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Principles of Marketing (MKT 201)

Assignment No. 1: Marketing Resarch Last date of Submission: 13/10/2011 Name Course Registration No. Mazhar Abbas MBA 25 S11/5006

I confirm that this course work is my own effort and understand that evidence of plagiarism and collusion and late submission will result in a fail grade. Students signature: __________________________

For Tutors use only:

Q: Take A Position. The Best Marketing Research is Qualitative or Quantitative in Nature? Quantitative Research:
Quantitative research is about numbers and the counting and measuring of things objective hard data. It involves the use of structured questions with a limited number of predetermined response options. Usually, a relatively large number of respondents are involved.

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and/or say. It is much more subjective than quantitative research and typically uses individual interviews and focus groups where comparatively small Numbers of people are interviewed in-depth. As far as I have concerned the decision of whether to choose a quantitative or a qualitative design will depend on the nature of the project the type of information needed the context of the study and the availability of recourses.

Why should I choose Quantitatave research?

In general, qualitative research generates rich, detailed data that contribute to in depth understanding of the context. Quantitative research generates reliable population based data that can be statistically analyzed and is well suited to establishing cause-and-effect relationships. It is common for both approaches to be used in the same study. But according to the situation I will choose Quantitative research because The results are statically reliable The results are projectable. The results gained can be seen as real and unbiased. It provides the most accurate results. Quantitative research has many applications in the medical field

Source:Valerie Clark , 2003. What are the Different Types of Quantitative Research? [Online] . [ Accessed 12 October 2011].

Why should not Qualitative research:

Because of these factors: It is difficult for another person to interpret and reproduce the results. It uses the researcher as the measuring tool, and a human for the most part will always have bias in his judgment. Not understood well by classical researchers. Labor intensive and expensive It is more difficult to determine the validity and reliability of linguistic data It is harder to determine the extent of influence that the researcher had over the results. Transcription of recorded interviews can often take a lot of time and/or money

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