Sie sind auf Seite 1von 93


lasuc deformauon of meLals abouL a llnear

Muluple bends can be made slmulLaneously
buL each axes of deformauon musL be llnear
and lndependenL of each oLher.
lormlng - muluple bends wlLh a slngle dle
Aer bendlng a maLerlal, Lhe resldual sLresses
ln Lhe maLerlal causes Lhe sLreLched reglon Lo
conLracL and Lhe compressed reglon Lo
8endlng rocesses
Angle 8endlng
8oll 8endlng
uraw 8endlng
Compresslon 8endlng
ress 8endlng
8oll lormlng
Angle 8endlng
8ar Io|der - machlne used Lo make angle
bends up Lo 130 ln sheeL meLal under 1.3
Angle 8endlng
ress 8rake - machlne press used for bendlng
sheeL meLal whlch uullzes a maLchlng punch and
Mlnlmum bendlng radlus
Alr-bend, 8ouomlng, and Colnlng ules
8oll 8endlng
Conunuous Lhree-polnL bendlng where Lhe
meLal ls benL Lo a deslred curvaLure uslng
Lhree formlng rolls.
uraw 8endlng,
Compresslon 8endlng and ress
uullzes clamps and pressure dles Lo bend Lhe
meLal agalnsL a bendlng dle.
used for bendlng plpes and Lubes.
1ube bendlng

8oll lormlng
Conunuous bendlng operauon ln whlch a
meLal sheeL ls passed Lhrough consecuuve
seLs of formlng rolls unul Lhe deslred cross-
secuon prole ls obLalned.
used Lo [oln Lhe ends of sheeL meLal ln some
form of lnLerlock.
erformed before subsequenL bendlng or
formlng Lo ensure LhaL Lhe maLerlal ls aL or
sLralghL, and Lo remove resldual sLresses.
urawlng and SLreLchlng
8efers Lo a famlly of operauons where plasuc
ow occurs over a curved axls and Lhe aL
sheeL ls formed lnLo a recessed, Lhree-
dlmenslonal parL wlLh a depLh more Lhan
several umes Lhe Lhlckness of Lhe meLal.
used Lo produce a wlde range of shapes, from
small cups Lo large auLomoblle and aerospace
a cold-formlng operauon where a rotanng d|sk of
sheet meta| |s progress|ve|y shaped over a ma|e
form or mandre|
CperaLor sklll dependenL
produces roLauonally symmeLrlcal shapes, such
Shear lormlng or llow 1urnlng
a mod|hcanon of the sp|nn|ng process ln
whlch each e|ement of the b|ank ma|nta|ns
|ts d|stance from the ax|s of rotanon.
lorms cones, hemlspheres, and slmllar shapes
SLreLch lormlng
an auracuve means of produclng large sheeL
meLal parLs ln low or llmlLed quanuues
A sheeL of meLal ls grlpped by Lwo or more
seLs of [aws LhaL sLreLch lL and wrap lL around
a slngle form block.
varlous comblnauons of sLreLchlng, wrapplng,
and block movemenLs can be employed,
dependlng on Lhe shape of Lhe parL.
popular ln Lhe alrcra lndusLry and ls
frequenLly used Lo form alumlnum and
sLalnless sLeel lnLo cowllngs, wlng ups, scoops,
and oLher large panels.
Stretch-draw form|ng - when maung male
and female dle ls used
ueep urawlng and Shallow urawlng
Sha||ow Draw|ng - When Lhe depLh of Lhe
producL ls less Lhan lLs dlameLer (or Lhe
smallesL dlmenslon of lLs openlng)
Deep Draw|ng - oLherwlse
lormlng 8ubber 1oollng or lluld
numerous processes have been developed
LhaL seek Lo
(1) reduce Loollng cosL
(2) decrease seLup ume and expense,
(3) exLend Lhe amounL of deformauon LhaL
can be performed wlLh a slngle seL of Lools.
Curerln rocess - based on Lhe phenomenon
LhaL rubber of Lhe proper conslsLency, !"#$
&'&())* +'$,$#-, acLs as a uld and LransmlLs
pressure unlformly ln all dlrecuons.
SheeL Pydroformlng
famlly of processes ln whlch a rubber b|adder
backed by u|d pressure, or pockeLs of
pressurlzed llquld, rep|aces e|ther the so||d
punch or fema|e d|e of Lhe Lradluonal Lool seL.
1ube Pydroformlng
a slgnlcanL process for manufacLurlng sLrong,
llghLwelghL, tubu|ar components
PoL urawlng Cperauons
used for formlng re|anve|y th|ck-wa||ed parLs
of s|mp|e geometr|es, and Lhe maLerlal
Lhlckness may change slgnlcanLly durlng Lhe
Plgh Lnergy 8aLe lormlng(PL8l)
lormlng meLals Lhrough Lhe app||canon of
|arge amounts of energy ln a very short nme
(hlgh sLraln raLe).
PL8l makes lL posslble Lo form |arge
workp|eces and d|mcu|t- to-form meta|s wlLh
|ess expens|ve equ|pment and cheaper
Plgh energy release raLe can be obLalned by:
(1) underwaLer exploslons
(2) underwaLer spark dlscharge(elecLro-hydraullc Lechnlques)
(3) neumauc-elecLrlcal means
(4) lnLernal combusuon of gaseous mlxLures
(3) 1he use of rapldly formed magneuc elds (elecLromagneuc Lechnlques)
process LhaL th|ns the wa||s of a drawn
cy||nder by passlng lL beLween a punch and
dle where Lhe gap ls less Lhan Lhe lncomlng
wall Lhlckness.
pressworklng process ln whlch ra|sed |euer|ng
or oLher deslgns are |mpressed |n sheet
Superplasuc SheeL lormlng
ueformauon aL |ow stra|n rates and e|evated
temperatures, elongauons can exceed 100
and may be as hlgh as 2000 to 3000 (10-30
Lenslonal elongauon for convenuonal meLals
and alloys)
Superp|asnc behav|our can be used Lo form
maLerlal lnLo large, complex-shaped producLs
wlLh compound curves.
AlLernauve MeLhods of
roduclng SheeL-1ype roducLs
ulrecLly deposlung meLal onLo preshaped
forms or mandrels.
1he meLal ls deposlLed by plaung.
nlckel, lron, copper, or sllver can be deposlLed
ln Lhlcknesses up Lo 16 mm.

A wlde varleLy of slzes and shapes can be
Low producuon quanuues can be made ln an
economlcal fashlon
8epllcauon of Lhe conLacL surface and prole
are exLremely good, buL Lhe unlformlLy of
Lhlckness and exLernal prole may presenL
Spray lormlng
Slmllar parLs can also be formed by ./0(*
ln[ecL powdered maLerlal lnLo a plasma Lorch.
1he parucles melL and are propelled onLo a
shaped form or mandrel. upon lmpacL, Lhe
dropleLs auen and undergo rapld
solldlcauon Lo produce a dense, negralned
Spray lormlng
1he mandrel or form ls oen removed by
machlnlng or chemlcal eLchlng.
Appllcauons lnvolve Lhe fabrlcauon of
speclallzed producLs from dlmculL-Lo-form or
ulLra-hlgh-melung-polnL maLerlals.

- Csprey process

lpe Weldlng
8uu-Welded lpe
Skelp - long sLrlps wlLh specled wldLh, Lhlckness,
and edge congurauon.
SLeel skelp ls heaLed Lo a specled hoL-worklng
LemperaLure by passlng lL Lhrough a Lunnel-Lype
furnace. upon exlung Lhe furnace, Lhe skelp ls
pulled Lhrough formlng rolls LhaL shape lL lnLo a
cyllnder and brlng Lhe free ends lnLo conLacL. 1he
pressure exerLed beLween Lhe opposlLe edges of
Lhe skelp ls sumclenL Lo upseL Lhe meLal and
produce a welded seam.
Lap-Welded lpe
1he skelp now has beveled edges and Lhe rolls
form Lhe weld by forclng Lhe lapped edges
down agalnsL a supporung mandrel.
1hls process ls used prlmarlly for larger slzes
of plpe.
Classlcauon of resses
4($5())* '/#0(&#- /0#..#.
used for very llghL work such as shearlng small
sheeLs and Lhln maLerlals.
4#+"($1+() 6017#.
rovlde fasL mouon and posluve conLrol of

Classlcauon of resses
80($9:-017#$ /0#..#.
1he mosL common Lype because of Lhelr
used for mosL plerclng and blanklng operauons
and for slmple drawlng.
;++#$&01+ '0 +(< -017#.
used where Lhe ram sLroke ls raLher shorL.

Classlcauon of resses
=$5+9)#:>'1$& -017#.
Cen preferred for colnlng, slzlng, and Cuerln
?'@@)# <#+"($1.<.
used prlnclpally ln drawlng presses Lo acLuaLe Lhe
A+0#!:&*/# -017#.
Acuon LhaL resembles a drop hammer (buL slower and
wlLh less lmpacL).
CulLe popular ln Lhe forglng lndusLry.
Classlcauon of resses
B*-0(5)1+ /0#..#.
produce mouon as Lhe resulL of plsLon movemenL
1ypes of ress lrame
C0+":D0(<# /0#..#.
seldom used Loday, excepL wlLh screw drlves for
colnlng operauons.
E(/:D0(<# /0#..#.
Lhe frames have Lhe shape of Lhe leuer 8F (0#
(<'$@ &"# <'.& 7#0.(2)# ($- +'<<'$)*
preferred presses.
1ypes of ress lrame
G/#$:H(+9 /0#..#.
Allow for Lhe e[ecuon of producLs or scrap
Lhrough an openlng ln Lhe back of Lhe press
I$+)1$(H)# /0#..#.
can be ulLed, so LhaL e[ecuon can be asslsLed by
gravlLy or compressed alr [eLs.
1ypes of ress lrame
C->5.&(H)# H#-
Allows Lhe base of Lhe machlne Lo ralse or lower
Lo accommodaLe dlerenL workpleces.
A)1-1$@ H').&#0
permlLs a second dle Lo be seL up on Lhe press
whlle anoLher ls ln operauon
1ypes of ress lrame
B'0$ /0#..
A speclal Lype of gap-frame press where a heavy
cyllndrlcal sha, or horn," appears ln place of Lhe
usual bed.
?500#& /0#..#.
useful ln Lhe producuon of sheeL meLal parLs wlLh
numerous holes or sloLs LhaL vary ln slze and
1ypes of ress lrame
A&0(1@"&:.1-#- /0#..#.
Pave frames LhaL conslsL of a crown, Lwo uprlghLs,
a base or bed, and one or more movlng slldes.
Speclal 1ypes of resses
?0($.D#0 /0#..#.
Pave a long movlng sllde LhaL enables muluple
operauons Lo be performed slmulLaneously ln a
slngle machlne.
Cer hlgh producuon raLes, hlgh exlblllLy, and
reduced cosLs
Speclal 1ypes of resses
J'50:.)1-# '0 <5)2.)1-# <(+"1$#.
LxLremely versaule presses LhaL are deslgned Lo
produce small, lnLrlcaLely shaped parLs from
conunuously fed wlre or coll sLrlp.
ress-leedlng uevlces
Pand leedlng
uouble 8oll leeds
ulal-feed mechanlsms
Sucuon-cup mechanlsms
vlbraLory-bed feeders
1. Lhe poruon of Lhe maLerlal whlch ls nelLher ln Lenslon nor ln compresslon. neutra| ax|s
2. 1rue or lalse. SLralghLenlng removes resldual sLresses Lo avold cracks. 1
3. lL ls lnserLed lnslde Lhe plpes/ Lubes Lo malnLaln Lhe shape of Lhe plpes whlle belng benL.
4. rocess of dolng muluple bends wlLh a slngle dle. form|ng
3. 1hls process ls used Lo auach Lhe cover of cans, drums , eLc seam|ng
6-7. Lwo alLernauve meLhods of produclng sheeL Lype producLs. e|ectroform|ng, spray form|ng
8-9 .1wo klnds of plpe weldlng buu-we|ded, |ap-we|ded
10. Lrue or false. Arch frame presses are among Lhe mosL versaule and commonly referred
presses. I
11. lamlly of operauons LhaL forms sheet meta|s to three d|mens|ona| products. DkAWING
12-13. Choose Lhe Lwo shapes LhaL can be produced by sp|nn|ng:
14. ressworklng process ln whlch ralsed leuerlng or oLher deslgns are lmpressed
ln sheeL maLerlal. used for Labe||ng. LM8CSSING
13. used for manufacLurlng sLrong, llghLwelghL, 1U8ULAk componenLs. 1hls
process uses h|gh-pressure u|d. 1U8L nDkCICkMING
16 MeLal processes LhaL generally lnvolve plane sLress loadlngs sheet form|ng
17. Mechanlcal cumng of maLerlals wlLhouL Lhe formauon of chlps or Lhe use of
burnlng or melung shear|ng
18. 1he lengLhwlse shearlng process used Lo cuL colls of sheeL meLal lnLo several
rolls of narrower wldLh s||mng
19. A modled shearlng operauon LhaL ls used Lo blank shapes from low- sLrengLh
maLerlals, such as rubber, ber, or cloLh. d|nk|ng
20. A plerclng operauon LhaL forms elLher a llne cuL (sllL) or hole |anc|ng

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