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Video editing project 3: Fiction video

Advent Sketch
Script modified from the Advent Sketch by Andy Lund Retrieved from on 21/10/2011

Summary : today.

Simon and Chris discuss whether Advent is relevant to Simon & Chris

Characters (2M):


This script is designed to be presented during the start of the season of Advent.

It expresses in a dialogue the meaning of advent and aims at bringing out the messages of the reality and truth of the coming of Christ and the relevance of celebrating Advent now-adays. Themes longing! Christmas! evangelism! repentance

Who When Wear


" #ales Advent$ %resent Costumes vary to suit needs$ dictionary$ table$ "-& chairs$ computer$ newspaper$ bac'pac'$


#atthew "( &)-&*

Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth [a] will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.[!] 3" And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other.#
New International Version (NIV)


This dialogue has a humorous feel and rhythm to it! spo'en on a more conversational level.


approximately "-& minutes

Actors- ++++++++++++++++++++,as Simon .ocation / 0ate / Timing /


+++++++++++++++++++++,as Chris-

Video editing project 3: Fiction video

12uipment -

1stablishing shot! "-shot! *-shot! 3 & noddies! cutaways

4ideo effects -5 67w to colour Still shots Text on screen Slow motion for cutaways Include text -5 Title! captions & credits88..with effects 4ideos / opening ,displaying the title- and closing ,displaying credits-8.. !ppro" 2#3 secs

Audio- Ambient music ,fade in7out- audio transitions-8.. sound trac's with difference in

$% indic!te ide!s for the tre!tment

Video editing project 3: Fiction video

Working Script for ADVENT SKETCH

A$%&'( Searching for the !oo) *ade in. &+T. +''+ 'nly show part of the character ,$-.,$ots/. A$%&'(Sound of sitting down thum!ing through the dictionary 0

Simon( 1Thumbing through dictionary backwards) aeroplane/aerodynamics..aerial/advertise/ah here it is. [2an top to dowm 3 4oom in on specific words] 1.5T to &+T . trac) ,hris entering the corridor06 opening the door06 entering the room *7'M 8.9&+% otssu!:ective;

,hris( {door closes} [frontal M<S] 9ello Simon. Trying to increase you word power= +ot !efore time mind you. S( 'hh..9i ,hris.. [frontal M,$] ,( 1while moving to grab a chair, laying his laptop on the table and starting it up;& don>t )now how many times &>ve told you a!out your spelling. The last ?ours sincerely you wrote on a letter to a client was crossed out @ times !efore you got it right. And that was :ust the A?ours.> S( & can>t help it if my education was lac)ing. [2rofile <S] ,([B@ left M,$] Lacking! 9a..?ou must have !een thrown out of the infantCs school. [==dir 'ts from S] & don>t )now how many times &>ve told you to use a dictionary for spelling. S( ['ts from ,] Dell that>s !right of you isn>t it. [2rofile <S] To use a dictionary it helps if you can spell the word in the first place.(pause) [trac) S from front E rear] 8ut you need a dictionary if you can>t spell it. &t>s a / what>s it called= [switch Fuic)ly to ,$ of ,]

Video editing project 3: Fiction video

,( Gicious circle. [Fuic)ly pan to S] S( [frontal ,$] ?ep. That>s itH ,( [MS B@ degree left fr] Spell vicious then. S( [MS B@ degree rt fr]Dhat is this= .nglish test time= [profile MS of S to I shot <S from S ]&>ve forgotten what & was loo)ing for now. ,( [MS frontal] Dhere did you come across it= S( [,$ frontal]At church. ,( [4oom out to a profile <S from S] <et>s see then0 {show rapidly changing canted still shots slow motion !ooms o"# } altar psalter vesti!ule canticle hassoc) cassoc) vestry !elfry Trinity divinity service surplice warden organ/ S( +ope ,( [B@ degree ,$] Dell how a!out save...nave/ S( [ots from , of S] +ope ,( [pan to an ots from S to ,] ($hrugs shoulders in resignation) S( [M,$] & )now it>s something eJciting sounding. [trac) ]Adventure>s got a lot to do with it. That>s it. KTodayK says the minister K&s adventure SundayK ,( +o you great ,harly. S( Simon actually. ,( ?ou great Simon then. The word is Advent. +ot adventure. Advent Sunday. S( 2ity. Sounded Fuite eJciting for a moment.

Video editing project 3: Fiction video

,( So it is & suppose. S( 9ow do you mean. ($ings in style o" %&l"ie') Dhat>s it all a!out ,hris= ,( &t>s a time we remem!er the coming of ,hrist and how 9e was announced to the world. ?ou remem!er a!out Lohn the 8aptist/ S( 'h yes the original new age traveller. 9e>s the guy who lived on locusts and honey. Sounds ghastly to me. & never did li)e honey. ,( 8e serious for once. &t was Lohn the 8aptist who announced the coming of Lesus 0 the Advent of Lesus to the world. S( ?es !ut this was all a long time ago old chum. &t>s not eJactly hot news. ,( +o !ut Mood +ews. S( ?ou )now what they say( Mood news is no news/.or something li)e that. ,( 8ut Lesus is still coming today. S( Dhat= ,( Lesus is still coming. 9e can still have an Advent. S( +ow you>ve really lost me. ,( Dell let me show you/ (&t this point insert the (iding )ights drama %The &ppointment' or similar dramatisation o" the story o" the (ich *oung (uler+ &lternatively someone can share how ,esus has been revealed to them+)--,( So you see Lesus still comes today and still gives people the chance to follow 9im. <i)e 9e did with the rich young ruler when 9e was on earth. 9e still has an Advent. S( .Jcept there>s no hairy Lohn the 8aptist going around saying/ what was it he was always shouting out= ,( 2repare ye the way. 8ut &>m not sure you>re right. There>s still people entrusted with that :o! even today.

Video editing project 3: Fiction video

S( 9ang on a minute. ,orrect me if &>m wrong !ut & thought camel hair coats went out with the N0>s and locust sandwiches haven>t !een on the menus of any of the restaurants &>ve !een in recently. ,oc)roaches in the )itchens &>ll grant you !ut not served up for main course. ,( Sometimes & wonder /. The point is that there are people 0 ordinary people 0 who have !een given the :o! of telling the world a!out the <ord Lesus. 'f announcing 9im to a world that desperately needs 9im. ?ou don>t need special clothes to do it. ?ou :ust need to )now 9im and love 9im yourself. &n fact you>ll do. S( The first nice thing you>ve said to me all dayH ,( ?eah well &>ll try not to let it happen again. 8ut the point is you have !een given the :o! of passing on the word of proclaiming the gospel if you li)e !ecause you are a ,hristian. &t>s not :ust a vicar>s or a minister>s :o! 0 it>s yours too. 8ecause you>re :ust ordinary in an ordinary :o! 0 if you don>t get the sac) 0 you can reach out to people all around you all day long. S( & see. Ouite a :o! though. ,( 7ight. And you>ll only do it with Mod>s strength. 8ut the :o! must !e done !efore it>s too late. 8efore ,hrist comes again. 17eading of Matthew IB. 3003" or more of that chapter if appropriate to the setting;

*** Description: A woman writing anti-9od editorials gets a mysterious visitor with a message from the .ord. This story features a newspaper woman who is writing anti-9od editorials. :ne day a mysterious visitor comes to her office with a message from the .ord. ;e tells her that on September *<th at = )>pm she is

Video editing project 3: Fiction video going to die. Is this a hoax? :r the truth? She has eight days left...and the suspense begins. This film gives a powerful presentation of the gospel and is very evangelistic@

P Andy <und All rights reserved This play may !e performed free of charge on the condition that copies are not sold for profit in any medium nor any entrance fee charged. &n eJchange for free performance the author would appreciate !eing notified of when and for what purpose the play is performed. 9e may !e contacted at(

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