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Exctracts of the method and benefits of performing the Nafil

Namaaz of Tahiyatul Wudhu, Ishraak, Chaasht, Tahajjud, Tawbah,

and Salatul Tasbih.

TAHIYATUL After completion of the wudhu of two Rakaats is full of blessings (sawaab).
WUDHU It is related in the Hadith that performance of the two Rakaats of Tahiyatul
wudhu Namaaz makes paradise obligatory (wajib) for the performer
(ref:Muslim Sharif) There are also many other benefits.

It should not be performed during the Improper (makruh) times. (When the
sun rises, when it is at Zenith and when it sets.)

NAMAAZ After the Fajar Namaaz one should sit at the same place and recite Durud
E-ISHRAAK Sharif, Zikr, tasbeh., Quran or listen to relegious talks, etc. without
participation in worldly affairs until the sun has fully risen, then perform
two or four Rakaats. This is called Ishraak Namaaz.

Performance of this Namaaz brings blessings (sawab) equl to a Haj or

Umrah. (Ref. Tirmizi Sharif ). Another Tradition says performance of this
Namaaz wipes away all ones sins. (Ref: Abu Dawood). One can perform the
Nammaz even after one has indulged in wordly affairs although the sawab
will be much less.

NAMAAZ When the sun has risen high and there is heat in its rays, the performance
E-CHAASHT of 2,4, 6,8 or 12 rakaats is called Namaaz-e-Chaast. This is full of sawbs.

The Traditions says that the performance of 2 rakaats wipes away all ones
sins. There are 360 joints in our body and to pay Sadakah for each is Wajib
(obligatory) The 2 rakaaats is enough to pay all the Sadakah. Performance
of 4 rakaats places the performer's name among the Abids and is the Sunnat
of Saliheen and promise the performer protection until the evening. The
performer of 6 rakaats is relieved of his day's worries. Performance of 8
rakaats places his name among the Parhezgaars and the performer of 12
rakaats ensures a Golden Mansion for himself in Paradise. (Ref : Tirmizi,
Ibne Majah, Ahmad and Abu Yala)

NAMAAZ After the Farz and Sunnat of Magrib, performance of the minimum of 6 to a
E-AWABEEN maximum of 20 rakaats is called Namaaz-E-Awabeen.

One Tradition states that performing of 6 rakaats without indulging in

worldly affairs will derive sawaab equilavent to 12 years Nafil prayers. (Ref:
Tirmizi Sharif). The Tradition in Tibrani says the performer of 6 rakaats will
have all his sins wiped away even though they may have been equal to the
foam on the waves of the sea. Another Hadith in Tirmizi Sharif says that the
performer of 20 rakaats will have a house for himself in Paradise.

TAHAJJUD To wake up in the middle of the night to read Tahajjud is very beneficial.
NAMAAZ The Almighty Allah is very appreciative of such a namaaz. This namaaz
bestows or brings the most sawaab of all the nafils. One should perform
anything from 4 rakaats to 12 rakaats .

The Tradition in Bayhaqi relates that the 4 rakaats of Tahajjud is equal to 4

rakaats on Shab-e-Kadr. The performance brings one nearer to Allah, Kaffar
(payment) of ones previous sins. and is prohibitive for the future sins. (Ref:
Tirmizi Sharif). Allah bestows is Rahmat on those who get up to read
Namaz. (Refs: Abu Dawood, Nasai and Ibne Habban).

The Almighty sends a message in the last part of the night saying that if
there is any appeal to Him it shall be answered and if there is one seeking
His forgiveness he shall be forgiven. The doors of His Mercy are opened and
this the time when ones prayers are accepted. If one has not the courage or
strength to wake up in the night then it can be performed after Esha
although the sawaab will be much less. One should take advantage when
waking up for Sehri in Ramadaan and performing this Namaaz before
partaking of Sehri.

TAWBAH After one has done any sinful act he should read 2 rakaats Nafil after which
NAMAAZ sincerely repent, feel sorry for his sins, seek His forgiveness and make a
firm decision not to do it again. By His Grace the sin would be forgiven
(Ref: Shami)

Amirul Momeneen Hazrat Aboobaker (R.A.) relates that the Holy Prophet
( Sallaallahu Alayi Wasallam) said that whenever one has done a sinful act
he should make wudhu , perform 2 rakaats Nafil and thereafter sincerely
repent and seek Almighty's forgivness. Allah pardons all sins. After relating
this , the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then read the following from
the Quran:

"And those who have done something to be ashamed of or wronged their

own souls. Earnestly bring Allah to mind and ask for forgiveness of their
sins, and who can forgive sins except Allah "(Sura 3-135)

SALATUL For this Namaaz 4 rakaats are performed. The Tasbih hereunder should be
TASBIH read seventy-five times in each rakaat making a total of 300 Tasbihs in the
4 rakaats. The Tasbih is :

"Subhanallahe Walhamdo lillahe Walaillaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar."

After starting the namaaz by saying Allah-o-Akbar recite the Sana, Alhamdo
and a Sura followed by the Tasbih 15 times the go into Ruku in which after
the usual recitation for Ruku read the Tasbih 10 times and go into Sijdah
where after the usual recitation read the Tasbih 10 times then sit up and
read Tasbih 10 times and go into Sijdah again and after the Sijdah recitation
read the Tasbih 10 times then sit after the 2nd Sijdah and read Tasbih 10
times before getting up for the second rakaat. The total of the 4 rakaats
would be 300 as prescribed.

The Traditions have highly recommended it. The Holy Prophet (Sallalllahu
Alayhi Wasallam) told his uncle Hazrat Abbas (R.A.) that after performing
the 4 rakaats of Salatul Tasbih one's sins- past or future small or big, hidden
or open, intentional or unintentional- all of them are forgiven. Furthermore
he aadvised that it be read every day, if that is not possible then on every
Jumma or once a month or a year or at least once in a life time. It can be
performed any time of the day or night except at the improper times.

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