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Regardless of the institutional mission, all educational institutions have a focus

on teaching. Faculty members are also involved in evaluation of teaching,
evaluation of their peers, and evaluation of the program. Therefore, a
understanding of evaluation as it relates to the teaching-learning environment
is important. Historically, quality of educational programs has been measured
in terms of resources, program offerings, faculty qualifications, and student
services; however, these definitions of quality are being challenged, and
educators are being charged with the task of documenting program
effectiveness in terms of learning.

Most faculty members take little ownership of their responsibility in evaluation;

however because evaluation provides nurse educators with an avenue for
demonstrating quality of teaching, as well as the effectiveness of the
educational program, all faculty members must understand their role in
evaluation. Understanding the importance of evaluation is based on
understanding the methodology and theory of evaluation as it relates to the
faculty role.


• Traditionally defined as the process used in determining the value or worth of

• Involves collecting of data to determine if what is observed is different than
what was expected.
• Is conducted for the purpose of making decisions
• The process used in determining the effectiveness of teaching and/or the value
of a learning opportunity in assisting students to achieve the goals of education
• Its inherent purpose is to provide valid data on which to make educational
decisions related to the program of study

The goal of evaluation is synonymous with the definition of evaluation: to

determine the worth of something through collecting of data. Defining the goal
involves specifying what is to be accomplished, what decisions need to be made.
And who are the intended audience.

Roles of evaluation

• Depend on what that “something” is that is being evaluated and on whose

standards of value the results will be analyzed.
• To provide faculty members with feedback concerning the effectiveness of their
Clarification of terms

The terms assessment of learning and measurement of learning are

sometimes used mistakenly instead of evaluation. Assessment of learning is defined
as an appraisal of changes in learner knowledge, skills, attitudes, and ways of thinking
and is the first step of the evaluation process in learning. assessment is different in
evaluation is the process of making value judgments based on available and
conclusions for the purpose of improvement or revision. Measurement is the process
of assigning a quantitative or qualitative description to what is being evaluated. It
helps with the value judgment by answering question of “how much.” The purpose of
measurement is to provide a reference point on which to make value judgments on
collected data. The concept of measurement in learning is extremely critical because
we do not have a meter (machine) that attaches to the learner and tells us the level of
learning that is occurring. Therefore, because this process is not observable, we must
design a situation in which the desired behavior can be observed or assessed. This
situation is termed measurement. It is a designed situation, thus the designer
(evaluator) is making some assumptions that precede the development of that
situation, the measurement is only a method of estimating what the learner has
learned, and unfortunately is often imprecise. Therefore we must we must use more
than one type of measurement in conducting evaluation.

The two major ways of interpreting test scores and other types of
measurement used in evaluation: norm-referenced and criterion-referenced

Norm-referenced interpretation: focuses on the learners results compare with those

of their peers. Norm-referenced data are reported in terms of percentiles, using
relative standards and allow comparisons using group or national norms.

Criterion-referenced measurement: involves interpretation based on present

criteria, not in relation to another group. The focus is on the performance level of the
learners and describes how ell the student performs in relation to the set of criteria.

Jabe Tecson Gica BSN III- A

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