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Topic 1: Cells 1.

1 Cell Theory (3h)

1.1.1 Discuss the theory that living organisms are composed of cells. Skeletal muscle and some fungal hyphae are not divided into cells ut have a multinucleate cytoplasm. Some iologists consider unicellular organisms to e acellular. 3


State that a virus is a non"cellular structure consisting of D#$ or %#$ surrounded y a protein coat.

1.1.3 1.1.+

State that all cells are formed from other cells. &ref . 1.'" (itosis) *.1" (eiosis ,&plain three advantages of using light microscopes. $dvantages include colour images instead of monochrome) a larger field of vie-) easily prepared sample material) the possi ility of e&amining living material and o serving movement.

1 3

Topic 1 Cells


.utline the advantages of using electron microscopes. ! /n comparing electron and light microscopes) the terms resolution and magnification should e e&plained. Scanning and transmission electron microscopes should e mentioned riefly) ut the principles of ho- they -ork need not e discussed.


Define organelle. $n organelle is a discrete structure -ithin a cell) and has a specific function. Compare the relative si2es of molecules) cell mem rane thickness) viruses) acteria) organelles and cells) using appropriate S/ units. $ppreciation of relative si2e is re3uired) molecules (1 nm)) thickness of mem ranes (14 nm)) &ref. 1.+ viruses (144 nm)) acteria (1 5m)) &ref. 1.33 organelles (up to 14 5m)) &ref. 0.+.!) 1.1.3) 1.!.1 most cells (up to 144 5m). The three"dimensional nature6shape of cells should e emphasi2ed.


Topic 1 Cells


Calculate linear magnification of dra-ings. Dra-ings should sho- cells and cell ultra"structure -ith scale ars eg. (agnification could also e stated) eg &!'4.


,&plain the importance of the surface area to volume ratio as a factor limiting cell si2e. 3 (ention the concept that the rate of meta olism of a cell is a function of its mass:volume ratio) -hereas the rate of e&change of materials and energy (heat) is a function of its surface area. Simple mathematical models involving cu es and the changes in the ratio that occur as the sides increase y one unit could e compared.

Topic 1 Cells


State that unicellular organisms carry out all the functions of life. (.8,(,#T %,S9/%$T/.# #:T%/T/.# ,;C%,T/.# %,9%.D:CT/.# /%%$T/</=/T> ?%.@TA


,&plain that cells in multicellular organisms differentiate to carry out speciali2ed functions y e&pressing some of their genes ut not others. 3


Define tissue) .rgan) organ system. 1

Topic 1 Cells

1.! 9rokaryotic Cells (1h)

1.!.1 Dra- a generali2ed prokaryotic cell as seen in electron micrographs. 1 :se images of acteria as seen in electron micrographs to sho- the structure. The diagram should sho- the cell -all) plasma mem rane) mesosome) cytoplasm) ri osomes and nucleoid (region containing naked D#$).


State one function for each of the follo-ing: cell -all) plasma mem rane) mesosome) cytoplasm) ri osomes naked D#$.


State that prokaryotes sho- a -ide range of meta olic activity including fermentation) photosynthesis and nitrogen fi&ation. 1

Topic 1 Cells


1.3 ,ukaryotic Cells (3h)

1.3.1 Dra- a diagram to sho- the ultrastructure of a generali2ed animal cell as seen in electron micrographs. 1 The diagram should sho- ri osomes) rough endoplasmic reticulum (r,%)) lysosome) ?olgi apparatus) mitochondrion and nucleus.


State one function of each of these organelles: %i osomes rough endoplasmic reticulum lysosome ?olgi apparatus (itochondrion nucleus.


Compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Differences should include: naked D#$ versus D#$ associated -ith protein) D#$ in cytoplasm versus D#$ enclosed in a nuclear envelope) no mitochondria versus mitochondria) 14S versus *4S ri osomes. Similarities include: <oth types have

Topic 1 Cells


Descri e three differences et-een plant and animal cells. 1. !. 3.


State the composition and function of the plant cell -all. 1 The composition of the plant cell -all should e considered only in terms of cellulose microfi rils.

1.+ (em ranes (3h)

1.+.1 Dra- a diagram to sho- the fluid mosaic model of a iological mem rane. 1 The diagram should sho- the phospholipid ilayer) cholesterol) glycoproteins and integral and peripheral proteins. :se the term plasma mem rane not cell surface mem rane for the mem rane surrounding the cytoplasm. /ntegral proteins are em edded in the phospholipid of the mem rane -hereas peripheral proteins are attached to its surface. 8ariations in composition related to the type of mem rane) and the functions of cholesterol and glycoproteins) are not re3uired.

Topic 1 Cells

1.+.! ,&plain ho- the hydropho ic and hydrophilic properties of phospholipids help to maintain the structure of cell mem ranes. 3


=ist the functions of mem rane proteins including hormone inding sites) en2ymes) electron carriers) channels for passive transport and pumps for active transport.


Define diffusion Define osmosis.

.smosis is the passive movement of -ater molecules) across a partially permea le mem rane) from a region of lo-er solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration.

Topic 1 Cells


,&plain passive transport across mem ranes in terms of diffusion. (ention channels for facilitated diffusion.


,&plain the role of protein pumps and $T9 in active transport across mem ranes.

&ref to 1.1' (chemiosmosis in respiration)) 1.!.+ (chemiosmosis in photosynthesis)) 11.1.+ ( mem rane polarisation in nerves)) 1!.!.' (e&cretion)) 13.!.! (mineral uptake y roots)

Topic 1 Cells

1.+.1 ,&plain ho- vesicles are used to transport materials -ithin a cell et-een the rough endoplasmic reticulum) ?olgi apparatus and plasma mem rane. 3 &"ref."0.+.0" $A= Translation

1.+.* Descri e ho- the fluidity of the mem rane allo-s it to change shape) reak and reform during endocytosis and e&ocytosis. !

Topic 1 Cells


1.' Cell Division (!h)

1.'.1 State that the cell"division cycle involves interphase) mitosis and cytokinesis. 1


State that interphase is an active period in the life of a cell -hen many iochemical reactions occur) as -ell as D#$ transcription and D#$ replication. 1 &ref" 0.! (D#$ replication)) 0.3 (Transcription)


Descri e the events that occur in the four phases of mitosis 9rophase" reakage of nuclear mem ranes and supercoiling of D#$ to form visi le chromosomes

(etaphase" chromosomes line up along e3uatorial region of cell) attachment of spindle microtu ules to centromeres

$naphase" splitting of centromeres) movement of sister chromosomes to opposite poles as spindle microtu ules shorten

Telophase" uncoiling of chromosomes and reformation of nuclear mem ranes.

Te&t ooks vary in the use of the terms chromosome and chromatid. /n this course) the t-o D#$ molecules formed y D#$ replication are considered to e sister chromatids until the splitting of the centromere at the start of anaphaseB after this they are individual chromosomes. The terms centrosome and kinetochore are not e&pected.

Topic 1 Cells



,&plain ho- mitosis produces t-o genetically identical nuclei.


.utline the differences in mitosis and cytokinesis et-een animal and plant cells. ! =imit this to the lack of the centrioles in plant cells and the formation of the cell plate.


State that gro-th) tissue repair and ase&ual reproduction involve mitosis.

1.'.1 State that tumours (cancers) are the result of uncontrolled cell division and that these can occur in any organ. 1

Topic 1 Cells


Topic 1 Cells


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