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Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 1320—1325

Separation through crystallization and hydrotropy:

the 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) and phenoxyacetic acid
(PAA) system
Narayan S. Tavare*, Vivek K. Jadhav
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 1 DP, UK


The specificity of hydrotropes in solubilization has been successfully employed for the separation of close-boiling
isomeric components from their binary mixtures forming simple eutectics, in some cases even at the eutectic composi-
tions. The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel technique of crystallizing 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) in
a good quality and pure crystalline form from product reaction mixture in a hydrotrope environment. The remaining
mother liquor may be used to recover crystalline phenoxyacetic acid (PAA) by dilution with water and subsequently to
concentrate hydrotrope solution for recycle. Semibatch crystallization experiments for 6-APA in a 2 l laboratory-scale
agitated crystallizer with controlled acid addition from product reaction mixture in hydrotrope solution yield better
quality crystalline product than that in absence of hydrotrope. The present study demonstrates the potential efficacy of
sodium butyl monoglycol sulphate (NaBMGS) hydrotrope in the separation of 6-APA in pure crystalline form from the
product reaction mixture.  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Semibatch crystallization; Hydrotropy; Separations; Precipitation; 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA)

1. Introduction methods based on the molecular size, the separ-

ation methods exploiting the differences in molecu-
A variety of isomeric or closely related mixtures lar structure of the components are likely to be
of organic compounds having similar molecular effective. Several possible techniques are available;
sizes and very close chemical and physical proper- most depend on the addition of a third component
ties often require their separation into nearly pure which augments the ease of separation as a result of
components. As the constituents are difficult to the increased differences in physical properties such
separate in most cases by conventional separation as boiling points, melting points and solubilities.
Extractive or adductive crystallization, reactive dis-
tillation or extraction and extraction with super-
* Corresponding author. Fax: #44 1274 235700; e-mail: critical fluids have been advocated. The present research was motivated to look systematically at

0022-0248/99/$ — see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 0 2 4 8 ( 9 8 ) 0 1 0 1 7 - 3
N.S. Tavare, V.K. Jadhav / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 1320–1325 1321

the use of the phenomenon of hydrotropy for the quality crystalline form are important consider-
separation of isomeric component from their mix- ations in the process. Frequently, the purity speci-
tures and demonstrate how it can be approached fication of 6-APA is rather difficult to attain in such
using sound analysis based on crystallization a crystallization process as PAA may cocrystallize
principles. as an impurity. Solubilities of 6-APA and PAA
Hydrotropes, a class of organic compounds, sig- in water are low (&0.0025 and &0.011 g/g water,
nificantly increase the aqueous solubility of certain respectively). Only the solubility of PAA is aug-
sparingly soluble compounds and can be used for mented rapidly with hydrotrope concentration to
a variety of applications. Sharma and his co- &0.39 g/g water in neat sodium butyl mono-
workers [1—3] used hydrotropes to enhance the glycol sulphate solution (NaBMGS 50%) while
rates of multiphase chemical reactions as well as to that of 6-APA remains practically constant
separate selectively close-boiling compounds either (&0.003—0.004 g/g water). The purpose of this
by extractive distillation or liquid-liquid extraction. study was to propose a novel technique of crystal-
Tavare and co-workers [4—9] proposed to use the lizing 6-APA in a good quality and pure crystalline
phenomenon of hydrotropy for the separation of form from product reaction mixture in a hydro-
isomeric mixtures. For several binary mixtures, trope environment. Should the crystallization be
they found that the enhancement in the solubility carried out from the reaction product in the pres-
with the hydrotrope concentration was signifi- ence of hydrotrope PAA would remain in the solu-
cantly higher for one of the components and used tion phase and 6-APA will precipitate in a good
this observation to selectively precipitate one of the quality crystalline form under controlled condi-
components by controlled dilution with water. tions. The remaining mother liquor may be used to
They demonstrated its successful application for recover crystalline PAA by dilution with water and
the separation of o- and p-chloronitrobenzenes, 1- subsequently to concentrate hydrotrope solution
and 2-naphthols, m- and p-aminoacetophenones, in for recycle. The initial experimental study con-
some cases even at eutectic compositions. The spe- cerned the determination of the relevant solubility
cificity in solubilization has been successfully em- data of 6-APA in reaction product mixtures with or
ployed not only for the separation of close boiling without hydrotrope environment [10]. An addi-
and both close boiling and close melting compo- tional experimental programme was undertaken to
nents from binary mixtures forming simple eutec- perform a series of precipitation experiments with
tics but also for achieving improved quality and composition corresponding to the hydrolysis reac-
purity of pharmaceutical intermediates [10]. The tion product and also in the presence of the
purpose of this article is to illustrate the efficacy of NaBMGS hydrotrope solution. Solution-phase
a novel crystallization (or precipitation) technique supersaturation profiles and crystal size distribu-
for the separation of good quality pharmaceutical tion statistics from the population density plots at
intermediate from its reaction product mixture in different sample times for the experiments with and
hydrotrope solution. without hydrotrope environment were evaluated.
6-Aminopenicellanic acid (6-APA), an important
intermediate in the production of semisynthetic
antibiotics, is basically the nucleus of the original 2. Precipitation experiments
penicillin molecule. In the manufacture of 6-APA,
enzymatic hydrolysis reaction of potassium penicil- The crystallizer used was a 2 l jacketed glass tank
lin V yields 6-APA and Phenoxyacetic acid (PAA) equipped with polished stainless steel four full
in stoichiometric amount containing equimolar baffles and six bladed disc turbine impeller. The
(0.25 mol/l) at near neutral pH (pH"7.5). Conven- vessel dimensions were well defined to conform to
tionally 6-APA is separated from the product reac- the standard vessel geometry as shown in Fig. 1.
tion mixture by crystallizing it with a controlled A 160 W DC electrical motor with controller
addition of aqueous nitric acid solution up to pH providing a digital speed display over the range
&3.7. Purity and recovery of 6-APA in a good &1—25 Hz and an analogue electric power meter
1322 N.S. Tavare, V.K. Jadhav / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 1320–1325

six bladed stainless steel disc turbine impeller

driven at rotational speed varying from 4.2 to
12.5 Hz. Nitric acid was fed to the crystallizer using
a computer controlled gear pump (Isamatec 240)
fitted with a graphite pump head (Micropump)
which was attached to a 1.0 mm diameter stainless
steel feed pipe using acid resistant 1.6 mm diameter
tubing (Marprene). The acid feed point was located
at a point close to impeller in the discharge stream
within the vessel (Fig. 1).
In a typical run, 2 l of twice filtered solution
having desired composition of 6-APA and PAA
(250 mM each, made up by dissolving of 108.15 g
6-APA and 76.08 g PAA in 4 M ammonia and
distilled water at room temperature) through two
0.7 lm glass microfibre filters was charged, temper-
ature, stirrer speed and pH were adjusted to 20°C,
8.3 Hz and 7.5, respectively. For the runs with hy-
drotrope the initial solution was prepared by
Fig. 1. The crystallizer configuration. adding commercially available neat (NaBMGS
50%) hydrotrope solution in such an amount that
it would have 30% NaBMGS by mass in the final
was linked to a shaft drive of 10 mm diameter via reaction mixture. Known amount of nitric acid was
a rapid coupling system. The shaft assembly design added at a constant flowrate over a predetermined
allowed easy access to, and removal of, the drive period in the agitated reaction mixture, while the
shaft stainless ball bearings and standard lipseals same amount of acid being added in all cases. For
located within the top plate for cleaning or replace- seeded experiments a predetermined amount of
ment. Temperature measurement in the crystallizer seed crystals, produced from sieving commercial
was carried out by a 2 wire PRT probe sensor while 6-APA powder between 55 and 65 lm mesh sieves,
pH measurement was effected by a combined elec- was suspended in 10 g filtered distilled water pre-
trode pH probe with possible manual or automatic viously saturated with respect to 6-APA. This seed
temperature compensation. Both temperature and suspension was then added to the crystallizer when
pH probes were interfaced to a computer perform- acid dosed had changed the solution pH 7.5 to
ing datalogging, display and control functions. &pH 6. Previous solubility investigations had
Thus a control scheme incorporating a PC in a shown that at this pH the solution was super-
supervisory/management capacity interfaced to the saturated with respect to 6-APA, thus providing
crystallizer assembly to effect control over the ex- stable environment for the seed crystals to grow.
perimental conditions of pH, temperature, stirrer The liquid level in the tank was 132 mm at the
speed, rate of acid addition and facilitating auto- beginning of each experiment and 149 mm at the
mated acquisition and graphical presentation of end when all the acid had been added. At the end of
pH, temperature and acid dosage. Temperature of the acid addition (corresponding pH &4.3) the
the crystallizer and acid reservoir was controlled to pump was automatically switched off and the sus-
20°C (within $0.2) by the circulation of coolant pension was stirred for another hour. At the end the
at sufficiently high rates to minimize response time slurry was filtered under vacuum through a 0.7 lm
lag to the changes in temperature created by the pore glass microfibre filter, the crystals washed with
heat of mixing and crystallization and the rate of 100 ml ice-cold water followed by 100 ml ice-cold
acid addition was controlled to a specified value. acetone, vacuum dried overnight at 45°C, weighed
Effective stirring was facilitated by a motor driven and the yield calculated.
N.S. Tavare, V.K. Jadhav / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 1320–1325 1323

After the onset of sufficient nucleation or im- mentally determined by approaching the equili-
mediately after seeding, crystal suspension samples bration from supersaturated conditions which
were periodically withdrawn from the centre of the simulate the precipitation process in stages. In this
crystallizer using a 10 ml glass pipette for con- way the influence of time-varying solution ionic
centration and crystal size distribution analyses. strength as a result of semibatch nature of the pre-
The sample was then immediately vacuum filtered cipitations was inherently accounted for. The
through a 0.7 lm pore glass microfibre filter solubilities of 6-APA in an aqueous standard reac-
housed within 25 mm diameter Büchner filter tion product solution containing 250 mM 6-APA
holder. The filtrate was weighed and quenched with (54.075 g/l solution) and 250 mM PAA (38.04 g/l
a known amount phosphate buffer to avoid the solution) buffered at pH"7.5 used in the precipita-
occurrence of further nucleation in already super- tion studies were evaluated at 20°C with or without
saturated filtrate. The sample was then repeatedly hydrotrope environment. For a hydrotrope envi-
diluted between 2 and 30 times until the concentra- ronment the initial standard solution was prepared
tion lay within the HPLC calibrated range of 1.0 to in such a way that the final hydrotrope concentra-
2 mg/g solution. 100 ll samples were injected three tion in the solution was 30% NaBMGS on mass
times into the HPLC (Varian 5000) and analysed at basis. Solubility variations were determined as
215 and 218 nm UV wave length to determine the a function of the added acid concentration and pH
6-APA concentration. The crystals deposited on of the equilibrated solution [10]. All 6-APA con-
the microfibre filter were carefully resuspended in centrations were evaluated on the basis of the total
20—80 ml 30% glycerol solution in Isoton electro- inert solvent, i.e. water, so as to be consistent with
lyte saturated with 6-APA. A 1 ml sample of homo- the time-varying solvent capacity in the subsequent
geneous suspension of all the crystals on the filter semibatch precipitation experiments. Clearly the
paper was used for particle size analysis (Coulter 6-APA solubilities in the standard reaction product
counter, Multisizer II) using 128 size channels solution were much higher than those in water and
over the size range from 8.8 to 267.1 lm. hydrotrope solutions. Over the majority of the ad-
Initial exploratory experimental studies relating ded acid concentration range the decrease in solu-
the influence of a wide range of process variables on bility was approximately proportional to the added
product crystal size distribution, yield, impurity acid concentration indicating that an equivalent
content and end-user product quality indicated reduction in the equilibrium concentration of 6-
that not only do individual process variables exert APA in solution was produced due to reaction. The
differing influences on the precipitated product but 6-APA solubility in the reaction product solution
in some cases interact significantly with other vari- was strongly influenced with pH over the pH range
ables. Seeding, impeller speed and type, acid feed (up to &4) used in the precipitation process. 6-
rate and precipitation medium were found to be sig- APA displayed a minimum solubility at isoelectric
nificant but not the feed point location and rate pH (&3.6) and increasing solubility with lower or
profile over the range of variables used for the higher pH levels. The zwitterionic species is the
present recipe. Thirteen successful experiments most stable and least soluble in water. At any
were performed varying acid addition flowrate, stir- temperature, the observed variation in solubility
rer speed, seed loading and medium. Out of thirteen with pH is due to the equilibrium concentration of
successful runs five unseeded and four seeded and the cation and anion. In the presence of H> in acid
the rest with hydrotrope medium were performed. solution (or OH\ in alkaline solutions) the sparing-
ly soluble zwitterion was converted into the more
soluble anion (or cation), respectively. In the pres-
3. Solubility data ent study the solubility measurements and sub-
sequent precipitation of 6-APA at pH greater than
In order to obtain solubility data that are perti- isoelectric point were relevant. In this pH range the
nent to the semibatch precipitation process used in solubility of 6-APA is mainly contributed by the
the plant and laboratory, the solubility was experi- anion and zwitterion species and 6-APA acts as
1324 N.S. Tavare, V.K. Jadhav / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 1320–1325

a weak acid. The added acid appears to react with

6-APA anions in solution to produce a relatively
insoluble product in the form of the zwitterion on
an equimolar basis. The amount of acid added
therefore controls the residual anion concentration
and hence the equilibrium hydrogen ion concentra-
tion (i.e., pH). The presence of hydrotrope in the
standard reaction product solution increases the
solubility of 6-APA and consequently the amount
of acid that would be required to attain the min-
imum solubility and the corresponding pH range is
more than that required without hydrotrope. The
approach towards the isoelectric point is slightly
slower than that without hydrotrope with the same Fig. 2. Representation of three process runs on a ternary dia-
amount of acid added.

4. Results and discussion

In this paper the results from three typical runs

(H3F4S5, C4F4S5, L1F4S5) performed at acid ad-
dition rate of 4.42 g/min and stirrer speed of 8.3 Hz
are reported. Run H3F4S5 was carried out in
NaBMGS hydrotrope environment (with the final
composition &30% by mass, i.e., &42 g/g water).
Run C4F4S5 used conventional production route,
while in Run L1F4S5 1.08 g of seed crystals ob-
tained from manual sieving of commercial 6-APA
between 55 and 65 lm resulting in a seed loading of
0.58 kg/m was charged when acid dosed had Fig. 3. Supersaturation profiles.
changed the solution pH from 7.5 to 6. Composi-
tions of vessel contents in the semibatch precipita-
tion process along with corresponding equilibrium precipitator in any run. For a given acid addition
state for these three runs are represented on a ter- rate supersaturation passes through a maximum as
nary diagram as shown in Fig. 2, depicting relative a result of competitive character between genera-
changes in composition due to acid additions. The tion and depletion of supersaturation. In the pres-
difference between the measured 6-APA concentra- ence of hydrotrope the peaks are generally sharper
tion in the solution phase of a sample and corre- and earlier than those without hydrotrope. Max-
sponding empirically determined 6-APA solubility imum level of supersaturation attainable is usually
was used as supersaturation at any sample time. high, thus providing a better controllability of the
Measured supersaturation profiles and variations particulate system in the presence of hydrotrope.
of the total specific crystal population count (no./kg Seed loading provides surface area on which solids
water) and population mean crystal size (lm) in will be deposited by relieving the supersaturation.
these three runs are reported in Figs. 3 and 4, Larger product mean size with low total specific
respectively. Acid addition rate has a signifi- crystal population count resulted in seeded experi-
cant influence on both supersaturation profiles ments. In general both product mean size and total
and population density plots and consequently on specific population count increase rapidly during
the product size distribution obtained from the the initial period of run and then levels off. The
N.S. Tavare, V.K. Jadhav / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 1320–1325 1325


The experimental work reported in this paper

was performed at Department of Chemical Engin-
eering, UMIST, Manchester, M60 1QD, England.
The partial financial support from SERC, UK is
gratefully acknowledged. Free supply of hydro-
tropes from Hüls (UK) Ltd. and Hickson Manro Ltd.
is appreciated. Thanks are due to Dr S. Mwangi for
his help in the experimental programme.

[1] B. Janakiraman, M.M. Sharma, Chem. Eng. Sci. 40 (1985)
[2] V.G. Gaikar, M.M. Sharma, Solvent Extr. Ion Exch.
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further quantitative analysis in terms of the process technika, Warszawska, Poland, 1993, pp. 3—153.
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