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ua e Di"loma i# Ma#a$eme# Trimes er % & 'ourse 'o!e( )*+*),-SDM A/a!emi/ Sessio#( *,)0-)1 'ourse O.5e/ i8e( This course seeks to provide the students with insights into basic functions of managing the sales force and distribution channels with the objective of maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of the firms revenue generating arm. The course is primarily based in the Indian context supplemented by international experience wherever needed. The learning from this course will enhance the managerial decision making capabilities of the students in these areas. Mo!ule No. )9 Sessio# No9 6s ) %* To"i/ : Rea!i#$s I# ro!u/ io# o Sales : Dis ri.u io# Ma#a$eme# Evolution of sales mgmt Economic !evelopment " selling Environment #ature " importance of sales mgmt $ole " skills of modern sales managers Types of sales mgrs%sales mgmt positions &ales objectives strategies " tactics Emerging trends in sales mgmt 'inking sale " distribution mgmt $ole of intermediaries Rea!i#$s( &tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h./ 0ingali 1enugopal *++2 &ales " !istribution 3anagement -h.4 'ase s u!35 1ishal 6ulkas !ilemma *9 0-1 Perso#al Selli#$( Pre"ara io# : Pro/ess Introduction5 The psychology of selling )uying decision process )uying situations or types of purchases Types of personal selling &elling skills. communication listening -onflict resolution negotiation persuasion and objection handling &elling process 7for )*) " )*-8 Rea!i#$s( Ingram 'a 9orge et al *+/+ 0rofessional &elling 3odule / * 4 : ; Ingram 'a 9orge et al 7*++,8. Sales Management Analysis & Decision Making 3odule / * &tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h./ * 'ase s u!3( The -ornell -o 7&tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h./ 8 'ourse Ti le( Sales a#! Dis ri.u io# Ma#a$eme# I#s ru/ or( 2o3ee a '4a er5ee6S 7 T3a$i6 Pra8ee# Gu" a


Pla##i#$ 4e Sales E;;or &ales 0lanning &ales )udgets Estimating 3arket 0otential and 9orcasting &ales &ales <uotas &ales and -ost =nalysis Rea!i#$s5 o &tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h >? 2 o !alrymple !ouglas 6. -ron (illiam '. *+/+ Sales Management: Concepts and Cases -h., 'ase s u!35 I)35 3ake it your )usiness @arvard )usiness &chool



Pre"ari#$ $rou#!wor= ;or Ma#a$i#$ sales ;or/e 3anaging sales information > Types of sales Information &ales force automation techniAues !emand and &ales forecasting Trend projection 3anaging &ales territory > &ize allocation and design 3arketing implications for territory design Target setting Rea!i#$s5 o &tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h >4 /: /; /, o !alrymple !ouglas 6. -ron (illiam '. *+/+ Sales Management: Concepts and Cases -h.; ? B 'ase s u!35 3atsushita Electric -orp 7&tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h. *8 #eptune 0lumbing -o. 7&tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h./;8



Ma#a$i#$ Sales For/e (hat is =ssessment centre designing assessment centre and how is the assessment centre organizedC Training the &ales 9orce > Dbjective Training process designing sales Training programme art of persuasion !eployment -oaching and counseling wheel 1acant territory management Eey =ccount 3anagement concept and framework 'ase s u!3( E.-ollaborative #etworks5 = -ase &tudy on the new of the sales force Rea!i#$s( peter cheverton *++; Eey =ccount 3anagement *nd Edition Eogan 0age


Mo i8a io# a#! 'om"e#sa io# 3otivation > #ature importance process of motivation 9actors influencing motivation -ompensation >Types of compensation plan &teps in designing the plan Evaluation > Types of performance appraisal. Improving the efficacy of &ales 3anagement.

Rea!i#$s( &tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h >? 2 B /? /2 !alrymple !ouglas 6. -ron (illiam '. *+/+ Sales Management: Concepts and Cases -h >/; 'ase S u!35 Evaluation of Telemarketing $eps. 7&tanton (illiam )uskirk $ichard et al *++, Management of a Sales Force -h./B8 <9 ), Ne$o ia io# : Mar$i# Ma#a$eme# 0ricing (aterfall )argaining #egotiations Tactics #egotiation &kills Role Pla3 Ar i/le Re8iews( Ian - 3ac3illan /B2+ #egotiation &trategy 9ormulation5 0olitical -oncepts (est 0ublishing -o. 6ames E &ebenius *++/ F&ix @abits of 3erely Effective #egotiators G Har8ar! Busi#ess Re8iew, 1ol. ?B #o. : )enson Easturi $angan $owland " Elliot /B2? 3anage -ustomers for 0rofits 7#ot just for &ales8 @arvard )usiness $eview 3agazine &ept.Dct /B2? Dis ri.u io# % A# I# ro!u/ io# Indian -hannel Environment9 !istribution &trategy > setting objective finalizing channel activity, $ole of each channel member organizing them developing policy guidelines for day to day operations -hannel Integration, -hannel Information &ystem 'ase s u!3( -hannel &trategy . The case of =sian 0aints 1 & $amaswamy " #amakumari *++B 3arketing 3anagement Hlobal 0erspective Indian context :th Edition -h > *B8 ?9 )0-)1 Desi$#i#$ a#! Ma#a$i#$ Dis ri.u io# !esigning marketing channels . !ifferent tiers and cost. revenue analysis of each )randing of channels 3anaging -hannel member behavior -hannel -onflict 'ong term inter firm relationship -hannel Evaluation 'ase s u!3( '4a##el Ma#a$eme# - T4e /ase o; Ti a# Aa /4es, 71 & $amaswamy " #amakumari *++B 3arketing 3anagement Hlobal 0erspective Indian context :th Edition -h > 4+8 '4a##el E8alua io# - 'as rol I#!ia L !



70ingali 1enugopal *++2 &ales " !istribution 3anagement -h./, 0g *;/8 Rea!i#$s( =nne T. -oughlan *++B 3arketing -hannels -h . B @9 )+-)< P43si/al !is ri.u io# s3s em 0hysical distribution concept and objectives -omponents of physical distribution transportation inventory management and control warehousing emerging concepts in supply chain management



'4a##el i#s i u io#s $etailing " wholesaling Irban%$ural retail formats Internet as a -hannel " e.retailing -ash.n.carry Technology in retailing 9ranchising. -oncepts opportunities 3ultiplex 3arketing and !istribution 'ase S u!3( Re aili#$ Su//ess % T4e /ase o; Pa# aloo# 71 & 7$amaswamy " #amakumari *++B 3arketing 3anagement Hlobal 0erspective Indian context :th Edition -h > 4*8



Real li;e "ro5e/ "rese# a io#

For sessio#s ))-)?, re;er o A##e T9 'ou$4la#, *,,@, Mar=e i#$ '4a##els, Pe!a$o$3( The course will comprise of lectures and case discussions followed by role plays. &tructured role plays will help students have the real feel of the selling situations. =rticle review of landmark articles will further add to the knowledge base of the students. Interaction with corporate will be encouraged to understand and appreciate real life problems in this area and develop real life cases. = viva.voce of the end term project will be conducted to analyze the understanding of the students. E8alua io# Parame ers5 End term Examination Internal Evaluation I# er#al E8alua io# 'ri eria( End term 0roject -ase !iscussion -lass participation $ole play *+ /+ ; ; . ;+ J . ;+J

Individual assignment Grou" Assi$#me# s5


$ole play on hard selling. End Term 0roject on analyzing the sales organization selling processes and distribution system in any one organization selected by the students at the beginning of the course. The evaluation will be done on the basis of presentation and viva.voce.

A!!i io#al Rea!i#$s( &till -undiff " Hiovanni *++2 &ales 3anagement !ecisions &trategies and -ases 0@I. 1incentis !e " $ockham *++2 $ethinking the sales force T3@ 0anda" &ahdev *++2 &ales and !istribution 3anagement DI0 !elhi. )ert $ossenblum *++4 3arketing -hannels5 = 3anagement 1iew 'ou E 0elton *++/ 3arketing -hannels5 = $elationship 3anagement =pproach Kiglar Kig *++, Selling 101: What !ery S"ccessf"l Sales #rofessional $eeds to %no&. #ew Lork5 #elson 7Thomas8 0ublishers I.&.. p. B, pages. I&)# B?2.+?2;*,:2//. Kiglar Kig *++? Secrets of Closing the sale. 9leming @.$evell -o.

Ar i/le Re8iews( -hanco 'awrence ) /BB4 &ales Training5 &tatus and needs 6ournal of 0ersonal selling and sales management /47:8 pp2/.2,. 3uczyk 6an 0 and Hable 3yran /B2? 3anaging sales performance through a comprehensive 0.=. system 6ournal of personal selling " sales 3anagement ? 3ay /B2? pp :/.;* 3urtha Eerry $otenberg /BB4 (hat common mistakes do your sales people &ales " marketing 3anagement 3ay pp /*;./*2 9razier H ' and &eth 6 /B2; =n =ttitude behavior framework for distribution channel 3anagement 6ournal of 3arketing vol.:B pp?+.?2 -andice $. @ollenbeck Heorge 3. Kinkhan (arren 9rench =nd 6i @ee &ong *++B FE. -ollaborative #etworks5 = -ase &tudy Dn The #ew $ole Df The &ales 9orceM 'o"rnal (f #ersonal Selling & Sales Management) 1ol. Nxix #o. * 0p. /*;>/4,. )ill &ichel F9orecasting !emand (ith 0oint Df &ales !ataO= -ase &tudy Df 9ashion 0roductsM *he 'o"rnal (f +"siness Forecasting (inter *++2.*++B Case Study: Developing An Effective Compensation Plan, VELOCITY, 2008 St ategic Accounting !anagement Association"

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