.

But fortunately we have professionals, like ben, who actually can truly help these people. And I -- you May recall, right after I took office there was a serial arsonist in the castro, a number of fires and tenants who were displaced. It was just horrible. And it was scary. That's when I first got to know ben. We worked together on the good samaritan ordinance, try to do something to try to make it easier for displaced tenants to get temporary housing. And since then, unfortunately, you know, we've worked together a number of times, because I -- I've been in office for 20 months now and it's been shocking, how many fires there have been. I think if you're not paying close attention, it's sometimes tempting to think that oh, everything's changed, nowadays we don't have fires like we used to have. We have a lot of fires and they can be very devastating. And I just, you know, ben, you've just been an absolute pleasure to work with, and you are just a huge asset to the city. Your responsiveness is amazing. I'll be honest, more often than not I learn about fires in my district from you, before the the fire department informs me. That's not a criticism of the fire department. It's more that you are just so on it, so fast. And I just really am grateful that we have you as part of the city family. >> thank you. Thank you very much for all the kind words, and I'm sorry for all the people that I wake up in the middle of the

night, to give them bad news. But every time we respond to an event, I'm not responding by myself. I'm responding with a team of people. Every time there is a event that requires us to activate what we are actually doing is we're activating the emergency response system for emergency support function no. 6, mass care and shelter. I do not do this alone. I have wonderful partners. The american red cross is always there with me, the mayor's office of disability is always there, making sure that our residents that have any sort of disability, that we're on top of that, the department of emergency management is always a wonderful support, whenever I hit some sort of a brick wall, all we have to do is get dem on the phone and they make things happen. so I certainly do not do this by myself. But thank you very much. And thank you for -- to my family that puts up with my pager going off in the middle of the night multiple times during the week. >> and we certainly want to thank your family. I know this is not the first time you've been honored at the board and I sure it's not the last but thank you for the work that you do on behalf of our community. >> thank you. >> [Applause.]

>> President Chiu: thank you, ben. Why don't we proceed now to general public comment. Madam Clerk. >> Angela Calvillo: now is the opportunity for the public to comment generally for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board, including the policy discussion between the mayor lee and the board. In addition to items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. Please note that public comment is not allowed on items which have been subject to public comment by a board committee. Speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time. If a member of the public would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector please state such and remove the document when you would like the screen to return to live coverage of the meeting. >> President Chiu: thank you. I want to mention one thing this week. Last week our city attorney issued a public memo to all city employees about restrictions on campaign activities on city time and city property. Since it is election season i want to take a moment to remind the public of this as well. Campaign activities are not appropriate in city hall, including during public comment at the board of supervisors. If you are offering public comment, your comments should not advocate for or against pending ballot measures or candidates and along the same lines you should not introduce yourself as a candidate for office or as a supporter of a particular candidate or measure. With that, why don't we hear from our first speaker. >> I -- san francisco, david chiu -chiu -- abdulum gay -- barack obama -obama -- [Speaking foreign language] >> [Timer sounding.] >> ladies and gentlemen, as you

see, our supervisor olague today, she give memorial for two people. But, me, as american egyptian native, I come in here to make it memorial for 2,753 innocent people has been killed in same day 11 year ago in new york. thank God that man I can say he is hero, he is tough, when he said something else, he promise on it, he did. Here you see in this picture our mayor, when he talk about this innocent people last year in same day. today, after I finish my word here, I am going down to vote for obama. He deserve, and I deserve the change, 9/11, to be the vote for obama, and I wish to see how many people like you or other people too in the city going to vote for obama today. We need to change it. To change ->> President Chiu: I'm sorry. As I just said, you are not allowed to campaign for or against any candidates or ballot measures. If I could ask you to keep your

comments outside of the campaign season, I appreciate that. >> okay. I can do that. but also I'm going to vote for him today, if you don't mind. I tried to. >> [Timer sounding.] ->> change the day to be a nice day. That the reason you have i involve in obama tee shirt to help anyone he love him like me. God bless you, and God bless him, and God bless america. We never forgot everyone who died in 9/11, 11 year ago. We thank you, and we love you, and we love anyone of you guys. Thank you. >> President Chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, stop the corporate rape of the public library, don't give money to the friends of the library, don't accept money from the friends of the library. Part of the damage done to our democracy by privatization is it destroys people in it the belief of fairness and equality. As you know the friends of the san francisco public library made a commitment they would raise 16 million for furnitures, fixtures and equipment for branch librarieses. With the branch program almost finished department of public works can only account for 3.6 million from the friends. The library administration claims that there is another 5.1 million donated by the friends. The administration's budget report contains a footnote that

the amount is, quote, reported by the friends of the library, unquote, and the library admits there is no documentation to support that figure, and is simply taking the friends word for it. Yet the branch library improvement program's quarterly report for the second quarter of 2012 has -- shows -- which is distributed to the board of supervisors, the mayor, and the capital planning committee, contains no notice that it is a totally bogus figure and they have been unable to supportit with any documents aig in a full eight months. there is every reason to believe it is duplicative because they woch been able to come up with some documentation by now. Can you imagine any other institution in the city where a private organization is given a license to sell naming opportunities in 24 city-owned facilities and no one knows what happens to the money. it doesn't matter if it is the President Of the library commission being guilty of official misconduct, or a private nonprofit that has expenditures of $48 million in an 11 year period, or an increasing mountain of sunshine violations. It is clear that the lack of accountability is what this board of supervisors gives away to private interest. That's why the lies cost more than the money. Thank you.

>> President Chiu: next speaker. >> it needs to be bigger. >> since 2004, san francisco has experienced an unprecedented numbers of homicides. Siren sounding: . 60% of the homicide victims are people of color. Their loved ones, living in neighborhoods of scarcity and neglect must deal with their personal tragedies, while at the same time facing the crime and violence of the unsafe neighborhoods that surround them every day. Siren sounding: . >> President Chiu: thank you very much. Next speaker. >> before I begin, I'd like to put this up as a public document, and May it remain up through the whole two minutes. Mark dice.Com is the best caller alec jones is the best talk show host in four words.Com, gty.Org is the best preacher, and you

can download 3,000 of his sermons from the first in February of 1969 to tuesday's broadcast on giddon family radio is the best family station because it's the only radio station that reads george whitfield sermons who is the best evangelist. Family radio is the best radio station because it's the only station that reads the bible, the word of God. the assassination of the lord jesus christ, the faithful witness, the prince of the kings of the earth was redictd by angel gabriel before it happened. There are all sorts of prophesies before that time by the command of cyrus at the end of exile to build jerusalem such as the entry of christ known as palm sunday. Where we had another prophesy where the profit zek ryeia predicted these words. Rejoice greatly oh, daughter zion, shout, thy king come eth, he is lowly and meek. Now, as the people led the parade and said hoe sana, blessed

blessed is he to come eth in the name of the lord the fair sees were not happy. they said rebuke that disciple. Jesus said the stones would immediately cry out. What did he mean by that? >> President Chiu: thank you very much. Next speaker. >> members of the board of supervisors, ray hartz, director of san francisco open government government. This document, on the overhead, is a sunshine ordinance task force order of determination no. 11083 finding city librarian louise herrera in violation of withholding public records related to the finances of the friends of the san francisco public library, which Mr. Mr. Chaffee mentions almost every week. This record request was made in July of 2011 and she has still not released certain public records releasable under both the sunshine ordinance and the california public records act. I've been asked why he would do this, and my answer is twofold. First, the records that have been released show that neither the library commission nor the city librarian provide any oversight whatsoever of the millions of dollars raised and expended each year by the friends. Louise herrera receives approximately 3,000

a month of, quote, discretionary funds, unquote, from the friends. I think it's rather questionable that a public official would use his office to withhold public records, and would also provide no oversight to a group that is using the name of the san francisco public library, and raising funds in the names of the citizens of this city. The reality is this public-private partnership is 100% private, and 0% public. in fact, it has reached the point where this board of supervisors can no longer just look the other way, as both the city librarian and the library commission have done for years. Mr. Chaffee's been talking to you about it for years, and not one of you will look. And if this is the way public-private partnerships run in the city, we have a major problem. >> President Chiu: next speaker. >> hello. My name is vivian imperiali, a city worker speaking as a private individual on my own time. Not all of you have been aligned with ross on the political front. Now put that aside and vote based purely on what is fair. The manifestations of your upcoming vote have taken on epic proportions. This is no longer about ross.

No matter what you think of him personally or politically, the process has been a travesty, and an assault on democracy. Ross was judged by commissioners appointed by the very officials intent on removing him. That is blatantly a setup. The opponents poll is designed to elicit anti-ross sponsz and the sam was derived how. Nobody asked anybody in my world. The answers would have been quite different. Notice the much larger sf gate poll. They want ross to be sheriff. He has suffered enough and paid the price for one moment of impropriety. You must vote against a system that has removed a man from his job and his family without due process. This goes against all precedence. Officials had a fair -inflicted violence and even committed murder with no fan fare or retained their positions. there is no rationalization for the disparate treatment of ross. His suspension without pay was spiteful politics.

Your vote to reinstate him can rectify this injustice. Don't let the improper handling of this situation become the precedence or we will all live of a fear on a knock on our door that will tear apart our lives. We came to america to never hear that knock. >> President Chiu: thank you. Next speaker. >> good afternoon, President Chiu, honorable members of the board of supervisors of the city and county of san francisco, my name is pedro ferna ndez a former san francisco policeman, spent eight honorable years with the police department before deciding to travel the world and live the good life. I'm here supporting ross mirk mirkarimi. I look at you 11 and don't see you having carpenter type experience because mary lee is asking you to build the gallows for ross mirkarimi. The bottom line is you're looking to terminate the duly elected sheriff of the city and county of san francisco. Having been a former policeman i've dealt with a lot of domestic violence and a temporary emergency restraining order where a wife stuck her husband with

in the face. This stay order was seven months for grabbing somebody by the arm which he's admitted to. And then I ask you, as a board, how important are you 11 human beings, your staff, the people that work with you. We had, during the ethics commission, we had a bomb scare, where only the mayor was let out of the building, or only the mayor was told he had to leave, it only affected him. We didn't count, was sitting there as citizens, we didn't count. You board of supervisors, they weren't removed from the building. Why only was the mayor removed from the building. It's suspicious. I'm trying to say don't pig up the hammers, don't pick up the nails, don't build the gallows to hang ross mirkarimi. If anything recall the machine of -- I thank you for your time. God bless you all. >> President Chiu: next speaker. >> my name is eugene gordon Jr. Not long after 1776usa revolution its constitutional convention and presidential vice presidential elections political parties representing those elected to legislative constitutional laws outstanding as parties then to date our republican-democrat parties and

electric has chosen by ballot to show frequency leadership from democrat-republican parties for and against. So when electorate votes for we the people, political administration, legislative process by way of party at the same ballot votes for usa history of chauvinism, capitalism, monopoly capitalism, materialism which surrounds planet earth sovereign nation with military bases. Procedure does apply with participation in that divide with protests about internal national issues made by same ballot voters compliments interests of what defines we the people and government logic. Majority leadership by ballot republican-democrat parties. Witness prop gandza recital usa the greatest nation. Education the ballot history conditions were a given citizen political party affiliations, one lost numbers and tampering convince the social cultural public that class rank divide gaming is deprived of its human logic in outcome is to cherish inhumane. first usa President Racist chauvinist government pride.

>> President Chiu: next speaker. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for the admonishment not to talk about campaigns david. i'm not running for district 3 supervisor, and I know you are. So good luck to you. I came to talk about a couple of points. Number one, I know san francisco is low on the flow, and the flow is coming out of -- at the rate of 1.5 million tons of radioactive wait, it's 800 miles off the cost and the government of japan lied to the people about the meltdowns and lied to the japanese people as well. To make up for their lies they've offered billions of dollars to the governments of north america, that includes the city and county of san francisco, so that we can help -- to help offset the cost of payment for cleaning up the radioactive waste that's coming ashore, scheduled for approximately October of this year. So that's one issue. The second issue is I really want to commend the richmond district democratic club for calling to investigate mayor ed lee for the perjury that took place on June 29, in here in city hall, at the mic rimi hearing. I was at that hearing. I was not removed. The sheriff's department, officer sane, who was here earlier today, great guy. He didn't move. You know, he said we were not ordered out of the room. But the mayor was. And so -- and the last issue is the issue of violence in san francisco. The communist party in china, working through rose pack is

beating up practicing members of fong gong in chinatown. The police department is not investigating, D.A. Is not investigating. There will be a rally. The public is invited. Thank you. >> President Chiu: thank you. Next speaker. >> hi. Thank you for letting me be here. I'm from the commission. my name is nancy kyleer. There's my supervisor and I hope he listens to me. Ross mirkarimi, there was no official misconduct occurred, none. Okay. We have to reinstate him. Okay. I've known ross since like 2005, January, the pro-choice march out in the embarcadero. I have a huge picture of him and miguel bustos. I remember him. He was a member of this board for a long time. He's part of us. The people voted for him for sheriff. And to try to overturn that in any way is undemocratic. Okay. And it was also -- the the decision by the mayor, I mean did we want him to become that powerful and set a precedent? No. We do not. We have to reinstate ross, okay. We have to do the right thing, you all, not the political thing. We will still vote for you, okay. we will let you become

supervisors next time around. Please vote for ross. I voted for you too, Mr. Avalos. >> President Chiu: thank you very much. Next speaker. >> good afternoon, president chiu and supervisors. Swanee, how we love you, how we love you, my dear old city mirkarimi. I give a good to see you again when you get back to your sheriff and that will be when. swanee, swanee, ross mirkarimi, that's when we want you back again, and the folks up north will see you again, when you get back to the store and be sheriff once again. sheriff swanee mirkarimi, how we love you, my dear old ross mirkarimi. The folks up north will see you again, when you get back your sheriff's den. All of it, why not take all of it. all of it, why not -- what about district 6. I can't live my life without a good budget. Sthoat take it all. We'll never use it. And going to break away the blues it.

You're going to make it fine. leave me with a district that shines and wins. That's what we need from you, supervisor jane kim. You took the part that once was a city heart. So why not make the district 6, make it the best of all of it >> President Chiu: next speaker please. >> honorable board of supervisors -- greetings. My name is -- herrera from the -- and the mission coalition in san francisco here to speak on behalf of commissioner mirk mirkarimi, nine month of dishonesty -- the only bravery or civic duty have come up from the sheriff, his wife, who stood up and said this isn't fair, we're not going to bow. and for the city have been ever since fighting, fighting, with honesty because this is a democracy issue. That is a political issue. I said it before. You were placed in a tenuous position. It is very unfair, very unfair, the -- of san francisco was unfair when he -- the

member that one. He's being unfair now. You know what, he's unfair in the future. That's a slam-dunk. That's a clinker. I'm just here like jack webb used to say as sgt. Friday. It's a political issue. And it's very unfair to place before you, prior to election, if I were you, I going to be running, and you will not be waiting, in one side there's the people, want -- the board of directors, the sheriff, on the other side the people, in favor. You have to make that choice. That is very unfair. And you're going to have to think about it because public opinion finally has changed, has changed. The majority of people, so what is going on, you have to -sense of civic duty, bravery, and you have any doubt or you have any more questions, you have the power to postpone your judgment until after the election. That will be proper, and a very honorable way to assure fairness and -- in your judgment. Thank you so much. >> President Chiu: thank you. Next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name's douglas -- everyone knows today is a dark day in history but I'd like to point out one fact that most people don't know is that minneapolis,

F.B.I. Office, came very close to uncovering the plot, but in the opinion of some of us, political interference in D.C. prevented the full plot from being fully known and eventually the full story will be known, even though some agents have been publicly reprimanded for trying to figure out why the plot was not found out in time. But I would hike to thank the minneapolis office. They came very close to uncovering the plot in time, but political interference in D.C. Stopped them in my opinion. Secondly, we don't have to worry as much about international activities. I would like to say my part to say that another threat in america is public corruption. There are more of us taking part to uncover public corruption. And everybody knows in the room who I'm talking about. And I would like to say that the local press, v, -- tv, radio and print, you have been protecting political corruption way too much. You refuse to follow the stories you ask us about. And you refuse to say anything about the suspects. Well I'm warning you once and

for all, justice May be slow, but like bin laden, you will be found, and you will be discovered, and eventually, you will be exposed. So I'm warning the press in san francisco bay area, stop protecting public corrupters. Thank you. >> President Chiu: next speaker. Good afternoon. i am aja. My supervisor is sitting over there, supervisor kim, doing a great job in the community. I also came to talk about sheriff ross mirkarimi too. I was reading the newspaper about the morning -- until after the election. I don't think you should wait until after the election. I've been knowing ross since -i think before when helen ann was running for district attorney, I worked with him on that campaign. It was a bunch of buffoonery. I didn't get to see the ethics commission thing because I don't think that you should decide if he gets out of office, and I don't think the mayor should decide if he gets out of office. I think you should put it up to

a vote, to the community, that elected him. I know I voted for him because I believe in the man. But if he committed a crime of any sort, he should be put out of office. he really should. If he's committed a crime. So, you know, I feel sorry for you all having to decide on that because I wouldn't want to do it. But I think it should be put back to the voters. If you have -- if you supposed to have faith in democracy and stuff it should be put back to the voters. Thank you. >> President Chiu: thanks. Next speaker. Go good afternoon. My name is tammy brian, I work and live in district 5 and I raised three children in the western division, we've all lost more than one friend to homicide. i'm here today because I'm on annual leave. I work for unemployment. I adjudicate eligibility for unemployment insurance based on the reason for separation. To deny insurance eligibility there has to be work related misconduct. If my determination is appealed it goes to a administrative law judge. the case with the sheriff, he did not commit official misconduct from my decade of adjudicating unemployment insurance. I do not expect you to vote on your vote to reflect whether or not you like him or agree with him and his politics even though the overwhelming majority of san franciscans support him and support reinstating

him that's not a reason to vote for reinstatement. Many of my neighbors in the western division are mortified that their vote has been stolen from them by mayor ed lee. People who voted for lee are furious with him. Your vote is solely based on whether or not he committed misconduct and it only bolsters my contention he did not. I implore you base your decision on the evidence and find no misconduct occurred. I feel it was the mayor who did not evacuate the public with a bomb threat. This was on city property and directly related to his official duty as mayor. That is where our effort should be focused. i would like to close with a quote from the attorney from the fog city journal and let you know -- [Speaking spanish] -- if you look at this as a lawyer, you have to come down to the fact that this crime that he pled to a low level misdemorn does not constitute official misconduct within the meaning of the city charter. sometimes doing the right thing isn't the popular thing and the supervisor needs to do the right thing and not be afraid of their political life. Thank you. >> President Chiu: thanks. Next speaker.

>> overhead please. >> President Chiu: sfgov-tv? There it is. If we could switch the the microphone. >> this is fine. I can see the time, how it runs out. On the other side, I can't. In a few days we're going to have another anniversary. occupy wall street started mid-September. Kind of helped define the 1%, 99%, what we have. Our san francisco, that's our version up there. Where have they gone, you know, but at least they left us the distribution of wealth issue. and I thank them for that. They're a ragtag little bunch left out at the bottom still in san francisco. Where is the 1%? Oddly we talked about it here all last week. They're across the street at -- # washington. They want to super-size their height, super-size their profits. they want 400 units between two and 8 million, the 1%. So instead why don't we come up with a different community living arrangement. Why don't we come up with a mixed use, where there's one-third condos, one-third cost of living apartments, one-third affordable housing, 10% section eight. we can come up with a designs on the interior that can actually help a community be formed in the building. First change with something like that, the condo's prices are going down because they're not

paying a premium for exclusivity. The second change is all the other exclusive condos in the city will have a boost because people will pay for the premium of exclusivity. Now we have a chance to live with policemen, firemen and nurses. It's an election year. We need a few good heroes. Thank you. >> President Chiu: thank you. Next speaker. Go good afternoon. My name is ras ario cervantes, I live in district 11. I like heroes too. Democracy gives us a choice, it doesn't take it away. i wear this button to stand with ross because I believe he is our sheriff and we should have him back, doing the work that there's so much to be done, there's so much homicides going on, there is groups here, ross works with all these groups, especially the healing circle, maddie scott, and -- brown, it seems none of the homicides are solved and we need him back to work. To remove him without pay there is no justification for it. I'm asking you to make the right choice, vote with your conscience and have ross back as our sheriff. Thank you. >> President Chiu: good afternoon. peter warfield, speaking as an individual. I'd like to draw attention to the completely unequal treatment

that goes on in san francisco. With respect to certain forms of justice. If you are the appointee of the mayor, everything is overlooked. as in the case of the library commission President, who was found by the ethics commission to the -- having committed misconduct and should be sacked. The mayor's grossly unequal treatment shown in these two cases should be an issue with you, the supervisors, and with all san franciscans. i'm also executive director of library users association, and wanted it give an update on the bernal heights library branch mural which is a mural featuring victor -- and the history of bernal heights neighborhood. That mural is scheduled for destruction now in a very few weeks, unless you or the mayor take some action to prevent it. We are having an event at the library this weekend, and I urge folks to come. details are available from us at

library users, 2004 at yahoo.Com. Thank you very much. >> President Chiu: next speaker. >> they gave me a notice and said I'm permanently evict from the press room. But I had a meeting with the real estate people there and I think they're going to rescind that. But my question is still today, who, who, who, who's in control, right here in san francisco. You know, I've been in some 20 years and been through five administrations. I never seen such display of corruptness, not blaming all of you. I've never seen so much -- conspiracy going on in one town here. It's hard to see. The world is looking at the major elections but I'm going to do something gold and step out, go beyond city hall, ask federal government to come in and take a look at city hall, see how it's structured here. I know the mayor's supposed to be the boss but my question is, who, who, who, who's in control, right here in san francisco. >> I'm here was an african-american black negro, standing in front of you, I'm the self appointed zar, and the department heads, even this board of supervisors will be dealing with me for the duration for the next 10 years. We've been having studies on this and studies this. Let's study the projection of where the black man will be in 17 years. Do a study on that. That will show you the conspiracy going on before most

of you all took over these seats, maybe before you were born. The thing is there ain't no history. I'm checking the history. Urs truly, ace is on the case. >> President Chiu: are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? Public comment is now closed. Madam Clerk, could you please read our adoption consulted. >> Angela Calvillo: 2 through 26 are being considered for adoption without committee reference. These items will be acted upon by a single roll call vote. If a member would like to discuss a item it will be discussed. >> President Chiu: would anyone like to sever these items? >> Angela Calvillo: items 2 through 26, farrell, aye. Supervisor kim, aye. Supervisor mar, aye. Supervisor olague, aye. Supervisor wiener, aye. Supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. President Chiu, aye. Supervisor chu, aye. Supervisor cohen, aye. Supervisor elsbernd, aye. There are 11 ayes. >> President Chiu: the resolutions are adopted. Madam Clerk, could you read the in in memoriam ums. Yes ngeddle cle. Today's meeting will be adjourned on behalf of supervisor farrell for the late Mr. Chuck huggins, on behalf of supervisor carmen chu for the

late Ms. Norah patricia spears, and celia rodriguez. On behalf of President Chiu for the late author to to author fobs and the late -- and on behalf of supervisor olague and supervisor cohen for the late Mr. James mccray sr. >> President Chiu: I there any more business in front of the body? >> Angela Calvillo: that concludes our business for the day. >> President Chiu: ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned.

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