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HELPING WITH BIG DECISIONS The choice of a career path is one of the most important decisions that young

people have to make. A decision, that will have a major impact on the pattern and quality of their adult life. During the high school years your teenager really needs you though he/she may not admit. The role of a parent is significant and has a strong bearing on the future success of your child. They need to learn about various occupations they might be suited to and need to get a real picture of what individual occupations involve. By year 9 students have tested themselves against many subjects and interests. By helping them identify these areas of interest you will be helping them to make successful career decisions. Your role is critical in starting to prompt their thinking from early high school. Studies conducted by Donald Super (Social Scientist) proved that individuals in 9th Grade who displayed a good knowledge of an occupation, and used planning and interest strategies were significantly more successful as young adults. YOU CAN Talk about people you know who have interesting jobs-neighbors, relatives, friends. Encourage your teenager to talk to them and help them plan the questions they can ask Arrange to visit work places of some people who interest them and arrange work experience placements for them during vacation Encourage them to read Newspaper and Magazine articles about various careers and people who are successful in them.TV series and films can also create interest. Encourage them to read job advertisements in Newspapers in order to familiarize themselves with details of work involved, qualifications and personal requirements needed for each job Make them aware of new jobs being created and special skills required for these jobs in order to keep their options open Discuss why some jobs are highly paid, some are secure and others are tiring. By starting the job search process early your teenager will avoid having to make a difficult career choice in haste. Have at least 5 career options in mind because there may be a decline of interest in a subject that proves to be demanding, there may be limited university places for a course in high demand, there may be a decline in job opportunities or stiff competition for few jobs available. Encourage them to expect several jobs during their working career and the possibility of continually building on their skills base Both you and your teenager need to be realistic about their chances of meeting required qualifications for a course in order to avoid disappointment and a loss of self confidence Future promotion success and happiness comes from something you do well and enjoy Teenagers should be taught the value of good education that enhances their abilities and provides a solid foundation to their future careers Give extra encouragement to daughters to seek specializations in non traditional areas e.g Trade and Engineering Be supportive, positive and confident of eventual success. Be available, show interest in their efforts in course/occupation search and be prepared to help Help them in their applications, resumes and interview preparation Help him sieve through the information overload regarding university and course choices

DO NOT Emphasize occupations you have liked to pursue yourself or the ones you would particularly like them to do Talk about all the bad aspects of your current job-Give them a realistic picture of what the real job involves Avoid race, gender, minority groups stereotyping- Women are home makers-Men are bread winners Develop faulty reasoning, beliefs or faulty logic by imposing your assumptions on the teenager. This will deter him from making wise decisions e.g. All bankers are rich because they drive big cars. You should become a banker Create unpleasant and stressful interactions with family resulting in poor self regard or self esteem and the feeling of being misunderstood. There may be a conflict with family over a career choice- an individual view versus a collective cultural view. Reflection can eliminate inappropriate thinking Cause emotional instability in the teenager due to personal family problems or financial affluence Let Parental status affect the occupational level of your teenager. It may discourage the development of a positive attitude, concerning appropriate levels of education and career plans

Career Maturity implies a stabilized identity that provides individuals with a framework for making career choices. It is a continuous developmental process that develops key characteristics, essential for successful career development. The main Characteristics are: -Decisiveness and decision making skills -Independence -Knowledge of Occupational Information - Planning skills -Successful accomplishment of tasks -Achieving a positive relationship with peers-essential to social adjustment -Socially responsible behavior implies that steps have been taken to achieve emotional independence from parents and other adults and affects individual adjustment to rules and life roles including work roles - Career confidence refers to self determination and individual control on ones future by fostering independent actions. One outstanding source of career confidence is success in school activity that helps build positive attitudes, beliefs and competencies

Significant factors influencing a career choice are: -Ability -Skills -Interests -Values -Changes in work organization at work places - Family resources (financial, material, emotional) -Uncertainty associated with Global Economy -Work experience

Group Activity - Group leader to present summary of discussions Write a brief summary of the academic abilities and interests of your teenager. Mention the extra-curricular activities that he is taking part in. List his most outstanding achievements in high school. List his inherent special talents. Discuss how you, as parents, can build on careers maturity of your teenager at home. Identify major foreseen challenges and devise solutions to the challenges.

Assess each factor influencing a career choice in relation to your teenager son/daughter and write down ways in which you can assist in strengthening each factor. Think of additional ways in which you can assist in the career decision making process. Reflect on your past experiences in your own careers decision- making process. Write down the positive and negative influences on your decision. List the negative effects that you will consciously avoid repeating, while guiding your teenager towards a future career path.

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