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Methodology: A questionnaire is designed to determine the level of health practices of students leaders of the University of Northern Philippines in relation

to their academic performance. The responses are the data gathered, analyzed and interpreted using the weighted mean and the norm to study the results. The extent of health practices of student leaders as respondents in the University of Northern Philippines. Very often Often Frequent Seldom Never 5 4 3 2 1 4.21 - 5.0 3.41 - 4.20 2.61 - 3.40 1.81 - 2.60 1.00 - 1.80

The following are the results of the study on the extent of health practices Table 3 - The extent of Health Practices of the respondents along Nutrition. Items 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. Mean DR

Basing from table 3, the result of the study on health practices along nutrition, there are 4 mean (3.37, 3.87, 3.97,3.74) contributed to often and frequent (3.10, 3.35, 3.38, 2.91), as a measure on the extent of health practices of student leaders that gave the highest result of the study followed by never which has 2 mean (1.77,1.80) and very often (4.46) and seldom (2.26) has 1 each mean, respectively.

Summing up all the mean, the weighted mean rating of the student leaders as respondents in the study is that they frequently adhere to health practices with an overall rating of 3.20.

Table 4 - Mean Ratings showing the Extent of Health Practices of the Respondents along Rest and Sleep Table 4 The results of rest and sleep on the extent of health practices of the respondents is that, there are 5 mean of frequent as a measure of health practices (3.02, 2.99, 2.62, 2.80, 2.97) contributed to the overall weighted mean and followed the often of 2 mean (3.48, 3.70), seldom has 1 (2.44) and very often and never has zero (0)mean. This shows that the respondents focus on frequent rest and sleep on health practices with an overall weighted mean of 3.01.

Table 5 - Mean ratings showing the Extent of Health Practices of the Respondents Along Exercises Table 5 From table 5, the contributed mean to the overall mean along exercise is that, there are 3 (2.89, 2.80, 3.33) mean on frequent followed by often (3.64, 3.74) and seldom (2.57) that contributed to the overall mean. The very often and never scored zero. The result of the overall mean on the extent of health practices along exercise is frequent with a weighted mean of 3.16. Therefore, respondents focus on their exercises as a frequent health practices.

Table 6 - Mean Ratings Showing the extent of Health Practices of the Respondents along Study Habit Table 6 In table 6, it shows that the measure is concentrated on often, frequent and seldom. On frequent, as a measure of the extent of health practices along study habit contributed 6 mean (2.72, 3.33, 2.89, 2.99, 3.38, 2.68) to the overall weighted mean while the often contributed 4 mean (3.91, 3.48, 3.47, 4.14) and seldom with 1 (2.06).

Basing from the mean contributed, the overall weighted mean is 3.19 which shows that the respondents frequently perform health practices along study habit.

Table 7 Mean ratings Showing the Extent of Health Practices of the Respondents along Recreation Table 7 Basing from table 7, often and frequent as a measure of the extent of health practices along recreation was concentrated by the respondents. In often, there are 3 mean (4.14, 3.95, 3.94) while frequent, it has also 3 mean (2.96, 2.94, 3.36) that contributes an overall weighted mean of 3.55 which means that the respondents has only two choices whether often or frequent performance of recreation as health practices. Summing up all the mean, the weighted mean of the two choices resulted a frequent performance of recreation on health practices.

Table 8 Mean Ratings Showing the Extent of Health Practices of the Respondents along Personal Hygiene Table 8 From table 8, the measure of extent of health practices on personal hygiene is concentrated on very often, often and seldom. Based from the respective measure on the extent of health practices on personal hygiene, the mean of very often contributed highly 4 (4.54, 4.70, 4.78, 4.52), likewise with often with also 4 mean (4.39, 4.38, 4.17, 3.64) and seldom with 1 mean (1.81). On the figure of the respective mean, very often and often contributed highly on the overall weighted mean which is 4.10. This shows that the respondents are often conscious of their personal hygiene.

Table 9 Mean Ratings Showing the Extent of Health Practices of the Respondents Table 9 Basing from the figures of the health practices of the respondents, the highest mean acquired is personal hygiene with 4.10, followed by recreation with 3.55, nutrition with 3.20, exercise with 3.19, study habit with 3.16 and rest and sleep with 3.01.

This shows that the respondents are often mindful with personal hygiene and cautious in recreation. Nutrition, exercise, study habit, and rest and sleep are frequent performance of the respondents in their health practices. However, summing up all the mean, it resulted to 3.37 which means, the respondent frequently perform health practices.

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