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The Shell

prev Draft Version 475 (Tue Sep 13 21:33:01 2005) next

Most modern tools have a graphical user interface (GUI)
Because they're easier to use
But command-line user interfaces (CLUIs) still have their place
Easier (faster) to build new CLUI tools
Easier to combine CLUI tools than GUI tools
Higher action-to-keystroked ratio
Once you're over the (steeper) learning curve
Easier to see and understand what the computer is doing on your behalf
Which is part of what this course is about
Simplest way to introduce the file system, I/O redirection, and process control
Don't worry if you don't understand these terms right now-you will
[Ray & Ray 2003] is a good introduction for newcomers
And despite its age, [Kernighan & Pike 1984] is still useful
How to tell if you can skip this lecture
Do you know what a shell is?
Do you know the difference between an absolute path and a relative path?
Do you know what a process is?
Do you know what a pipe is?
Do you know what $PATH is?
Do you know what rwxr-xr-x means?
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Operating Systems and Shells
The operating system is the program that controls a computer's hardware
Automatically loaded when the computer boots up
Handles input and output (keyboard, mouse, disk, networks, .)
Manages files and directories
Keeps track of who you are, and what you're allowed to do
A shell is a program that manages a user's interactions with the operating system
Reads commands from the keyboard
Figures out what other programs to run
E.g., editor, compiler, browser, .
If they produce plain text output, the shell displays it
Though most modern applications send drawing commands to the operating system
Figure 3.1: Operating System and Shell
Many different shells have been written (remember, they're just programs)
sh was the first for Unix, and is still the standard
I.e., the lowest common denominator
We'll use bash (the Bourne again shell) in this course
Available just about everywhere
Even on Windows (thanks to Cygwin)
The operating system automatically runs the shell for you when you log in
You can run multiple copies side by side in separate windows, just as you'd run multiple
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Lots of Little Tools
Good tools are small, extensible frameworks
Only a handful of commands are built into the shell
The rest are implemented as programs in their own right
Users can create new commands that are indistinguishable from those that shipped with
the system
The shell:
Figures out what program you want to run
Tells the operating system to run that program
Gives that program access to the keyboard and screen
Passes it any parameters you've specified
Waits until it finishes
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A Few Simple Commands
cat: concatenate files to standard output
I.e., show their contents
$ cat todo.txt
write lecture on how the shell works
debug examples for version control lecture
pick up cat food
return Sally's DVDs
date: print the time and date
$ date
Wed Jan 25 15:09:27 EST 2005
ls: list files and directories
$ ls /home/gvwilson/swc
README.txt admin data exer img
lec license.txt publ soln src
util tmpl todo.txt
Important note: by default, ls does not show anything whose name begins with "."
This is why . and .. (the current directory and its parent) don't show up
See in a moment how to get these to show up
mv: move (rename) files
$ mv /home/gvwilson/swc/README.txt /home/gvwilson/swc/notes.txt
$ ls
admin data exer img lec
license.txt notes.txt publ soln src
util tmpl todo.txt
Yeah, I know, they're not particularly memorable names.
cd ("change directory) changes what directory you're currently in
And ls without arguments lists the contents of the current directory, so:
$ cd /home/gvwilson/swc
$ ls
admin data exer img lec
license.txt notes.txt publ soln src
util tmpl todo.txt
wc: count words
Actually counts the lines, words, and characters in a file
$ wc license.txt
44 272 1293 license.txt
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Control the behavior of commands by giving them extra arguments (or flags)
By convention, flags start with "-", as in "-c" or "-l"
Show directories with trailing slash (ls -F)
$ ls -F
LICENSE.txt admin/ data/ exer/ lec/ publ/ soln/ util/
Makefile cgi-bin/ etc/ img/ pdf/ scraps/ src/ web/
Show files by extension (ls -X)
$ ls -X
cat_todo.txt.out ls_x.txt.out wildcards_off.txt.out ls_a.txt pipe_3.txt wildcards_off.txt
date.txt.out redirect_1.txt.out wildcards_on.txt.out ls_f.txt redirect_1.txt wildcards_on.txt
echo.txt.out redirect_2.txt.out wordcount.txt.out ls_home.txt redirect_2.txt wordcount.txt
ls_a.txt.out redirect_3.txt.out cat_todo.txt ls_x.txt redirect_3.txt
ls_f.txt.out rename.txt.out date.txt pipe_1.txt rename.txt
ls_home.txt.out wc_l.txt.out echo.txt pipe_2.txt wc_l.txt
Show all files and directories, including those whose names begin with "." (ls -a)
$ ls -a
. .. .svn admin data
exer img lec publ soln
src util tmpl README.txt license.txt
Count lines only in all text files
$ wc -l license.txt readme.txt todo.txt
44 license.txt
18 readme.txt
4 todo.txt
man command displays the manual page for a command
Lists all of the flags and their meanings
More of a reference guide than a tutorial.
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Some characters (called wildcards) mean special things to the shell
"*" matches zero or more characters
"?" matches any single character
"~" on its own means "my home directory
"~bhargan" means "Bhargan's home directory
The shell expands wildcards before running the command
$ ls
README.txt admin data exer img
lec license.txt publ soln src
util tmpl todo.txt
$ ls *.txt
README.txt license.txt todo.txt
Note: it's the shell that expands wildcards, not the individual commands
There's no way for rm to know whether it was invoked as rm *.txt or rm contract.txt
thesis.txt payclaim.txt
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Files and Directories
Data is stored in files
By convention, files have two part names, like notes.txt or home.html
Most operating systems allow you to associate a filename extension with an application
E.g., ".txt" is associated with an editor, and ".html" with a web browser
But this is all just convention: you can call files (almost) anything you want
Files are stored in directories (often called folders)
Directories can contain other directories, too
Results in the familiar directory tree
Figure 3.2: A Directory Tree
Everything in a directory must have a unique name
Items can have the same name, but only if they're in different directories
A collection of files and directories is called a file system
On Unix, the file system has a unique root directory called /
Every other directory is a child of it, or a child of a child, etc.
On Windows, every drive has its own root directory
So C:\home\gvwilson\notes.txt is different from J:\home\gvwilson\notes.txt
When you're using Cygwin, you can also write C:\home\gvwilson as c:/home/gvwilson
Or as /cygdrive/c/home/gvwilson
Some Unix programs give ":" a special meaning, so Cygwin needed a way to write paths
without it.
A path is a description of how to find something in a file system
An absolute path describes a location from the root directory down
Equivalent to a street address
Always starts with "/"
E.g., /home/gvwilson is my home directory, and /courses/swc/lec/shell.swc is this
A relative path describes how to find something from some other location
Equivalent to saying, "Four blocks north, and seven east
E.g., from /courses/swc, the relative path to this file is lec/shell.swc
Special symbols:
"." means "the current directory
".." means "the directory immediately above this one
Also called the parent directory
In /courses/swc/data, .. is /courses/swc
In /courses/swc/data/elements, .. is /courses/swc/data
Figure 3.3: Parent Directories
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Input and Output
A running program is called a process
A particular program
With its own virtual memory
Inherits the rights of whoever ran it
By default, every process has three connections to the outside world:
Standard input (stdin): connected to the keyboard
Standard output (stdout): connected to the screen
Standard error (stderr): also connected to the screen
Used for error messages
Figure 3.4: The Shell Running a Program
You can tell the shell to connect stdin and stdout to files instead
command < inputFile reads from inputFile
command > outputFile writes to outputFile
Only "normal output goes to the file, not error messages
command < inputFile > outputFile does both
Figure 3.5: Redirecting Standard Input and Output
Example: save number of lines in all text files to words.len
$ wc -w *.txt > words.len
# nothing appears
$ ls -t
words.len data/ exer/ todo.txt img/
lec/ publ/ admin/ src/ util/
README.txt license.txt soln/ tmpl/
$ cat words.len
44 license.txt
18 readme.txt
4 todo.txt
"-t" means "sort by modification time (most recent first)
Example: sort < data.txt reads lines from data.txt and sorts them
Redundant with many command-line tools, since they let you specify names of input files
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Suppose you want to use the output of one program as the input of another
E.g., use wc to see how big files are, then sort -n to sort numerically
Option 1: send output of first command to a temporary file, then read from that file
$ wc *.txt > temp
$ sort -n temp
Option 2: use a pipe to connect the first program's output to the second one's input
Written as "|"
$ wc *.txt | sort -n
More efficient and less error prone
Can chain any number of commands together
And combine with input and output redirection
E.g., find the five shortest text files in a directory:
$ wc *.txt | sort -n | head -5 > shortest.files
Figure 3.6: Pipes
Any program that reads from standard input, and writes to standard output, can use
redirection and pipes
Programs that do this are often called filters
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Environment Variables
Like any other program, the shell has variables
Since they define a user's environment, they are usually called environment variables
Usually all upper case
Type set at the command prompt to get a listing:
$ set
Get a particular variable's value by putting a "$" in front of its name
E.g., the shell replaces "$HOME" with the current user's home directory
Often use the echo command to print this out
$ echo $HOME
Question: why must you type echo $HOME, and not just $HOME?
To set or reset a variable's value temporarily, use this:
$ export VARNAME=value
Only affects the current shell (and programs run from it)
To set a variable's value automatically when you log in, set it in ~/.bashrc
Remember, "~" is a shortcut meaning "your home directory
For me, right now, ~/.bashrc is /home/gvwilson/.bashrc
Important environment variables
Name Typical Value Notes
HOME /home/gvwilson
The current user's
home directory
The current user's
home drive
(Windows only)
HOSTNAME "ishad"
This computer's
What kind of
computer this is
OS "Windows_NT"
What operating
system is running
PATH "/home/gvwilson/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/Python24/"
Where to look for
PWD /home/gvwilson/swc/lec
Present working
(sometimes CWD, for
current working
SHELL /bin/bash
What shell is being
TEMP /tmp
Where to store
temporary files
USER "gvwilson"
The current user's
Table 3.1: Important Environment Variables
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How the Shell Finds Programs
The most important of these variables is PATH
The search path that tells the shell where to look for programs
When you type a command like tabulate, the shell:
Splits $PATH on colons to get a list of directories
Looks for the program in each directory, in left-to-right order
Runs the first one that it finds
PATH is /home/gvwilson/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/Python24
Both /usr/local/bin/tabulate and /home/gvwilson/bin/tabulate exist
/home/gvwilson/bin/tabulate will be run when you type tabulate at the command
Can run the other one by specifying the path, instead of just the command name
Warning: it is common to include . in your path
This allows you to run a program in the current directory just by typing whatever, instead
of ./whatever
But it also means you can never be quite sure what program a command will invoke
Though you can use the command which program_name, which will tell you
Common entries in PATH include:
/bin, /usr/bin: core tools like ls
Note: the word "bin comes from "binary, which is geekspeak for "a compiled program
/usr/local/bin: optional (but common) tools, like the gcc
$HOME/bin: tools you have built for yourself
Remember, $HOME means "the user's home directory
So this is equivalent to ~/bin
Cygwin does things a little differently
Uses the notation /cygdrive/c/somewhere instead of Windows' c:/somewhere
The colon in c:/somewhere would clash with the colons in the PATH variable
By default, Cygwin treats c:/cygwin as the root of its file system
So /home/aturing is a synonym for c:/cygwin/home/aturing
Yes, it can be confusing, but remember: we're trying to run one operating system's tools
on top of another
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Ownership and Permission: Unix
On Unix, every user belongs to one or more groups
The groups command will show you which ones you are in
Every file is owned by a particular user and a particular group
Owner can assign different read, write, and execute permissions to user, group, and others
Read: can look at contents, but not modify them
Write: can modify contents
Execute: can run the file (e.g., it's a program)
ls -l will show all of this information
(Along with the file's size and a few other things)
Permissions displayed as three rwx triples
"Missing permissions shown by "-"
Example: rw-rw-r-- means "user and group can read and write; everyone else can read;
no one can execute
Change permissions using chmod
Example: chmod u+x something.exe gives the user execute permission to something.exe
Example: chmod o-r notes.txt takes away the world's read permission for notes.txt
Permissions mean something a little different for directories
Execute permission means you can "go into a directory, but does not mean you can read
its contents
So if a directory called tools has permission rwx--x--x (i.e., owner can do anything, but
everyone else only has execute permission), then:
If someone other than the owner does ls tools, permission is denied
But if there's a useful program called tools/findanswers, other users can still run it
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Ownership and Permission: Windows
Of course, it all works differently on Windows
Not better or worse, just differently
Windows XP uses access control lists (ACLs)
Instead of describing users as "file owner, group member, or something else, ACLs let you
specify exactly what any particular user, or set of users, can do to a file, directory, device,
Older versions of Windows (such as Windows 95 and Windows 2000) are fundamentally
insecure, and shouldn't be used
Cygwin does its best to make the Windows model look like Unix's
If you trip over the differences, please consult a system administrator
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Basic Tools
Documentation for commands.
Concatenate and display text files.
Change working directory.
Change file and directory permissions.
Clear the screen.
Copy files and directories.
Display the current date and time.
Show differences between two text files.
Print arguments.
Show environment variables.
Display the first few lines of a file.
List files and directories.
Make directories.
Page through a text file.
Move (rename) files and directories.
Display the bytes in a file.
Change your password.
Print current working directory.
Remove files.
Remove directories.
Sort lines.
Display the last few lines of a file.
Remove duplicate lines.
Count lines, words, and characters in a file.
locate a command
Table 3.2: Basic Command-Line Tools
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Give several examples of how to do useful things with basic tools (#84)
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More Advanced Tools
Print the disk space used by files and directories.
Find files that match a pattern.
Print lines matching a pattern.
Uncompress a file.
Compress a file.
Send a file to a printer.
Remove a print job from a printer's queue.
Check the status of a printer's queue.
Display running processes.
Archive files.
Find the path to a program.
See who is logged in.
Execute a command for each line of input.
Table 3.3: Advanced Command-Line Tools
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Exercise 3.1:
Suppose you are in your home directory, and ls shows you this:
Makefile biography.txt data
enrolment.txt programs thesis
What argument(s) do you have to give to ls to get it to put a trailing slash after the names of
subdirectories, like this:
Makefile biography.txt data/
enrolment.txt programs/ thesis/
If you run ls data, it shows:
earth.txt jupiter.txt mars.txt
mercury.txt saturn.txt venus.txt
What command should you run to get the following output:
data/earth.txt data/jupiter.txt data/mars.txt
data/mercury.txt data/saturn.txt data/venus.txt
What if you want this (note that an extra entry is being displayed):
total 7
drwxr-xr-x 7 someone 0 May 6 08:27 .svn
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone 2396 May 6 08:38 earth.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone 1263 May 6 08:38 jupiter.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone 1015 May 6 08:43 mars.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone 946 May 6 08:41 mercury.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone 1714 May 6 08:40 saturn.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone 881 May 6 08:40 venus.txt
Note: the command will display your user ID, rather than someone. On some machines, the
command will also display a group ID. Ignore these differences for the purpose of this
Exercise 3.2:
According to the listing of the data directory above, who can read the file mercury.txt? Who
can write it (i.e., change its contents or delete it)? When was mercury.txt last changed? What
command would you run to allow everyone to edit or delete the file?
Exercise 3.3:
Suppose you want to remove all files whose names (not including their extensions) are of
length 3, start with the letter a, and have .txt as extension. What command would you use?
For example, if the directory contains three files a.txt, abc.txt, and abcd.txt, the command
should remove abc.txt , but not the other two files.
Exercise 3.4:
What does the command cd ~ do? What about cd ~gvwilson?
Exercise 3.5:
What's the difference between the commands cd HOME and cd $HOME?
Exercise 3.6:
Suppose you want to list the names of all the text files in the data directory that contain the
word "carpentry". What command or commands could you use?
Exercise 3.7:
Suppose you have written a program called analyze. What command or commands could you
use to display the first ten lines of its output? What would you use to display lines 50-100? To
send lines 50-100 to a file called tmp.txt?
Exercise 3.8:
The command ls data > tmp.txt writes a listing of the data directory's contents into
tmp.txt. Anything that was in the file before the command was run is overwritten. What
command could you use to append the listing to tmp.txt instead?
Exercise 3.9:
What command(s) would you use to find out how many subdirectories there are in the
lectures directory?
Exercise 3.10:
What does rm *.ch? What about rm *.[ch]?
Exercise 3.11:
What command(s) could you use to find out how many instances of a program are running on
your computer at once? For example, if you are on Windows, what would you do to find out
how many instances of svchost.exe are running? On Unix, what would you do to find out how
many instances of bash are running?
Exercise 3.12:
What do the commands pushd, popd, and dirs do? Where do their names come from?
Exercise 3.13:
How would you send the file earth.txt to the default printer? How would you check it made it
(other than wandering over to the printer and standing there)?
Exercise 3.14:
A colleague asks for your data files. How would you archive them to send as one file? How
could you compress them?
Exercise 3.15:
The instructor wants you to use a hitherto unknown command for manipulating files. How
would you get help on this command?
Exercise 3.16:
You're worried your data files can be read by your nemesis, Dr. Evil. How would you check
whether or not he can, and if necessary change permissions so only you can read or write the
Exercise 3.17:
You have changed a text file on your home PC, and mailed it to the university terminal. What
steps can you take to see what changes you may have made, compared with a master copy in
your home directory?
Exercise 3.18:
How would you change your password?
Exercise 3.19:
grep is one of the more useful tools in the toolbox. It finds lines in files that match a pattern
and prints them out. For example, assume I have files earth.txt and venus.txt containing
lines like this:
Name: Earth
Period: 365.26 days
Inclination: 0.00
Eccentricity: 0.02
If I type grep Period *.txt in that directory, I get:
earth.txt:Period: 365.26 days
venus.txt:Period: 224.70 days
Search strings can use regular expressions, which will be discussed in a later lecture. grep
takes many options as well; for example, grep -c /bin/bash /etc/passwd reports how many
lines in /etc/passwd (the Unix password file) that contain the string /bin/bash, which in turn
tells me how many users are using bash as their shell.
Suppose all you wanted was a list of the files that contained lines matching a pattern, rather
than the matches themselves-what flag or flags would you give to grep? What if you wanted
the line numbers of matching lines?
Exercise 3.20:
diff finds and displays the differences between two files. It works best if both files are plain
text (i.e., not images or Excel spreadsheets). By default, it shows the differences in groups,
like this:
< Inclination: 0.00
> Inclination: 0.00 degrees
> Satellites: 1
(The rather cryptic header "3c3,4" means that line 3 of the first file must be changed to get
lines 3-4 of the second.)
What flag(s) should you give diff to tell it to ignore changes that just insert or delete blank
lines? What if you want to ignore changes in case (i.e., treat lowercase and uppercase letters
as the same)?
Copyright 2005, Python Software
Foundation. See License for details.

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