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Trinity Tidings

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA

D E CE MBE R , 2013 V OL UME 7, ISS UE 12 Our Mission Statement:
Sharing the Word of God Through Worship and Teaching, With Love and Service, In Our Congregation and Our Community.

HANNAH CIRCLE INVITES ALL LADIES TO JOIN MEMBERS FOR THEIR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY AND POTLUCK! Hannah Circle will meet on Monday, December 16th at 6:30 pm in the Lounge for their Christmas Party, potluck, and gift exchange. Members and guests are ask to bring 2 dozen cookies or candies for the special Christmas trays which will go to our homebound, shut-ins, and residents of Sumner Trace Nursing Care facility and will be assembled at the party. Also, bring a dish to share and a $1.00 gift for the exchange. This is the season of giving but there are many who do not have a family and loved ones to share in the celebration of our Savior's birth. Thank you, Janet Robertson

Table of Contents
Pastor Peterson Trinity's Council News Notes of Thanks _________________________ Service to Others 6 December /January Birthdays ____________________________ News for Women of TLC Circle News 7 2 3-5



CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICES WITH COMMUNION Tuesday, December 24th 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.

Every Wednesday *December 04th *December 11th *December 18th 12:05 p.m. LUNCH FOLLOWING 6:00 p.m. SIMPLE SUPPER VESPERS at 6:30 p.m.


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Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour. Matthew 24:42 (NRSV) In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. Matthew 3:1 (NRSV) When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another? Matthew 11:2 (NRSV) All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and they shall name him Emmanuel which means, God is with us. Matthew 1:23 (NRSV) On November 3rd I stopped into the grocery store on my way to worship. It was All Saints Sunday and I wanted to buy some candy for the childrens sermon. I was not surprised to see that all of the Halloween decorations were taken down already, but as Id hoped, I was able to buy a couple of bags of candy at a discount. I had expected that Id see some of the decorations for Thanksgiving in place, even though it seemed a bit early. What I saw instead was the full array of Christmas decorationslights, bulbs, and Santa Clauses. I was tempted as I wrote the above to put Christmasin scare quotes to mark my skepticism. I doubt that those decorations are up so early as a way of honoring Christ Jesus, who was born in the garage of a second rate hotel in a third rate town of an inconsequential country, who grew up to declare that if you want real treasure you should share everything you have with those who have not, who would therefore be utterly rejected by all the good people (scare quotes again!) of the world, who defeated the powers of the world, and who is coming in power and glory to judge the living and the dead. I rather suspect those decorations were put up just when and where they were to maximize profits on the sale of Christmas goodies. Most of December is in the season of Advent. The name of this season comes from the Latin adventus, meaning coming. The time to celebrate Christs birth is coming. The season of Christmas will last for the Church a full twelve days, from December 25th until we celebrate the Epiphany on January 6th (long after the world has dumped its holiday trees and put away its glassy bulbs). But the time for us to prepare to celebrate is not yet the time to celebrate; it is a time to prepare. The verses at the top of the page are central to our worship these four weeks, and in them the Word of God tells us how to prepare to welcome Christ Jesus: we watch for Christ, we turn back to Christ, we wait for Christ, and we rejoice in Christ, God with us. In fact, Advent is for Christians much more than a time to prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Just as important, it is a time for us to prepare to meet Christ at the end of all times, when he will come to us in glory. What joy will ring out on that day for those who love God and those in need above all! Advent is thus a time to seek Christ in the mean-time, where he said we would find him, with the mean folk: the lost, the last, the least, the lonely, and those brought low. Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! Let every heart prepare him room! Immanuel! God be with us all! +Peace+ Pastor Chuck


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Presidents Report And one of them (Pharisees), a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? And he (Jesus) said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22: 35-39 Old Trinity has a history and tradition of living these two commandments. It has served the spiritual needs of thousands of members since 1856 in helping us to love our God. It has also taken care of its neighbors through the founding of Faith Mission, serving at the food pantry, and helping those in need around the church through the Samaritan Fund. As we enter the Christmas season we have seen the ornaments rapidly leave the tree in order to help families in need. TLC is preparing its annual function to wrap packages full of personal items for those in need in southeastern Ohio. Worship and giving have been quite evident for the past 167 years at Old Trinity. As we go through this holiday season and celebrate the birth of Christ, I ask us to reflect on our behaviors in loving our neighbors as ourselves. This is the time of year we feel good about our giving to those programs which help those in need. Whether it be an ornament from a tree, a Secret Santa program at work, dropping money in the Salvation Army bucket at the grocery, or giving to some other charitable program, we gladly and willingly share our wealth with our neighbors in need. But do we live this scripture and commandment throughout the year? Do we give of our time and wealth during the rest of the year? The numbers serving at the food pantry or Faith Mission are not always that high. Is our attention to our neighbors during the spring, summer, and fall as intense as they are during this time of the year? We need to remember we are to live Gods word 365 days a year, not just during the Christmas season. Old Trinity has a reputation for doing that. It will be up to all of us to continue that service at the church and within our own personal lives as we move forward. It is a challenge I hope we all will embrace. What says it the best to me is a song sung by Bing Crosby entitled, The Secret of Christmas. It ends with the following lines: So may I suggest, the secret of Christmas, Is not the things you do at Christmas time; But the Christmas things you do, all year through. So, may you have a happy, healthy, and blessed holiday season, but may you also feel that holiday spirit throughout the year. Our neighbors depend on it and our Lord expects it. Merry Christmas! CONVERSION-A NEW PERSON Changing direction from my way to CHRISTS WAY When we accept JESUS as our SAVIOR GOD gives us HIS very own life, ETERNAL LIFE (1 John 5:11-13). With Gods new life in us we think, feel, and want to act in a NEW WAY. We have new attitudes (Eph. 4:2324). If we let the LORD live HIS LIFE through us, we keep changing. Everything about us is patterned after GODS right and holy ways. ALLELUIA!! If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old things are passed away; BEHOLD, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17. Rose Dickerson


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Wednesday Night Bible Study




The Book of II Kings Compromise to Captivity The Book of I Chronicles Essential Incidentals 7:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. LOMO Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio

Jesus and the Just Reign of God

by Brent Christianson

Luke James
Come join us in

Room 108 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Come Join Us!

PLEASE CONTINUE TO SAVE INK AND TONER CARTRIDGES Staples will recycle ink and toner cartridges and give us money back which then gives us rewards to purchase church supplies.

Dear Trinity Lutheran Church Thank you for your Campership gift of $500.00 to Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio. Your generosity directly benefits everyone who participates in this ministry. Thank you for being so kind and caring! Retreaters are enjoying the many colorful trees as they hike the paths around camp. Camp is always a time to recharge my faith and relationship with God, commented a retreater. We invite you to please take a moment to visit our website for a yearround schedule at: We offer online registration for all of our programs. We are grateful for your steadfast stewardship. Thank you again for your wonderful gift which helps to make this ministry possible. Sincerely in Christ, Penny Christensen


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MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our Annual Smorgasbord will be held on Sunday, December15th immediately after the 10:30 Service. A childrens Christmas program will be held during worship and past Christmas Sunday School programs will be remembered during the dinner. Please invite former participants in Christmas programs.

Time and Talents Sheets and a note to Trinity. Thank you for turning in your time and talent sheets. God has blessed the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church with a wide variety of gifts and graces. Thank you for all of the many acts of love and thoughtfulness that abound around this holy place. From cooking to cleaning, serving and leading, prayer and thanksgiving, all useful to Gods kingdom on earth and in heaven. As we exit 2013 and enter the new year of 2014 may God continue to bless, lead and guide in all that you do for Trinity and Gods kingdom on earth and in heaven.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Mary in the office.

POINSETTIAS to decorate our sanctuary will be on sale beginning December 1st before and after the 10:30 service. Shirley Griffin will be taking orders in the lower lobby. The cost is $6.00 each and may be placed in memory or in honor of your loved ones.

Upcoming Congregational Life Events Look for a sign up sheet for church decoration lunch and helping with the decorating. Look for a sign up sheet for Advent lunches and dinners. Join us on Sunday, January 5th for a Happy New Year, Good luck lunch pork, kraut - hot dogs for kids, mashed potatoes, tossed salad, apple sauce, dessert. A Sunday after church for undecorating the church. Questions or ideas please ask me. Congregational Life Beth Fraley


Volume 7, Issue 12

Service to Trinity in December

Greeters 01 Hehr/Nida family 08 Sharon Heinlein 15 Madeline DeRoche 22 Vivian Faelchle 24 Shirley Griffin 29 Peg Beeson Lectors 01 Amy Hehr 08 Larry Faelchle 15 David Johnston 22 Melissa Ewing 24 7:00 11:00 29 Judy Fortman Worship Assistant Sheila Hively 11:00 Neal Coryell Acolyte 24 7:00 11:00 Saturday Night Lectors 07 Mary Reed-Farris 14 21 28 Altar Guild Neal Coryell Communion Bread Baker Sheila Hively Open/Close Shirley Griffin Ushers Bob Kilhefner-captain, David Schroeder, David Johnston, Kevin Miller, Grant Miller

Service to our Community FAITH MISSION The next date for Faith Mission is Thursday, December 26th. Please be at Faith Mission by 6:30 p.m. Those serving at Faith Mission on Thanksgiving were: Cherie Jo Bruce, Bill Dross, Bob Lane and Sharon Thacker. For more information on service at Faith Mission, contact Sharon Thacker at 443-6149. Thank you again, Sharon Thacker
While serving at Faith Mission please take all safety precautions. Please wear closed-toed shoes, all clothing must cover arms and abdomen. Shorts must not rise higher than the knee. Long hair should be covered by a hair net. Volunteers who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to reschedule their service. Please understand this is for your safety.

LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES (LSS) FOOD PANTRY Remember to sign-up on SIGNUP CENTRAL the bulletin board in the lobby for this very important service for our community. Contact Tim Edwards at

December Birthday Wishes

02 Georgianna Mickles 02 Jeannine Gauer 03 Larry Faelchle 03 Carson McKitrick 04 Sarah Evinsky 05 Rose Fortman 07 Dennis Robertson 18 Charles Peterson 25 Jane Nida

January Birthday Wishes

05 Evan Hively 07 Guy Hager 11 Beth Fraley 11 Kathleen Phillips 11 Elizabeth Moes 12 Nancy Gosnell 12 Donna Bowman 17 Terry Tucker 20 Jordan Bennett 22 Bill Dross 24 Irene Thurston 24 Madeline Ewing 26 Linda Karr 30 Sammy Flick

Samaritan Update from 10-25-11-25 32 lunch bags 6 State ID 33 COTA Day Passes 3 $10.00 Gas Vouchers Each month Trinity is able to help assist people with 614-598-1887 or email: Cota Day Passes. We also assist people each month by for information on Saturday helping them to get their service at the LSS food pantry. State ID. Another program Trinity offers is gasoline for Contact Bev Speasmaker at your vehicle. We currently 231-2891 if you would like to work with a local BP station. Trinity continues to offer help during the week. Volunteers are always needed. brown lunch bags with bottled water for those in need.


V O LUM N 7 , ISSUE 1 2

NEWS FROM THE WOMEN OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Shirley Griffin, President RACHEL CIRCLE Rachel Circle's next meeting will be on Thursday, December 5th at 12:00 p.m., the word is Grace. Table Prayers will be lead by Arlene Dykeman. HANNAH CIRCLE The HANNAH CIRCLE will meet on Monday, December16th at 6:30 p.m. in the Church Lounge. Please join us for our Christmas party. Janet Robertson, member of Hannah Circle.

UPDATE ON OUR BAZAAR!!! We were blessed with good weather again this year for another successful bazaar. Many thanks to all our many volunteers. Those helping this year were Dwight Garner, Anna Hudecek, Kristi Hudecek, Bill Dross, Marva James, Diane Fisher, Bob Kilhefner, Matt Heinlein, LeNan Hager, Susan Downs, Sarah and Dana VanHorn. THE BIG PRISE WINNERS THIS YEAR: CHINESE AUCTION: Marsh Buban.............Santa Arlene Dykeman.......Needlepoint Sarah VanHorn.........Tree Skirt Beth Tucker...............Painting RAFFLE: Barbara Heinlein........Quilt Arlene Dykeman........Wreath Ken Fultz....................Fiesta Set UPDATE ON THE WTLC THANKOFFERING SERVICE AND DINNER. Many thanks to all the women that had a part in our lovely Thankoffering Service. Special thanks to Reverend Cheryl Peterson for the wonderful sermon. Over 70 members and friends enjoy a lovely catered dinner following the service. Thanks to all the men who carried the food down to the Fellowship Hall. Thanks to Sharon Thacker and Georgianna Mickles for counting the food items. We collected 654 items of food and over $250.00 that was delivered to LSS Food pantry by Matt Heinlein and Shirley Griffin. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our Annual Smorgasbord will be held on Sunday, December 15th, immediately after worship. There will be a signup sheet in the lower lobby starting December 1st. Please plan to come and bring a dish to share. Fried chicken, coffee and table service will be provided. We do need a count so we will have enough chicken to share.

PLEASE SAVE THE DATE!!! On December 3rd the TLC Caregivers will have their annual potluck and personal care project for Southeast Ohio Lutheran Social Services. With financial funds from THRIVENT we are able to help the people in Southeast Ohio. Please plan to attend for fun and fellowship. More information will be in the Happenings.

HALLOWEEN CANDY!!! IF you have leftover Halloween candy remember you can donate it to the Ritas Candy Wrap that will be held on December 5th. There will be a box in the lower lobby for the candy starting November 3rd. The candy will be donated to the LSS Food Pantry for Christmas Baskets.

Remember to save your pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Please put in the water jug in the lobby. We will continue to save pop tabs in memory of Makalya to help other families in need.

December 2013
Please inform us if you relocate:

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Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 404 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-224-6818 Fax: 614-224-6799 E-mail:


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The deadline for submission of articles for the January Trinity Tidings is Wednesday, December 18th at 12:30p.m. Assembly of the Trinity Tidings will be Monday November 25that 10:00 a.m.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Staff Pastor: Charles Peterson Minister of Music and Organist: Dr. Tom Wells Administrative Assistant: Mary Reed-Farris Custodian: Lori Large
Trinity Tidings Committee
Office Hours Monday 8:30--12:30pm Tuesday 8:30-12:30pm Wednesday 8:30-12:30pm Thursday 8:30-12:30pm Friday 8:30-12:30pm

Mary Reed-Farris-Editor Assembly Sharon Thacker Georgianna Mickles Myra Kilhefner Shirley Griffin
Suggestions for the Trinity Tidings are always welcome

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. The members of Trinity Lutheran Church recognize that God loves, Forgives, and calls each of us unconditionally and that every human being is created in the image of God. As a result, we welcome all people into our community of faith and invite them to join us as we seek to understand Gods love for us and struggle to be faithful messengers of that love in the world. Although our world is a place of alienation and brokenness, Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. In response, we join hands with all our sisters and brothers, grateful for the unique gifts that each of us has to offer, regardless of our race, age, gender identity, marital status, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientation, national origin, or economic status. We celebrate together both the diversity of Gods creation and our unity as Gods people.

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