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Statistics Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia PhD Student, Mathematics Department, Gadjah Mada Uni ersit! suhartono"statistika#its#ac#id$ har%arema"!ahoo#com

Mathematics Department, Gadjah Mada Uni ersit!, Indonesia subanar"!ahoo#com$

Abstract# The aims o' this paper are to appl! Neural Net(orks )NN* model 'or 'orecasting Indonesian in'lation and to stud! the e''ecti eness o' linearit! test on NN modeling and 'orecasting# In this paper, (e particularl! 'ocus on the model building o' NN as time series model and compare the result (ith the traditional econometrics time series approach, particularl! +,IM+- model# The comparison results based on the d!namic 'orecasting bet(een NN and +,IM+- models sho( that the accurac! o' NN model is slightl! better than +,IM+- model# Then, (e appl! linearit! test, i#e# .hite test, to e aluate and e/plain (hether a nonlinear model should be used 'or modeling and 'orecasting Indonesian in'lation# The result sho(s statisticall! that nonlinear model is not needed 'or in'lation modeling (ith increasing 'uel price )also kno(n as 00M* and Islamic 1alendar e''ects )price tend to increase during ,amadhan and the 2ids holida!* as predictors# In general, the results e/plain the importance o' linearit! test be'ore appl!ing nonlinear model as NN 'or time series modeling# 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 3&M14, 3&M56 Keywords: linearit! test, neural net(orks, in'lation, d!namic 'orecasting

1. Introduction
During the last 'e( !ears, the use o' the neural net(orks )NN* in economics literature, particularl! in the areas o' 'inancial statistics and e/change rates, has gro(n and recei ed a great deal o' attention# Some publications about it can be 'ound in 713, 18, &4, &3, 95:#

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>eed'or(ard Neural Net(orks )>>NN* model is the most popular 'orm o' NN models used 'or 'orecasting, particularl! in economics and 'inance# >>NN is a class o' 'le/ible nonlinear models that can disco er patterns adapti el! 'rom the data# The use o' the NN model in applied (ork is generall! moti ated b! a mathematical result stating that under mild regularit! conditions, a relati el! simple NN model is capable o' appro/imating an! 0orel?measureable 'unction to an! gi en degree o' accurac! )see e#g# 719, 16, 1@, 1A, 9@:*# The in estigation o' nonlinearities in time series data is important to macro?economic theor! as (ell as 'orecasting, as illustrated, in seminal (ork b! 0rock and ;ommes 78:, or 0arnett, Medio and Serletis 79:# ,ecentl!, man! studies ha e applied NN models to macroeconomic time series, particularl! on the modeling and 'orecasting in'lation# Some paper about in'lation 'orecasting b! using NN can be 'ound in 711, &1, &9, &6, &@, &A, 9&:# This paper discusses and in estigates the use'ulness o' >>NN 'or 'orecasting in'lation in Indonesia and the e''ecti eness o' linearit! test, that is .hite test, 'or in'lation modeling# T(o main issues about the e''ect o' increasing 'uel price )also kno(n as 00M* and Islamic 1alendar e''ects )price tend to increase during ,amadhan and the 2ids holida!* to the in'lation 'luctuation are also studied# >inall!, a comparison is dra(n bet(een >>NN model and the best e/isting models based on traditional econometrics time series approach#

2. Inflation orecastin!
The in estigation about 'orecasting in'lation in a speci'ic countr! has been recei ed a great attention 'or man! macroeconomics researchers# >or most central banks, in'lation is at least one monetar! polic! objecti e# Gi en t!pical time lags, monetar! polic! needs to be concerned (ith 'uture in'lation# 1urrent in'lation le els, (hich are themsel es the result o' past policies, ma! pro ide onl! insu''icient in'ormation# In'lation 'orecasts that link 'uture in'lation to current de elopments can bridge this gap# This paper attempts to de elop an in'lation 'orecasting model 'or Indonesia that could ser e as input 'or polic! setting b! the 0ank Indonesia )0I*# Moshiri and 1ameron 7&6: did a comparison stud! bet(een NN and econometrics models 'or 'orecasting in'lation in 1anada# Stock and .atson 7&A: and 1hen, ,acine and S(anson 714: ha e studied NN 'or 'orecasting in'lation in US+# Babundi, Marais and Gre!ling 7&4: ha e discussed and

The impact of linearity test on the forecasting inflation in Indonesia

compared bet(een NN and econometrics models 'or 'orecasting in'lation in South +'rica# McNelis and Mc+dam 7&9: also ha e studied about 'orecasting in'lation in US+, Capan and some 2urope countries b! using DThick ModelE and NN# In Indonesia, modeling in'lation has been studied b! +rie' 7&:, +nglingkusumo 71:, and also b! Suhartono, Subanar and Guritno 79&:# +rie' 79: used econometrics approach b! implementing three models$ Meiselman model, +nderson?Barnosk! model, and 1ausal model de eloped b! ;siao# +nglingkusumo 71: implemented P?star model 'or monetar! anal!sis o' in'lation# Suhartono, Subanar and Guritno 79&: appl! >>NN based on +,IM+ and +,IM+- model 'or in'lation 'orecasting#

2.1. "conometrics #ime Series A$$roach

Modeling and 'orecasting in'lation b! using econometrics time series approach is usuall! used b! man! researchers in man! decades, especiall! compared to the used o' NN model# In this section, (e (ill gi e a brie' re ie( o' some 'orecasting models 'rom econometrics time series approach that used in this paper, particularl! Inter ention +nal!sis and 1alendar Fariation Model or +,IM+- model#

2.1.1. Inter%ention Analysis Model

Inter ention anal!sis model is a time series method that usuall! used to e/plain the e''ect o' e/ternal and internal 'actors to the time series data# Some papers about the application o' inter ention anal!sis model can be 'ound in 76, A, 19, &&, &5, 94, 91:# The general class o' inter ention anal!sis models can be (ritten asG )see e#g# 7@: and 796:*
Yt =

q ) B *Q ) B s * s ) B * b B It + at r ) B* p ) B * P ) B s *


(here b is the time dela! 'or the inter ention e''ect and It is inter ention ariable#

2.1.2. Calendar &ariation Model

1alendar ariation e''ects model (as originall! gi en b! 0ell and ;illmer 75:# Suhartono and Sampurno 7&8: studied the e''ect o' 2ids holida! )as Islamic calendar e''ects* to the increasing number o' train and plane

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passengers at Cakarta?Suraba!a route b! using calendar ariation model# This approach also used b! 0okil and Schimmelp'ennig 73: 'or 'orecasting in'lation in Pakistan# In general, the calendar ariation model can be (ritten as )see 711:*
Yt = 1C t +

q ) B *Q ) B s * p ) B * P ) B s *



(here 1 is the e''ect magnitude o' calendar ariation ariable and Ct is calendar ariation ariable#


eedforward 'eural 'etwor(

Neural net(orks )NN* are a class o' 'le/ible nonlinear models that can disco er patterns adapti el! 'rom the data# Theoreticall!, it has been sho(n that gi en an appropriate number o' nonlinear processing units, NN can learn 'rom e/perience and estimate an! comple/ 'unctional relationship (ith high accurac!# 2mpiricall!, numerous success'ul applications ha e established their role 'or pattern recognition and time series 'orecasting# >eed'or(ard Neural Net(orks )>>NN* is the most popular NN models 'or time series 'orecasting applications# >igure 1 sho(s a t!pical three?la!er >>NN used 'or 'orecasting purposes# The input nodes are the pre ious lagged obser ations, (hile the output pro ides the 'orecast 'or the 'uture alues# ;idden nodes (ith appropriate nonlinear trans'er 'unctions are used to process the in'ormation recei ed b! the input nodes# The model o' >>NN in 'igure 1 can be (ritten as
q p yt = 4 + j f ij y t i + oj + t , j =1 i =1


(here p is the number o' input nodes, q is the number o' hidden nodes, f is a sigmoid trans'er 'unction such as the logisticG
f ) x* = 1 1 + e x


I j , j = 4,1, , qH is a ector o' (eights 'rom the hidden and I ij , i = 4,1, , p$ j =1,&, , qH are (eights 'rom the

to output nodes input to hidden nodes# Note that eJuation )9* indicates a linear trans'er 'unction is emplo!ed in the output node# >unctionall!, the >>NN e/pressed in eJuation )9* is eJui alent to a nonlinear +, model# This simple structure o' the net(ork model has been sho(n to be capable o' appro/imating arbitrar! 'unction )see e#g# 71&, 15,

The impact of linearity test on the forecasting inflation in Indonesia

13, 1@, 9@:*# ;o(e er, 'e( practical guidelines e/ist 'or building a >>NN 'or a time series, particularl! the speci'ication o' >>NN architecture in terms o' the number o' input and hidden nodes is not an eas! task#


Output Layer (Dependent Var.

Input Layer (!ag Dependent Var. Hi en Layer (" unit neurons

Mt y

i!ure 1# +rchitecture o' neural net(ork model (ith single hidden la!er

). #he *a!ran!e Multi$lier ty$e *inearity test usin! +andom Sam$lin!

The neural net(ork test in .hite 793: and Kee, .hite, and Granger 7&1: is a test o' linearit! against nonlinear model,
yt = wt + j I ) j wt * 1 H + ut , &
j =1 q


L * , u t L nid )4, & * , wt = )1, w (here t = )4 ,1 , ,p *, L L * = ) 4 , , = ) 1 , , p * , and

) wt * = I1 + e/p) wt *H1 1 & #

L = ) y , , y * w , t t 1 tp

)3* The null h!pothesis is

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H 4 G 1 = & = = q = 4 #


dra(ing them randoml! 'rom a 'easible distributionG .hite 793: and .hite, and Granger 7&1: used a uni'orm distribution# 0ecause the ariables ) j wt * ma! be hea il! correlated, these authors applied a principal component trans'ormation to
wt *, , ) q wt *: t = 7 ) 1

1 , , q so that the alues o' ) j wt * can be computed# This is done b!

The identi'ication problem is sol ed b! 'i/ing the alues o' ectors

and included t(o principal components orthogonal to the linear part o' the model in the au/iliar! regression 'or testing linearit!# + practical (a! o' carr!ing out this KM linearit! test can be 'ound in 7&1, 93:#

,. +esearch Methodolo!y
The purpose o' this research is to pro ide empirical e idence on the comparati e stud! bet(een >>NN and traditional econometrics time series model 'or 'orecasting in'lation in Indonesia# The major research Juestions (e in estigate areG )i*# Does >>NN ha e a better result on the accurac! 'or 'orecasting in'lation in Indonesia than traditional econometrics time series modelN )ii*# ;o( the impact o' linearit! test on the NN modeling 'or 'orecasting in'lation in IndonesiaN

The Indonesian in'lation data that used in this empirical stud! contain @3 month obser ations, started in Canuar! 1888 and ended in +pril &446# The 'irst @& data obser ations are used 'or model selection and parameter estimation )training data in term o' NN model* and the last 5 points are reser ed as the test 'or 'orecasting e aluation and comparison )testing data*# >igure & plots representati e time series o' this data# It is clear that the series has a stationar! condition (ith little seasonal ariations#

+esearch -esi!n
In this research, to determine the best model, an e/periment is conducted (ith the basic cross alidation method# The a ailable training data is used to estimate the parameters )(eights* 'or an! speci'ic model# The

The impact of linearity test on the forecasting inflation in Indonesia

testing set is the used to select the best model among all models considered# In this stud!, the number o' hidden nodes 'or >>NN model aries 'rom 1 to 3 (ith an increment o' 1#

i!ure 2# Time series plot o' the Indonesian in'lation, Canuar! 1888 O +pril &446 The >>NN model used in this empirical stud! is the standard >>NN (ith single?hidden?la!er sho(n in >igure 1# The initial alue is set to random (ith replications in each model to increase the chance o' getting the global minimum# .e did not use the standard data preprocessing in NN b! trans'orm data to 7?1,1: and N)4,1* scale, because data in'lation aries around 4# The per'ormance o' in?sample 'it and out?sample 'orecast is judged b! the commonl! used error measures# The! are the mean sJuared error )MS2* and the root mean sJuare error ),MS2*#

.. "m$irical +esults
In this section the empirical results 'or 1ombination Inter ention and Fariation 1alendar )'or simplicit! (e (rite +,IM+-* and >>NN models are presented and discussed#

SU;+,T<N<, SU0+N+, +ND SU,=< GU,ITN<

..1. +esults of A+IMA/ Model

Table 1 sho(s the results o' three +,IM+- models that satis'! adeJuate model b! testing parameter model and diagnostic check o' residual model# >rom table 1, (e can conclude that inter ention ariable and Islamic calendar signi'icantl! in'luence the increasing o' 'orecast accurac!, particularl! in out?sample 'orecast# These three models contain the e''ect o' increasing 00M price and Islamic calendar to in'lation data plus +,IM+ model 'or the errors$ those are +,IM+)4,4,71,1&:*, +,IM+)4,4,1*)4,4,1*1& and +,IM+)1,4,4*)4,4,1*1& 'or model 1, & and 9 respecti el!# >or e/ample, model 1 can be (ritten as yt = 4#5643 + 4#AA663 I t + 4#A6395C t + )1 + 4#6111B + 4#&8@3 B1& *at )A* (here I t is inter ention ariable )increasing o' 00M price*, C t is Islamic calendar ariable and B is backshi't operator# This model sho(s that increasing o' 00M and Islamic calendar ha e positi e e''ect to in'lation in Indonesia# #able 1# The results o' +,IM+- models, both in training and testing data
MSE M! e" #odel 1 #odel 2 #odel * Trainin# ata $.2%&2&1&' $.2(&*+2&* $.2(*)(1%$ Te$tin# ata $.2%(&$2 $.2+$'2+ $.*1(*$* RMSE Trainin# ata $.)*)$*+ $.)++*'+ $.)+1%+1 Te$tin# ata $.)*%1+' $.+($&*& $.)&)$&(

..2. +esults of

'' Model

In this paper, building process 'or >>NN model particularl! determination o' inputs are based on the inputs o' +,IM+ and +,IM+models# Table & summariPes the results o' >>NN 'orecasting (ith input lags based on +,IM+ and +,IM+- models# The results sho( that the more comple/ o' >>NN architecture )it means the more number o' unit nodes in hidden la!er* al(a!s !ields better result in training data, but the opposite result happened in testing data# Moreo er, >>NN models (ith input lags based on +,IM+- model gi e

The impact of linearity test on the forecasting inflation in Indonesia

better 'orecast than based on +,IM+ model# It can be clearl! seen 'rom the reduction o' MS2 and ,MS2 particularl! in testing data# #able 2# The results o' >>NN models, both in training and testing data
#odel Input lags 1,12 ,umber of neurons 1 2 * + ) 1 2 * + ) Training data #S$.222(&+ 1 $.2$+$)2 % $.1+((&% * $.1*&&'& ) $.121$%$ % $.2()$($ ) $.1)*11% ' $.1+'1'2 + $.22$2$& $ $.122+%) 2 .#S$.+'21(1 $.+)1'22 $.*%'2)' $.*&(&(% $.*+'(&' $.)+*222 $.*(1*$+ $.*%*&*1 $.+&(2&1 $.*+(('( Testing data #S$.*&'$%$ ' $.*122+% % $.2&$12+ $ $.22&1$$ 1 $.2('*%) & $.*+&1*+ 2 $.*&$*+2 2 $.+$&+2( ' $.*21$'2 % $.)+'&1* ( .#S$.&$)%' 2 $.))%'( 2 $.)1$$2 + $.+'))$ $ $.)+)** 1 $.)%%** 2 $.&$$2% ) $.&*')1 % $.)&&&* * $.'+$$$ (

//,, 0ith input lags based on 1.I#12






..). +esults of Com$arison Study

.e concentrate on the d!namic 'orecasts )testing data* to choice the best model 'or 'orecasting in'lation in Indonesia# The comparison stud! uses MS2 testing data o' the best model in each approach and also ratio o' 'orecast errors o' each model to the 'orecast error o' the >>NN model (ith lags input based on +,IM+- model# The results are presented in table 9# #able ). Summar! o' D!namic >orecasting Per'ormance 1omparison
3est #odel 1.I#12 //,, 0ith input based on 1.I#12 #S(testing data $.2+$'2+$ $.22&1$$1 .atio #S- (to //,, based on 1.I#12 1.$' 1.$$

SU;+,T<N<, SU0+N+, +ND SU,=< GU,ITN<


In table 9, numbers greater than one on the ratio column indicate poorer 'orecast per'ormance than comparable >>NN (ith inputs based on +,IM+- model and ice ersa 'or numbers less than one# 0ased on the result at this table, (e can conclude that >>NN (ith inputs based on +,IM+- model, that is input lags 1, 1&, I t , C t and 5 unit neurons in hidden la!er, gi es the best d!namic 'orecast )testing data* 'or in'lation data# The results also sho( that the 'orecast accurac! o' +,IM+- model is closel! (ith the result o' >>NN (ith input based on +,IM+-#

..,. +esults of *inearity #est by a$$lyin! 0hite #est

.e appl! .hite test to in estigate (hether the nonlinear model should be used 'or modeling this data# The result is presented in table 5 and sho(s that the p? alue is greater than 4,46# It means (e 'ail to reject the null h!pothesis and conclude that nonlinear model is not needed 'or in'lation modeling (ith increasing 'uel price )also kno(n as 00M* and Islamic 1alendar e''ects )price tend to increase during ,amadhan and the 2ids holida!* as predictors# ;ence, this result is a reasoning to e/plain (h! the 'orecast accurac! o' >>NN (ith input based on +,IM+- closel! to the result o' +,IM+- model# #able ,. The results o' Kinearit! Test b! appl!ing .hite test
Input "a#$ !ag 1, 124 I t 4 C t !ag 1, 11, 124 I t 4 Ba$e F $.*1(% 1.$$2( !n F%te$t p%&a"ue $.'2'' $.*'*' Ba$e !n & %te$t p%&a"ue $.&)+) $.+$1+

$.%+'( 1.%2)&


1. Conclusions
0ased on the results at the pre ious section, (e can conclude that the NN (ith inputs such as +,IM+- model gi es slightl! better result 'or 'orecasting in'lation in Indonesia than +,IM+- model# <ur result based on the linearit! test sho(s that nonlinear model, as NN, is statisticall! not needed 'or in'lation modeling# ;ence, this result is a reason to e/plain (h! the 'orecast accurac! o' >>NN (ith input based on +,IM+- closel! to the

The impact of linearity test on the forecasting inflation in Indonesia


result o' +,IM+- model# In general, the results sho( that appl!ing linearit! test is an important step be'ore using some nonlinear time series models#

71: +nglingkusumo, ,# )&446*, Mo ey ! I flatio "exus i I do esia# $%ide ce for& a P'(tar ) alysis, Timbergen Inst# Discussion Paper, TI &446?465Q5# 7&: +rie', S# )1886*, ) $co o&etric (tudy o the *elati%e $ffecti%e ess of Mo etary a d +iscal Policies i I do esia, UGM, Indonesia# 79: 0arnett, .#+#, +# Medio and +# Serletis )&449*, "o li ear a d Co&plex ,y a&ics i $co o&ics, .orking Paper# 75: 0ell, .#,# and S# ;illmer )18A9*, Modeling time series (ith calendar ariation, -. of )&erica (tat. )ssociatio , 23, 6&3?695# 76: 0hattachar!a, M#N and +#P# Ka!ton )18@8*, 2''ecti eness o' Seat 0elt Kegislation on Rueensland ,oad TollG +n +ustralian 1ase Stud! in Inter ention +nal!sis, -. of )&erica (tat. )ssociatio , 2,, pp#93@# 73: 0okil, M# and +# Schimmelp'ennig )&446*, Three )tte&pts at I flatio +orecasti / i Pakista , IM> .orking Paper, .PQ46Q146# 7@: 0o/, G#2#P#, G#M# Cenkins and G#1# ,einsel )1885*, Ti&e (eries ) alysis0 +orecasti / a d Co trol0 9rd edition, 2ngle(ood 1li''sG Prentice ;all# 7A: 0o/, G#2#P and 1#G# Tiao )18@6*, Inter ention +nal!sis (ith +pplications to 2conomic and 2n ironmental Problems, -our al of )&erica (tatistics )ssociatio , 20, pp# @4?@8# 78: 0rock, .#+# and 1#;# ;ommes )188@*, + ,ational ,oute to ,andomness, $co o&etrica0 1., 1468?1486# 714: 1hen, -#, C# ,acine and N#,# S(anson )&441*, (e&ipara&etric )*1 "eural "etwork Models with a )pplicatio to +orecasti / I flatio , .orking Paper, 2conomics Department, ,utgers Uni ersit!# 711: 1r!er, C#D# )18A3*, Ti&e (eries ) alysis, 0ostonG Publishing 1ompan!# 71&: 1!benko, G# )18A8*, +ppro/imation b! superpositions o' a sigmoidal 'unction# Mathematics o' 1ontrol, (i/ als a d (yste&s, 2, 945O915#

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719: 2nders, .#, T# Sandler and C# 1aule! )1884*, +ssessing the Impact o' Terrorist Th(arting PoliciesG +n Inter ention Time Series +pproach, ,efe se $co o&ics0 2, 1?1A# 715: >unahashi, B# )18A8*, <n the appro/imate realiPation o' continuous mappings b! neural net(orks, "eural "etworks, 2, 1A9O18&# 716: ;amid, S#+# and S# IJbal )&445*, Using neural net(orks 'or 'orecasting olatilit! o' STP 644 Inde/ 'utures prices, -our al of Busi ess *esearch0 .2, pg# 111311&6# 713: ;ornik, B#, M# Stinchombe and ;# .hite )18A8*, Multila!er 'eed'or(ard net(orks are uni ersal appro/imators, "eural "etworks, 2, 968O933# 71@: ;ornik, B#, M# Stinchombe and ;# .hite )1884*, Uni ersal appro/imation o' an unkno(n mapping and its deri ati es using multila!er 'eed'or(ard net(orks, "eural "etworks, ), pp# 661O634# 71A: Baashoek, C# >#, and ;#B# Fan Dijk )&441*, "eural "etworks as $co o&etric Tool, ,eport 2I &441O46, 2con# Inst# 2rasmus Uni # ,otterdam# 718: Baashoek, C#># and Fan Dijk, ;#B# )&44&*, Neural Net(ork Pruning +pplied to ,eal 2/change ,ate +nal!sis, -our al of +orecasti /, 21, pp# 668O6@@# 7&4: Babundi, +#N#, D#C# Marais and K# Gre!ling )&449*, +orecasti / (outh )frica I flatio # "eural "etworks 2ersus $co o&etric Models , ,esearch Paper, Depart# o' 2conomics, ,and +'rikaans Uni ersit!# 7&1: Kee, T#?;#, ;# .hite and 1#.#C# Granger )1889*# Testing 'or Neglected Nonlinearit! in Time Series ModelsG + comparison o' Neural Net(ork methods and alternati e test# -our al of $co o&etrics, 63, pp# &38?&84# 7&&: Keonard, M# )&441*, Pro&otio al ) alysis a d +orecasti / for ,e&a d Pla i /# ) Practical Ti&e (eries )pproach, 1ar!, N1, US+ G S+S Inst# Inc# 7&9: McNelis, P# and P# Mc+dam )&445*, +orecasti / I flatio with Thick Models a d "eural "etworks, .orking Paper Series, No# 96&, 2uropean 1entral 0ank# 7&5: Montgomer!, D#1# and G# .eatherb! )18A4*, Modeling and >orecasting Time Series Using Trans'er >unction and Inter ention Methods, )II$ Tra sactio s, pg# &A8?94@#

The impact of linearity test on the forecasting inflation in Indonesia


7&6: Moshiri, S# and N#2# 1ameron )188@*, "eural "etwork %s. $co o&etric Models i +orecasti / I flatio , .orking Paper, Department o' 2conomics, Uni ersit! o' Manitoba# 7&3: ,e'enes, +#P# and ;# .hite )188A*, Neural Net(orks and >inancial 2conomics, I ter atio al -our al of +orecasti /, 12# 7&@: Stock, C#;# and M#.# .atson )188A*, ) Co&pariso of 3i ear a d "o 'li ear 4 i%ariate Models for +orecasti / Macroeco o&ic Ti&e (eries, N02, .ork Paper 334@# 7&A: Stock, C#;# and M#.# .atson )1888*, >orecasting In'lation, -our al of Mo etary $co o&ics, ,,, pg# &89?996# 7&8: Suhartono and 0#S# Sampurno )&44&*, The 1omparison Stud! bet(een Trans'er >unction and Inter ention?1alendar Fariation Model 'or >orecasting The Number o' Plane and Train Passengers, -ur al Mate&atika atau Pe&belajara ya, Special 2d#, Uni ersitaas Negeri Malang, Indonesia# 794: Suhartono and 2# ;ariroh )&449*, +nal!sis o' The 2''ect o' .T1 Ne( =ork 0omb to The >luctuation o' .orld Stock Market b! Using Inter ention Model, Proceedi / "atio al (e&i ar of Mathe&atics a d (tatistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia# 791: Suhartono and I#N#+#.#.# Putra )&446*, The 2''ect o' 0ali 0omb to The Number o' ;otel <ccupanc! in 0aliG +n +pplication Stud! o' Inter ention Model 'or Tourism, Proceedi / "atio al Co fere ce Mathe&atics 1II, UD+=+N+, 0ali, Indonesia# 79&: Suhartono, Subanar and S# Guritno )&446*, Modeling o' 'inancial data b! using >eed'or(ard Neural Net(orks, Proceedi / The I ter atio al Co fere ce o applied Mathe&atics 5IC)M678, IT0, 0andung, Indonesia# 799: S(anson, N# ,# and ;# .hite )188@*, + model?selection approach to real?time macroeconomic 'orecasting using linear models and arti'icial neural net(orks, *e%iew of $co o&ic a d (tatistics, 24, 654O664# 795: Fersace, M#, ,# 0hatt, <# ;inds, and M# Shi''er )&445*, Predicting the e/change 'und DI+ (ith a combination o' genetic algorithms and neural net(orks, $xpert (yste&s with )pplicatio s0 22, pg# 51@5&6# 796: .ei, .#.#S# )1884*, Ti&e (eries ) alysis# 4 i%ariate a d Multi%ariate Methods0 +ddison?.esle! Publishing 1o#, US+# 793: .hite, ;# )18A8*# +n additional hidden unit test 'or neglected nonlinearit! in multila!er 'eed'or(ard net(orks# I Proceedi /s of

SU;+,T<N<, SU0+N+, +ND SU,=< GU,ITN<


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