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Joe Biden Demands New World Order & RFID Chip

by False Flag Ame rica86 75 5,126 views Understanding The R.F.I.D Chip In The New World Order In America The Treaty Of 1783...

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Chad St ephens 2 weeks ago New t hreaded f ormat and +ment ions encourage Haha..lots of luck.. Some sheep will volunteer..a lot will not ! LONG LIVE THE discussion. REPUBLIC !
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Sarah Gold 1 week ago Learn more about our new comment s. Joe Biden is part of the satanic Illuminati and the demonic catholic church and the false prophet Francis 1 and Barack Hussein Obama is 18 is 666 the A/C clone of OK Akhenaten all the them are pure evil and we are in the last day. Jesus is the only one that can save us Now. I HAVE NEWS FOR THEM JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK FOR A 1,000 YEARS WE WIN AND THEY LOSE
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Sara McKee 3 weeks ago Are you kidding Only Idiots would volunteer for this Cant believe I even heard this on this video clip !
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Dina Jones 1 month ago

in reply to 8osiris

You guys are heavy& I'm a little older.Last year Texas was chipping students indiscriminately but hang around neck,very bad for female,to close to breasts. Court threw out.I've heard the 1st ones will cause problems.But with a chip all info,ALL medical,bank acct etc.You will be under total control of Illuminati. Dina Jones 1 month ago in reply to FalseFlagAmerica8675 In reg family records show there was no Adam Lanz a,fictitious,this was a movie.Sandy was spruced up months B4 this movie made and some business owners there were not allowed to stay, no new licenses.The older bro did exist and the father work for GE & was to testify at big Libor Scandal worth $T rip off. It was all for emotional response about gun control.You are being played by propaganda by gov,lose guns,get communism. Someguyt o 1 month ago If enough people wake up there may not be a New World Order at least this time. It may be awhile before they be able to bring it in. Jesus warned us to beware of ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing. sword of light 2 months ago We do not belong to governments in government wants to ship us we will kill them we will have a holy war in the United States for we belong to Jesus Christ and we will fight to the death you will not ship us we belong to our Father in heaven who paid the price with His precious blood Jesus Christ will come back into the world to remove the ungodly I destroy the kings of the earth and the Queen and the princess and all the royal bloodline death to the royal bloodlines sword of light 2 months ago In order to make a one world government they have to destroy America buy guns buy ammo destroy all the Illuminati's destroy the royal bloodline kill the royal bloodline of all the earth all the kings queens princesses we must take the world back in the name of Jesus Christ forever saved by the blood of Christ we will not be microchipped we do not belong to you but you Jesus Christ saved by the blood of Christ 8osiris 3 months ago @Amanda Hughes: you mean the creation of cancer? Oh i know dioxins pretty well, as 90% of all ilness are created by them. And i have no doubt that nano can kill it, but at what cost? All we do is chew, poop, and pollute. Its easy to say this one is worth saving, while ignoring the ugliness of the whole, it comes of as selfish in the end, as well as needy and cowardly. The greatest treat to consciousness is imortality. And the arrogant pricks who think they can control it.

FalseFlagAmerica8675 3 months ago in reply to Sharron Fortune thank you,, did you read the sick article i put in the description? ' ' DNA of Sandy Hook killer Adam Lanz a' ' to be examined for 'evil' gene in first study of its kind ever conducted on a mass murderer Amanda Hughes 3 months ago in reply to 8osiris But then I guess you've never heard of foreign- body tumorigenesis.

Amanda Hughes 3 months ago in reply to 8osiris You are right. Clearly the 52 page study done by people with Phds about the chips causing cancer was for nothing and we all just need to "catch up." John Fryman 3 months ago Yes, great information, thank- you. As far as the mark of the beast, chips may very well end up being one of them, cause the beast has more than one head, BUT that's not what John wrote down from his vision. It was not greek for 666, it was arabic for "Bismillah" (In the name of allah). Just look up this video here on youtube for clarification: Walid Shoebat - Mark of the Beast /watch?v=GtquNNEO7Fw My question is, since others had to know this before Walid, why has it been kept from us?! John Fryman 3 months ago in reply to Sharron Fortune Yes, great info. FYI, one of the marks may very well end up being chips, cause the beast has more than one head, BUT that's not what John wrote down from his vision. It was not greek for 666, it was arabic for "Bismillah" (In the name of allah). Just look up this video here on youtube for clarification: Walid Shoebat - Mark of the Beast /watch?v=GtquNNEO7Fw My question is, since others had to know this before Walid, why has it been kept from us?! 8osiris 3 months ago the greatest treat to the world is people actually thinking they are its saviors. Progress or the idea of progress is insulting, as all progress is built on failure. A foundation of failure is not progress. We are due to crumble. You need to catch up, rfid=nanotechnology. In the future they will feed them to us and will need nothing more than a scanner, such as in airport security, to finaliz e the tracking. Scot t h 7 months ago There is NO New World Order only a Jew World Order & they control the US Government, our banks, our media, our courts & educations system.

Scot t h 7 months ago in reply to Bitter Clinger The blame falls only where it belongs. I have no vested interest in it being the Jews, but I am certainly not afraid to call it like it is The Jews are the only people in the world who have found hostility in every country in which they settled in any numbers. The question you should ask yourself is - WHY? They were expelled from 109 countries for an obvious reason. WHY? Bit t er Clinger 7 months ago in reply to Scott h When all else fails... blame the Jews. People have been doing it for thousands of years... WeAreONEbigFamily 7 months ago in reply to Scott h Joe Biden is a Knight of Malta serving the Jesuit papacy , the title is not saying the JEWS call for a new World Order and a RFID chip , does it ? mark621000 7 months ago Left ,right and center; all are wicked and need to be saved from their sin. " Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." dmmct 99 7 months ago Odd, I happen to have a fireplace just like that one...

WeAreONEbigFamily 7 months ago in reply to Scott h If you are so called sincere , Then why do you NEVER are mentioning The Jesuits and The Knights of malta ? They are leading it all !!!!! t eargardens 7 months ago It's all such a circus side show. They have no power. They think tey do & will act out on it. We will meet them in battle. Live free or die trying. Trist anTehGamer 4 months ago Then i demand a bullet to joe bidens head

Mount ain Mama 7 months ago Can you stop blaming the Jews as a people? We disagree with our govt and there are a lot of vocal Jews who are critical of Israeli & want justice. You weaken the cause of freedom by insulting an entire people. Much of the elite are Christians. Should we hate all of them. kat kat 14 kk 7 months ago When they can chip elected officials as well as a public and I get on my computer a cell phone and be able to follow the bastard president with my GPS then maybe I would consider being chip people outnumber the military police the government on this planet I we need too do is make a stand and take back the world or die doing it either way for free !!! SaveAmericaFight NWO 7 months ago in reply to HighlandDiamond with the self- assembling proteins and the metals we already have inside our bodies, it would not surprise me if nanobots could wire a simple or complex microchip from the metals inside us. detox metals, eat your raw organic greens, juice them fresh too. green house grown, post- fukushima post, beware of fallout particulate. dmmct 99 7 months ago in reply to WeAreONEbigFamily It's not like they aren't all under the umbrella anyhow. People are going to pay for this, and yes, it isn't going to be just Jews, but every one of these corrupt bastards. Lorraine Keegan 7 months ago Bite me Biden, the only way you'll chip me is to do it over my dead body, Liberty or Death!!! ambrlyn3564 7 months ago this Biden guy is pure evil! pushing there agenda so openly! I find this video pretty disturbing! Unfortunately most will see this as the only way & believe whatever these madmen preach! Keep repeating something over & over & ppl who are generally asleep believe it to be true, does not matter what the msg even is! craz y DjRodimusPrimeXyZ 7 months ago there is nothing special about me, but i have been saying,imo the main reason behind sandy hook was to have us all RFID chipped,the elite have a deadline. God does not want us to be ignorant of the times,we need to be prepared spiritually,and start

stocking up on food,water,and everything else. dmmct 99 7 months ago in reply to lsmanure I don't agree with one thing, it will not matter what race when guns are being attempted to be taken out of hands. lsmanure 7 months ago in reply to dmmct99 Somebody slapped The Living shit out of White Society.and It wasn`t The negros.I find it quite pitiful for America, after Arlington National Cemetery.Well The Blacks did their part for civil rights.But they ain`t after Blacks.They want Whites guns.Pity the fool who thinks like that.They rely on electronics and a nuclear weapon,which nuclear fission cancels out radio waves.Drones etc. will be useless.It will be a ground offensive against the architects of this bullshit.I pity Joe too, sellout MAJ- 12/SM4 20 5 months ago in reply to Mountain Mama Most of the "Elite" worship Satan. Christianity is the enemy of the New World Order.

WrecklessKing1 5 months ago Fuck you faggots who are involved in this bullshit. Liberty or death. I rather die than be your bitch, annieladysmit h 7 months ago Jew Biden is a senile oil man, who needs to fuck- off back to the stolen sand- hole they call Israel. Go back to Israel u damn asshole. Revolt orAdapt 7 months ago All the people that voted for these scum bags, line up and get your RFID CHIP !

MAJ- 12/SM4 20 5 months ago Technology is simply AMAZING! It's too bad they are using some of the most creative and stunning tech for sinister purposes. Think of all the wonderous and POSITIVE things we could do! Sharron Fort une 4 months ago Great information. Thanks for posting! A proud Christian who will NEVER accept being

marked by the BEAST! JESUS CHRIST IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR!!!! My loyalty is with him who SAVED ME! Jane Doe 7 months ago Maybe i should get that free sample and try to figure out how to render them useless

27TUBGUY 7 months ago Im uploading this shit is scary real.

DocSnaxx 7 months ago this guys gonna get assassinated if he keeps runnin his mouth.

Scot t h 7 months ago in reply to WeAreONEbigFamily The federal Gov. is filled with Jews that work tirelessly to erode the rights of Americans. Three of the supreme court justices are jews. Who owns the "Federal" Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank. Pay attention to the ethnicity of the bankers and speculators like Soros, Volker, Greenspan, Geithner, Bernanke, Dimon, Rothschilds, Soros, Kissinger Assoc. Listen to Benjamin Freedman's 1961 speech to see who controls our governments from behind the scenes, and drag us into wars. mgmaggio1 7 months ago Is that banker guy a real guy or is he just acting?

27TUBGUY 7 months ago in reply to DocSnaxx Sadly the only people that have ever allowed anyone to be assasinated are with him.(holding his strings as it were) Scot t h 7 months ago in reply to Bitter Clinger Is this is just a coincidence? Federal Reserve & Treasury Department - 1. Obama treasury secretary, Jack Lew - Jew 2. Obama treasury secretary, Tim Geithner - Jew 3. Bush treasury secretary, Hank Paulson - Jew 4. Bill Clinton treasury secretary, Robert Rubin - Jew 5. Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke - Jew 6. Federal Reserve ex chairman, Alan Greenspan - Jew 7. Federal Reserve deputy chairman, Janet Yellen - Jew 8. Federal Reserve ex deputy chairman, Donald Cohn - Jew JoshuaSr33 7 months ago

This is Freaking Twisted Sheet man! FUCK OFF OBAMA, GO SUCK SOME BIDEN DICK! Daniel Hughes via Google+ 3 months ago
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Michael Ranney via Google+ 3 months ago

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