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Fall 1919: The Moment of Decision

The Setting: It is November 1919, and as a member of the U.S. Senate you will vote on the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles that President ilson has ne!otiated with our allies over a si"#month $eriod. %ther nations already si!ned the treaty in &une and await the decision of the United States. The 'onstitution sti$ulates that any treaty have a two#thirds Senate a$$roval, so your $resentation to the undecided members of the Senate will hel$ determine whether or not (merica becomes a si!natory to the treaty. (t the heart of the debate is the )uestion whether to *oin the newly formed +ea!ue of Nations. 'oncerns have been e"$ressed about (rticle , of the +ea!ue-s covenant.
The members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.

Role: Senator Your Assignment: /our !rou$ re$resents one of three factions that has evolved durin! the $ast several months concernin! the ratification of the treaty. /our assi!nment is to $ersuade the undecided Senators that your o$tion should become the basis for Senate action. %n the day of the $resentation your !rou$ will be called u$on to $resent a $ersuasive 0#11 minute visual and $erformance summary of your o$tion. Options: Multiple Perspectives of the Issue Senate 2rou$ 1. Pro!ressive Internationalists. !upport the Treaty as it !tands Senate 2rou$ 3. 4eservationists. Make changes to the Treaty Senate 2rou$ 5. Irreconcilables. "e#ect the Treaty Senate 2rou$ 6. Undecided Senators Procedure: 2rou$s 1#5. 17 4ead your o$tions $osition $a$er 37 discuss with your !rou$ and list the beliefs and assum$tions underlyin! your o$tion. 57 Include ar!uments for your o$tion by incor$oratin! te"tboo8 readin!, lecture notes, $rimary sources from the historical record, $ictures, ima!es, and video notes into your $resentation. 67 Pre$are your $resentation to the Senate. 'onsider the followin! )uestions as you $re$are your $resentation. 1. hat will be the im$act of your o$tion on the citi9ens of the United States: 3. hat will be the im$act of your o$tion on U.S. forei!n $olicy: 5. ;ow will your o$tion secure and $reserve world $eace in the years to come: 6. hat future U.S. role in the world does your o$tion envision: <. %n what values does your o$tion believe the United States was founded: ;ow are those values e"$ressed in your o$tion: =. hat is your o$inion on the reservations su!!ested by Senator +od!e: (s you $re$are the $resentations, you will also need to incor$orate the followin! information. The Domestic Aspect. hich o$tion is most a$$ro$riate in terms of the current domestic situation: The International Aspect. hich o$tion will ta8e (merica in the most a$$ro$riate forei!n $olicy direction: The Military Aspect. hich o$tion offers the best route in terms of security and military $re$aredness: Format: >ach team will have 0#11 minutes to $resent their $osition. >ach team will have 5#6 minutes for a rebuttal ?challen!e the wea8 $oints and conclusions made by the other teams. Undecided Senators will have 11 minutes to as8 )uestions and cross#e"amine each !rou$. >ach team will have 3 minutes to !ive a concludin! statement. (t the end, the Undecided Senators will vote for which !rou$ was most convincin!. The team that wins will !et e"tra $oints towards their score.

Instructions for Undecided Senators

Your Role. Pre$are cross#e"amination )uestions for 2rou$s 1#5. (s an undecided member of the Senate your vote is crucial to the outcome of the +ea!ue of Nations debate. President ilson has already si!ned the Versailles Treaty ?of which the +ea!ue of Nations is a $art7, but the U.S. 'onstitution sti$ulates that any treaty have a two#thirds Senate a$$roval, so your vote counts. Stron! emotions have been e"$ressed towards (rticle , of the +ea!ue-s covenant.
The members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.

/ou are e"$ected to evaluate each of the o$tions and com$lete an evaluation form at the conclusion of the debate. Your Assignment: hile the three o$tion !rou$s are or!ani9in! their $resentations, each of you should prepare 2 ! "uestions regarding each of the options. The )uestions should reflect the values, concerns, and interests of the citi9ens of the United States. /our )uestions should be challen!in! and critical. @or e"am$le, a !ood )uestion for %$tion 1 mi!ht be. ouldn-t membershi$ in the +ea!ue of Nations infrin!e on U.S. soverei!nty: Procedure: 17 4ead and annotate all three o$tion $osition $a$ers 37 discuss with your !rou$ and list the beliefs and assum$tions underlyin! each o$tion. 57 (nswer the followin! )uestions re!ardin! >('; o$tion. /ou will answer each )uestion three different times. Since your $artici$ation in the debate itself will be limited, you will have much more written res$onsibilities. The )uestions you must answer include.
Think about these questions: The $omestic %spect. hich o$tion is most a$$ro$riate in terms of the current domestic situation: The International %spect. hich o$tion will ta8e (merica in the most a$$ro$riate forei!n $olicy direction: The Military %spect. hich o$tion offers the best route in terms of security and military $re$aredness: Answers these questions for EACH O TIO! on a separate sheets of paper" (. hat will be the im$act of your o$tion on the citi9ens of the United States: A. hat will be the im$act of your o$tion on U.S. forei!n $olicy: '. ;ow will your o$tion secure and $reserve world $eace in the years to come: B. hat future U.S. role in the world does your o$tion envision: >. %n what values does your o$tion believe the United States was founded: ;ow are those values e"$ressed in your o$tion: @. hat is your o$inion on the reservations su!!ested by Senator +od!e:

67 Pre$are at least 3#5 hi!h level, critical )uestions for each o$tion. /ou will as8 these at the conclusion of each $resentation. <7 'om$lete the C>valuation @ormD durin! the $resentations to record your im$ressions of the o$tions $resented. =7 Vote on the future of the +ea!ue of Nations. E7 (fter the debate, you will write a full $ara!ra$h that identifies which !rou$ most convinced you to su$$ort their $ro$osal. This will be turned in.

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