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w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y .

n e t
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity 22405 North Miller Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 480.307.9216
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Mark your calendars for two beautiful Christmas Eve services on this holy night.
Christmas Eve Family Service, 5:00 p.m. Nativity families of all ages will love our Family Service, with our
Miracle in Bethlehem childrens Christmas pageant, your favorite carols, Holy Communion, and candlelight
singing of Silent Night. Children and youth have been rehearsing for the pageant, but any child who comes
that evening is welcome to participate as an angel or a shepherd.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Mass, 7:00 p.m. This joyful and beautiful service includes your favorite carols,
Christmas music by the adult choir and guest musicians, full adult sermon, Holy Communion, and candlelight
singing of Silent Night. Join us as we welcome the Christ child into the world once more.
Advent at Nativity
First Sunday in Advent, December 1.
During the Education hour, families can choose from two options:
St. Nicholas Day families can hear stories of the famous saint and meet him in person! A special
treat awaits children who take off their shoes!
Family Advent Day join Shelley Byrnes and other families in talking about creating family Advent traditions that
will help you enjoy a peaceful and spiritual season of preparation.
Choir Concert &
Cookie Bake-off,
December 8, 6:00 p.m.
Join us as the choir
showcases some beautiful
Christmas music, and join
in singing along to some
familiar carols! The concert
is at 6 p.m. Afterwards,
bring homemade cookies
and enter them in our
Christmas Cookie Bake-
Off ! The cookies will be
our reception after the
Lady of Guadalupe
at Iglesia Santa Maria,
December 12, 5:00 p.m.
See the special insert for
details of this fiesta with
our sister congregation.
Las Posadas at Iglesia Santa Maria,
December 22, 6:00 p.m. See the special insert for details of
this Mexican Christmas tradition with our sister congregation.
Two Services Only, December 22 and 29. On
these two Sundays, we will have services at 8 a.m. and
10 a.m. We will return to our regular schedule on
Sunday, Jan. 5.
Childrens Christmas Pageant, Part I,
December 22, 10:00 a.m.
We will have only two services on this Sunday, at 8:00 a.m.
and 10:00 a.m. The 10:00 a.m. service will feature Part One
of our Childrens Christmas Pageant: The Story of Joseph.
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
22405 N. Miller Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85255
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Meg Silloway 1-Dec
Alec Fishbach 2-Dec
May Bell 2-Dec
Carter Ross 3-Dec
Tucky Harrison 11-Dec
Marty Christopher 12-Dec
Lewis Smith 14-Dec
Robert Wilder 15-Dec
Jen Goins 19-Dec
Tom Hamill 20-Dec
Lisa Mork-Davis 21-Dec
Donna Hartz 24-Dec
Holly Bright 25-Dec
Mackenzie Oliver 26-Dec
Elizabeth Arnold 28-Dec
Robert Welch 27-Dec
Mathilde Ohl 26-Dec
Leslie Hosford 29-Dec
Aaron Graves 29-Dec
Betsy Lawrence 30-Dec
Kazue Balint 31-Dec
George Hartz 31-Dec
Every month we list those
birthdays are being
If you would like your name
added to the list,
please contact Mina Rafferty
Nativity Staff
The. Rev. Susan B. Snook
Dr. Wayne V. Whitney
!"# Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler
Director of Music Ministry
Shelley Byrnes
Director of Childrens & Family Ministries
Julie Bogle
Director of Youth Ministries
Art Graf
Mina Rafferty
Parish Administrator
Holiday Schedule, Tuesday, December 24:
5:00 p.m. Family Christmas Eve Service
7:00 p.m. Candlelight Choral Eucharist
8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist with Hymns
9:30 a.m. Rite II Traditional Eucharist
with Childrens Chapel
10:45 a.m. Hospitality and Christian
Education for all ages
11:30 a.m. Jazz/Gospel Eucharist
5:00 p.m. Youth Group, Grades 6-9
6:00 p.m. Youth Group, Grades 10-12
8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist with Hymns
10:00 a.m. Rite II Service w/ Childrens Chapel
Nativity Schedule
Take a moment to wish a
Happy Birthday To:
Nativitys Vestry
Senior Warden: Jeff Jameson
Junior Warden: Bill Deihl
Tricia Beaird 480-699-7893
Nancy Bleasdale 602 421-3631
Mike Brown 480-342-9423
Kara Erickson 480 518- 2683
George Hartz 480-513-3155
Jane Heist 480-419-1229
Lani Sambach 602-793-2808
Claire Smith 480-285-7679
David Smith 480-538-7068
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
!"#!$ #&! '()!"# *+",-.$'*/0
'Tis the season to share. To love.
To give ourselves to something bigger than any of us. 'Tis
the season to turn our heads, tune our hearts and worship a
savior whose birth turned this world upside-down.
So begins the webpage of The Advent Conspiracy,
a group whose thoughts inspire me every Advent season.
Take a look at their promotional video, which you can find
on YouTube, here:
v=eVqqj1v-ZBU& (or go to YouTube and
search for Advent Conspiracy).
Are you ready for a more peaceful, worshipful
Advent? Consider adopting The Advent Conspiracys four
basic values.
1$+2 #&! '()!"# *+",-.$'*/3, 4!5,.#!0
We all wanL our ChrlsLmas Lo be a loL of Lhlngs. lull of [oy.
Memorles. Papplness. Above all, we wanL lL Lo be abouL
!esus. WhaL we don'L wanL ls sLress. Cr debL. Cr feellng
llke we "mlssed Lhe momenL". AdvenL Consplracy ls a
movemenL deslgned Lo help us all slow down and
experlence a ChrlsLmas worLh rememberlng. 8uL dolng
Lhls means dolng Lhlngs a llLLle dlfferenLly. A llLLle
.# 2!'", #6$"."7 *&$.,#2', 6-,.(! (+4"8
4+$,&.- 1699/
ChrlsLmas marks Lhe momenL where Cod's promlse was
fulfllled and love Look form, Llny flngers and all. lL ls a
momenL LhaL deserves our full aLLenLlon and pralse. We
puL Worshlp lully as AC's flrsL LeneL because we belleve
Lhe level of our lnvolvemenL aL ChrlsLmas ls based enLlrely
on how much we are celebraLlng ChrlsL's blrLh. Pe
deserves celebraLlon, one LhaL ls creaLlve, loud and dlrecLs
every hearL Pls way.
,-!"( 9!,,
Culck quesLlon for you: WhaL was Lhe one glfL you
remember geLLlng for ChrlsLmas lasL year? nexL quesLlon:
WhaL abouL Lhe fourLh glfL? uo you remember LhaL one?
1ruLh ls many of us don'L because lL wasn'L someLhlng we
necessarlly wanLed or needed. Spendlng Less lsn'L a call Lo
sLop glvlng glfLs, lL's a call Lo sLop spendlng money on glfLs
we won'L remember ln less Lhan a year. Amerlca spends
around $430 bllllon dollars durlng Lhe ChrlsLmas season,
and much of LhaL goes rlghL onLo a credlL card. 8y
spendlng wlsely on glfLs we free ourselves from Lhe
anxleLy assoclaLed wlLh debL so we can Lake ln Lhe season
wlLh a full hearL.
7.)! 2+$!
We know whaL you're Lhlnklng. "WalL, dldn'L Lhey [usL say l
should spend less, and yeL here Lhey are Lelllng me Lo glve
more? WhaL glves?" 1he mosL powerful, memorable glfL
you can glve Lo someone else ls yourself. And nobody
modeled Lhls more Lhan !esus. So whaL does Lhls look llke
for you? 1lckeLs Lo a ball game or Lhe LheaLer? A movle
nlghL? 1he maln polnL ls slmple: When lL comes Lo
spendlng Llme wlLh Lhose you love, lL's all abouL quallLy,
noL quanLlLy.
9+)! '99
lL all bolls down Lo love. Love from a savlor. Love Lo a
nelghbor ln need. 8y spendlng [usL a llLLle less on glfLs we
free up our resources Lo love as !esus loves by glvlng Lo
Lhose who really need help. 1hls ls Lhe consplracy Lhree
churches began a few
years ago, and has slnce
grown Lo an lnLernaLlonal
movemenL where
Lhousands of churches
have ralsed mllllons of
dollars Lo love oLhers ln
llfe-changlng ways.
A blessed Advent to all,
A not e f r om Pas t or Sus an
Page 3
Transforming lives with the love of God in Jesus Christ
Are you like me?
Do you see Thanksgiving as a signal that Christmas is almost here and with it, the
season of shopping, decorating, spending, wrapping, and stressing? Do you hear in
church about the peaceful season of preparation, waiting, and expectation that Advent is
supposed to be, and wonder who really has time for peace at such a busy time of year?
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Page 4 Transforming lives with the love of God in Jesus Christ
Faith in Action - Nativity Ingathering update:
We are almost to our goal.

Before Ingathering Sunday November 17
, we still had 25% of our dollar goal to go. I
am very happy to report that we had a terrific response Sunday and closed the gap to
now 8% still to achieve together.

Thank you so much for all of our Miracle Makers who have already done your share to
support the spiritual family that is Nativity and for all the lives we will touch in 2014.
Here is where we are at November 27th:
Number of Pledges
Team Goal Actual Percentage of Goal
# of Pledges Not
Matthew 19 16 84 3
Mark 41 31 77 10
Luke 71 49 69 25
Totals 131 96 73 35
Miracle Makers
Dollars Pledged
Team Goal Actual Percentage of Goal
Amount needed to
meet our 2014
Matthew $27,341 $24,450 90% $2,891
Mark $112,124 $111,150 99% $974
Luke $302,163 $268,470 89% $33,693
Totals $441,628 $404,520 92% $37,108
For those who have not yet pledged, remember the words of John Wesley:
Make all you can, save all you can, AND give all you can.
We need at least 35 more Miracle Makers to pledge. We still have a number of regular pledgers to hear from
who can, and I hope will, put us over the top!
We are truly blessed and lucky people to find the living and loving Holy Spirit alive
and working at the Episcopal Church of the Nativity. I will keep you posted as we
move to achieving our familys goal for 2014.

Mark Dobbins
Senior Warden Emeritus
Stewardship Chairman
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Waynes World Page 5
Advent marks the beginning of the church's liturgical new year as a time of
waiting for God's promise to be fulfilled. With Lent, it is a season traditionally
observed with intentional prayer, study and reflection. Nativity is offering 2
Wednesday night sessions on December 4 and 11 at 6:30 to aid you in your
spiritual pilgrimage. Deacon Wayne and Pastor Susan will take you on a
whirlwind tour of the New Testament as part of our "B" is for Bible series.
December 4's topic is the Incarnation and December 11's topic is the Church. Be
sure to bring something for the build-your-own Salad Bar which coincides with
the beginning of the class at 6:30. Let's fulfill on becoming the people we really
are for God in this world by preparing ourselves for the receiving of the best gift
Nativity's online school ( is offering "An
Introduction to Advent" for our December Semester. This learning opportunity
through ChurchNext is self-paced and free to all Nativity members. Simply
email your request to take the class at and you
will receive detailed sign-up instructions. Once you are signed up you can
register for any class in our school. There are many classes available in the
realm of spirituality, living the Christian life, Bible study, Church History, etc.
that may also be of interest. Any questions, simply ask Deacon Wayne.
Power Bible Study
Power Bible Study with Deacon Wayne is on hiatus in December. But join us for
our three-week study of Mary, the mother of Jesus -see below!
Advent Adult Christian Formation Sunday Mornings
Who was the mother of Jesus? What are the biblical traditions about her? Who
were her Old Testament forebears? What do the Bible stories of her pregnancy
and Jesus' birth have to say to us today? What role did she take in Jesus'
ministry? Prepare yourself for the coming of Christ during the Advent Season by
taking a journey with his blessed mother. Pastor Susan and Deacon Wayne lead
these sessions (Dec. 1,8,15) in the Music Classroom on Sunday mornings from
10:45 to 11:25.
Wayne's Ordination
You are cordially invited to celebrate the ordination of Dr. Wayne V. Whitney to the Priesthood with your entire church
family here at Nativity Church as Bishop Kirk Steven Smith presides on January 18, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
Bible Study
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
December 8th at 6 p.m.! You do
not want to miss it! The
Christmas concert is coming up.
Your favorite secular and sacred
carols, beautiful solos, and choir
anthems, followed by a cookie
bake-off and the overwhelming
smell of hot cocoa. It can not get
better than that! Join us!
This years Christmas Eve celebration is going to
be very special. We will have a great ensemble
of musicians. Noah Simpson, our outstanding
trumpet player who was recently awarded the
George Benson Honorary Scholarship (!!!), will
be the leading guest musician at the 5 p.m.
service. Stefan Dollak, an amazing performer of
early music, will bring his special
collection of instruments and create unique
sounds on: hurdy gurdy, pipe & tabor, lute,
shawm, bladder pipe, recorders, among others.
This one man orchestra will transport us to the
medieval and renaissance eras during the 7 p.m.
Christmas service on December 24th. With the
strong musical leading of our Adult Choir,
beautiful solos sung by Suzanne Rovani, and the
favorite carols, Christmas Eve at Nativity will
be an unforgettable event! Don't forget to bring
your friends!
Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler, DMA
Music Director at the
Episcopal Church of the Nativity
Nativity Womens Group At
Desert Botanical Garden and Chihuly Exhibit on Thursday, November 14
From left to right:back
row-Andrea Peabody,
Christine Appenzeller,
Susan Burnham,
Sylvia Norell, Kathy Graf,
Jennie Dobbins, Mattie
Ohl, Barbara Woodall,
Linda Orescannin.
Front row-Kali Higgins,
Joy Wiseman, Nancy
Deppen, Kathy DeMuro,
Marty Christopher,
Nancy Bleasdale, Susie
Paulsen and Donna Hartz.
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
A Purposeful Partnership
At our 2013 Diocesan Convention, Bishop Kirk Smith challenged each church
in the diocese to develop four partnerships with outside organizations:
A partnership with one church in another diocese we already have a
partnership with St. Marys of the Moonlight, Utah, in the Diocese of
A partnership with one church in another country we already have a
partnership with Santa Maria Magdalena, an Episcopal Church in Veracruz,
A partnership with one community organization we are working on this
A partnership with one other church in our diocese.
We have some exciting possibilities with another church in our diocese: Iglesia
Santa Maria, an Episcopal church plant in west Phoenix, led by the Rev.
Carmen Guerrero. This congregation is about a year old and has about 90
parishioners, primarily Spanish-speaking families.

This sister parish partnership will include joint activities including joint
worship opportunities, culturally enriching experiences, outreach missions to
both local communities and lending assistance to each church as needs arise.
We have some great ideas already in progress!
Partnership Programs
We have several opportunities to partner with Santa Maria.
Monthly Food Distribution from St. Marys Food Bank
On the 3rd Saturday of each month, St. Marys Food Bank delivers
approximately 14 tons of perishable food items (fruits and vegetables) to Santa
Maria for distribution to the local community this monthly event serves
200-250 families each month.
How Can You Help? Nativity members are invited to help sort the items into
family sized packages and assist the families as they move down the
distribution lane to receive the food items. For information, please contact Don
Balint at 602-218-8629 or
Non-Perishable Food Pantry for Congregation Members
The congregation has created a small non-perishable Food Pantry for church
members. The church would like to expand this food pantry to offer rice, beans,
and canned goods on one Saturday per month.
How Can You Help? Nativity members can contribute money or food items
(rice, beans, and canned goods) to the food pantry. Once a month, Nativity and
Santa Maria parishioners would work together to partition the bulk food items
into family sized packages for distribution to parish families. For
information, please contact Don Balint at 602-218-8629 or
Special Insert Page 1
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Culture & Christian Traditions
Iglesia Santa Maria celebrates a number of traditional Latino festivals, and we are invited to participate! Mark
your calendar for some terrific, fun, and enriching upcoming events:
Feast of the Lady of Guadalupe: The Virgin of Guadalupe is the patron saint of Mexico. On her feast day,
December 12, the congregation processes around the neighborhood behind her image, and finally ends up at the
church, where they have a party. The festival is on Thursday, December 12, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
How You Can Help: Show up and participate, and bring cookies for the party! The church is at 6533 N. 39th
Ave., Phoenix 85019 (39th Ave. & Maryland).
Las Posadas: This wonderful Mexican Christmas
tradition involves the congregation processing to
various places in the church behind people dressed as
Mary and Joseph, re-enacting the couples search for a
place to stay in Bethlehem. At each door, they sing a
song to the innkeeper asking for a room, and the
innkeeper sings back that there is no room. Finally,
they end up at the main door, and everyone is invited in
for a party! This celebration is on Sunday, December
22, at 6:00 p.m.
How You Can Help: Show up, enjoy the celebration,
and bring cookies for the party! The church is at 6533
N. 39th Ave., Phoenix 85029 (39th Ave. & Maryland).
Christmas Tamales
Dont miss the wonderful Christmas tamales being sold by the Santa Maria parishioners. They are taking orders
for Christmas. If you would like to order, please email Pastor Susan at with the
number of dozen tamales you want, before
December 6. Tamales will be available for
pickup at church on Sunday, December 15.
English as a Second Language
Santa Marias parishioners dearest wish is to
learn English. Nativity is working to put
together a team of people to work under the
direction of Tricia Beaird to provide English
classes at Santa Maria. Tricia will create a
curriculum plan and work with others interested
in this project. For more information, please
contact Tricia at
Special Insert Page 2
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Outreach Opporunities Page 7
This Christmas, as in the past, our church will be adopting families from
Homeward Bound, Vista del Camino and Navajoland, in order to bring some
Christmas Joy to families in need.
Homeward Bound breaks multi-generational cycles of domestic violence,
welfare dependence and homelessness and creates self-reliance through housing
and compassionate client-centered services. Each family receives individual
support and a plan that takes them down a path of positive change.
Vista del Camino provides a variety of services to Scottsdale residents to
prevent homelessness, meet the basic needs of individuals and families in crisis,
relieve economic and emotional stress and assist individuals to maintain self-

St Mary's of the Moonlight in Monument Valley is a growing Episcopal congregation in Navajoland that
we support through mission trips and donations each year. Most families in Navajoland live below the
poverty line and our generosity at Christmas is genuinely needed and very appreciated.
If you would like to buy a gift for a child or adult in one of these charities, please take an ornament from
the Christmas tree in the lobby, buy the gift listed on the ornament, and return the UNWRAPPED gift with
the ornament attached no later than Sunday, December 15th. Gifts can be put under the Christmas tree. If
you have any questions or would like to help with the Angel Tree project, please contact:
Barbara or Bill Worthington 480-575-7830
Christmas Candy
A Navajo holiday tradition is to give visitors and friends a white paper bag
filled with an orange and assorted candies. It is a symbol of wishes for good
fortune, friendship and a fresh beginning for the new year. We want to support
this tradition by supplying these bags for Pastor Catherine to hand out at her
Christmas service celebration at St. Mary's of the Moonlight. Please bring Fun
Size bags of candy, no candy canes please, to the church by December 15th and
leave them in the marked white container near the Angel Tree. Thank you for
your support. Any questions, please contact: Barbara or Bill Worthington
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Hospitality Help Needed
Do you enjoy Sunday morning coffee hour? So do we! But we
need your help! Please bring cookies or other treats to
share, on Sunday mornings or anytime, and drop them off in
the kitchen. Your church thanks you! For information,
please contact Suzanne Cohen at
Page 8 Fellowship Opportunities
December Ones and Twos is scheduled for Friday, December 13, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Donna
and George Hartzs home. Ones and Twos is a social group of adults at Church of the
Nativity that meets about once a month. It is open to all members, visitors, and guests. The
Christmas party is one of the most treasured events of the year! It is a time of getting to
know each other in the old-fashioned sense, a time for coming together at Christmas for
delicious food and drink, the singing of familiar carols, as well as enjoying the warmth and
joy of being with our Church family. It is a welcoming time for all and a perfect opportunity
to bring guests! Please let us know if you plan to come by signing the Ones and Twos sign-
up sheet at the back of the Church, or contact Donna Hartz at;
December Ones and Twos
Nativity Womens Group
Thursday Dec 12. We are going to the Mesa Arts Center for a free lunchtime
concert of the Desert Handbells international group. The concert will start
at 12:30 with lunch to follow. For more details, contact Kathy Graf at
The January 9th meeting will feature Joyce Ditzler as our guest speaker.
After EfM
The After EfM group will meet on Wednesday, December 11th, at 3:00 p.m. We will be discussing one of the textbooks
from the new EfM curriculum, Living on the Border of the Holy by L. William Countryman. Even if you haven't read it,
come join the conversation that will center around what we call the "priesthood of all believers," both ordained and lay.
All EfM graduates are cordially invited to attend.
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On Thursday, December 5th, we are getting together again at Armitage Bistro at DC Ranch
which is located at 20751 N Pima Rd #120 in Scottsdale. The time will continue to be from
5-7 on the first Thursday of each month. If you have any questions, please contact Brenda
Burke at
Upcomi ng Event s and Oppor t uni t i es Page 9
The League of Extraordinary Churchmen
The League of Extraordinary Churchmen is open for business! This
organization of men is organized to meet a variety of needs at Nativity.
Commissioner Don Balint and a team of Ministry Leads are at your service:
Jan Dunkelberg : Parishioner Needs
Jim Blum & David Bolger: Fund Raising Needs
Warren Sambach: Facilities Needs
Nate Moyer: At-Large Needs
Don Balint: Outreach Needs
Please direct your requests for service to
The Men's Pub Fellowship gathers Friday, December 6 at 5:00 p.m. at the Tavern Americana at 20469 N Hayden
Road. Don't let the busy-ness of the season stop you from the business of fellowship! Be sure to let Deacon Wayne
know that you will be joining at
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Page 1 0 More Upcomi ng Event s and Oppor t uni t i es
Nativity is excited to announce that the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, +The Most Rev.Katharine Jefferts
Schori, will be visiting Nativity and celebrating and preaching on Sunday, June 8, 2014. We are looking forward to
her visit! Confirmations will happen then also, as our own bishop, The Rt. Rev. Kirk Smith, will also be visiting that
Christmas Flower Dedications
A traditional Christmas favorite will be offered by the Floral Guild. Available to take with you after the
Christmas evening service. Contribution of $20 per poinsettia is recommended..
In Thanksgiving of :
In Loving Memory of :
This information must be turned in to the office no later than December 16th in order to be included in our
Christmas Eve service bulletin. Please contact Kathy Graf 480-473-7047.
Please let Kathy Graf know if youd like one.
Custom laminated luggage tag:
A Nativity Womens Group Fundraiser
Just in time for the Holidays, all special occasions, Birthdays
or no occasion at all!
Choose your own artwork
and personalization from a
large selection, all for a very
reasonable value. E mail us
for more information or to
order your Custom Luggage
Tags. Contact Donna Hartz,; Kathy
Graf,; or
Annie Blum,
(Hint - great stocking
A Puzzle For All!
Within the pages of
this newsletter are
images representing
12 well known
Christmas songs. If
you can spot them all -
send an email to Mina at
The first correct response
will receive a packet of our
lovely Nativity Note Cards!
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Faith Formation - infant through fifth grade,
By SHELLEY BYRNES, Director of Childrens and Family Ministries
St. Nicholas Event!
On December 1st during the education hour the children will
have a wonderful experience with St. Nicholas the Bishop of
Myra. This experience will be arranged by the youth, Pastor
Susan and our beloved St. Nick Art Graf!
While the children are meeting and chatting with St.
Nicholas, parents, grandparents, singles and couples are
invited to talk with Shelley about bringing prayer and peace
back into the Advent Season. There will be tools and
suggestions and an open discussion to share YOUR
traditions. Please join us!
Sunday School Snack Schedule
Thank you to all the parents who brought snacks to our Sunday School in November! The schedule through the end of the year
is listed below. So far we only no one signed on for December. Please check
your schedule and email if you'd like to bring
snack for the Sunday School in December. Please consider allergies and
nutrition when you choose the snacks you bring and be sure that one of the
choices has no dairy and please don't bring anything with nuts.
Just a reminder: When you bring snacks we'd like you to stay in the room with
the children until the teachers arrive so it give our teachers who are in the choir
a chance to dis-robe and get to the classroom!
12/01 - St. Nicholas Day (1st Sunday in Advent) - No Sunday School
12/8 - OPEN
12/15 - OPEN
12/22 - Part I of Christmas Pageant - No Sunday School
Page 11
Noel(1st), NOEL" NOEL, Noel, Noel
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Fal l of f e r i ngs f or Chi l dr e n and Fami l y Mi ni s t r i e s : Page 12
Pageant Help!
We're also looking for someone with a video camera who would be willing to film portions of the pageant to play
on the overhead screens. If you have a camera and/or could donate one or two Sunday afternoons between now
and December 22, please contact Shelley Byrnes, or
Parents Coffee Klatch!
Will Join the family Advent Event this Sunday, December 1st. Look
for more information in Sundays bulletins.
Pageant Updates!
First rehearsal is this Sunday -
December 1 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm)!!!
Pageant rehearsals for actors who have speaking parts
will be held on Sundays from 3:00 - 5:00 (12/1, 12/8, 12/15)
and on Saturdays from 10:00 - noon (12/7, 12/14 and 12/21)
as well as the dress rehearsal from 10:00 - noon on 12/23.
All younger children are welcome in the pageant!
We need shepherds, angels and animals.
Plan to bring your younger child to the dress rehearsal on
December 23rd from 10:00 - Noon
(great time for parents to finish shopping!)
Even children who are unable to attend the dress rehearsal are welcome in the pageant so
bring neighbors, grandchildren or nieces and nephews our Christmas Eve service to
participate in the wonder of the birth of the Christ Child!
All Families! Please join us for the first and second parts of the pageant at the 10:00 am
service on the last Sunday of Advent and again at the 5:00 Family service on Christmas Eve!
And watch for more news about the Epiphany portion in future announcements!
Parents! If your upper elementary or youth group student has a speaking part in the pageant,
you should have received a phone call or had a conversation with Shelley or Julie. If you
have received a message from Shelley or Julie, please return the call so we
know if we can count on your child!
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St. Nicholas: Our annual St. Nicholas event is coming up on December 1st.
We are in need of some youth to help make this a success!! Please let me
know if you are available by Friday November 30th, so we can plan
accordingly! Julie at
Julies General Schedule:
Sundays: 8:30am-12:30pm 1:00pm-9:00pm
Mondays: I work off site
Tuesdays: 9:00am-4:30pm
Wednesdays: 9:00am-5:30pm
Thursdays: Off site with diocesan ministry.
Friday: Is usually my day off.
Although I am almost always available via email
Choir Concert & Cookie Bake-Off!
Sunday December 8th. The choir concert begins
at 6:00pm and the cookie bake off will follow. I
will be baking some treats in the church kitchen
beginning at 4:00pm. If any youth are interested
in participating, please come on by and bring
your friends! We will put some Christmas music
on and have some fun!
Christmas Caroling
Friday December 20th
We will be caroling as a congregation through the
neighborhoods surrounding the church. We will have hot
chocolate, cookies, and great fellowship. So, bring your friends
and enjoy this night with us!
We will be going to the Phoenix
Zoo on Sunday December 1st.
The doors open at 6:00pm so we
will be leaving Nativity at
5:30pm and returning around
8:00pm. The cost of admission
is $10, with scholarships
available. If you have any other
questions let me know.
Julie at
Zoo Lights
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Did you know we have a calendar
Check it out!
Go to, click on Calendar
underneath the Gather menu tab.
No Youth Group on Sunday
December 22nd & December 29th!
La Posada
Sunday December 22nd
We will be traveling to
Santa Maria Episcopal
Church in Phoenix to
participate in their La
Posadas Celebration. If
you are interested in
participating in this,
please let me know, and
we can figure out
carpooling! We will need
to leave Nativity at
5:15pm that evening.
Youth Group Christmas Party
Sunday December 15th
From 5:00pm-7:00pm
In the youth room.
We will do a White elephant gift exchange (value $5
or less or bring something you would like to re-gift
from home & make sure it is wrapped in some way),
play some games, and have some fun! Bring your
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity
Mailing Address:
22405 North Miller Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85255
Worship Sunday
8:00 & 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.
Anticipate and celebrate Christs birth at Church of the Nativity. The Advent and
Christmas seasons bring many opportunities to deepen our own faith and share it
with the community around us. Invite your friends and family to join us!
Christmas Eve at Nativity:
5:00 p.m. Family Service
with Childrens Pageant, Choir and Communion
7:00 Candlelight Choral Service
Candlelight Communion with Choir, Guest Musicians
and Adult Sermon

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