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Ian R.

March, 2013

AMME3500: Systems Dynamics & Control

Assignment 2
Note: This assignment contributes 10% towards your final mark. This assignment is due at 4pm on Monday of Week 7. Submit your report to the assignment box on the 3rd floor outside of the drawing office, marked with your tutorial day. Late assignments will not be marked unless a doctors certificate or equivalent is provided. Plagiarism will be dealt with in accordance with the University of Sydney plagiarism policy. You must complete and submit the compliance statement available online. Mathematical derivations and calculations must be done by hand except where the use of Matlab is indicated. The objective of this assignment is to familiarise yourself with the block diagram simplification, system specification, and feedback control techniques discussed in the lectures. It will also assess your understanding of the lab on system identification. This assignment should take an average student 15-20 hours to complete. Total Marks: 100 The front page of your report should include: Your name and SID Your tutorial group 1. Consider the following block diagrams. Determine the Transfer Function T(s)=C(s)/R(s) relating the input and output of the systems. Show the steps taken in reducing the block diagram i.e. do not simply write down the transfer function [10 marks] a. +



2. For the following second order systems, determine the damping ratio, natural frequency, rise time, settling time and percent overshoot. Show your derivation of these values. Sketch the location of the poles and zeros for the systems and use Matlab to generate the step response. Verify the response in terms of your rise time, settling time and percent overshoot calculations. [10 marks] a. b. c. d.

3. For the following systems, estimate the damping ratio, natural frequency, rise time, settling time and percent overshoot based on the standard second order assumptions. Show your derivation of these values. Sketch the location of the poles and zeros for the systems and use Matlab to generate the step response. Are the step responses consistent with the second order assumptions? Why or why not?[15 marks] a. c. b. d.

4. You will now analyse a control system for a single link of a robot arm. To begin with, assume that the robot arm is completely rigid and has a moment of inertial of J=4kgm2. The motor, gearing, and joint mechanism has friction, which has been measured as c=0.5 Nms. Assume there is no gravity acting on the arm (e.g. the robot arm is in space, or operating horizontally). The equations of motion are: , where T is the total torque applied to the arm. Based on these system characteristics, answer the following [40 marks] a. Find the transfer function between the applied torque T and the indicator angle !. b. Suppose the torque is computed so that ! tracks a reference command !r according to the proportional feedback law

c. d.


f. g.

where K is the feedback gain. In interacting with the environment (picking up or pushing objects, etc) there is a reaction torque on the arm which we model as a disturbance torque w. Draw a block diagram of the resulting feedback system showing !, the reference position !r as well as the disturbance torque w. So the total torque is T=u+w. Find the transfer function between !r and ! assuming zero disturbance torque. Find the transfer function between w and ! assuming !r=0. Assuming zero disturbance load (w=0) what is the percentage overshoot as a function of K? What is the maximum value of K that can be used if you wish to have an overshoot Mp<16%? What is the settling time, and what is the effect of K on it? (For this question use the simple formulas for %-overshoot and settling time from the lecture/textbook.) Use Matlab to plot the step response of the indicator system for values of the gain you found in d). Find the overshoot and rise time of the step responses by examining your plots. Are the plots consistent with your calculations in parts d)? Derive an expression for the steady-state error to a constant disturbance torque when !ref =0 and compute its value for your design in part d) assuming w=1.0. Suppose the control law is modified to include a derivative term, i.e. it is a PD (proportional+derivative) controller Draw a block diagram for this setup and recompute the transfer functions from !r to ! and from w to !. What is the settling time as a function of the feedback gains K and Kd? Can you choose gains that give exactly 1s settling time and 16% overshoot? (For this question use the simple formulas for %-overshoot and settling time from the lecture/textbook.) With the gains from part h), use matlab to plot the responses to a step change in the reference. Does it meet the specifications? If not, what might be an explanation? What is the steady state error when a step input is given as the reference? If it is zero, why? If it is not zero, how could you change the control law to give zero steady-state error? What is the steady state error to a step disturbance? If it is non-zero, how could it be made zero?


i. j. k.

Lab Based Questions 5. You should complete Lab 1 during either Week 4 or 5 with your lab group (check the lab schedule to find out when you are expected to complete the lab). As a group, prepare a short report outlining your findings in the lab and answering the questions contained in the lab handout. This report can be submitted as a group, clearly indicating the names and SIDs of the members of the group. [25 marks] Selected Equations

Time Response (First Order Systems)

Time Response (Second Order Systems)

Steady-State Error

Root Locus

Frequency Response

Laplace Transform Tables

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