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ox ~ a large and strong animal that farmers used. palm ~ a type of tree.

pearl ~ a beautiful object that is like a precious stone. It is transparent and round. It comes from an animal (called the oyster) that lives in the sea. Pentecost ~ the time each year when the *Jews thank God for the harvest. praise ~ words that give honour to God. preach ~ to speak out the message from God and to teach his word. prophecy ~ a message from God; a gift of the Holy Spirit. prophesy ~ to speak a *prophecy. prophet ~ person who speaks for God. A prophet can sometimes say what will happen in the future. The Book of Revelation also describes a false prophet. This false prophet speaks on behalf of the *Antichrist and *Satan. repent ~ to change ones mind and heart. To turn away from *sin and turn to God. To turn ones mind and heart away from *sin is to repent. revelation ~ in this book it is that which God now shows. Roman ~ Rome was the capital city of the rulers at that time. Anything that belonged to Rome was called Roman. ruin ~ whatever remains after someone destroys a city or a building. ruined ~ a description of a city when its enemies have completely destroyed it. sacrifice ~ the priests killed a special animal and they burned it on an *altar. This was to ask God to *forgive *sins. Jesus died as a sacrifice for our *sins. salvation ~ the result when God saves us from *sin and punishment; the new life that God gives to those who believe in the *Lord Jesus.

Satan ~ the name of the devil. scorpion ~ an animal that is like a large insect. It stings with its tail. Scripture ~ the books of the Bible. scroll ~ a book in the form of a long piece of material. People would roll up the scroll in order to store it. seal ~ something that people stuck on the outside of a *scroll as a kind of lock. shepherd ~ someone who takes care of sheep. sin ~ *sin is the wrong things that we do. To *sin is to do wrong, bad or evil deeds and not to obey God. Those who *sin are called sinners. sinful ~ evil and wrong. soul ~ the part of a person that we cannot see. It is in us during our life. And it continues to live after we die. It is our inner life (not the body). spiritual ~ something that has a relationship with a persons spirit, not their physical body. Or, something that has a relationship with Gods Spirit or heaven, not this earth. sulphur ~ sulphur is a chemical. A fire that burns with sulphur is extremely hot. And sulphur burns with an awful smell. synagogue ~ the place where the *Jews met to *worship God.

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