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Tools Word Processing

Synthesis Word processing is used primarily to support English and foreign language exercises, such as vocabulary and punctuation. Word processing programs allows people to produce typed documents on a computer screen.

Advantages -Saves time, word processing helps teachers use preparation time more efficiently by letting them modify materials instead of creating new ones. -Materials created with word processing software look more polish and professional than handwritten or typed materials. - Word processing allows materials to be shared easily among writers. -Allows collaboration on documents, teachers and students can create, edit and share documents synchronously

Disadvantages -Some educators feel that word processing will free students from the physical constraints of handwriting allowing them to develop written expression skills. Others worry that it will make students unwilling to spend time developing handwriting abilities and other activities require fine motor skills. -Some educators feel that students will never become really productive on the computer until they learn 10-finger keyboarding. Others feel that extensive time spent on keyboarding instruction and practice could be better spent on more important skills on their own. -While no researchers have conducted formal studies of the impact of frequent word processing use on handwriting legibility, computer users commonly complain that their handwriting isnt what it used to be, ostensibly because of infrequent opportunities to use their handwriting skills. - Roblyer (1997) reviewed search that found that students word processing composition tend to

receive lower grades than handwritten ones. -Link (2009) warns that auto correction feature built into most word processors can replaced typed words with ones the software selects as more correct, leading to typos that interfere with intended meaning. Spreadsheets Spreadsheets are programs designed to organized and manipulate numerical data. It can be used for numerical information such as budgets and cash flow. The information in a spreadsheet is stored in rows and columns. Each row-column position is called a cell and may contained numerical values, words or character data, and formulas or calculation commands spreadsheets are used often for demonstrations in mathematics, science, and business education areas. -Spreadsheets save valuable time by allowing teachers and students to complete essential calculations quickly. - Their capability to store information intended for numerical data, their capability to store information in columns makes them ideal tools for designing information intended for numerical data, their capability to store information in columns makes them ideal tools for designing information charts, such as schedules and attendance list, that may contain numbers and no calculations at all. - Spreadsheet help people visualize the impact of changes in numbers. -Many teachers feel that spreadsheets make working with numbers more fun. -When teachers or Some students find a disadvantage in this tool because they find it challenging to their math ability.

Presentation Software

Presentation Software

-Tufte (2003) is an

is designed to display information, including text, images, audio, and video, in a slide show format. Slides or frames created in this software are usually presented in the order in which they appear in the slideshow product.

students create a presentation with this software, it helps them think through what they will say and what order they should present information. Use of presentation software can allow a teacher to illustrate and provide students with practice and in information organization skills -When a presentation product is well design, it supports and supplements what the speaker says, using graphics and multimedia to give illustrations and drive home points with images and sound. -Working together on presentations of project work or research results gives students important practice in collaboration skills.

acknowledged critic he is among those who feel that presentation software makes people focus on the slides, rather than the message, saying that rather than supplementing a presentation, (Power Point) has become a substitute for it. -There are also complaints about the effects that using slidebased software has on teaching style impact. Young (2009) cites a British study that reported students perceived use of Power Point- based lectures among the most boring they experience. On the other hand, Elliot and Gordon (2006) said that proper use of presentation software can support constructivist activities and promote critical thinking, active learning deep understanding, and engaging discussion.

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