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. 6 CALL TO ASSEMBLY ISSUES CALL OUT FOR SUPPORT November 29, 2013 North Battleford, Treaty No. 6 Territory Treaty Peoples gathered in North Battleford (in whats now called Saskatchewan) to discuss and provide action directives on several critical issues facing our Peoples in the areas of: Education, Contribution Funding Agreements, Treaty Termination Tables and impacting legislations imposed by the state government of Canada. During the Assembly there was a call for Action, a call for Unity and a call to support each other specifically to the Contribution Funding Agreements and the crisis facing the Peepeekisis Cree Nation. Peepeekisis Cree Nation, Treaty No. 4 Territory, has not signed the Contribution Funding Agreement provided April 1, 2013 and was receiving month to month funding until a few days ago. Peepeekisis did not sign the Agreement because of the implied consent on all new legislation without even knowing what kinds legislation it would be and their implications on Treaties, which includes the imposition of Omnibus legislation and provisions of Bill C27, among other long standing issues of state of Canadas Indian extermination policies. Okimaw Wallace Fox, Onion Lake Cree Nation said during the Assembly We need to support one another, especially Peepeekisis in this time of crisis. We support Peepeekisis and want to make people aware that these Contribution Funding Agreements are a tool to bully, intimidate and undermine First Nations Governance systems. These Agreements are a form of legalized extortion imposed on our Nations and its time our peoples, our Nations need to deliver that message loud and clear to the State Government of Canada. By forcing the Nations to sign unilateral agreements imposed, it breaks the Honour of The Crown. These Agreements are a legal obligation and we have solutions, yet, the state government of Canada wants an adversarial approach. We want to come together in peace and to fully implement a Crown First Nations Fiscal Transfer Contract. Not a watered down Agreement. Our Treaty Nations have issued a call for a bilateral process to happen now. It is being ignored. The Peoples gathered at North Battleford were encouraged to inform their Nations about the implications of these unilaterally imposed agreements, to critically analyze the impact on our peoples, on our leadership, and on our lands and to fully understand and articulate how these agreements have effectively undermined our Peoples. The paternalistic and bigoted approach by the state government must stop. We must work together to support each other, especially to support Peepeekisis at this time. We urge the Nations to voice those concerns through media, through social media, through letters to the Governor General so he remembers his constitutional role. How can we sit back when our brothers and sisters need us at this time! We must work together, it is critical for the safety, security and wellbeing of the Peoples, stated the Elders and the Peoples gathered at North Battleford.

Treaties are the relationship, the understanding to share our Territories - the state of Canada would not exist without the Treaties. The Treaties did not intend for the colonial structure of Canadian legislation and laws to be imposed on our Peoples unilaterally but were meant for both Treaty Parties and Peoples to work together and live together. It is apparent that this state government has forgotten that. It is unacceptable that the Government of Canada would cut off funding for services and programs of a Nation for no reason before the Holiday season. This callous act by Canada is to intimidate and bully Peepeekisis to sign an Agreement that undermines their governance. The purpose of the two days of the Call to Assembly was to develop a communications plan, an education alternative to the First Nations Education Act, to establish directives for action, and share information for Treaty No. 6 Territory on all areas affecting our peoples. North Battleford is located in Treaty No. 6 Territory. -30For media inquiries please contact: Candice Maglione, 780-614-7498, Onion Lake Cree Nation, Treaty No. 6 Nation

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