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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

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DOTE Anatomy topics

2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. The cells of the connective tissue. The development of the neurocranium.
Posted in Head & Neck by Sahaja on December 2, 2008 2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. The cells of the connective tissue. The development of the neurocranium. Flash cards:

Trigeminal n. SS of Face and some SM

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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

CN VII Facial N - SM for face

Cervical Plexus - SS/SM of Neck

Anatomy: The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. This topic covers basically CN V (SS /SMof face), CN VII (SM of face), Cervical plexus (SS/SM of neck), and parts of CN IX, X, XI (flash cards of these on next topic, #2) SS of Head & eck C V = Trigeminal n Remember = Feel the face w/ FIVE = 5th cranial nerve major sensory n for face, and is motor n for muscles of mastication, and some other m.

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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

has 3 major divisions: Ophthalmic n: V1 exits skull via supraorbital fissure, w/ CN III, IV, VI, and ophthalmic v innervates structures that develop from the frontonasal prominences asociliary n gives Ant ethmoid n > gives ext nasal br = skin @ tip of nose Post ethmoid n Infratrochlear n = skin @ root of nose Frontal n Supratrochlear n skin @ medial forehead, exit via supratrochlear foramen Supraorbital n skin @ lat forehead, exit via supraorbital foramen Lacrimal n lacrimal gland, lat upper eyelid Maxillary n: V2 exits skull via foramen rotundum, into pterygopalatine fossa innervates structures that develop from maxillary prominences below level of eyes & above upper lip Infraorbital n thru infraorbital foramen, via inferior orbital fissure lat side of nose, lower eyelid, upper lip branches of it > mucosa of maxillary sinus, upper inscisors, canines, and premolar teeth, upper gingiva, hard palate Ant, Mid, Post, Sup alveolar n forms maxillary dental plexus Zygomaticotemporal n from foramen of same name skin over ant temporal region Zygomaticofacial n foramen of same name skin over zygomatic region carries post-ggl fibers from pterygopalatine ggl, via Gr palatine, Lsr palatine, & Nasopalatine n, to Lacrimal n Mandibular n: V3 exits skull via foramen ovale aff/eff branch of jaw jerk reflex innervates structures that develop from mandibular prominences level of lower lip and below Inf alveolar n goes thru mandibular canal and emerges from mental foramen as mental n supply lower teeth, chin, lower lip Auriculotemporal n crosses root of zygomatic process > temporal region deep to sup temporal a, encircles around middle meningeal a supply ext acoustic meatus, tympanic mem, auricle Buccal n only sensory br of motor div. of V3 deep to ramus of mandible > runs ant and thru buccinator supplies mucus membrane lining cheek, post part of buccal surface of gum Lingual n SS to ant 2/3 of tongue SM = MOTOR branches > m. of mastication, ant digastric, mylohyoid m, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani C VII Facial n = SM of face has motor and sensory roots, SM = all muscles of facial expression, including platysma, auricularis m, post digastric m, stylohyoid m,

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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

stapedius m supplies structures developing from 2nd pharyngeal arch VS = taste to ant 2/3 of tongue via Chorda Tympani (discussed in next topic) SS = w/ auricular branches from IX, X > fibers to external ear, tympanic mem Pathway: IAM > petrous part of temporal bone (through auditory canal) > exit skull via stylomastoid foramen Once exits, gives off Post auricular n = m of auricle, occipitalis m, EAM, w/ branches from C IX, X runs ant and through parotid gland, where it gives its 5 terminal branches OTE DOES NOT INNERVATE PAROTID GLAND, merely runs through it Terminal branches: Temporal m of forehead, orbicularis oculi Zygomatic m. over zygomatic bone, orbital and infraorbital m Buccal Buccinator m, m of upper lip Mandibular (marginal)- m. of chin, lower lip Cervical platysma, *w/transverse cervical n. of Cervical plexus Cervical Plexus: from primary ventral rami of C1-C4, emerge next to ant scalene m ant branches = SM, post branches = SS to anterolat neck, sup part thorax SS of Neck = cutaneous branches of Cervical plexus see note card at start of this post 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lesser Occipital (C2,3) - scalp behind ear Greater Auricular (C2,3) scalp around auricle, and parotid region Transverse Cervical (C2,3) skin of ant cervical triangle Supraclavicular n (C3,4) ant, mid, post br to skin of clavicle and shoulder NOTE = NOT A BRANCH OF CERVICAL PLEXUS, but does SS of head/neck Greater Occipital n (dorsal rami of Cervical spinal n) post part of scalp

SM of Neck = 2 major motor branches of cervical plexus, + many side motor branches Branches not from Cervical Plexus ventral rami of cervical nodes SM to rohomoids, serratus ant, prevertebral m Ansa Cervicalis union of sup root (C1-2) + inf root (C2-3) superior and w/in carotid sheath in ant cervical triangle supplies infrahyoid m, except thyrohyoid (C1 via C XII) Phrenic n not technically part of neck, but part of plexus arises C4, but rec branches from C3-4 has SM, SS, SNS n fibers SM to lat diaphragm, SS to central tendon desc on ant surface of ant scalene m under SCM passes b/w subclavian a/v > thorax, joins pericardiophrenic br of int thoracic a SS = mediastinal pleura SM br off plexus= longus capitis, longus cervicis, Levator scapulae, scalene m Acc phrenic n - occasional br of plexus, from C5 and joins phrenic n below 1st rib SS/SM innervation from other C : CN IX = SS to post 1/3 of tongue, palatine tonsil & soft palate, tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum, auditory tubes, ext ear SM to stylopharyngeus m, CN IX, X, XI = give fibers to the common pharyngeal plexus SM = m. of pharynx, larynx, palate except tensor veli palatini (V3) CN XI SM = SCM, trapezius as mentioned above, is part of pharyngeal plexus

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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

spinal roots from ant horn of upper cervical segments, emerge from dorsal/ventral roots of spinal n combine to form 1 trunk > enter skull via foramen magnum also exits via jugular foramen CN X Superior Laryngeal n Int laryngeal n SS to larynx above vocal fold, lower pharynx, epiglottis Ext laryngeal n SM to cricothyroid, inf pharyngeal constrictor m. Recurrent laryngeal n hooks around subclavian a on R, and arch of aorta on L (lat to lig arteriosum) asc in groove b/w trachea & esophagus SS = larynx below vocal cord SS from all mucus membranes = lower pharynx, larynx, and down to all thoracic/abdominal organs

Histology:The cells of the connective tissue. There are two types of Connective Tissue cells: 1. Resident cells have their own motility within tissue. ex/ histocyte, mast cell, adipocytes, smooth m cells, plasma cells, fibroblasts 2. Transient cells - move in and out of tissue, ex/ WBC lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes Cells of CT: fibroblasts elongated cell w/ cytoplasmic extensions ovoid nucleus, sparse chromatin, 1 or 2 nuclei = synthesize collagen, reticular, elastic fibers, and carbs of ECM fibrocyte more mature, smaller splindle shaped cells no cytoplasmic extentions, smaller nucleus than fibroblast = less active, but same function as fibrocyte plasma cell smaller, accentric nucleus, with condensed chromatin, oval shape, cytoplasm mostly clear = secrete immunoglobulins & develop from B cells adipose cell narrow rim of cytoplasm, flat accentric nucleus large and mostly empty cytoplasm = store fat lymphocyte spherical shaped ells, dense chromatin in central nucleus, no nucleoli = mediate immune response, produce antibodies, defend body against infections, secrete proteins macrophages round, irregular cell outlines, small nucleus rich in chromatin, cytoplasm filled w/ injested particles, have feet like extensions called pseudopodia, eosinophillic due to increased # of lysozymes = phagocytes that injet bacteria, dead cells, cell debris, are Antigen presenting cells = APCs, also aid in immune response * Look for fuzzy reddish ovoid structure with many spots in cytoplasm can be found near a/v, but unlikely you would be asked to identify one eosinophil large WBC w/ bilobed nucleus *like headphones*, large eosinophillic granules in cytoplasm red color

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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

= inc in # after parasitic infections or allergic reactions, phagocytose Antigen-antibody complexes after infection neutrophil large WNC with many lobed nucleus, no granules in cytoplams, cytoplasm more or less unstained = engulf and destroy bacteria @ infection sites mast cell ovoid or circular, small central nucleus, basophillic cytoplasm filled w/ fine closely packed, dense staining granules of histamine and heparin = synthesize and release heparin and histamine. Heparin = weak anticoagulant, Histamine = used in inflammatory response, dilates a/v, increase a/v permiability to fluid, induces signs of allergic reaction monocytes largest WBC, bean shaped nucleus become macrophages part of MPC = Mononuclear Phagocytotic System = clean up tissue, antigen presentation = APCs Embryology:The development of the neurocranium. skeletal system develops from paraaxial, lateral plate mesoderm, & neural crest Paraxial mesoderm forms somites,t hat split into somitomeres, dermatomes, & myotomes @ 4th week -sclerotomes > become mesenchyme (embryonic CT) Mesenchyme can form many things, like osteoblasts = bone forming cells eural crest cells in head region can also become mesenschyme 2 types of bone formation: (Intra)membranous ossification - mesenchyme of dermis is converted right to bone Endochondral ossification mesenchyme > hyaline cartilage > ossified by osteoblasts eurocranium = forms protective case around brain Two parts: 1. Membranous part = flat bones, like Parietal, Frontal, Squamous part of temporal and occipital 2. Cartilaginous part = bones @ base of skull, like ethmoid, sphenoid, petrous part of temporal and occipital Membranous Neurocranium from para-axial mesoderm and neural crest cells undergo membranous ossification is the aggregation of mesenchyme cells in the area where bone is to be formed. The tissue in this area becomes more vascularized, mesenchyme cells begin to differentiate into osteoblasts, osteoblasts secrete the collagen and ground substance (proteoglycans) of bone matrix (collectively called osteoid). The osteoblasts maintain contact with one another via cell processes. The osteoid becomes calcified with time, and the processes of the cells (called osteocytes when they are surrounded with matrix) become enclosed in canaliculi. Some of the mesenchymal cells surrounding the developing bone spicules proliferate and differentiate into osteoprogenitor cells. Osteoprogenitor cells in contact with the bone spicule become osteoblasts, and secrete matrix, resulting in appositional growth of the spicule. Intramembranous ossification begins at about the eighth week in the human embryo. bone spicules grow from primary ossification centers >periphery bones grow by adding new membranous layers on the outside, and at the same time, resorption of inner layers by osteoclasts inside On ewborn skull, the flat bones of skull are not united. In fact, you dont want them to be, as the movement of these bones against each other allow the head to be shaped in certain ways to make birth easier.

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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

At this point, the flat bones are separated by CT sutures: sagittal suture from neural crest cells, b/w two parietal bones coronal suture from paraaxial mesoderm, b/w frontal and parietal bones Where more than 2 bones meet = fontanelle ant fontanelle where 2 frontal/2 parietal meet, will close w/in 2 years (like mastoid fontanelle) to become bregma post fontanelle where 2 pariteal/occipital meet, will close w/in 6 months (like sphenoid fontanelle) to become lambda some sutures remain open until adulthood Chondrocranium & Cartilaginous Neurocranium formed by many cartilages prechordal chondrocranium lie in front of rostral (front/ant) end of notochord (future spinal cord) hence, prechordal post border = sella turcica neural crest origin chordal chondrocranium lie behind sella turcica develop from occipital somites = para-axial mesoderm origin is the area that will surround the future spinal code hence, chordal.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated) Anatomy of a Wrinkle What is Your Connective Tissue? Tagged with: ansa cervicalis, bone spicules, Cervical Plexus, chordal chondrocranium, CN V, CN VII, eosinophil, greater auricular n, greater occipital n, lesser occipital n, macrophages, membranous ossification, monocytes, neural crest cells, neurocranium, neutrophil, para axial mesoderm, phrenic n, prechordal chondrocranium, resident cells, somites, supraclavicular n, transcient cells, transverse cervical n 1 comment 1. Arteries, veins and lymphatic drainage of the head and neck. The epithelial tissue. The development of blood vessels. 3. The viscerosensory and visceromotor innervation of the head and neck. The fibers of the connective tissue, the extracellular matrix. The development of the viscerocranium.

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Subscribe to comments with RSS. 1. 4. The muscles and fasciae of the head and neck. The histology of the hypophysis. The development of the face. DOTE Anatomy topics said, on January 10, 2009 at 11:24 AM [...] M: all innervated by Ansa Cervicalis, except THYROHYOID (C1 via Hypoglossal n), together they anchor the hyoid bone, scapula, clavicle, [...] Reply

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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

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This site was made for the Anatomy, Histology, Embryology class in 2nd yr, 1st semester at the University of Debrecen. All theoretical topics are listed as described on the website of the Anatomy department. We combined Practical class notes, Moore, Board Review Series textbooks of Gross Anatomy and Embryology, Langmans, DiFiores, as well as the Lab manual for Histology at Semmelweiss. We believe it to be all inclusive of the material you will need for your test. We made them for ourselves, but since people asked for them, and emailing them seemed next to impossible, we decided to post them here. On the left are the newest topics weve added. To see all the topics weve done so far, scroll down and click on the Category you would like to see: Head & eck, Thorax, Abdomen, & Pelvis. Added a search box in the sidebar, so you can search for the item you want. But the best way to find the topic that you want? Scroll down and click on the Link to Topics Page. There is the list of all topics. If a link to your topic of choice exists, weve started/finished it, else were working on it. There! Thats easier, isnt it? Weve added pictures, links, and animations where we have found them.

Hope this helps you, and GOOD LUCK!

(P.s. If you find mistakes, or want to add info, or find something we missed, please comment below the post in question, and we will fix or add it. ) We are adding more info by the day, so check back in with us! Created by Sahaja Parsa and Anne H. contact: sahaja.parsa[at]

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2. The somatosensory and somatomotor innervation of the head and neck. ...

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