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A FREE Mini Course By Carl Harvey

PART ONE I'll be honest: I've wanted to "be rich" forever.! Ever since I overheard my parents!arguing! about money when I was a kid.! (About how there was never enough) It just seemed obvious to me:! Money might not make you happy...! But it certainly fixes a LOT of problems

So I put in YEARS of work, trying to figure! out this "abundance" thing. Books, courses,! seminars, mastermind groups.! A year traveling halfway up the UK every other weekend to study NLP. $10k a year for my mastermind group. (Worth every penny, FYI)

I did the "whole shebang" $100k spent. At least. (Stopped counting) But STILL I struggled through YEARS of lack...! scarcity...!frustration... and failure! I wasn't on the breadline... but I certainly wasn't!RICH yet, either.

I wondered: "Does this LoA stuff REALLY work?" I came close to quitting. More than once. BUT I PERSEVERED And for the past year or so, I have (finally!)! "manifested" big, QUANTUM LEAP breakthroughs. And not just more money (although it's a relief to finally experience "the flow" of money I've! heard so!much about...)! I'm talking about an abundance of EVERYTHING! Of TIME... ...An abundance!of FREEDOM... An abundance of LOVE. HAPPINESS. PURPOSE. This is REAL Abundance, and I want to share some BIG IDEAS, that might just change you... Forever.! ! ! I've realised something BIG! If you're not as abundant as you want to be! right now... IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT Nope. It's not your fault that, 'til now, you've not! been able to crush 6 figures a year (and beyond)

And it's not your fault that you aren't quite! living your dream yet... with all the freedom,! happiness and wealth you deserve. Seriously. Here's why: It's simple. And I can summarise it all in two words. Information + Overload

Actually, this is probably a better way to! explain it... Information + Overload = Confusion Confusion = Procrastination Procrastination = NO MONEY & ABUNDANCE!

All largely a result of listening to too many! "Gurus", too many "Talking Heads"... all spouting! different "Magic-Pill Formulas" for wealth. You hardly have time to learn and implement the! stuff before the next magic-bullet solution gets! shoved down your throat... God! No wonder it's so hard to create abundance.! The gurus say one thing... the TV says another...! the!papers scream RECESSION! ... and your parents! and friends tell you something else entirely!

But there is a little secret... a little! "something"!you can do right now. This weekend. That will dramatically improve your chances of! success!- 10 fold.! I'll tell you this simple, but powerful,! secret later. Living a truly abundant life will then! become a whole lot easier. 6 figures, time freedom, purpose will then seem! almost easy - and not some distant pipe-dream. But then I've ranted on too long already. Until Part 2, Carl Harvey Creator, Everyday Visualization System

P.S. One of the Key "Triggers" for my QUANTUM LEAP Abundance Breakthrough was an!incredible!new course I took. It's called!Future of Wealth. In one sentence: it is!absolutely the BEST! all-in-one!Abundance!course!I've studied.! And I've studied more than a few. LOL. Why is it so good? Because unlike 99.9% of the "Gurus" who focus on! only ONE aspect of abundance -- like mindset, or law of attraction, or goals, or beliefs...

Anik Singal, an Inc 500 entrepreneur and course author, somehow manages!to powerfully tie together! ALL the key!principals of abundance. Into ONE class. So you get to understand the INTER-CONNECTEDNESS of key ideas like Mindset, Values, Law of Attraction,! Visualization, Networking, Getting Mentors, ! Eliminating Limiting Beliefs & Achieving BIG Goals. This created HUGE insights and AH HA moments for me. It's a unique course, brimming with creativity,! "how to" ideas, and passion. Credit to Anik, he somehow delivers all this content! in!small, bite-sized, easy-to-understand lessons.! There's no "technical talk" here. We're talking the FUNDAMENTALS... but we cover them IN MASSIVE DETAIL. This makes it easy for you to TAKE ACTION. And you'll want to KEEP!LEARNING, and like!me! *literally* double or triple!your abundance...! from!just a few minutes study a day. It really is *that good*, inspiring and POWERFUL Check out this cool new video and get yourself enrolled: Future of Wealth - Amazing Video & Get Started Now

DISCLAIMER: In my mind, there is ONE KEY FLAW with! Anik's course.!I'll be revealing it in Part 2. The good news? I've intentionally created a "fix"! for the flaw. I'll!be giving this "CURE" away! EXCLUSIVELY!to the first!250 readers who! try!out Future of Wealth!using my link. !

PART TWO In Part One I gave you the formula for! guaranteed failure... Information + Overload = Confusion! Confusion = Procrastination! Procrastination = NO MONEY & ABUNDANCE!!

I know this formula well. LOL. For the first few years out of university I! was a sad casualty of the above. I listened to too many people.! I purchased too many products. Heck, I even flew from London to Las Vegas! for one abundance seminar.! [Interesting side note: I actually MISSED! the seminar. I got food poisoning on Day 1! and spent the whole trip in a LV hospital,! with $5k in medical bills to boot. D'oh!! But that's a whole other story...]

You could say: I didn't know any better and I believed all! the BS crap. I had to learn the hard way. But learn I did. This year, things have changed. ! From a house on the ocean to a six figure part-time income... from the time

freedom to the amazing mentors... from the business partners to the dream job at Mindvalley... to my amazing woman... ... Doing work I love, living my purpose, helping people, feeling truly blessed... ! Life is now *finally* ABUNDANT ! ! But... what changed? How did I go from lack & scarcity to abundance & freedom? And so QUICKLY?

Two BIG changes: 1. I FINALLY *realised* the power of the mind 2. [I'll let you know this one later...]

Let me explain: The first MAJOR breakthrough came when I started! to!take my!"mind exercises" seriously. I always enjoyed visualising, or learning new! wealth-building ideas, or doing NLP exercises...! or whatever But I never made them as routine, as say, taking! a shower. Or cleaning my teeth. Or eating lunch. My "me time" was always a 'nice to do'... ... rather than a *MUST DO*

BUT WHEN I CHANGED THIS, EVERYTHING CHANGED Literally: investing 10-15 minutes a day NO! MATTER WHAT on 'raising my vibration' had a! HUGE impact on me (and my abundance) Why? Because by doing a quick visualization around! being!more abundant & wealthy every day... * I started FEELING rich * This created richer IDEAS * Which increased my POSITIVE ENERGY * So it seemed natural to TAKE ACTION * << So I made some money >> * Which in turn made me FEEL RICHER * Which gave me bigger IDEAS * Which increased my POSITIVE ENERGY * So I took MORE ACTION <<< And MORE MONEY & OPPORTUNITIES Flowed >>> ...and so the cycle continued, again & again Seriously! Success and abundance really does FLOW to you. You just have to "meet it half way" (Simply by imagining what you want -- IN VIVID! DETAIL --!over and over, til it changes you at! the deepest subconscious!level...) It's honestly that SIMPLE. I'd love to say that I masterminded the!breakthrough! on my own (cue evil genius!laugh), but honestly... ANYONE can do this. LOL.

Simply make visualization a 100% COMMITMENT! in your daily routine. <--- This is MASSIVE. Just try it. Seriously. You'll start thinking, acting, and feeling! richer in no time at all. This invites MORE ABUNDANCE into your life.

Oh - There's just that *one* other thing you! need to know to kick-start MASSIVE changes. I'll let this one out of the bag in Part Three. It's BIG. CLUE? It's NOT what you think...

Catch you then, Carl Harvey Creator, Everyday Visualization System ! P.S. Completely forgot to mention Anik's! Future of Wealth (FoW) course in this email.! FoW is my favourite abundance building course.! It inspired this mini email series. It rocks.! But let me address this first: YES - there is a PRETTY BIG FLAW in FoW. What is it? Well... it's that the course is TOO COMPREHENSIVE.

For most people, anyway. It's DETAILED. There's something like 40 wealth building videos! (most are just 2-3 minutes short, but still...) And that doesn't count the visualisations... the! subliminal MP3s... the hypnosis... and some of the! bonus surprises... FoW is like a 'degree' in getting wealthy, directly! taught from a self-made millionaire who's "been! there, done that"... and who's a lovely dude too. In other words: This is NOT a 20 page ebook, LOL This is a PROPER training :-) ! Because the sad truth is: Most people ARE searching for a "magic bullet"!fix. Something which doesn't take ANY work on their part! at all. YES - Even people reading THIS report. In other words, most "self help" folks are looking! for SOMEONE ELSE!to put in the work for them.! (or someone to blame for their failures!) This is SO misguided! I think it was Zig Ziglar who used to say:! "You can't hire someone to do your push-ups for you..." I believe that NOT TAKING ACTION - and looking for! a MAGICAL FIX -- is what keeps most people stuck! in scarcity, lack, debt. GETTING MOVING is stage 1 of 'Attracting' Abundance. Are you moving yet??

PART THREE I know I left you hanging in Part Two. I'd!told you how just TWO small changes! to my daily routine *transformed* my levels of abundance & freedom... (And pretty quickly, too) But... I held back on the second reason. Mainly because... well, I don't quite! know!how to say this. It might seem "controversial". Especially coming from me. A dude who LIVES & BREATHES Visualization But... I owe it to be fair to you. And honest. So here's the truth:

I Made TWO Changes 1. I realised the power of our minds, so! started visualizing (etc) every day 2. I FINALLY *UNDERSTOOD* that abundance is attracted by TAKING DAILY ACTION ! That one hit me hard. I'll speak frankly: until then, I focussed 95%! of my abundance efforts on "thinking rich"

I visualised... did NLP... Hypnosis...! ! Read 'Think and Grow Rich', 'I Can Make You! Rich', 'The Science of Getting Rich'... Did the whole vision board thing. Watched 'The Secret'... over and over. LOL Don't get me wrong -- I was learning in all the right places... BUT I WASN'T TAKING ENOUGH "RICH ACTIONS" TO MAKE MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE! Read that again. Let it sink in a bit. ! Finally, I said "enough's enough".! I!committed to taking action each day. Just little steps. As long as I was doing something to move a bit closer to what I wanted. Sending an email. Reading a chapter. Reaching out to people. Taking a course.! Following hunches. Trusting my intuition when I made decisions.

THE IMPACT WAS HUGE. Success started to "magnetise".


! This series of DAILY SMALL ACTIONS created! a!tangible sense of momentum. And Flow. ! And I realised: *Being in flow is the key* THIS is when "the universe helps you" And you get lucky You get the synchronicities! And the good ideas People come to you You feel capable You're excited about life You forget your problems ! Because when you get moving every day, your! whole world can CHANGE...!really quickly And all you have to do is *take action* And this is where Future of Wealth helped me

Future of Wealth (FoW) is a!course!which! GETS YOU MOVING. It got me moving. It's UNIQUE. Because it effectively combines! "Beliefs" stuff, like!LoA,!Subliminals, NLP, Hypnosis and!Visualization... With!"REAL WORLD"!ACTIONS & ADVICE


Like * How to network * (And how to BUILD a network!) * How to get help from people * How to recruit mentors * How to overcome past failures * How to create new financial opportunities * How to balance money & happiness * How to generate new money making ideas * How to take focussed action * The "Peg Method" * Action steps to take when you're! just getting started ! If YOU have a deep desire for MORE abundance, freedom and money in! your life... I invite you register for the Future of Wealth course now.! At the introductory price of $47 it's a steal.! I know you'll really benefit from the ideas, secrets and strategies you're about to learn. ! Carl Harvey Creator!Everyday Visualization System ! ! P.S. IT'S BONUS TIME!! ! I've been dropping hints about an EXCLUSIVE Bonus package when you!get FoW *now* using! this link. You're going to love it :) But why have I bothered to do this?

2 reasons. 1) I want to provide massive value to you.!My! number one goal is to HELP YOU SUCCEED.!And I believe my!bonus!will *signifcantly* increase! your chances of becoming more abundant.! 2) As I talked about yesterday, I wanted to solve! the!ONE FLAW!Future of Wealth has...

Let's start with no. 2. Remember how I said that the "big flaw" in Future! of Wealth!is that it is SO DETAILED? It's like getting a degree!in!abundance. And whilst this is a HUGE BENEFIT over the!medium! to long term...! I get it: ! *** YOU WANT RESULTS NOW *** And that's precisely why I created a! *BRAND NEW* Audio Course, which I'm giving to you today. It's called: 'Think and Grow Rich' - The 80/20 Quickstart Guide Based on Napoleon Hill's all-time classic, this quick fire audio program is designed! to get you FASTER RESULTS. You'll discover my TEN biggest!money-making! insights from Think and Grow Rich - and how to put them to work NOW.


Plus you'll learn: ! * Faith + [WHAT?] = Instant Manifesting * The "KEYSTONE" to greater success * Why almost all Visualization efforts FAIL * How much visualizing to do (and when to do it!) * and much, much more.

This is a *BRAND NEW* course. It's very powerful. !I aim to sell it!for $97. ! And look - we all know Napoleon Hill's book! is the "millionaire's!bible" and a! "must read", but be honest: *** Haven't you found the book quite tough! to!get all the way through to the end? *** Me too. LOL DON'T WORRY - my new audio program solves! this problem, by making TAGR "easy to! understand".! I give you ten "big ideas". To apply now. And at just 60 minutes - it's fun, fast-paced! and packed!full of ideas to get you making! more money and attracting abundance ... TODAY! Combined with the deep progress you'll make with! Future of Wealth, my Think and Grow Rich: 80/20! Guide will condition you for more!success,! wealth & abundance, now. ! Act now: Invest in!Future of Wealth you'll!get $97 Think and Grow Rich:!The 80/20 Quickstart Guide [Audio!Program] FREE.

Naturally your investment in FoW is guaranteed.! If you don't love it, you can get 100% refund. (But I expect you will love it :) ! ! Here's how to claim your FREE $97 Bonus Training: 1. Buy Future of Wealth using my special link ! 2. Email carl.j.harvey at with your receipt 3. I will send you a VIP link to download! 'Think and Grow Rich: The 80/20 Guide', my new audio! !program. It's on the house baby. Woohoo! ! ! ! Thanks so much for reading this abundance mini-course. I hope you've learned something new & found it valuable. And I trust you're EXCITED to take it to the next level Here's to YOUR abundance, Carl Harvey Creator Everyday Visualization System

About the author: Carl Harvey has helped over 250,000 learn how to improve their lives. A Brit living the dream on Bondi Beach (and about to move to K.L in Malaysia to take his dream job at Mindvalley), Carls burning desire if guring out the answer to the question: What REALLY makes people rich and happy? (And then putting it into action!) You can enrol here for Carls awesome Everyday Visualization System. Youll learn a simple 5 Step System for Visualization which makes it fast, easy and VERY e!ective. Plus youll get tons of Guided MP3s & other bonuses. Boom!

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