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It Takes Smart People to Understand Language Patterns at this Level

By Rintu Basu NLP Learning, NLP Training 0 Comments and 2 Reactions 2nd Fe ruary 20!" T#is artic$e is a demonstration o% a &articu$ar &ersuasion tec#ni'ues t#at is in su t$e o&eration a$$ t#e time( )nce you *no+ #o+ it +or*s you can use it to dramatica$$y ram& u& moti,ation in any situation(

The Difference that makes the Difference

-ears ago +#en I +as sti$$ a a y training consu$tant I #ad an e.&erience t#at taug#t me a #uge amount a out t#e &o+er o% &re%rames( I +as de$i,ering some training to a c#ain o% outi'ue #ote$s to a$$ mem ers o% sta%%( T#e %irst time I de$i,ered t#e course it +as to t#e $eaders#i& team co,ering t#at co,ered t#e +#o$e c#ain( T#e course ran +onder%u$$y, &eo&$e got great resu$ts and it +as a great e.&erience %or e,eryone in t#e room( T#e %eed ac* I #ad +as t#at it +as t#e est course t#at t#ey #ad een on( T#e second time I ran t#e course it +as to t#e senior management team in one o% t#e #ote$s( T#e course +as a com&$ete disaster( I %e$t $i*e I #ad to %ig#t t#e de$egates on e,ery &oint( T#e de$egates +ere not

interested, moti,ated or engaged +it# t#e course( I tried e,eryt#ing t#at I #ad and /ust cou$d not mo,e t#em( T#e %eed ac* at t#e end o% t#e course +as #orri $e reading( I +as com&$ete$y con%used in ot# cases I +as de$i,ering t#e same materia$ inside t#e same organisation( A%ter some sou$ searc#ing, digging around and in,estigating #ere is +#at I rea$ised caused suc# a di,ergence o% resu$ts(

Preframing the Key Secret to Persuasion

Be%ore I #ad +on t#e contract to de$i,er t#e course I #ad s&ent time +it# many o% t#e $eaders#i& team( T#ey #ad s&eci%ic ideas o% +#at t#ey needed and I #ad s&ent time +it# t#em e.&$oring t#e &ossi i$ities and +#at t#ey cou$d ac#ie,e %rom t#e course( As a resu$t I #ad grou& o% de$egates t#at +ere ,ery %ocused and #ad a great understanding o% not on$y +#at +e +anted to ac#ie,e ut #o+ t#ey &ersona$$y +ou$d ene%it( 0#at I didn1t *no+ +as t#at t#ere +as a $ot o% tension et+een t+o o% t#e #ote$s and as a resu$t a $ot o% miscommunication( T#e team +ere to$d t#at t#ey +ere to #a,e t#is training course im&osed on t#em( T#ey +ere not to$d +#at t#e course +as a out, #o+ t#ey cou$d ene%it %rom it or gi,en any o&tions a out it( 0#at t#ey did #a,e +as rumours t#at t#e com&any +as strugg$ing, one o% t#e #ote$s +ou$d e c$osing s#ort$y and t#at t#ey +ere sti$$ &re&ared to s&end money on ,ery e.&ensi,e training consu$tants( Is it any +onder I strugg$ed2 Let me ma*e t#is com&$ete$y c$ear( E,eryt#ing +as e.act$y t#e same e.ce&t t#e &reconcei,ed notions o% t#e de$egates coming into t#e room and t#e resu$ts +ere dramatica$$y di%%erent as a resu$t(

Knowing this How an I Use It!

T#e o ,ious t#ings +ou$d e t#at you cou$d &re%rame t#ings so t#at t#ey &eo&$e are more $i*e$y to mo,e +#ere you +ant t#em to( T#is is an e.treme$y &o+er%u$ idea in any moti,ation con,ersation( Let me s#o+ you #o+ I mig#t &re%rame an e.ercise in a coac#ing conte.t /ust %or$e3 4I +ant to try out an e.ercise +it# you( It1s o*ay i% it doesn1t +or* t#e %irst time ecause t#ere are $oads o% ot#er t#ings +e can do and t#ey a$$ #a,e a #ig# &ro a i$ity o% +or*ing( But I +ou$d /ust $i*e to try t#is ecause in my e.&erience &eo&$e +it# #uge 5insert t#eir ,a$ues #ere, ut i% I don1t #a,e t#em I +i$$ tend to run +it#67 imagination and creati,ity tend to res&ond rea$$y +e$$ +it# t#is sort o% e.ercise and +e cou$d e %inis#ed in t#e ne.t #a$% #our(8 )*ay, t#e trut# is I +ou$d &ro a $y not e 'uite as $atant( Notice I #a,e &re%ramed out t#e &ossi i$ity o% %ai$ure and inc$uded t#e c$ient into t#e grou& o% &eo&$e t#at res&ond to t#is e.ercise rea$$y easi$y( 9o+ a out a dating$e3 4I don1t do dates( T#ere is a$$ sorts o% e.&ectations and &ressure +it# dates so sad$y i% t#at is +#at you +ant t#en I re%use( But #o+ a out +e catc# a co%%ee and c#at sometime soon( In %act +#at are you doing tomorro+ a%ternoon28 Again #ere +e #a,e ta*en a$$ t#e &ressure and connotations o% a date a+ay( In terms o% actions t#ese are e.act$y t#e same as a date ut no+ +e are o&erating under a com&$ete$y di%%erent set o% %rames( 9ere is a sa$es$e3

4:ome &eo&$e get e.cited and uy automatica$$y ut I don1t +ant you to do t#at( I +ant you to uy t#roug# in%ormed c#oice( :o $et1s go t#roug# t#e *ey ene%its &oint y &oint ma*ing sure it a$$ %its +it# +#ere you are going( 0#en you #a,e matc#ed e,eryt#ing +it# your criteria and rea$ised t#e ene%its to you out+eig# t#e cost t#at is +#en you +ant to ma*e t#e &urc#ase(8 T#is time I1,e no+ &re%ramed a +#o$e set o% instructions t#at I +ant t#e &ros&ect to %o$$o+( Frames are incredi $y &o+er%u$ ut a$so easy to use once you get t#e #ang o% t#em( )nce you start to notice t#em you +i$$ instincti,e$y start to use t#em conscious$y( Fee$ %ree to scan t#e eginning o% t#is artic$e again to notice t#e di%%erent %rames I am &$acing on you as you start to read(

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