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High performance computing for non-programmers

Glib Ivashkevych
junior researcher, NSC KIPT

Lecture #10: Revision control: git

Revision control rationale

Track changes
no more weird myfile, myfile-1, myfile-new, myfile-new-1, myfile-very-last etc.

allows many developers to work on the same codebase

Multiple lines of dev

work on stuff without affecting everything else

Revision control approaches

Centralized svn, Perforce single central repository Distributed git, mercurial (hg), bazaar many independent repositories

Revision control git

Distributed, very fast, light branching model Used by Linux kernel, Android OS, huge number of OSS projects Code hosting Github, Bitbucket

git repositories
tracked files + metadata = repository
Create repository:
> git init

Get a copy of existing repo:

> git clone\

git stores metadata in .git directory inside the project

git repositories
Working directory snapshot of the project Staging area what to store in next commit To see the current state:
> git status

git commits
Record of some state of the project in git directory Only staged files are committed > git add > git commit

git states of a file


git rm


<edit file>

git add



i m m


git add


git view history and compare

View the history of commits: > git log Useful keys: -p -<n> --stat --abbrev-commit --oneline To compare different states of a file: > git diff

git branches
Separate line of development Actually, just a reference to particular commit lightweight List branches: > git branch

git branches
Create branch: > git branch <branch name> > git branch <name> <starting point> Checkout branch: > git checkout <name> Or all at once: > git checkout -b <name> > git checkout -b <name> <point>

git merges
Eventually, youll need to stitch branches together. This operation is called merge. Merge br1 into br2: > git merge br1 br2 Merge br1 into current branch: > git merge br1

git conflicts
By default, git commits, if merge was successful (always true for fast-forward merges). Use --no-commit to avoid this. Sometimes, git fails when merging. This is called merge conflict. Resolve conflict by hand and commit yourself in such a case.

git remotes
You can connect your repo to as many outside repositories, as you wish. Such repos are called remotes. To add/remove remote: > git remote add <name> <URL> > git remote rm <name> origin is a repository from which you cloned.

git pull & push

Youll definitely need to share your changes to remotes and get changes from remotes. Pull changes: > git pull <remote> <branch> (git fetch is not the same) Push changes: > git push <remote> <branch>

git rewriting and undoing

Change last commit: > git commit --amend Rebase: > git rebase <many fun stuff here> Reset vs revert: > git reset <commit> <filename>
changes to the <commit> (--hard, --soft)

> git revert <commit>

creates new commit, undoing <commit>

git workflows: centralized

shared repo




git workflows: github style

official repo dev public dev public


dev private

dev private

git config
Config files: .git/config ~/.gitconfig /etc/gitconfig To set option: > git config [--global|--file|--system] <option> <value> > git config --global

Github & Bitbucket code hosting

Both allow you to store your code in git repos (BB also can use hg) Handy for sharing and collaborating. Github has no free private repos. Bitbucket has.

Version control be polite

Write short, meaningful commit messages Use & Dont mess up with shared history Never commit broken code

Documentation rationale
True jedi never comment their code Bullshit. Period. You can forget, what youd done one year ago. You can generate documentation from docstrings. Next developer will damn you, if you do not comment your code.

Documentation rationale Principle of least surprise:

create reasonable, pragmatic and clean interfaces (and code, and so on)

Documentation Sphinx
Documentation engine. Generates html, pdf and many more. Understands docstrings. # pip install sphinx > sphinx-quickstart


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