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Examination Schedule : Masters Level-1st Year - 2069
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Date Faculties Subjects
Education (New Course) Ed.512 Foundation of Education
(Old Course) Ed. Psy. 502 Psychology in the Class Room/ Chance - Ed.I Foundation
of Education
M.P.A. (New Course) PA 510 Fundamentals of Public Administration
(Old Course) PA 500 Fundamentals of Public Administration
Law (New Course) Law 611 Comparative J urisprudence-1
(Old Course) 601 Comparative J urisprudence
MBS (New Course) MSC 501 Research Methodology and Statistical Methods
(Old Course) ECO 503 Business Economics/ Chance-Mkt. Mgmt.
Humanities (New Course) J MC 531 Mass Communication Theories / HSCD 531 Principle
of Child Development / Geog 531 Modern Geographical Thought / GS 531 Gender
and Society / Eco. 531 Microeconomic Analysis / BS 531 History of Buddhism / SA
531 Theorotical Perspectives in Sociology / Sans. 531 + ===- + -
+ =+- = -a -=- =+- / Psy. 531 Theories of Psychology / PS
531 Thoughts and Analysis / RD 531 Development Theories and Planning (in Rural
Perspective) / Pop.531 Principles of Demography Sculp.531 History of Art and
Philosophy of Art/ Ptg.531 History of Nepali Art, Philosophy of Art / Mai. 531 ==
=-=+ :--= / NB 531 === ~ --- / Lib.Sc.531-A: Library & Information
Science / HSFN 531 Human Nutrition / Nep.531/ Culture 531/ History 531 / Hindi 531
Eng. 531 / lingustics 531
(Old Course) English/ Nepali/ Maithili/ Sanskrit/ Nepal Bhasa/ Hindi/ History/ Culture/
Economics/ Political Science/ Population Studies/ Geography/ Home Science/
Psychology/ Socio, Anthro/ Linguistics / Rural Development/ Buddhist Studies/
J ournalism (Paper I )- Code 501 / Library and Information Science 501-A
Education (New Course) Eng. Ed. 519 Second Language Acquisition / Math Ed. 519 Foundation
of Mathematics Education
(Old Course) Specialisation III : Ed.P.M. 513 (Educational Administration &
Supervision) / Eng. Ed. 513 (Psycholinguistics & Socio. linguistics) / Ed. CE. 519
(Programme Evaluation) / HEd. 523 (Foundation of Population Education and
Reproductive Health) / PE 513 (Training, Coaching and officiating in Sports)/ Math.Ed.
531(Stat and Operation research) / Hist. Ed. 513 (History of Modern India) / Eco. Ed.
531 (Economics of Development & Government Finance) / Pol. Sc. Ed. 531
(International Politics) / Geo. Ed. 531 (Geographical thought) / Nep. Ed. 513 -+=
+--, += ====-
M.P.A. (New Course) PA 570 Local-self Governance
Law (New Course) Law 618 Environmental Law-I (International Environmental Law)
M.B.S. (New Course) ECO 503 Business Economics
(Old Course) MSC 501 Research Methodology and Statistical Methods /Chance-
Financial mgmt.
Humanities (New Course) Eco. 534-C. Basic Econometrics / Eco. 534-B. History of Economic
Thought / Lib.Sc. 531-B
(Old Course) Eco. 504 (b) (Research Methodology) / R.D. 504 (b) Cultural & Humanities
Factors in R.D. / Liabrary and Information Science-501(b) / Socio, Anthro-503
Education (New Course) Ed. Psy. 513 Educational Psychology
(Old Course) Ed. Psy. 501 Foundation of Education / Chance-Ed.II Learning Theory
and Evaluation.
M.P.A. (New Course) PA 560 Organizational Behaviour
(Old Course) PA 540 Public Financial Administration
Law (New Course) Law 617 Criminal Law-I (Substantive & International Crimnal Law
(Old Course) 604 Constitutional Law / 605 Commercial Law / 606 International Law
/ 607 Criminal Law / 608 Environmental Law / Refugee Law -609
M.B.S. (New Cour se) MGT 504 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
(Old Course) MKT 509 Marketing Management / Chance-Mgmt. Accountancy
Humanities (New Course) J MC 532 Principles of J ournalism/ HSCD 532 Social Problem in family
and society/ Geog 532 Research Techniques and Quantitative Methods / GS 532
Patriarchy and Feminism: Concepts, Perpectives and Experiences / Eco.532
Quantitative Techniques/ BS 532 Buddhist Religion and Philosophy / Psy. 532 Social
and Cultural Psychology/ Sans. 532 +--= =+- / PS 532 Conflict, Peace and
Development / RD 532-A, Rural Development-Politics and Strategies/ Pop 532
Demographic Methods for Population Analysis / Mai. 532 ~ --- |- == ~/
NB 532 ====- +=, +== /Lib.Sc.532 Library and Information Management/
Music 532 / HSFN 532/ Nep 532/ Culture 532/ History 532/ Hindi 532 / SA. 532-
Therotical Perspectives in Methodology / Eng. 532 / lingustics 532
(Old Course) English/ Nepali/ Maithili/ Sanskrit/ Nepal Bhasa/ Hindi/ History/ Cultural
Economics/ Political Science/ Population Studies/ Geography/ Home Science/
Psychology/ Socio, Anthro/ Linguistics/ Buddhist Studies/ Library and Information Sci./
J ournalism(Paper II) - Code 502, R.D.502 (b) Rural Urban Linkage in Rural Development
Education (New Course) Ed. 514 Curriculum Planning and Practice
(Old Course) Specialization I : Ed.P.M. 511 (Educational Planning) / ED.CE.511
(Curriculum theory)/ Eng. Ed.511 (Phonetics and Phonology) / P.E 511 (Physical
Education and Sports Psychology) / Math.Ed 511 (Higher Geometry & Topology)/
Nep, Ed 511 === ~ --- / Sc.Ed.521 (Organic Chemistry)/Geo. Ed.511
(Advanced Physical Geography) I Hist.-Ed.511 (Political History of Modern Nepal) /
Eco. Ed.511 (Economic Analysis) / Pol.Sc. Ed.511 (Political thought) / H.Ed. 521
(Advanced Study in Health Ed.)
M.P.A. (New Course) PA 530 Public Policy
(Old Course) PA 520 Development Administration / Chance-Research Method in
Public Adm.
Law (New Course) Law 614 Constitutional Law-I (Constitutionalism)
M.B.S. (New Course) MKT 509 Marketing Management
(Ol d Cour se) MGT 504 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
Management / Chance-Stat. and Quantitative Tech. for Mgmt.
Humanities (New Course) J mC 534 Research Methodology / HSCD 534 Gender Development
/ Geog 534-1 Human Settlements and Ecology / Geog 534-2 Human Ecology / GS
534 Research Methodology : Feminist and gender Research Methods / Eco. 534-A
Research Methodology /BS 534 Buddhist Art, Architecture, Icnography and Related
Scripts / SA 534 Analysis and Social Institutions and Processes / Sans.534 = -+ -
=-+= |- ==+ + =-+- +=+= ==++= / PS 534 Public Administration / RD
532-B Rual-Urban Linkage in Rural Development / Pop. 534 Population Dynamics of
Nepal / Mai. 534 = =, += =-= / NB 534 == + =-, ==, =+ -+ / LiB. Sc. 534-A:
Cataloguing and indexing / Music 534 / HSFN 534 / Nep 534 / Culture 534 / Hindi 534
/ History 534 A,B/ Eng. 534 / lingustics 534
(Old Course) English / Nepali / Maithili / Sanskrit / Nepal Bhasa / Hindi / History /
Culture / Political Science / Population Studies / Geography / Home Science /
psychology / Socio, Anthro / linguistics / Buddhist Studies/ J ournalism ( Paper IV)-
Code 504 / R.D. 504 (a) Sociology of R.D. / Eco. 504 (a) /(History of Economic
thought) / Library and Information Science 504-A
Education (New Course) Ed. CE. 516 Curriculum Theory / Eco. Ed. 516 Economics
Analysis / Ed. PM. 516 Educationl planning / Eng. Ed. 516 Phonetics and
Phonology / Geo. Ed. 516 Advanced Physical Geography / H.Ed. 516
Foundations and Principles of health Education / Hist. Ed. 516 Political History
of Modern Nepal / Math Ed. 516 Higher Geometry / -+ - === ~
--- / Pol. Sc. Ed. 516 Political Thoughts / P. Ed. 516 Physical Education and
Sport Psychology / Pop. Ed. 516 Principles and Philosophy of Population
Education / Chem. Ed. 516 Organic Chemistry (Theory)
(Old Course) Ed. 503 Curriculum Planning & Pratice
M.P.A. (New Course) PA 540 Research Methods in Pub. Adm.
(Old Course) PA 530 Public Personnel Adm. & Organization Behaviour
Law (New Course) Law 615 Commerical Law-I
(Old Course) 602 Research Methodology
M.B.S. (New Course) FIN 508 Managerial Finance
(Old Course) Acc 507 management Accounting / Chance-Personnel Mgmt.
and Org. Behaviar
Humanities (New Course) J MC 535 Global Systems and International J ournalism/ HSCD
535 Recent Theories and Trends in Child Development / Geog 535-1 Geogaphic
Information Systems / GS 535-D. Gender, Legal Systemand Human Rights /
GS 535-E Gender, Armed Conflict and Peace initiatives / BS 535 Research
Methodology/ SA. 535 Research Methods in sociology / Sans 535 = -+ - =~= ,
=- =+- -+ =- - =:- + = -+ - =~= =- =+- -+ = =- - =:- / PS
535 Research methodology / RD 534 Social and Cultural Dimensions in Rural
Development / Pop. 535-1. Migration, Urbanization and Development / Pop. 535-
2. Population, Environment and Development/ Pop. 535-3. Population and Human
Development / Mai. 535 = = -= = =-= /NB 535 = +-- / Lib.Sc. 535-A:
Information & Communication Technology / HSFN 535 Nutritional Bio. Chemistry
/ Psy.535-1 Congnitive Psychology / Nep. 535 / History 535 / Hindi 535 / Culture
535 A / B, Pop 535-4 Demographic of aging/ Eng. 535 / lingustics 535
(Old Course) English / Nepali, Maithili / Snskrit / Nepal Bhasa / hindi / History
/ Culture / Economics / Poplitical Science / Population Studies / Home Science
/ Psychology / Socio, Anthro / Lingusistics / buddhist Studies / journalism (Paper
V) - Code 505/ R.D. 505 -A (Research Methodology 50 F.M.) / R.D. 505
Research Methodology 100 F.M.) / Library and Information science 505 - A /
Geo 513 Remote Sensing & GIS
Education (New Course) Ed. CE. 517 Psychological Testing / Eco. Ed. 517 Quantitative
Techiniques / Ed. PM. 517 Education Management and Organizational
Behaviour / Eng. Ed. 517 English Grammar for Teachers / Geo Ed. 517
Advanced Human Geography / Hist. Ed. 517 Modern Europe (1789-1945) /
Math Ed. 517 Modern Algebra / - + - += == -=+ / P.Ed. 517
Advanced Study in Sports Science / Pol. Sc. 517 Political Analysis / Pop. Ed.
517 Demographic Measures and Techniques / H.Ed. 517 Community Health
and Community Organization
(Old Course) Math Ed. 541 Foundation of Math Education / Chance-Eng. I
Phonetics and Phonology
M.P.A. (New Course) PA 550 Human Resource Managment
(Old Course) PA 550 Administrative Law
Law (New Course) Law 616 International Law-I
M.B.S. (New Course) Acc 507 Management Accounting
(Old Course) FIN 508 Corporate Financial Managment
Humanities (New Course) RD. 535 Research Methodology & Statistical Methods
(Old Course) R.D. 502 (a) Policies & Strategies
Law (New Course) Law 619 Refugee Law-I
Education (New Course) Ed. CE. 518 (Programme Evaluation) / Eco. Ed. 518 (Economics
of Development, Planning and Government Finance) / Ed. PM. 518 (Educational
Administration and Supervision) / Eng. Ed. 518 (Sociolinguistics) / Geo. Ed. 518
(Geographical Thought) / Pop & H. Ed. 518 (Human Sexuality & Reproductive
Health) / Hist. Ed. 518 (History of Modern India) / Math Ed. 518 (Mathematical
Statistics) / - + = - += +--, += === =- / Pol. Sc.Ed. 518 (International
Politics) / Chem. Ed. 518 ( Inorganic Chemistry) (Theory) / P. Ed. 518 (Training,
Coaching and office.)
(Old Course) Specilisation II: ED.P.M. 512 (Edu. Mgmt. & Organizational
Beheviour) / ED. CE. 514 (Psychological Test) / P.E. 512 (Advanced study in sport
Science) / Eng.Ed. 512 (Grammar Theory and Practice) / H.E. 522 (Advanced
Study in com. Health) / Math. ED. 521 ( Modern Algebra) / Nep. Ed. 512 - += ==
-=+ / Sc. Ed. 523 (In-organic Chem.) / Geo.Ed. 521 ( Advanced Human
Geography) / Hist. Ed. 512 (Modern Europe) / Eco. Ed. 521 (Quantitative
Techniques) / Pol. Sc. Ed. 521 (Political Analysis) / Chance-Eng.II (Syntactic Theory)
M.P.A. (New Course) PA 520 Development Management
(Old Course) PA 510 Research Methods in Public Administration
Law (New Course) Law 612 Legal Research Methodology
Humanities (New Course) J MC 533 Historical Development of Mass media / HSCD 533 Child
Health and Nutrition / Geog 533-1 Physical Geography / Geog 533-2 Mountain
Landforms and Processes / GS 533 Gender and Development / Eco. 533 Economics
of Development and Planning / BS 533 Buddhist Literature / SA 533 Power and
Politics: Governing Human Collectives / Sans. 533 ~ --- / Psy. 533 Research
Methods in Social Sciences / PS 533 International Relations / RD 533 Local
Governance and Political Economy of Nepal / Pop. 533 Population Polices / Mai.
533 += -+ |- == =:- / NB 533 += + =-, ==, =+ -+ / Lib. Sc. 533- A:
Information Control Technique / HSFN 533 Public Health Nutrition & Gender Study /
Nep 533 / Culture 533 / History 533 /Hindi 533 / Eng. 533 / lingustics 533
(Old Course) English / Nepali, Maithili / Sanskrit / Nepal Bhasa / Hindi / History / Culture /
Economics / Political Science / Population Studies / Geography / Home Science / Psychology
/ Lingusitics / Rural Development/BuddhistStudies / Socio, Anthro /J ournalism( Paper III)
- Code 503 / Library and Information Science 503-A
Humanities (New Course) Eco. 535-1. Economics of Agricultural Development / Eco. 535-2.
Mathematical Economics / Eco. 535-3. Population Economics / Eco. 535-4.
Industrial Economics / Eco. 535-5. International Economics / ECo. 535-6.
Environment and Natural Resource Economics / Eco. 535-7. Economics of Tourism.
(Old Course) R.D. 505 (b) Basic Computer Theory
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Date Subject
Com. English
Com. Nepali
Music (312) Applied Theory
Music (314) Folk music Theory
Music (316) General Theory/
Painting (314) Hist. of Art & Aesthetics/
Sculpture (314) Hlst. Of Art & Aesthetics
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