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Grammar Necessary for Spoken SkillS

Unit 1 Lesson 1 Section A 9.1.1 Classification of Nouns: Proper Nouns Vinod Ahmedabad Nouns ( articles) abstract difficult!, "orr! collecti#e herd, committee concrete iron, $old %ncountable ( articles) 9.1.' abstract music, home"or& concrete room, chair NOUNS And PRONOUNS Names of people, places and things

Countable ( articles) Common Nouns table, co"

(eneral rules for usin$ articles alon$ "ith nouns (All rules ha#e e)ceptions). Nouns that ta&e articles $enerall!. Nouns that do not ta&e articles

a) Common countable nouns b) Collecti#e nouns ta&e articles li&e others c) Countable nouns as the $roup is treated as one. a bunch of flo"ers, a fleet of ships. 9.1.* Number of "a!s of formin$ the plural: , tables, chairs, $irls etc.

a) Proper nouns b) Common uncountable nouns

1) +! addin$ s

') Nouns endin$ in -s, -sh, -ch, -), ta&e es to form the plural: $ases, dishes, branches, fo)es, *) Nouns endin$ in ! preceded b! a consonant form plurals b! chan$in$ ! into ies: /tories, cities, lilies, #arieties, allies. +ut if preceded b! a #o"el, -s is added: #alle!s, &e!s, store!s, bo!s, 0ourne!s

1) Nouns endin$ in o preceded b! a consonant form the plural b! the addition of es: 2omatoes, potatoes, heroes, Ne$roes, 3)ceptions: d!namos, pianos. +ut if preceded b! a #o"el. s is added: radios, studios, cuc&oos, bamboos etc. 4) Nouns endin$ in -f or -fe chan$e -for, -fe into #es, cal#es, lea#es, hal#es, &ni#es, thie#es etc. 5) Nouns endin$ in ff, -rf, -oof, and ief ta&e s: proofs, cliffs, roofs, chiefs, beliefs, &erchiefs etc. 6) /ome nouns chan$e their internal #o"el: mouse mice, man men, foot feet, tooth teeth etc. 7) Compound nouns ta&e the plural of the principal "ord: brothers-in-la"8 sons-in-la"8 passers-b!8 man-of-"ar8 men-of-"ar etc. /ome compound nouns ta&e double plurals: men-ser#ants, "omen-students etc. 9) 9orei$n plurals: a) b) c) d) s becomes ae: formalae, lar#ae us becomes i: radii, stimuli um becomes a: bacteria, curricula, data, media etc. e), -i), -is becomes es: basis bases8 anal!sis anal!ses8 crisis crises8 s!nopsis s!nopses8 thesis theses. e) on becomes a: phenomena, criteria. 9.1.1 Correct use of some nouns: 3)ceptions: cafes, strifes.

1) /ome nouns are al"a!s used in sin$ular form e.$. machiner!, poetr!, scener!, stationer!, ethics, ne"s, means, comics, athletics, furniture, information, ad#ice, lu$$a$e, bread etc., and also all the sub0ects. ') /ome nouns ha#e the same form in both sin$ular and plural: sheep, deer, innin$s etc. *) /ome nouns are al"a!s used as plural: scissors, spectacles, trousers, pants, measles, than&s, "a$es, premises. 9.1.4 Nouns and (ender. :asculine and feminine $enders and formed as follo"s:

1) +! usin$ separate "ords

&in$ ;ueen, bo! $irl, husband "ife, sir madam, bull co", horse mare, do$ bitch, coc& hen etc. ') +! addin$ a "ord indicatin$ the se): he-$oat she-$oat8 man-ser#ant maid-ser#ant8 land-lord land-lad!8 pea-coc& pea-hen8 coc&-sparro" hen-sparro". *) +! addin$ ess, -ine, -er, -a to the masculine: host hostess, hero heroine, sultan sultana, "ido" "ido"er. Section 9.1.1 ! Practise

%nderline the nouns in the follo"in$ sentences and name them:

1) <elhi is the capital of =ndia. <elhi, =ndia proper nouns8 capital common, countable noun. ') *) 1) 4) Children li&e $ames. 2hat "oman sold apples and oran$es. >orses run fast. Asho&a "as a $reat &in$.

9.1.' 1) ?rite the names of si) thin$s !ou see in !our house. ') ?rite the names of si) animals !ou find in the .oo. (i#e a special name to the animal !ou li&e most. *) ?rite the names of different parts of a human bod!. 1) (i#e the name of fruit "hich be$ins "ith @aA. (i#e the name of #e$etable "hich be$ins "ith @bA. (i#e the name of a flo"er "hich be$ins "ith @cA. (i#e the name of an animal "hich be$ins "ith @dA. (i#e the name of a bird "hich be$ins "ith @eA.

Lesson 2 PRONOUNS! Section A! Learn

", #e, yo$, he, she, it, they

1'.1.1 All the time "e donAt use the names. ?e use some other "ords to refer to persons, and thin$s. 2hese "ords "hich are sued instead of nouns are called @pronounsA. 2he pronouns used for persons are of three &inds8 pronouns used as the sub0ects of the sentences, pronouns used as the ob0ects of the sentences and possessi#e pronouns: S$%&ect = !ou he she o%&ect me !ou him her possessi'e mine !ours his hers

it "e the! = sa" him. >e sa" me.

it us them

its our theirs /he didnAt ha#e her umbrella8 so she too& his. >e brou$ht his car8 so he didnAt need hers.

1'.1.' Pronouns fall into nine different cate$ories: 1) Personal Pronouns: =, "e, !ou, he, she, it, the!, me, us, him, her, them, his, her, them, mine, ours, !ours, his, its, theirs etc. ') Befle)i#e pronouns: m!self, oursel#es, !ourself, himself, herself, itself, themsel#es.

Note: ?hen the sub0ect and ob0ect refer to the same person, refle)i#e pronoun is used. 3)ample: >e &illed himself. +eha#e !ourself.
*) 3mphatic pronouns: 3)ample: = m!self "ill ta&e !ou there. Cou !ourself are to be blamed.

1) <emonstrati#e pronouns: this, that, these, those, the!, such etc. 4) =ndefinite pronouns: one, none, no bod!, nothin$, some, someone, somethin$, somebod!, all, fe", man!, an!, an!bod!, an!thin$, another, both, each, one, e#er!one, e#er!bod!, either, neither, se#eral. 5) =nterro$ati#e pronouns: "ho, "hom, "hose, "hat, "hich etc. 6) <istributi#e pronouns: each, either, neither, e#er!one etc. 7) Beciprocal pronouns: each other, one another. 9) Belati#e pronouns: "ho, "hich, "hom, "hose, "hat, that, such as, but.

Note: "ho, "hom and "hose are used for people. ?hich, "hat and that are used for thin$s and animals.
1'.1.* Correct use of some pronouns: 1) 3#er!one, e#er!bod!, each one, some one, one, no one, none, somebod!, nobod!, either and neither. 2hese pronouns are al"a!s sin$ular and a sin$ular #erb should be used "ith each one of them. ') =ndefinite pronoun @itA is al"a!s sin$ular8 so a sin$ular #erb should be used. *) +oth, fe", man! and se#eral are al"a!s plural and hence plural #erbs should be used. 1) All, an! and some can be either plural or sin$ular dependin$ upon the meanin$. 4) 2he #erb used after the relati#e pronoun should a$ree "ith the sub0ect. Section ! Practise

1'.1.1 9ill in the blan&s "ith suitable pronouns: 3#er! mornin$ = $o to school "ith m! brother. 1) is si) and ') am ele#en !ears old. After school *) "al& home to$ether. ?hen 1) reach home, mother $reets 4) "ith a smile. 1'.1.' 9ill in the blan&s "ith the "ords $i#en in the brac&ets: 1) ') he) *) 1) 4) /ome students are pla!in$ "ith a ball. DDDDDDDDDD "ent and fell in a hole. DDDDDDDDDD tried to ta&e it out. (the!, it) 2he stars are not seen in the da!. DDDDDDDDDD shine at ni$ht. (it, the!) DDDDDDDDDDD are not re$ular, said the teacher to DDDDDDDDDD. (her, !ou) +alu $a#e a ba$ to Neela. DDDDDDDDDDD $a#e it to sister. (her, she) A student sa" some blind be$$ars. DDDDDDDDD "aned to help DDDDDDDD. (them,

1'.1.* 9ill in the blan&s "ith the correct form of possessi#e pronouns: 1) 2his is BamaAs pen. 2his pen is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. ') 2hat is our car. 2hat car is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) 2hese are our masterAs boo&s. 2hese boo&s are DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1) 2hose are their flo"ers. 2hose flo"ers are DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4) =t is EishoreAs "atch. 2he "atch is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

UN"( ) AR("*L+S Lesson 1 a, an, the

Section A ! Learn 1F.1.1 Normall! all the common, countable nouns ta&e articles. @AA and @anA are called indefinite Articles and @theA is called @<efinite ArticlesA. 2he =ndefinite Article is used before a noun "hich is not specified. 2he <efinite Article is used before a noun "hich is specified: = sa" a be$$ar in the street. 1F.1.' %ses of @aA and @anA: A sin$le indefinite noun ta&es @aA, if the "ord be$ins "ith a #o"el sound @anA is used. 2he meanin$s are $i#en in the brac&ets: = bou$ht a do.en oran$es. >e has an ulcer on his le$. A man came and &noc&ed at the door. >e did not spea& a "ord. >e ma&es thirt! thousand a !ear. A do$ is faithful to his master. >e is A0a! 1F.1.* %ses of the definite article @theA: 2he moon is bri$ht. (%ni;ue thin$s) Call the man "aitin$ outside. (a particular person) 2here is a do$ in the room8 the do$ is under the table. (a noun "hich has alread! been mentioned) = sa" the Prime :inister. (a specific person) 2he lotus is a lo#el! flo"er. (a representati#e of the class) 2he (an$es is a hol! ri#er. (ri#er, $ulfs, seas, islands, mountain ran$es etc.) 2he +ible is a sacred boo&. (a "ell &no"n boo&) Ealidas is the /ha&espeare of =ndia. (Proper noun standin$ for a ;ualit!) /ocrates "as the $reatest of (ree& philosophers. (/uperlati#e de$ree) 2he rich must help the poor. (to ma&e an ad0ecti#e a noun) 2he more !ou $et the more !ou "ant. (the G the) 1F.1.1 No article should be used before the follo"in$ nouns and phrases: 2a$ore "as a $reat poet. (proper nouns) ?isdom is better than riches. (abstract nouns) =ron and steel are controlled commodities. (material nouns) :an is mortal. (a common noun used in a "ide sense) >e sent "ord. (in #erb phrase) >e can tra#el b! read. (prepositional phrase) 3li.abeth ==,2he Hueen of 3n$land, #isited =ndia. (before appositional phrases) (one) (one) (some person) (a sin$le) (3#er!) (all do$s) (a $reat poet)

1F.1.4 /ome times a "ord ma! be$in "ith a consonant but ha#e a #o"el sound. /uch "ords ta&e @anA and not @aA. 3)ample: an hour, an honour, an honest man etc.

2he "ords "hich be$in "ith a #o"el and ha#e consonantal sounds ta&e @aA. a unit, a 3uropean, a useful thin$, a union, a uniform, a one-da! tic&et, a one-rupee note etc. Section ! Practise

1F.1.1 9ill in the blan&s "ith suitable articles: 1)$ 9ish. >a#e !ou e#er heard of DDDDDDDDDDD fish that climbs treesI DDDDDDDDDDD "al&in$ fish of Australia is DDDDDDDDDDDD$ creature. =ts fins are bent in such DDDDDDDDDDD "a! that it can "al& on them. =t often ta&es DDDDDDDDDDD "al& ri$ht out of "ater. /ometimes it climbs DDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD lo"er branches of trees that are near DDDDDDDDDDD "ater. ?hat DDDDDDDDDDDD unusual si$ht that must beJ ') Kon$ a$o there li#ed DDDDDDDDDDD saint. >e spent most of his time in pra!ers. =n DDDDDDDDDDD fe" da!s lots of people be$an to #isit him e#er!da!. >e "as disturbed b! people throu$h out DDDDDDDDD da!. >e did not li&e this. >e thou$ht of DDDDDDDDDDD plan. >e as&ed DDDDDDDDDDD rich people to $i#e him mone!. >e lent DDDDDDDDDDD mone! to poor people. After some time both DDDDDDDDDDD rich and DDDDDDDDDDD poor stopped comin$ to him. DDDDDDDDDDDDDD rich people did not "ant to $i#e him mone!. DDDDDDDDDDDDD poor people did not "ant to return DDDDDDDDDDD mone!. /o slo"l! DDDDDDDDDDD number of people became small. After some da!s e#er!bod! stopped comin$ to DDDDDDDDD saint. >e felt #er! happ! and started DDDDDDDDDDDD pra!ers a$ain.

UN"( ,


-escri%ing 0ords Section A ! Learn 11.1.1 An! "ord adds some more meanin$ to a noun is called an ad0ecti#e. An ad0ecti#e @;ualifiesA a noun. Pan&a0 is a $ood pla!er. 2he s&! is blue. >e dran& a little "ater. = met fift! students. La!a is the last in the list. 2his room is bi$$er than that room. 3ach man has to si$n on e#er! paper. ?hich fool did thisI , , , , , , , , ;ualit! colour ;uantit! number number demonstration distribution ;uestion

11.1.' An ad0ecti#e ma! be placed before the noun it spea&s about: <i#!a is a beautiful $irl. Prano! is an intelli$ent bo!. =t can also be placed after the #erb. Clarrissa is tall. 2his no#el is interestin$. 2he #erbs @beA, @seemA, @becomeA, @$ro"A, @appearA and @pro#eA al"a!s ha#e the ad0ecti#e after the #erb: 2he! are fi#e. 2he $rapes seem $ood. /harani became sensible. 2he students turned #iolent. Plants $ro" tall if !ou "ater them. Cour ar$ument pro#ed "ron$. 11.1.* /ome ad0ecti#es are formed from the noun forms: Noun stone "ood $old interest care po#ert! len$th hei$ht an$er 11.1.1 Correct use of some ad0ecti#es8 a) little a little the little <eepa& has little chance of bein$ elected. (practically no chance). Adjective ston! "ooden $olden interestin$ careful poor lon$ hi$h an$r!

2here is a little hope of his success. = shall $i#e him the little mone! = ha#e. b) 9e" a fe" the fe" 9e" people are $ood. = ha#e a fe" friends in the %./. = "ill pac& the fe" thin$s = ha#e. c) first foremost

(some chance). (whatever available).

(practically none) (a small number) (whatever available)

Curi (a$arin "as the first man to $o into space. (first in order) 3instein "as the foremost scientist of his da!. (leading, eminent) d) elder eldest8 older oldest /he is m! eldest sister. >e is the oldest man in the #illa$e. e) nearest - ne)t 2he nearest restaurant is t"o miles a"a!. /he is seated ne)t to her friend. f) later latter latest - last 2his is a later edition of the boo&. Mf the t"o parties, the conser#ati#e and labour, the latter is in the interest of the "or&in$ class. 2his is the latest print. 2his is the last piece. $) less - lesser = ha#e less mone! than needed. 2his is the lesser of the t"o e#ils. 11.1.4 Ad0ecti#es and a$reement: a) %se of ad0ecti#es "ith sin$ular countable nouns: one e#er! each neither no b (smaller) (not as bad as the other) (in time) (in order) (in time) (in order) (nearness in space) (position) (of the same family) (of age)


has "ater in it


%se of ad0ecti#es "ith plural countable nouns: both these a lot of lots of plent! of enou$h fe" some se#eral man! t"o, three no a lot lots plent!

2he! ha#e a lar$e number of more boo&s in the librar!. c) %se of ad0ecti#es "ith uncountable nouns: lots of a lot of a lar$e amount enou$h plent! a $reat deal of a $ood deal of little ?e ha#e Section ! Practise a $reat deal more a $ood deal a lot lots plent! some no a little much mone! in the ban&

11.1.1 9ill in the blan&s "ith suitable ad0ecti#es: 1) ') *) 1) 4) 2he man rested on the DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD seat. 2he DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lad! helped the be$$ar. ?e had DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD rain !esterda!. 2he moon is behind the DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD clouds. 2he DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD birds fle" a"a!.

11.1.' Be"rite the follo"in$ sentences placin$ the ad0ecti#es in suitable position: 1) ') *) 1) 4) 2omorro" "e are $oin$ to a mo#ie. ?e li#e in a buildin$. 2hat is the par&. 2his is a dress. >e li#es in a countr!. (ne") (multistoried) (bi$$est) (beautiful) (forei$n)

11.1.* %se the follo"in$ ad0ecti#es in !our o"n sentences: 1) old ') tall *) pin& 1) mudd! 4) foolish

11.1.1 %se the follo"in$ phrases in !our o"n sentences: 1) a cold ni$ht loo& ') curl! hair *) a #el#et coat 1) hea#! clouds 4) an an$r!

Unit 1 12 A 'er% is a #ord that descri%es an action2 )2 (he first form of the 'er% is called an infiniti'e ,2 (he changing forms of the infiniti'e are called tenses 12 An infiniti'e al#ays %egins #ith the #ord 3to4 2eg2 to ha'e, to %e 52 Participle is a part of a tense 2 (here are t#o types of participles26 a7 Presesnt Participle %7 Past participle (o form the present participle , #e take the infiniti'e, drop to and add 3ing4 eg2 0orking (o form the past participle , #e take the infiniti'e, drop 3to4 and add 3ed4 to the 'er%, (o make all perfect tenses, #e $se the past participle form the main 'er% e2g2 #orked2

1 /er%s! Part A 1.F

am 8 is 8 are 9present7

= am a Ateacher. Cou are a Astudent. >e is a Adri#er. =t is Ahot. /he is a @sin$er, 2he! are Arich. >e isnAt a Ateacher8 he is a Adri#er. =t isnAt @cold8 itAs Ahot. 2he! arenAt Apoor8 the! are Positi#e and ne$ati#e forms: Positi'e = am - =Am ?e are - "eAre Negati'e he is - heAs she is - sheAs it is - itAs !ou are - !ouAre the! are - the!Are that is - thatAs

Arich. 1.1

= am not - =Am not he is not - heAs not or he isnAt she is not - sheAs not or she isnAt =t is not - itAs not or it isnAt "e are - "eAre not or "e arenAt

Cou are not - !ouAre not or !ou arenAt the! are - the!Are not or the! arenAt there is - thereAs here is - hereAs 1.' =Am afraid of do$s. =Am *F !ears old. :! sister is '4 :ohan isnAt hun$r!. :! brother is a policeman. >eAs #er! tall. =tAs 1F oAcloc&. CouAre late a$ain. :adhu and = are #er! $ood friends. Keela isnAt interested in son$s. 2he! bo!s arenAt at home. ?e arenAt 3n$lish. ?e are =ndians. 2han& !ou. 2hatAs #er! &ind of !ou. =tAs alri$ht. Pron$nciation! =Am heAs sheAs itAs "eAre !ouAre the!Are isnAt arenAt thatAs thereAs hereAs


Note: Make all the above forms weak when you speak. You make words like student, driver, brother etc., strong in your speech. mark !" is given in the sentences #, $ and % to show which words are strong in speech.

Part 1.1 ?rite the short forms: 1. >e is hesDDDDDDDDDDD. '. 2he! are DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. /he is not DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 5. Cou are not DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '. =Am DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. 2he! arenAt DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 5. /heAs DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '. = DDDDDDDD not tired. 1. 2hese boo&s DDDDDDDDDD old. 5. 2his buildin$ DDDDDDDD 1FF !ears old. 7. /eetha and her sister DDDDDDDDD $ood sin$ers. *. = am not DDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4. =t is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1.4 ?rite the full forms: 1. ?e arenAt "e are not.D . *. CouAre DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4. =t isnAt DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1.5 Put in, am, is or are: 1. 2he "eather is fine. *. 2his boo& DDDDDDD #er! hea#!. 4 .Koo&J 2here DDDDDDDD Bam. 6. =t DDDDDDDDD hot.

9. +him DDDDDDDDD at home and his sisterAs DDDDDDDDDD at school. 1F. = DDDDDDDDDD a student. :! brother DDDDDDDDDDD a doctor. A) ?rite full sentences usin$ am N is N are "here#er necessar!: 1. (:! dress #er! dirt!) My dress is very dirty DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '. (:! bed $ood) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *. (Cour boo&s in !our ba$) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. (= #er! happ! toda!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

4. (2his sari #er! costl!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 5. (2he shops not open toda!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 6. (/he si) !ears old) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 7. (2hose flo"ers #er! beautiful) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 9. (2he test not difficult) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1F. (3n$lish eas! to learn) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. +) ?rite positi#e sentences: 1. (=NinterestedNin cric&et) Im interested in cricket DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D. '. (?eNhun$r!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *. (:! handsNcold) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. (Bi#er Ama.onNin Africa) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4. (CanadaNa bi$ countr!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. C) ?rite ne$ati#e sentences: 1. '. *. 1. 4. (=Nafraid of do$s) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. (<iamondsNcheap) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. (CatsNbi$ animals) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. (>eNinterested in studies) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. (3n$lishNa forei$n lan$ua$e) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. <) ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n /er%s Lesson1 : Section A ! Learn 1*.1.1 Verbs in 3n$lish can be cate$orised into t"o $roups: main #erbs and helpin$ #erbs. :ain #erbs tell us of "hat e)actl! happens and the helpin$ #erbs indicate the number and tense in the sentences. :ihir "ent to his #illa$e. :ohan did not $o "ith him. =n the first sentence, @"entA tells us "hat the sub0ect @:ihir A had done. As the second sentence is in the ne$ati#e, helpin$ #erb @didA is needed. =n the 3n$lish #erbal $roup the first "ord decides the tense of time of action. /o "hen @didA is used the main #erb chan$es from @"entA to its ori$inal form @$oA. +abu came. Bita did not come. 1*.1.' 2he form of the #erb depends upon the sub0ect. 2he #erb should @a$reeA "ith the sub0ect. A $irl is standin$ at the "indo". 2hose $irls are $oin$ to their colle$e.

2he sin$ular sub0ect @$irlA is follo"ed b! the sin$ular form of the #erb, @isA. 2he plural @$irlsA is follo"ed b! the plural form of the #erb @areA. A bird li#es in a nest. +irds build their nests. 1*.1.* =n 3n$lish, man! "ords are used both as nouns as "ell as #erbs. = too& a "al& = "al& e#er!da! A fl! is #er! harmful +irds fl! hi$h in the air , , , , noun. #erb. noun. #erb.

/ee Appendi) 1 for a list of common "ords used both as nouns as "ell as #erbs. Befer to a dictionar! for their meanin$s and usa$e. 1*.1.1 %se of helpin$ #erbs: >elpin$ #erbs are used in ne$ati#e sentences, ;uestions and ;uestion ta$s: 1) Ne$ati#e sentences: Positi#e sentences can be formed "ithout the helpin$ #erbs but the ne$ati#e sentences should ha#e a helpin$ #erb as @notA is attached to the helpin$ #erb and ne#er to the main #erb. Batanl smo&es , Chandu does nAt smo&e positi#e sentence , ne$ati#e sentence.

') Huestions: Huestions al"a!s ta&e helpin$ #erb "ith or "ithout a "h-"ord: Are :eena and (eeta stud!in$ "ellI ?h! are the! $ettin$ less mar&sI *) Huestion ta$s: Huestion ta$s are short ;uestions "hich are as&ed to confirm some information: 2he! ha#enAt #isited this place, ha#e the!I Cou are lea#in$ for <elhi, arenAt !ouI =f there is no helpin$ #erb in the statement, do is introduced in the ;uestion ta$: Eiran dri#es, doesnAt sheI Cou s"im, donAt !ouI /atish left, didnAt heI 2he rules to form the ;uestion ta$ are: 1) =f the statement is positi#e, the ta$ is ne$ati#e, if the statement is ne$ati#e, the ta$ is positi#e. ') 2he sub0ect of the ta$ is al"a!s a pronoun. *) =f there is no helpin$ #erb in the statement, @doA is introduced as per the tense, if the statement is in the past, @doA becomes @didA.

1) 2he ta$ ;uestion should not be as&ed "ith a risin$ tone8 it has a fallin$ tone as it is not a $enuine ;uestion. Section ! Practise

1*.1.1 9ill in the blan&s usin$ the appropriate form of the #erb $i#en in the brac&ets: 1) +ees DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD hone!. (collect) ') >e DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD happ!. (not, feel) *) 2he people DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD his mone!. (not, "ant) 1) Mne "ord DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD a sentence. (not, ma&e) 4) >e DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD most of his time in pra!ers. (spend) 1*.1.' Chan$e the follo"in$ sentences into ne$ati#e: 1) Coal is "hite. ') 3lephants "al& fast. *) ?e "ill miss the train. 1) >er friend rode on a c!cle. 4) 2he! are $oin$ on a picnic. 1*.1.* 9ill in the blan&s "ith appropriate ;uestion ta$: 1) Cou donAt li&e s"eets, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI ') A lion is #er! ro!al, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI *) :an is selfish, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI 1) +harat dri#es #er! fast, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI 4) Bani failed her e)am, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI Lesson ) Part A 2.1 Positive am is = heI sheI =tI "eI !ouI the!I /er%s! am 8 is 8 are 9;$estions7


Negati'e am isnAt = notI (amAt =I =s used onl! in informal speech) heI sheI =tI "eI !ouI 2he!I No, sheAs out. Ces, a little. Ces, the! are. /heAs 17. <elhi. =tAs blue. ?hereAs EhanI >o"As !our fatherI

ArenAt '.'

=s !our sister at homeI =s it cold in !our roomI 2hese shoes are nice, are the! ne"I >o" old is !our motherI ?here are !ou fromI ?hat colour is !our scooterI ?hatAs the timeI

?hatAs "hat is, "hoAs "ho is, ho"As ho" is, "hereAs "here is ?hoAs that manI '.* Short Ans#ers: Are !ou tiredI =s he =ndianI =s >ima at "or& no"I =s this seat freeI Am = lateI '.1 Pron$nciation! ?hatAs "hereAs "hoAs ho"As Ces, = am. No, he isnAt. No, she isnAt. Ces, it is. No, !ou arenAt.

Part +<ercises '.1 ?riter ;uestions from these "ords usin$ amNisNare: 1. (!our sister at home) Is your sister at home DDDDDDDDDDDD . '. (this hotel bi$) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *. (!ou interested in son$s) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. (the :useum open toda!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4. (the shoes !ours) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '.' ?rite ;uestions "ith "hatN"hoNho"N"hereN"h!. %se amNisNare: 1. (colour !our car) !hat colour is your car DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '. (m! &e!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *. (m! soc&s) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. (!ou al"a!s late) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

4. (Prabhu an$r! "ith me) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '.* ?rite positi#e or ne$ati#e short ans"ers: 1. Are !ou marriedI "o, Im not.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD '. =s she tallI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *. Are the! happ!I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. Are !ou tiredI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4. =s 3n$lish interestin$I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '.1 Complete the ;uestions. 2he ans"er are $i#en here: 1. ?hatAs !our nameI *. ?here DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. >o" old DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. =Am '4. 4. Are DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '.4 ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n No, =Am a teacher. >ari. 9rom =ndia. '. Are DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.No, =Am not.

UN"( ) =O-AL /+R S Lesson 1 *an *o$ld: =ay =ight Part A 1.1 :ithi can reach home at 4.*F pm. onl! if she starts from her office at 1.*F pm. possibilit! /o, "hene#er she has some "or& at home, she $oes to her boss and as&s him. O/ir, can = lea#e at 1.*FIP re;uest %suall! he sa!s, OCes, !ou canP. permission +ecause, he &no"s that /eehta can complete the "or&, the ne)t da!. abilit! Could !ou complete so much "or& toda!I abilit! Cou could complete the "or& tomorro", there is no need to hurr! it up. concession Could !ou tell me the secret of !our success, pleaseI re;uest = could help !ou in this matter. possibilit! =f !ou are bored, !ou could $o to a mo#ie. su$$estion = canAt s"im no", but = could s"im for hours "hen = "as !oun$. abilit! in the past 1.' Cou ma! lea#e no". permission :a! = ha#e !our boo&. =t ma! rain no". possibilit! :a! (od bless !ou. Cou ma! pa! the fee tomorro" as there is a stri&e toda!. Cou mi$ht ha#e this boo&. permission

polite re;uest "ishes concession


>e mi$ht lea#e toda!. possibilit! Cou mi$ht tra#el b! the first class, if !ou ha#e alread! reser#ed !our birth. concession Cou mi$ht lea#e the room at once, not to sho" me !our face a$ain. dis$ust Cou mi$ht as "e = close the shop. ad#ice 1.1 Cou can $o no". permission Cou could $o no". polite permission Cou ma! $o no". formal permission Can = borro" !our boo&I re;uest Could = borro" !our boo&I polite re;uest :a! = borro" !our boo&I formal re;uest

Part +<ercises 1.1 ?rite t"o sentences for each usa$e of can, could ma! and mi$ht (an e)ample is $i#en here): Can possibilit! : 1.' = can see !ou tomorro" >e can easil! lend !ou some mone!.

%sin$ can, canAt and couldnAt "rite some of the actions that !ou can do no", !ou could do in the past, !ou canAt do no" and !ou couldnAt do in the past.

Lesson ) Part A '.1

0ill 0o$ld: Shall Sho$ld a simple intention promise "illin$ness order prediction re;uest "illin$ness re;uest stron$ li&in$ habitual action of the probabilit! "illin$ness su$$estion order futurit!

= "ill see !ou tomorro". =All help !ou certainl!. =All be $lad to recei#e !ou. Cou "ill not sa! "ord. 2he stri&e "ill end tomorro". ?ill !ou close the "indo", please. = "ould recei#e !ou at the station. ?ould !ou mind postin$ m! letter. =Ad lo#e to see mo#ies. ?hen = "as a student, =Ad stud! for ei$ht hours a da!. =Ad ha#e missed the ne"s other"ise.


past '.* = shall $i#e !our boo& tomorro". /hall "e sit here for some time. Cou shall do !our home"or& re$ularl!. = shall be si)teen ne)t !ear.


Cou should help others. Cou should learn 3n$lish "ell to come up in life. =t should rain no". Cou should spend mone! carefull!.

obli$ation ad#isabilit! e)pectation necessit!

Part +<ercises '.1 ?rite t"o sentences for each usa$e of "ill, "ould, shall and should. Note: Cou ha#e to ta&e !our teacherAs help in $ettin$ !our ans"ers corrected. Lesson , Part A *.1 :ust ha#e onl! one form. 2he past tense of @mustA is @had toA Cou must learn dri#in$. Cou must not par& the car here. Cou must pa! !our fee b! tomorro". compulsion 2here is li$ht in his room. >e must be at home. = must learn 3n$lish "ell. determination *.' = must $o out no". = must lea#e for madras tomorro". = had to attend the meetin$ !esterda!. necessit! prohibition inference =$st and =odals in three tenses

present future past


Can, "ill, shall, ma! and must are used onl! in the present and future tenses. Could, "ould, should and mi$ht are used in all the three tenses. /o could, "ould, should and mi$ht are used in the perfect tense to indicate the past. 3ach of these #erbs $i#es a different meanin$: >e could ha#e $one if he had mone!. >e "ould ha#e $one if he "as in#ited. >e should ha#e $one to a#oid the misunderstandin$. >e mi$ht ha#e $one to a#oid the misunderstandin$. e)pectation possibilit! "illin$ness ad#isabilit!

Part +<ercises *.1 1) %se m$st in the past, present and future. ') (i#e t"o sentences each for usin$ m$st in #arious situations. *) %se once each modal #erb in perfect tense.

>+LP"NG /+R S Lesson , Part A >elping /er%s


@:ustnAtA and @neednAtA e)press opposite meanin$s. Cou mustnAt dri#e fast. Cou neednAt dri#e fast. =t is necessar! that !ou dri#e slo". 2here is no necessit! to dri#e fast.

9or the past tense both the #erbs are used in the perfect tense. Cou mustnAt ha#e $one there. Cou neednAt ha#e spend all the mone!. 1.' @NeedA is used both as a main #erb as "ell as a helpin$ #erb: = need some mone!. = need tell !ou the truth. @NeednAt and didnAt need con#e! opposite meanin$s in the past tense: Bam neednAt ha#e ta&en a ta)i. Bam didnAt need to ta&e a ta)i. 1.* = ha#e to attend the meetin$. = $ot to $o to the colle$e toda!. 2here "as no necessit!, but he too&. As there "as no need, he didnAt ta&e. Mbli$ation Mbli$ation

@>a#e toA and @$ot toA e)press a similar meanin$s:

=n ne$ati#e sentences, @ha#enAt toA means some prohibition, and @donAt ha#e toA means that there is no necessit!: = ha#e not to $o there. = donAt ha#e to $o there. @<o !ou toA is used in ;uestions: <o !ou ha#e to $o thereI <oes :ani ha#e to "or& so hardI 1.1 @Mu$ht toA is the stron$est e)pression for dut! than the abo#e #erbs: Cou should impro#e !our 3n$lish. /u$$estion Cou ha#e to impro#e !our 3n$lish. Necessit!. Cou must impro#e !our 3n$lish. Compulsion. Cou ou$ht to impro#e !our 3n$lish. Mrder. Cou had better impro#e !our 3n$lish. ?arnin$. = am forbidden to $o there. 2here is no necessit! for me to $o there.


@?ould ratherA e)presses a "ish, need or preference: =Ad rather $o home. =Ad rather ha#e coffee than tea. 1.5 @%sed toA is used for a repeated action of the past: ?e used to li#e in that house. 1.6 a) @+eA toA is used for specific duties or a scheduled action: /he is to report e#er!thin$ to the director. 2he train "as to lea#e at 5.*F p.m. b) @+e $oin$ toA is used for an intended action. ?e are $oin$ to pla! cric&et tomorro". c) @+e about toA e)presses an action about to happen: 2he plane is about to lea#e. d) @+e able toA e)presses abilit!: 2he tree "as about to fall.

/he "as able to pa! bac& the mone!. >e is bound to attend the meetin$. f) @dareA is used to mean coura$e: >e dares to spea&.

= am able to lend this mone! as = ha#e it. 2he plan "as bound to fall. /he dare not spea&.

e) @+e bound toA e)presses obli$ation, compulsion and certaint!:

=n the past tense @didA is added: >e didnAt dare spea& on the sta$e. UN"( 5 A-/+R S Lesson 1! Ad'er%s Section A ! Learn 11.1.1 Ad#erbs add some more meanin$ to the #erb, ad0ecti#e or another ad#erb in a sentence. =t @modifiesA that "ord: Badha sin$s melodiousl! #erb @sin$sA. Earim is a #er! $ood spea&er ad0ecti#e @$oodA. :edha spo&e #er! "ell ad#erb @"ellA. 11.1.' Ad#erbs ma! tell us about "hen, "here, ho", "h! an action has happened: >e left immediatel! ad#erb of time. /he li#es here ad#erb of place. 2he! li#ed happil! ad#erb of manner. 11.1.* 9ormation of ad#erbs: 1) ') *) 1) 4) +! addin$ l! to an ad0ecti#e: beautifull!, stron$l!, cheerfull!, selfishl! etc. +! addin$ "ise, -"a!s, -"ards: crab-"ise, side"a!s, up"ards etc. +! combinin$ a noun and a prefi): asleep, ahead, a"a!, besides etc. +! combinin$ a prefi) and an ad0ecti#e: alone, aloud, around, behind, belo" etc. 2"o ad#erbs 0oined b! con0unction: b! and b!, o#er and abo#e, no" and then, off and on, out and out, to and fore etc.

11.1.1 /ome "ords are used both as ad0ecti#es and ad#erbs: Ad&ecti'es >e is an earl! riser. >is late arri#al "as criticised >e is a fast bo"ler. = ha#e a hi$h opinion of him. 2here is enou$h su$ar. =t is a lon$ "a!. =t is an eas! 0ob. = had a leisurel! "al&. 11.1.4 Position of ad#erbs: Ad'er%s >e rises earl!. >e arri#ed late. >e bo"ls fast. Al"a!s aim hi$h. >e "a&ed enou$h. >e "aited lon$. 2a&e it eas!. <o it leisurel!.

1) ?hen there is no ob0ect, the ad#erb is placed 0ust after the #erb. # $e works hard. ') =f there is an ob0ect, the ad#erb is placed after the ob0ect. # $e gave the reply immediately. *) Ad#erbs of time are placed before the #erb. # %he never go here. # $e always tries to help her. 1) =f there is a helpin$ #erb, the ad#erb is placed after that. # $e was greatly praised. 4) Ad#erbs "hich modif! ad0ecti#es are placed before the respecti#e ad0ecti#es. # $e is very competent &'uality) Note: Koo& at the placement of @onl! in the follo"in$ sentences.

1) Mnl! Lohn helped me to bu! the house. (onl! Lohn and nobod! else). ') Lohn onl! helped me to bu! the house. (Lohn helped me onl! in bu!in$ did not bu! it for me). *) Lohn helped onl! me to bu! the house. (he helped me and nobod! else). 1) Lohn helped me onl! to bu! the house.(he helped me to bu! the house and not in an!thin$ else). 4) Lohn helped me to bu! onl! the house.(he helped me to bu! the house but not to bu! an!thin$ else). UN"( ? PR+POS"("ONS

Section A ! Learn 14.1.1 Prepositions are the "ords "hich tell us about ho" the nouns, pronouns, ad0ecti#es and ad#erbs are related to one another in a sentence. 2he su$ar is in the bo). 2he bo) is on the table. 14.1.' 2!pes of prepositions: 1) Prepositions of time: At, on, in, for, before, after, until, till, bet"een, b! upto etc. ') Prepositions of place: to, at, from, a"a!, from, on, onto, of, in, into, out, of, upon, inside, "ithin, b!, o#er, abo#e, on top of, behind, in front of, belo", underneath, beneath, across, throu$h, all o#er, throu$h out, bet"een, amon$ etc. *) Prepositions of method and manner: b!, "ith etc. 1) Prepositions of reason and purpose: "ith, of, for etc. 4) Prepositions of possession: of, "ith, b! etc.

5) Prepositions of direction and motions: into, to"ards, up, round, across etc. 14.1.* 2here are some t"o-"ord prepositions: Ahead of, because of, instead of, irrespecti#e of, out of, short of, accordin$ to, contrar! to, due to, ne)t to, o"in$ to, prior to, sub0ect to, upto, alon$ "ith, as for, but for, e)cept for, apart from, a"a! from, up till, from abo#e, from behind, as a$ainst, in bet"een etc. 14.1.1 Correct use of some prepositions: 1) beside, besides: a) 2he house is beside the ri#er. b) +esides bein$ $ood at 2ennis, he is also an e)cellent pla!er of (olf. ') since, for: a) >e has been absent since :onda! last. b) >e "as absent for four da!s. *) bet"een, amon$: a) = ha#e to choose bet"een the t"o pictures. b) 2his is a custom amon$ the tribals. 1) b!, "ith: a) >e "as &illed b! his ser#ant "ith an a)e. 4) in, at: a) >e li#es in Lal$aon. 5) on, in, at, b!: a) =t shall be there at 1 p.m. on 9rida!. b) =t is #er! hot in the da! but ;uite cold at ni$ht. c) = "ill lea#e b! 5 oAcloc&. 6) in, into: a) >e is in bed. b) >e fell into the "ell. 7) on, upon: a) >e sat on a chair. b) >e 0umped upon the horse. 9) in, "ithin: a) 2he loan "ill be repaid in a !ear. b) 2he loan "ill be repaid "ithin a !ear.

14.1.4 /ome #erbs, ad0ecti#es and nouns ha#e particular prepositions that are al"a!s associated "ith them. 9or a list of such "ords alon$ "ith their prepositions. /ee Appendi) 4. Section ! Practise

14.1.1 Correct the follo"in$ sentences: 1) ') *) 1) 4) 5) 6) 7) 9) 1F) 11) 1') 1*) 11) 2he inter#ie" "ill be held bet"een ' to 1 p.m. 16) /he died "ith cancer. 2he seminar "ill be from *rd and 4th :arch. 17) >e thre" the stic& in the ri#er. >e is sic& since three months. 19) ?rite "ith in&. 2his paper is inferior than that. 'F) 2his is a comfortable house to li#e. 2his is different to that. '1) >e $a#e me a $un to shoot. :! brother is superior than !ou. '') = $a#e him a chair to sit. 3#er!one should pra! $od. '*) >e is called "ith different names. >e "rote me. '1) <onAt spend mone! for lu)uries. = shall e)plain them this. '4) ?e discussed on the matter. >e su$$ested me this. '5) >e is an$r! on me. >e $oes on his "or&. '6) ?hen it "as searched, it "as found. >e called me in dinner. '7) = searched the man and found him. >e reached to Na$pur. '9) >e as&ed a holida!. >e told to me to $o. *F) 2here is a match bet"een :umbai to Chennai. 14) >e "ill be cured from his fe#er. *1) = met "ith !our friend. 15) 2he term be$ins from Lul! 1st. *') ?hat are !ou tal&in$I 14.1.' 9ill in the blan&s "ith suitable prepositions: 1) ') *) 1) 4) 5) 6) 7) 9) 1F) 11) 1') 1*) 11) 14) = ha#e "arned !ou GGGGGGGG.GGGGGG the dan$er. Cou remind me GGGGGGGGGGGGG. m! $rand father. KetAs escape GGGGGGGGG.GGGG.. this terrible cro"d. >e 0umped GGGGGG.GGGGGGGGG... m! su$$estion. Please for$i#e me GGGGGGGGG..GGGGG. 2his dela!. 2his medicine is a cure GGGGGGGGGGG... sleeplessness. 2hro" it GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG..G the dustbin. ?e ta&e e)ception GGGGGGGGGGGGG. !our beha#iour. 2his is a matter to be &ept GGGGGGGGGGG... !ou and me. 2he mo#ie "as $ood GGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. m! deli$ht. Cou "ill be punished GGGGGGGGGG.... brea&in$ the $lass. >e is cured GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. t!phoid. >e "as #er! 0ealous GGGGGGGGGGGGGG... his brother. ?e "ant to call GGGGG.GGGGGGGGGGGGG... !ou. /he is sufferin$ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG..G hi$h fe#er.

UN"( ? Lesson 1

(+NS+S " am st$dying 9Present contin$o$s7

Part A 1.1 /heAs eatin$. /he isnAt pla!in$. =tAs rainin$. 2he sun isnAt shinin$. 2he!Are "al&in$. 2he! arenAt runnin$. 2he present continuous tense is: am N is N are Positive =Am >e /he =t ?e Cou 2he! Negative = >e /he =t ?e Cou 2he! am not pla!in$ isnAt $oin$ isnAt lea#in$ isnAt doin$ "ell arenAt tal&in$ arenAt readin$ arenAt "atchin$ tele#ision. "or&in$ is comin$ #erb in$ eatin$, rainin$, "al&in$ etc.

are listenin$

1.' a) ?e use the present continuous to tal& about somethin$ happenin$ no". (hes studying &now). b) ?e also use the present continuous to tal& about somethin$ happenin$ no"a-da!s. Im learning )nglish &these days). c) ?e often use the present continuous to tal& about the present period: today, this month, this season, this year etc. d) ?e use the present continuous "ith a future meanin$. *abu is coming tomorrow evening. e) @(oin$ toA is a #erb "hich al"a!s indicates a future action. =Am $oin$ to "atch all these pro$rammes. @(oin$ toA is used for future actions "hich "e thin& "ill certainl! happen. /ee the blac& clouds. =tAs $oin$ to rain hea#il!. 1.* Huestions: Positi'e Am = cleanin$ "ellI =s she comin$ re$ularl!I Are !ou feelin$ betterI Are the! #isitin$ us toda!I 1.1 1.4 Negati'e Am = not "or&in$ fastI =snAt he stud!in$ "ellI ArenAt !ou chan$in$ !our houseI ArenAt the! lea#in$ no"I

/ome #erbs are not used in the continuous tense. /ee Appendi) 1 for the list of #erbs. = li&e !ou (not = am li&in$ !ou). Huestions are framed usin$ @"h-A "ords:

1. ?hat is she doin$I '. ?h! isnAt she comin$I *. >o" are the! mana$in$I

1. ?here is he "or&in$I 4. ?hen are !ou "ritin$ the e)amI

Note: &h word is placed before am'is'are in a (uestion as shown above. Part +<ercises 1.1 Complete the sentences "ith the present continuous form of the #erb $i#en in brac&ets: 1. KistenJ Erishna is playing (pla!) the flute. '. 2he! DDDDDDDDDDD (build) a hotel here. *. /omebod! DDDDDDDDDDDD (s"im) in the ri#er. 1. >urr! upJ 2he bus DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (lea#e). 4. Cou DDDDDDDDDDD (stand) on m! foot. MhJ =Am sorr!. :a&e sentences "ith the "ords $i#en. 2he! must be in the present continuous: 1. (=N"ashNm! hair) I am washing my hairDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '. (=tNnotNrain) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *. (?eNlearnN3n$lish) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1. (/heNreadNne"spaper) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4. (>eN"atchN2.V) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 9orm ;uestions usin$ the "ords $i#en. 2he! should be in the present continuous. ?rite ans"ers to the ;uestions formed: 1. (CouN"atchN2.V) DD +re you watching %.,. "o, Im not.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD '. (2he childrenNpla!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *. (?hatN!ouNdo) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1. (?hereNsheN"or&) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4. (?h!NnotN!ouNlau$h) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n " do 9Simple Present79 P$t )%7




Lesson ) Part A

Simple Present (ense (o %e = am Cou are >e is, she is, =t is ?e are (o >a'e = ha#e >e has, she has 2he! ha#e ?e ha#e

Cou are

Cou ha#e


:ihir is a :echanic. >e "or&s "ith machines. Bahul is a <octor. >e "or&s in a hospital. 2he! are Carpenters. 2he! ma&e beautiful furniture. /imple present is: Verb in its ori$inal form. Add one s "hen used "ith heNsheNit. ?e use doNdoes to ;uestions and ne$ati#es: ;$estions <o = !ou "e the! he she =t $et it no"I


<oes Negati'es = Cou ?e 2he! >e /he =t

li&e the "or&I

<onAt "or& no".

<oesnAt &no" it.

= spea& 3n$lish. <o !ouI Ces, = do, but m! friend doesnAt. '.* a) ?e use the simple present to tal& about thin$s in $eneral. =t is true al"a!s. Children li&e ice-cream. b) ?e use the simple present to sa! ho" often "e do somethin$ or about our dail! routine. c) ?e use the simple present to as& ;uestions about $eneral thin$s. ?here do !ou come fromI d) ?e ma&e su$$estion "ith the simple present. ?h! donAt !ou $o to the doctorI e) 2he simple present is used to spea& about the uni#ersal truth. 2he sun rises in the east. f) 2he simple present is used for commentaries. /achin comes for"ard and bo"ls to <honi $) Lournalists use the simple present for head lines. 2he Prime :inister discusses the problem "ith his collea$ues. h) 2he simple present is also used for #er! near, #er! definite actions. Mur colle$e reopens tomorro". i) /cheduled actions are al"a!s e)pressed in the simple present. 2he train lea#es at 5 p.m.


Huestions: @?hA "ords are placed at the be$innin$, in ;uestions. ?hat is !our nameI ?hen do !ou stud! !our lessonI ?here do !our parents li#eI ?h! donAt !ou do !our home"or&I >o" often does /u0atha "ash her hairI

Part +<ercises '.1 Put the #erb in the correct form: 1) 2he office opens (open) at 1F.*F a.m. and close (close) at 4.*F p.m. ') ?hat time DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (do) the ban& closeI *) >o" man! mo#ies DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (!ou N see) e#er! "ee&I 1) ?here DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ("or&N!our) fatherI 4) /he DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (pla!) the #eena #er! "ell. '.' 2he sentences $i#en here are correct in the form, but the information is "ron$. ?rite t"o sentences as sho"n in the e)ample to $i#e the correct information: 1) +omba! is in Mrissa. No, +omba! is not in Mrissa. +omba! is in :aharashtra. ') 2he President of =ndia sta!s in +ihar. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *) /i&&him is in North =ndia. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1) =ndia lo#es "ar. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4) Bi#er (an$a is in Eerala. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD '.* %se the follo"in$ sentences to ma&e ;uestions. +e$in !our ;uestions "ith the "ords $i#en in the brac&ets: 1) :a!uri "atches tele#ision. (>o" often) >o" often do !ou "atch tele#isionI ') = ha#e dinner at 7 p.m. (?hat time) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI *) Lenna "or&s in a ban& (?here) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI 1) 2he sun shines durin$ da! (?henN:oon) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI 4) = pla! Casio (!ouNan! musical instrument). DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI '.1 9ill in the blan&s "ith either the simple present or the present continuous form of the #erb $i#en in the brac&ets: 1) Please donAt ma&e (not ma&e) noise. = am stud!in$ (stud!) no". ') = DDDDDDDDDDDD (not belon$) to an! political part!. *) 2he (oda#ari DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (flo") throu$h maharastra.. 1) ?e usuall! DDDDDDDDDDDDD ($ro") #e$etables in our $arden but this !ear "e DDDDDDDDDDDDD (not $ro") an!. 4) Can !ou dri#eI No. +ut = DDDDDDDDDDDDD(learn). :! mother DDDDDDDDDDDD (teach) me.

5) = DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (not need) m! umbrella no". 6) = DDDDDDDDDDDD (not belie#e) that is 7F !ears old. 7) ?hat DDDDDDDDDDDDDD (!ourNfatherNdo)I >e is a teacher. 9) = usuall! DDDDDDDDDDDDDD (drin&) mil& in the mornin$ toda! = DDDDDDDDDDDD (drin&) tea. 1F) /he DDDDDDDDDDDDD (learn) 9rench no". /he DDDDDDDDDDD (learn) lan$ua$es #er! fast. '.4 ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n Lesson 6 1 " did 9Simple Past79P$t )c7

0e form the Past tense of most 'er%s in +nglish %y adding ed to the simple infiniti'e form 2All s$ch 'er%s #hich form their Past tense in this #ay are called as reg$lar 'er%s 2 " #alked @o$ 0alked >e, she , it #alked Part A 1.1 2he police arrested the thief. Nita "or&ed in a school for 1F !ears. ?e in#ited them for the part!. /he passed the e)amination. /imple past is: 1.' Verb in the past tense. ?e use past simple for actions or situations of the past. Koo&J =tAs $oin$ to rain no". (Present tense "ith meanin$ of immediate future). Mh no, not a$ain. =t rained hea#il! !esterda! (simple past) >e en0o!ed the part!. :r. Vina! died t"o !ears a$o. ?hen = li#ed in :umbai, = "or&ed in a +an&. 1.* 1.1 Past forms of amNisNare: am "as is "asare "ere present form of the #erb. 2he teacher "as an$r! because the students came late to the class. =n past simple, ;uestions and ne$ati#es ta&e didNdidnAt =t rained. <id it rainI <id !ou $o to the cinema, last ni$ht, (iriI Ces, = sa" the Lun$le. +ut = didnAt li&e it. ?hat did !ou ha#e for brea&fastI = had t"o e$$s and a toast. ?h! didnAt !ou phone me !esterda!I = came home late. Note: @<idA is used "ith @ha#eA but not "ith amNisNareN"asN"ere. +ecause these forms are used instead of @didA in ;uestion =t didnAt rain. 0e #alked @o$ #alked (hey #alked

?ere !ou present !esterda! ?as the part! $ood 1.4


<id !ou come !esterda!I <id !ou li&e the part!I

9or the actions of the past "hich ha#e no connections "ith the present: 2he Chinese in#ented printin$. Auran$a.eb died in 16F6. A&bar respected all reli$ions e;uall!.

1.5 1) ') *) 1) Part

=dioms and phrases: tied up #er! bus!. +orn "ith a sil#er spoon in oneAs mouth born into a #er! "ealth! famil!. A "atched pot ne#er boils time doesnAt pass "hen one in "aitin$. A penn! sa#ed is a penn! earned sa#in$ mone! is #er! important.

+<ercises 1.1 A sentence in the present is $i#en here. ?rite the same in the past: 1) Behman usuall! "a&es up earl!. Cesterda! he $od up at 4 a.m. ') /onal "al&s e#er! mornin$. Cesterda! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *) +ha#ini comes late to "or&. Cesterda! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1) (ita has a sand"ich for lunch. Cesterda! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4) Bani finishes her "or& at 7 p.m. Cesterda! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1.' 9ill in the blan&s "ith the past forms of the #erbs $i#en belo": 1) 9al$uniAs father tau$ht her dri#in$. ') Bobert DDDDDDDDDDD his le$ "hen he DDDDDDDDDD from the stairs. *) As "e DDDDDDDDDDD some mone!, "e DDDDDDDDDDDDD the car. 1) Bamani DDDDDDDDDD a dress !esterda!. =t DDDDDDDDD Bs. 4FF. 4) = DDDDDDDDDDDD hun$r!. /o = DDDDDDDDDDDD some ca&e. (ha#e, cost, eat, teach, brea&, bu!, fall, be) 1.* 1) ') *) 1) 4) 5) 6) 7) 1.1 As& !our friend a fe" ;uestions about his trip. %se @didA or @"asA: ?hereN!ouN$oI ?hichNhotelNsta! at. >o" lon$Nsta! thereI (oNaloneI >o"Ntra#elI 2he "eatherNfineI ?hatNdo in the e#enin$sI ?henNcome bac&I DD!here did you go ---- --I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI

Put the #erb $i#en in the brac&ets into the correct form. %se onl! simple past: 1) Bahul did not sha#e (notNsha#e) this mornin$ because he did Dnot ha#eD (notNha#e) time.

') 2he! DDDDDDDDDDDD (notNeat) an!thin$ because the! DDDDDDDDDDDDD (notNbe) hun$r!. *) /he DDDDDDDDDDDDDD (runNfast) because she DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (be) in a hurr!. 1) >e DDDDDD(as&) man! ;uestions because he DDDDDDDDDDD (notNunderstand) the lesson. 4) >e DDDDDDDDD (come) home earl! as he DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (notNha#e) much "or&. 1.4 ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n Lesson ) Past *ontin$o$s (ense

?e use the Past Continuous 2ense to describe an action in the past "hich "as $oin$ on or continuin$ "hen another action too& place .( 3$. = "as "or&in$ in the $arden "hen !ou called)2hus 2he Past Continuous 2ense is not used alone , but al"a!s to$ether "ith some other past tense action stated or implied. ?e form the Past Continuous 2ense "ith the past tense @to beA used as an au)iliar! and in the Present Participle (in$ form) of the main #erb = "as "or&in$ Cou "ere "or&in$ >e, /he , =t "as "or&in$ /uppl! the correct ?e "ere "or&in$ Cou "ere "or&in$ 2he! "ere "or&in$

Past Continuous 2ense form of the #erbs in the parentheses

1. 2he! GGGGGGGGGGGGG.(eat) in the restaurant "hen = sa" them '. ?hen !ou telephoned, = GGGGGGGGGGGGGG(ha#e) dinner. *. 2he bab! GGGGGGGGGGGGG..(sleep) soundl! "hen = "ent to "a&e him. " #as doing 9Past *ontin$o$s79 add )d7 Part '.1 ?hat "ere the children doin$ in the e#enin$I %hey were playing in the garden. ?ere !ou "atchin$ the pla! !esterda!I .es, of course. I was watching it through out. Past continuous is: "asN"ere #erb in$. =NheNshe "as "eNthe!N!ou "ere

'.' a) ?e use the past continuous to tal& about an action "hich continued for some time in the past. +ut "e donAt &no" "hether it is o#er no". +harat "as li#in$ in +oroda till 199F. = "ent to her. /he "as coo&in$ dinner then. b) 2he simple past is used for a completed action and the past continuous for a continuous action "hen "e spea& about t"o past actions. A lorr! &noc&ed him do"n "hen he "as crossin$ the road. ?hen = sa" Eumar in the par&, he "as sittin$ on the $rass and readin$ a boo&. =t "as rainin$ hea#il! "hen = $ot up. c) +ut if the past actions are o#er, the simple past is used.

?hen the telephone ran$, he $ot up and ans"ered it. ?e finished lunch and "ent out.


2he simple present is used for the dail! actions, "hile the simple past is used for the completed actions. 2he present and the past continuous tenses are used for the continuous actions of the present and the past time. Compare the follo"in$ e)amples: = drin& tea e#er!da!. >e is "atchin$ the 2.V. no". .esterday I drank coffee. .esterday he was watching the %.,. throughout.


=dioms and phrases: 1) to bac& out to drop, to "ithdra". ') +ehind oneAs bac& in oneAs absence. *) Past pain is pleasure, past pleasure is pain 2he bad da!s of past do not "orr! us, the $ood da!s "hich are no more ma&e us unhapp!. 1) Bome "as not built in a da! Nothin$ $reat can be achie#ed "ithin a #er! short time.

Part +<ercises '.1 9ill in the blan&s "ith the past continuous form of the #erb $i#en in the brac&ets: 1) Cesterda! e#enin$ (o#ind "as "atchin$ ("atch) the 2.V from 5 to 7. ') :eeta DDDDDDDDDDDDD (search) for her &e!s. *) /ome "or&ers DDDDDDDDDDDDDD (di$) the $round. 1) :eena DDDDDDDDDDDDDD (pla!) on the #iolin then. 4) Ahmed DDDDDDDDD (sell) &ites in the season. '.' :a&e sentences "ith the follo"in$ "ords. 3ach sentence has one #erb in the simple past and one in the past continuous: 1) >eNnotN"earNa coatN"henN=NseeNhim. >e "asnAt "earin$ a coat "hen = sa" him ') >eNsmo&eNa pipeN"henN=NmeetNhim. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) /heNcarr!Na ba$N"hen heNseeNher. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1) 2he lorr!NrunN#er! fastN"henNitNhitNthe bo!. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4) Earim Nha#eNdinnerN"henNErishnaN$oNto him. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. .


?rite ;uestions in the past continuous: 1) ?hatNEusum doN"hen !ouNseeNherI ?hat "as Neha doin$ "hen !ou sa" her ') ?hatN!ouNdoNfrom 7 to 1F p.m.N!esterda!I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) ?hatNheN"earN!esterda!I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1) =tNrainN"henN!ouN$oNoutI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4) ?hereN!ouNli#eNin 197FsI .

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '.1 ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n Lesson 1 Present Perfect (ense 2o form the Present Perfect 2ense in 3n$lish , "e use the #erb @to ha#eA as an au)iliar! and to this au)iliar! ,"e add the past participle of the main #erb. = ha#e "or&ed Cou ha#e "or&ed >e , she , =t has "or&ed ?e ha#e "or&ed Cou ha#e "or&ed 2he! ha#e "or&ed

2he Present Perfect 2ense has se#eral uses in 3n$lish . =n $eneral, ho"e#er, it al"a!s describes some past action "hich is connected in one "a! or another "ith present time. Q9irst , the present perfect tense is used to describe an action "hich happened at a indefinite time in the past. 3$. = ha#e read the boo&. 2he ha#e mo#ed to Chica$o . Q/econd, the present perfect tense ma! also describe an indefinite action "hich "as repeated se#eral times in the past . 3$. = ha#e read that boo& se#eral times. >e has studied this lesson o#er and o#er a$ain. " ha'e done 9present perfect79 Add )e7 Part A 1.1 <hara has lost her ba$. Atul has finished his paintin$. ?e ha#e found a "a!. 2he! ha#e $one to <elhi. /he hasnAt pla!ed "ell. ?e ha#enAt seen the mo#ie. 2he present perfect is hasNha#e #erb in the third form.


9orms of ha'e /ositive >eNshe Nit has =N!ouN"eNthe! ha#e "egative >eNsheNit hasnAt =N!ouN"eNthe! ha#enAt 0uestion >asnAt heNsheNitI >a#enAt =N!ouN"eNthe!I

1.* a) ?e use the present perfect for actions "hich ha#e a connection "ith the present. /hirin has lost his scooter. (>e hasnAt !et found it). Eashish has $one to America. (>e is still in America). b) ?e also use the present perfect for the action 0ust completed (the action is o#er but the period is continuin$): >e has smo&ed a lot of ci$arettes toda!. = ha#enAt had a holida! this !ear. Pratibha hasnAt studied "ell this term. 2he! ha#enAt had a holida! this !ear. /he has 0ust arri#ed. =t has alread! appeared in the paper. c) 2he present perfect is used "ith the actions done for the first or second time. 2his is the first time 2e0 has dri#en a car. =s this the first time !ou ha#e been to <elhiI d) 2he present perfect is also used for actions ne#er done or not done for some time in the recent past: :! sister hasnAt "ritten to me for a month. Anil has ne#er dri#en a car. e) 9or the actions "hich ma! still happen, the present perfect is used8 but if the! "ill not happen in future, the simple past is used: >e hasnAt married. (>e is still thin&in$ of $ettin$ married). >e didnAt marr!. (>e is not thin&in$ about marria$e an!more). 3#en in ;uests, the simple past is used for completed action and the present perfect if the period is continuin$. ?hen did !ou comeI >a#e !ou seen the :useumI f) 2he present perfect is used "ith 0ust, alread!, e#er, ne#er, !et, so far, since, for, and it sa!s ho" man! times an action is done: /he has 0ust met, me. = ha#e alread! spo&en to her. = ha#e ne#er seen "hite cro"s. La!a hasnAt !et $ot her promotion. /alim hasnAt tried for a 0ob so far. = ha#enAt bou$ht a present for her since 'FF9 = ha#enAt seen him for ' da!s. >e has married * times. $) Huestions in the present perfect: >a#e !ou seen the 2a0 :ahalI

>o" lon$ ha#e !ou sta!ed in :umbai >o" man! pa$es ha#e !ou readI ?h! ha#e !ou "ritten that letter no"I ?hat ha#e !ou thou$ht about itI h) ?hen the past tense is indicated "ith specific time "ords. 2he present perfect is not used8 the past simple is used then. = ha#e seen A0antha before. = sa" A0antha last !ear. Part +<ercises 1.1. Cou are "ritin$ a letter to !our friend about the people "hom both of !ou &no". 9orm the sentences as sho"n in the first e)ample: :! dear /udhir, 1. 4. 5. 6. 4 Kots of thin$s ha#e happened since "e met last. A#inash N$oN Lamna$arDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD /udha and /e&harN$etNmarried this "ee&.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :u&esh NpassN his dri#in$ test. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD +ha#na NcompleteNher ne" house DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Ans"er the ;uestions $i#en here. Cou can use "ords li&e 0ust, alread!, so far, !et, e#en, ne#er etc.: 1) ?h! is AtishAs hair "etI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ') >a#e !ou phoned !our sisterI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *) >a#enAt !ou finished !our lunch !etI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1) >a#e !ou e#er seen a red ti$erI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4) ?ould !ou li&e a cup of teaI No. 2han&s. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1.' Cou ha#e to "rite ;uestions and ans"ers as sho"n in sentence 1: 1) %r#i is dri#in$ a car but sheAs #er! ner#ous. Is this the first time youve driven a car .es, Ive never driven a car before. ') :ar& is pla!in$ cric&et but he doesnAt &no" the rules. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *) >arsha is ridin$ a horse but she is not #er! confident. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1) :a!ur is s"immin$ but he is afraid of "ater. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4) La!ant is in Calcutta but itAs #er! ne" for him. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1.* Ans"er the ;uestion $i#en usin$ the "ords in brac&ets. All are in the ne$ati#e form. 1) ?hen did it rainI (for a$es) = hasnAt rained for a$es. ') ?hen did the! last #isit !ouI (since Lune) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) ?hen did !ou last eat por&I (ne#er) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1) ?hen did !ou last dri#eI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4) ?hen did !ou $o to Cuttac&I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1.1 :a&e ;uestions "ith the "ords $i#en: 1) CouNhearNfrom 2homas recentl!I >a#e !ou heard from 2homas recentl!I ') CouNseeNPri!a in the past fe" da!sI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) CouNeatNan!thin$ toda!I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1) CouN$oNan! $ood film this "ee&I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4) CouNha#eNa holida! this !ear !etI DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1.4 Bead the situation and "rite a sentence usin$ the past simple once and present perfect once: 1) :ohan lost a lot of "ei$ht but no" he is hea#! a$ain. (lostN"ei$htNput on "ei$ht). Mohan lost a lot of weight but now he has put on weight again ') >emant "ent to Na$pur but no" he is bac& in :umbai a$ain. ($oNcom bac&) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *) Kast !ear :r. :adha# bou$ht a car. No" it belon$s to someone else. (bu!Nsell) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1) 2he police arrested the man but no" he is at home a$ain. (arrestNrelease) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4) /hasha cut his hair. No" it is lon$ a$ain. (cutN$ro"). DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1.5 Put the #erb in the brac&ets either in the simple past or in the present perfect "hiche#er is ri$ht. 1) :! friend is a "riter. /he has "ritten ("rite) man! boo&s. ') ?e DDDDDDDDDDD (notNha#e) a holida! last !ear. *) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (see) /uresh last "ee&I 1) :! hair is clean. = DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ("ash) it. 4) Naresh "or&s in a boo& shop. >e DDDDDDDDDDDDDD ("or&) there for three !ears no". .


?rite sentences about !ourself. +e$in "ith the "ords $i#en. 1) =A#e li#ed here for 21 years-------------. ') =A#e been DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) =A#e studied upto DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1) =A#e learnt DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4) =A#e &no"n DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

1.7 ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n Lesson ) Part A '.1 =t "as rainin$ !esterda!. =t is rainin$ toda! also. =t is still rainin$. It has been raining since yesterday. !e have been waiting to go out. 2he present perfect continuous is: hasNha#e been #erb in$. '.' a) ?e use the present perfect continuous for lon$ actions "hich be$an in the past and still happenin$: 2he bab! has been cr!in$ for t"o hours no". (=t is still cr!in$) ?e ha#e been tr!in$ to fi) the machine. ("e are still doin$) b) ?e also use the present perfect continuous for action "hich ha#e happened for a lon$ time but ha#e 0ust stopped: Cou are breathless. >a#e !ou been runnin$I +hanuAs dress is dirt!. ?hat has she been doin$I c) ?hen "e are interested in the action itself, "e use the present perfect continuous and if "e are interested in the result, "e use the present perfect: PrasadAs hands are #er! dirt!. >e has been repairin$ the car. 2he car is read! no". Prasad has repaired it. Bamesh has been smo&in$ too much recentl!. >e should smo&e less. /omebod! has smo&ed all m! ci$arettes. 2he pac&et is empt!. '.* =n ;uestions, "h-"ord comes before hasNha#e or the ;uestion be$ins "ith hasNha#e. ?hat ha#e !ou been readin$ the past one "ee&I ?here has she been li#in$ all this timeI >a#e !ou been "atchin$ the mo#ieI >as he been "or&in$ so lon$I >o" lon$ ha#e !ou been learnin$ 3n$lishI ?h! has she been complainin$ all the timeI Part +<ercises '.1 ?rite sentences for the follo"in$ situations. 2he! should be in the present perfect continuous tense: " ha'e %een doing 9Present Perfect *ontin$o$s7

1) (opal is #er! tired. (heN"or&Nhard) $e has been working hard. ') Chandu has a blac& e!e and :aren has a cut lip. (the!Nfi$htNeach other). DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *) Vanitha fin$ers are achin$. (sheNt!peNall da!)N DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1) Neehal is rich no". (sheNma&eNprofitNbusiness) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4) Eho0o is on his deathbed. (heNsufferNfrom cancer). DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD '.' ?rite ;uestions in the present perfect continuous for each situationI 1) :ahesh has oil on his hands. (heN"or&Non the car). $as he been working on the car ') (o&ulAs e!es are red. (redNcr! lon$) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) Cour friend is at home "hen !ou cam bac&. (!ouN"ait lon$). DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1) Cou "ant to &no" ho" much time La!a has spent in learnin$ 9rench. (!ouNlearnN9renchNho" lon$) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4) /h!am smo&es. (heNsmo&eNho" lon$) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD '.* ?rite ' sentences on each of the follo"in$ situations. Mne should be in the present perfect and, the other in present perfect continuous: 1) A0a! is readin$ a boo&. >e started ' hours a$o and he is on pa$e 4*. (heNreadNfor ' hours) $e has been reading for two hours. (heNreadN4* pa$es so far) $e read 23 pages so far. ') Ar0un is from <elhi. No" he is tra#ellin$ throu$h /outh =ndia. >e be$an his tra#el 14 da!s a$o. (heNtra#elledNin /outh =ndiaN14 da!s) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (heN#isitN'F places so far) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *) Nitesh ma&es films. >e started ma&in$ films in 1974. >e made 17 films so far. (heNma&eNfilms since 1974) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (heNproduceN17 films so far) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1) Ba#i is a "riter. >e "rote 1F boo&s so far. >e be$an "ritin$ in 1996. (heN"riteNsince 1996) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (heN"riteN1F boo&s so far) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4) Ehurshid &no"s Arabic. /he be$an learnin$ in 199F. /he &no"s the basic lan$ua$e "ell. (sheNlearnNArabic since 199F) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (sheNlearntNthe basic lan$ua$e "ell) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


2r! to "rite a para$raph on !our routine acti#ities and hobbies. %se the four forms of the present tense. Past Perfect (ense

Lesson 1

?e use the Past Perfect 2ense to describe an act "hich too& place in the past before another past action. 2hus, "e ne#er use the Past Perfect 2ense alone but al"a!s in relation to some other past situation stated or implied. /he said that she had seen the mo#ie +! the time "e arri#ed, the! had left . ?e form the Past Perfect 2ense b! usin$ the past tense oh ha#e (had) as an au)iliar! 8 to this au)iliar! , "e add the past participle of the main #erb = had seen Cou had seen >e, she, it had seen ?e had seen Cou had seen 2he! had seen

" had done 9past perfect79 Add )f7 Part A 1.1. After the part! last ni$ht, = "ent home at 1F.*F p.m. :! friend /u0atha "as not there. /he had $one at 7 p.m. ?hen = "ent to the bus stop, the bus had alread! left. 2he past perfect is: had #erb in the past participle form. 9orms of had: Positi#e Ne$ati#e /hort forms Huestions 1.*. : : : : =N!ouNheNsheNitN"eNthe! had =N!ouNheNsheNitN"eNthe! hadnAt =AdNsheNdNheAdN!ouAdN"eAdNthe!Ad >ad =NheNsheNitN"eNthe!


?hen "e tal& about t"o actions of the past, "e use the past perfect to spea& about the first of those t"o actions. Neeta didnAt come "ith us to the cinema because she had alread! seen it. Bashid came home and found that someone had bro&en his "indo" $lass. 1) =t is ne#er too late to learn 2here is no a$e limit for learnin$ as it is a life lon$ process.

Part +<ercises 1.1 Compare the follo"in$ sentences usin$ the correct form of the #erbs in the brac&ets. All are in the past perfect tense. 1) = had spo&en (spea&) to !our friend alread!. ') +efore /unitha left, "e DDDDDDDDDDDDD (see) ten films

*) After the $uests DDDDDDDDDDDD (lea#e). Anisha cleaned the table. 1) >e DDDDDDDDDDDDDD (lea#e) the #illa$e before the earth;ua&e destro!ed it. 4) 2he train left after he DDDDDDDDDDDD (bid) $oodb!e to his friends. 1.' :a&e sentences in the past perfect usin$ the "ords $i#en. 1) =Nha#eN0ustNlunch. = had 0ust had lunch. ') 2he filmNalread!Nbe$in DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) 2he!N0ustNfinish their dinner DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1) /heNalread!Narran$edNto do somethin$ else DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4) =Nnot see her for fi#e !ears DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1.* ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n Lesson ) Part A '.1 2he bo!s came in "ith "et clothes on8 the! "ere pla!in$ in the $arden for sometime thou$ht it had been rainin$ hea#il!. /he "as #er! tired b! e#enin$ as she had been "or&in$ all da!. 2he past perfect continuous is: had been #erb in$. '.' ?e use the past perfect continuous to sa! ho" lon$ somethin$ had been happenin$ before somethin$ else happened. 2he! had been pla!in$ for t"o hours before the rain started. 2he bab! had been cr!in$ for one hour "hen its mother came. . Part +<ercises '.1 ?rite sentences usin$ the "ords $i#en. 2he! should be in the past perfect continuous. 1) >eNstud!NhardNall da!. >e had been stud!in$ hard all da!. ') /omebod!Nsmo&eNin the room for a lon$ time. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. *) 2he!Npla!Nfootball. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 1) 2he!NdrillNfor oil. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 4) 2"o familiesN;uarrelNfor a lon$ time. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. '.' Put the #erbs in the brac&ets in correct forms. All the #erbs should be in the past tense simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous: ?hen the old man (return) to his house he (see) that bur$lars (brea&) in because the front door (be) open and e#er!thin$ in the flat (disturb). 2he bur$lars (lea#e) 0ust then it (seem). ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n " had %een doing 9Past Perfect *ontin$o$s76A--)g


UN"( ? (+NS+S

?e use the 9uture 2ense in 3n$lish to e)press promise or determination. Q?e form the future "ith the au)iliar! #erbs "ill and simple (infiniti#e) form of the main #erb. = "ill ( shall )$o ?e "ill (shall) $o >e, she , it "ill $o Cou "ill $o Cou "ill $o 2he! "ill $o =n e#er!da! con#ersation, "e $enerall! use the contracted form , =All ,!ouAll etc. 2o e)press the simple future function or an intention to perform some future act, "e $enerall! use to %e going to pl$s an infinite , instead of future tense in present da! 3n$lish( e$. = am $oin$ to stud! 9rench ne)t !ear. ?e are $oin$ to ta&e a "al& in the $arden ) QAlthou$h O/hallP e)ists as the classic, first person au)iliar! in the future tense , most of us use "ill in all three persons, sin$ular and plural
Lesson 1 Part A 1.1 = "ill see !ou tomorro". = am lea#in$ tomorro". Mur colle$e reopens on :onda!. /imple future is: "ill #erb or present continuous or simple present. /hort forms /ositive4 "egative =All, heAll, sheAll, itAll, !ouAll, "eAll, the!All 4 "ill, "onAt, "ill not " #ill do 9Simple f$t$re76 9add ) h7



?ill is used for simple intentions or for "hat one thin&s "ill happen. 2he present continuous is used for the actions "hich are alread! arran$ed or scheduled. =All pass the e)amination. = am $oin$ to <elhi tomorro".


@?illA is often used "ith these e)pressions: Probabilit! =Am sure = e)pect: = thin& : =All probabl! come late this e#enin$. : =Am sure !ouAll li&e her. = e)pect Asifia "ill $et the 0ob. : = thin& "eAll "in the match.

Part +<ercises 1.1 1) ') *) 1) 4) 9ill in the blan&s usin$ "ill and the $i#en #erb: = am feelin$ hun$r!, =All $et ($et) somethin$ to eat. =tAs too late no", = DDDDDDDDD (rin$) up tomorro". =f all are read! = DDDDDDDDD ($o) and $et a ta)i. = DDDDDDDDDDD (ha#e) tea, please. /he DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (understand) it later.

1.' 1) ') *) 1) 4) 1.* 1) ') *) 1) 4) 1.1 1) ') *) 1) 4)

?rite the sentences usin$ the ne$ati#e forms of @"illA: >e li&es comin$ "ith us. /he DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 2he! "ill listen to him but = &no" !ou DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. = "ill eat in this hotel, but = &no" !ou DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. =All sta! here but she DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Mur $rand mother accommodates our ideas but our $randfather DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Cross out the "ron$ form of the t"o: Lohn is not free on /unda! N is "or&in$. = "ill $o N am $oin$ to a part! tomorro". =Am sure Ba$hu "ill $et N is $ettin$ the 0ob. Ea)man "ill lea#e N is lea#in$ on 9rida!. +hanu "ill pass N is passin$ the e)amination. Ans"er these ;uestions usin$ the "ords in brac&ets: ?hen do !ou thin& sheAll arri#eI (e)pectNtoni$ht) I e5pect shell arrive tonight-----------------------------?hat do !ou thin& heAll sa!I (probabl!Nnothin$) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD >o" do !ou thin& the!All $o thereI (thin&Ntrain) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD <o !ou thin& !ouAll miss hereI (=Am sureN#er! much) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ?hen do !ou suppose, sheAll lea#eI (= supposeNne)t 9rida!) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

1.4 ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n Lesson ) Part A '.1 = am on lea#e tomorro". =All be "atchin$ the cric&et match throu$hout the da!. Prabhu has finished constructin$ his house. +! this time ne)t month, he "ill be li#in$ in his ne" house. 9uture continuous is: '.' "ill N shall be #erb in$. ?e use the future continuous for the actions "hich "ill start and continue in future. Pra&ash "as "or&in$ in a factor! for 4 !ears (in the past) Ba#indra is "or&in$ in a school (no") :anasi has $ot the appointment. /he "ill be "or&in$ in her office from tomorro" (future continuous) '.* 2he future continuous is also used for planned or scheduled actions li&e the present continuous: =All be $oin$ to the librar! this after noon. afternoon. '.1 MB =Am $oin$ to the librar! this "4ll %e doing 9A$t$re contin$o$s7 9add )"7

2o as& about othersA plans also "e use the future continuous:

?ill !ou be usin$ !our car tomorro"I ?ill !ou be "ritin$ !our e)aminations from :onda!I Part +<ercises '.1 1) ') *) 1) 4) '.' 1) ') *) 1) 4) 9ill in the blan&s "ith future continuous #erbs of !our choice: 9rom 1 to 5 p.m. tomorro", = "ill be "atchin$ the 2.V. As >arish has e)ams from tomorro", he DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD in the e#enin$s. As it is a holida!, "e DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD out house tomorro". = DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD a film on /unda!. >ussain DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD in that ban& from 16th of this month. :a&e sentences in the future continuous usin$ the "ords $i#en: CouNseeNLa!a this afternoon ?ill !ou be seein$ La!a this afternoonIDDDDDDD CouNuseN!our t!pe"riter tomorro" e#enin$I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD CouNpassNthe post office on !ou "a!I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (opiNrepairNhis motorc!cle tomorro"I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD /heNstud!in$Nall the da! tomorro"I DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

'..' ?rite fi#e more sentences of !our o"n Lesson , Part A *.1 +! <ecember 'F1F =All ha#e completed ten !ears of ser#ice. /heAll ha#e reached b! 5 a.m. tomorro". ?eAll ha#e #isited all the spots b! /unda!. 9uture perfect is: "ill shall *.' ha#e #erb in the third or participle form. 9uture perfect is used "hen the completion of an action in future is referred to: +! the time "e reach the station, the train "ill ha#e left. +! Lune 'F1F the!All ha#e come bac& to =ndia. *.* An! perfect tense refers to the completed action. =n the future perfect "e are tal&in$ of not the happenin$ but the completion of an action. Bead the follo"in$ passa$e "here most of the forms in pasts, present and future are used: = started a recurrin$ deposit in a ban& last !ear. = "as depositin$ Bs. 1FFFN- per month. No" = ha#e increased the amount to Bs. 'FFFN- p.m. = am depositin$ Bs. 'FFFN- this !ear. +! the time it is o#er, = "ill ha#e deposited Bs. 5F,FFFN- and = "ill be $ettin$ a $ood amount of interest. Compare the follo"in$ forms: = "ill start a business (a simple intention) " #ill ha'e done 9A$t$re perfect76 9add ).7

= "ill be carr!in$ on m! business ne)t !ear (a continuous action in future) = "ill ha#e earned some mone! b! the end of ne)t !ear (a completed action in future). Part +<ercises *.1 ') *) 1) 4) 5) *.' Complete the follo"in$ sentences usin$ the $i#en "ords. All the sentences are in the future perfect: +! the time "e $et there, :ar! "ill ha#e alread! started. (alread!Nstart) ?hen /uchita comes, the bab! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. ($oNtobed) +! the time the picnic is o#er DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. ("eNeatNall the snac&s) +! the time Adit!a $ets a 0ob DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. (heNspendNall the mone!) +! ne)t Lune Ar#ind DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. (completedN1F !ears) 2hin& of all the thin$s !ou are $oin$ to do in the ne" !ear: ?hat !ou "ould li&e to complete b! the end of e#er! month from AprilA94 to :archA95. ?rite them do"n in the future perfect tense: +! the end of ne)t month = "ill ha#e started stud!in$ m! first !ear boo&s DDDDDDDD.

UN"( B ="S*+LLAN+OUS Lesson 1 Part A 1.1 ?hen the focus of attention is on the ob0ect, the action is e)pressed in the Passi#e Voice. @+eA is used as a helpin$ #erb in the Passi#e Voice and the participle form of the main #erb is used after @beA. :ohan &illed a sna&e , Acti#e Voice 2he landlord "as &illed b! a dacoit , Passi#e Voice Note: 2ense should not be chan$ed in con#ertin$ acti#e #oice into passi#e #oice if !ou are as&ed to chan$e the #oice. 1.' Passi#e Voice is used in the follo"in$ conte)ts: 1) ?hen the a$ent is un&no"n, unimportant or unnecessar!: 2he doctor "as sent for. Bani Lhansi is praised for her coura$e. :ahatma (andhi is called a saint in politics. ') 2he a$ent is self e#ident: 2he murder "as sentenced to death. 2he student "as debarred for bein$ irre$ular. *) A deliberate intention to a#oid the a$ent: =f the bill is not paid in time, the connection "ill be cut off. /i) la&h rupees "ere collected for <r. La$0it /in$h ChauhanAs head. 1) (reater interest in the ob0ect: 2he bo! "as &illed in the fi$ht. Use of Passi'e /oice 9Add )C7

Boses of different colours "ere collected at the e)hibition. 4) 2o maintain the connection: >emant appeared for the inter#ie" but "as not selected. >e sou$ht an inter#ie" "ith the director, but "as not $i#en. Part 1.1 1) ') *) 1) 4) 9ill in the blan&s "ith the passi#e forms of the #erbs $i#en in the brac&ets: 2his fort GGGGGGG. thousand !ears a$o. (build) 2he "hole buildin$ GGGGGG. b! fire. (destro!) 2his $arment GGGGGG of "ool. (ma&e) Cour letter GGGGGGG three da!s before. (post) 2he bo! GGGGGG. in the accident. (&ill)

%nit 9 ?ords often confused accede, e)ceed O<ri#ers "ho e)ceed the speed limit are as&in$ for heft! fines.P accept, e)cept J O?e accept !our in#itation to !our part! 3)cept !ou ,nobod! came to see me adapt, adopt Adapt O/ome people cannot adapt to ne" surroundin$s.P

OO>e tends to adopt the attitudes of those around him.P addition, edition =n addition to so man! troubles.this one seems to be the $reatest 2his is the latest edition of the boo& ad#ice, ad#ise O>is ad#ice "as that "e should ad#ise e#er!bod! to either sta! a"a! from rains 2he father ad#ised his son to ma&e use of his time. affect, effect O+ad "eather "ill affect our s&in O"atchin$ tele#ision effects the $entle mind aloud, allo"ed >e called out aloud 2he $irl "as not allo"ed to $o in the ni$ht altar, alter 2he animal "as sacrificed at the altar ?e should alter our beha#iour alread!, all read! Cou had !our lunch alread!. O=amallread! to lea#e alto$ether, all to$ether O=tAs alto$ether too bad that !ou canAt come.P 2he students san$ the son$ allto$ether

. an!one, an! one O<oes an!one else "ant to comeIP OAn! one of !ou is "elcome to present a poem appraise, apprise O= "ill appraise the situation there = "ill immediatel! apprise e#er!bod! of m! conclusions.P Assistance8 assistant = need !our assistance in puttin$ up this picture >e is an assistant to the film director Assure8 ensure: O= assure !ou that !ou "ill do "ell in !our e)amO2o ensure !our croc&er! doesnAt $et bro&en, "rap it all in bubble "rap.P O= ensure !ou that the $oods "ill reach fast bare, bear = sa" a bear in the .oo. /he could not bare the pain an! lon$er ba.aar, bi.arre

"e are $oin$ to the ba.aar in the e#enin$ she resi$ned from the or$ani.ation for a bi.arre reason berth, birth the lo"er berth seat "as reser#ed for $randma mar! $a#e birth to a beautiful bab! bo! beside, besides ramesh sat beside reena in the class besides s"eets, icecream "as also ser#ed blonde, blond clara has blonde hair,and blue e!es bore, boar, boor pri!an&a "as bore of "atchin$ tele#ision a "ild boar "as cau$ht in the #illa$e emraan pro#es to be a boor b! the "a! he carries himself board, bored a#asti is no" a part of the board of directors rahul "as bored "ith the len$th! match that "as held in the stadium born, borne (andhi0i "as born on the 'nd of Mctober. :alaria is a "ater-borne disease. bou$ht, brou$ht = bou$ht a pac&et of s"eets for m! friends. >eena brou$ht a small pupp! home. braise, bra.e +raise means to coo& slo"l! in li;uid (usuall! meat)8 bra.e most commonl! means to solder "ith an allo! of copper and .inc. bra&e, brea& seein$ the truc& comin$ to"ards him, Ba0u ;uic&l! pressed the bra&es. >elen as&ed /alman not to brea& his promise. bridal, bride Luhi loo&ed #er! beautiful in her bridal outfit. /he loo&ed beautiful a s a bride. bu!, b!e she "ent to bu! #e$etables from the mar&et. /he said b!e to her best friend before lea#in$. . cau$ht, court the police cau$ht the thief. 2he! "ill settle the matter in the court. cereal, serial cereals are an important part of the diet. 3mraan is a serial &iller.

coarse, course this material is coarse. /hiela is doin$ a course in 0ournalism. desert, dessert the2har desert is in Ba0asthan. Custard "as ser#ed as dessert. eminent, imminent :eena +en is an eminent "riter. =t is imminent that he "ill "in the race. fair, fare it is not fair on !our part to blame me. 2he air fares ha#e increase in recent !ears. father, further dau$hters are fathers fa#ourites. ?e "al&ed a little further to ha#e an ice-cream. fore"ord, for"ard thefore"ard "as "ritten b! the president of the countr!. ?e ha#e to march for"ard to"ards success. $orilla, $uerrilla = sa" a $orilla in the national par&. 2he &in$s palace "as surrounded b! $uerrillas. hail, hale Neeta hails from :adh!a Pradesh. Pi!ush is hale and heart!. herd, heard there "as a herd of cattle $$ on the fields. = heard Bita is $ettin$ married. here, hear please come here. /he didnAt hear the instructions carefull!. hole, "hole there is a hole in the "all. /he ate the "hole ca&e. idle, idol she has been idle for the past one month. 2he idol "as immersed into the ocean. &ne", ne" she &ne" it "as her birthda!. 2his is a ne" dress. letter, later she "rote a letter. /he "ill complete her "or& later. la!, laid >e la! on his bed.

>is bod! "as laid to rest. lead, led the leader leads the members. >e led the $uests into the room. lessen, lesson it "ill lessen m! burden if !ou help me out. >e learnt a lesson. Kose, loose <onAt lose !our #alues. 2his dress is too loose. meet,meat = am $oin$ to meet m! friend. 2he meat "as chopped into pieces. no, &no" she said No to a retest. = did not &no" "here the &e! is. none, nun none of them attended the class. Clara became a nun. passed, past = passed the e)am. ?e should for$et the past. peace, piece e#er! bod! "ants peace. (i#e me a piece of paper. plain, plane she is a plain and simple $irl. = sa" the plane in flames. pour, , poor please pour me a cup of tea. /he is a poor "oman. pra!, pre! = pra! to $od for help. 2he lion is "aitin$ for its pre!. principal, principle <r. /hah is the principal of our colle$e. (andhi0i follo"ed the principle of Ahimsa. profit, prophet she made hu$e profit sellin$ earin$s. :oses is a prophet. ;uiet, ;uite she is a ;uiet $irl. /u$ar is ;uite cheap these da!s.

rain, rei$n = lo#e rain. 2he (uptaAs rei$n is &no"n as the $olden a$e. raise, ra.e please raise !our hands to ans"er. >e instructed his officers to ra.e the ille$al shops. rapt, "rapped the child listened to the music "ith rapt interest. /habnam "rapped the chocolates beautifull!. Bi$ht,"rite ?e should follo" the ri$ht path. <onot "rite on the "alls. road, rode this road is completel! dama$ed. >e rode on a bi&e alon$ "ith his $irlfriend. role, roll sunita had a small role in the mo#ie. ?e roll the chappatis. scene, seen this is a beautiful scene . pri!an&a "as not seen for a month. sell, cell she sells peanuts on the roadside. our bod! is made up of man! cells. shore, sure shells "ere found on the sea shore. = am sure !ou are hun$r!. site, si$ht this site fetches !ou more mone!. /he lost her e!e-si$ht durin$ di"ali. sort, sou$ht please sort this matter amon$ !ourself. ?hat sou$ht of food is this I there, their there is a bi$ ;ueue. 2heir part! "as still $oin$ on. too, t"o !ou are "elcomed too. 2"o children "ere pla!in$ in the $arden. #ain, #ein = tried hard but all in #ain. /he cut her #eins. ?aist, "aste >er "aist si.e is '7 inches. <onAt "aste "ater. "ea&, "ee&

&ruti is a "ea& child. 2here are se#en da!s in a "ee&. "eather, "hether the "eather is pleasant toda!. = "as confused "hether to ha#e ice cream or custard. "hich, "itch "hich colour is this I $ame is a "itch.

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