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Management of Information Systems

Introduction to HTML and PHP


M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner Winter Term 2013/2014

Tutorials We have up to 600 Students (the number has doubled compared to last year!). We offer 19 tutorials per week with 8 tutors. Up to 80% of all students received one of their priorities. Two computer pools are need, 2114 and -1001b (this pool is in the cellar of the KG2 building and not in the KG1 building). Registrations for the tutorials will no longer be accepted! It is not allowed to go to a different tutorial for any reason. The only chances to get another date is You find a student who is willing to swap courses. Places become available in the course of the semester, because registered students didnt take the tutorial.
M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner, Introduction to HTML and PHP 2

Exercise Sheets (Tutorial) Students are free to solve exercise sheets in the course of the semester. Evaluation Students are able to collect points for each exercise. 10 points 1 bonus point for the final exam. 5 exercise sheets with 100 points in total. Groups of 3-5 students are allowed. We recommend you to solve the exercise sheets even if you are not able to take the tutorials, otherwise it will be difficult to pass the exam. You can find all materials and exercise sheets online. First submission will be on 13.12.2013 (very likely).

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP

About this Lecture

Parts of this lecture are not in the book.

Content will be practiced later today in the exercise session.

Use the slides from this lecture and the exercises to prepare for the programming part of the exam. You will get additional exercises on ILIAS in the course of this semester. You will need to practice these for the exam.

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP

Learning Objectives

Describe the principal methodologies for modeling and designing information systems. Learn and understand the basic structure of an HTML document. Learn how to use PHP in combination with HTML web pages. Understand the basic programming structures. Visualize programming routines.

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. A markup language consists of a set of markup tags. A HTML document contains different tags surrounded by angle brackets and plain text. Example of an HTML page structure:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Example-Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>This is my first web page</h1> </body> </html>

HTML documents are also known as web pages.

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner, Introduction to HTML and PHP 6

HTML Tags A few important HTML tags and some of their attributes:
<table></table> <tr></tr> <td></td> colspan=2 rowspan=2 align= <div></div> <span></span> <br /> <form></form> action=URL method= <input /> type= Creates a table Creates a line in a table Creates a cell in a table Sets the column span to two Sets the row span to two Alignment: left, right, center Defines a generic block for e.g. text Defines a generic field in a block Line break Defines a form Destination URL of the form Method of transfer GET or POST Input field Type: Text, Hidden, Button, Submit, Reset,

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP

HTML Demonstration

First, let us have a look at any web page on the internet. Open web browser e.g. Firefox Go to any web page Press right click Select Seitenquelltext anzeigen Look at HTML tags and structure Second, let us create our own web page.

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) CSS is used to style HTML elements. Some CSS-Attribute are:
background font-family font-size color border padding border-collapse Background (color) Font (e.g. Arial) Font size Color of the element Border Padding of the text in a cell to the cell edge Determines whether frame of adjacent elements collapse or separate

Note: For individual tags CSS-attributes can also be defined within the tag using the HTML attribute style=. Example: <p
style="color:red;font-size:24px;">This is a paragraph.</p>

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP

HTML Closing Remarks

This are almost all information about HTML you need to solve the exercises. You have to write your own HTML web pages in the course of the Tutorates. Therefore, it is essential to understand the general syntax. Subsequently we will continue with the PHP introduction.

PHP code will be embedded in HTML code.

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming in PHP

Why PHP? PHP is not a standalone programming language, but rather a script language. PHP scripts are embedded in other structures (mostly HTML code) to offer additional dynamic content.

We will, however, only look at very basic concepts.

PHP offers easy ways to communicate with databases.

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


PHP Variables Declaration rules: Starts with the $ symbol, followed by the name of the variable Name must begin with a letter or the underline character _ Name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underlines (A-z, 0-9, and _) PHP variables contains values ($a=1) or expressions ($a=$b+$c). Examples: $number = 5 $text = Hallo World! $result = 2,7

(integer) (string) (double)

Variable names are case sensitive ($a and $A are two different variables
M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner, Introduction to HTML and PHP 12

PHP Operators

PHP Arithmetic Operators $a+$b, $a-$b, $a*$b, $a/$b, $a%$b (11%5=1 teilen mit Rest) -$a negates the content of variable $a $a . $b concatenates the variable $a with $b PHP Comparison Operators $a == $b ($a is equal to $b) $a != $b ($a is different from $b) $a > $b ($a is greater than $b) $a >= $b ($a is greater or equal to $b) $a < $b ($a is less than $b) $a <= $b ($a is less or eqal to $b)

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


PHP Operators (cond.)

PHP Logical Operators AND: $a and $b OR: $a or $b NOT: !$a Example: $a = 6 $b = 2 ($a/2 == $b or $a*$b >= $a*2) Is this statement true? 3 == 2 or 12 >= 12 -> The statement is true!

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Built-in Functions

There are more than 700 built-in functions.

Some of these functions are e.g.: echo String returns one or more strings. strlen() returns the length on a string. log() returns the natural logarithm. sin() returns the sinus of the respective input parameter. abs() returns the absolute value.
Example: $a = Test strlen($a) = 4

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming in PHP

PHP scripts are embedded into HTML code with <?php ?> - Tags. Variables are implicitly initialized once they are used and do not require explicit declaration. We will first look at some control structures that are elementary to most programming languages and a method to visualize them.

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Visualizing a programs structure

Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams (NSD, also called structograms) are graphical representations for structured programming. They allow for a language-independent visualization of a programs structure. On the following slides we will also consider the NSD representation for each control structure. There will be an exercise on NSDs at the end of this lecture.

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming control structures


Control structure for checking conditions.

if ($a > $b) { echo $a.' is larger than '.$b; } else { echo $a.' is not larger than'.$b; }


$a > $b


echo $a.' is larger than '.$b;

echo $a.' is not larger than '.$b;

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming control structures


Control structure for checking successive conditions.

if ($a > $b) { echo $a.' is larger than '.$b; } elseif ($a == $b) { echo $a.' is equal to '.$b; } else { echo $a.' is smaller than'.$b; }


$a > $b

False $a == $b echo


True echo


M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming control structures


Control structure for checking condition with multiple options.

switch ($language) { case 0: echo 'Hallo!'; break; case 1: echo 'Salut!'; break; case 2: echo 'Ciao!'; break; default: echo 'Hi!'; }

$language 0 echo 1 echo 2 echo Default echo

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming control structures


Basic loop checks condition first and loops commands as long as condition is met. Increment operator ++, decrement operator --
$i = 0; while ($i <= 10) { echo $i.'<br />'; $i++; }

$i <= 10

echo $i.<br />'; $i++;

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming control structures


Basic loop checks condition after one iteration and loops as long as condition is met.
$i = 11; do { echo $i.'<br />'; $i++; } while ($i <= 10);

echo $i.<br />'; $i++;

$i <= 10

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming control structures


Counting loop checks condition first and loops commands for a fixed number of times. Requires integer inputs.
for ($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) { echo $i.'<br />'; }

$i=0; $i <= 10; $i++

echo $i.<br />'; $i++;

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Programming in PHP

Most common programming languages look very similar in their basic concepts:
PHP: if (a > b) { while (b < a) { b = a + c; } } else { a = b + c; } Java: if (a > b) { while (b < a) { b = a + c; } } else { a = b + c; } Matlab: if (a > b) while (b < a) b = a + c; end else a = b + c; end

Same for C++, C#, Pascal, VBA,

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


PHP Functions

Functions are essential elements of programming languages. We should give the function a name that reflects its functionality. To add more functionality, functions have special input parameters. To let a function return a value, use the return statement.

Example without return:

function add($a, $b) { $result= $a + $b echo 'The sum of ' . $a . ' and ' .$b. ' is: ' .$result; } add(5, 2) OUTPUT = The sum of 5 and 2 is: 7

Example with return:

function add($a, $b) { $result= $a + $b return $result; } echo add(5, 2) OUTPUT = 7

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP



M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Exercise 1

What does the program below?

What is the output for $pwd = 1234, $pwd2 = 4321? Draw a Nassi-Shneiderman diagram for the code below.
$pwd = $_POST['password']; $pwd2 = $_POST['password2']; if($pwd != $pwd2) { echo 'You entered two different passwords. Please go back.'; } else { echo 'You were successfully registered!'; }

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Solution Exercise 1 (Nassi-Shneiderman diagram)

Initialize $pwd and $pwd2 Yes $pwd != $pwd2 No

Output: Different passwords

Output: Registration successful

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Exercise 2

What calculates the program on the right side? What is the output for $n=-5, $n=1, and $n=10 ? Draw a Nassi-Shneiderman diagram for the right code.

$n = $_POST['zahl'];

if($n < 0) { echo 'Please enter a non-negative number!'; } elseif(($n == 0) OR ($n == 1)) { echo 'The '.$n.'th Fibonacci-element is '.$n; } else { $fibminusone = 1; $fibminustwo = 0; $i = 2; while($i <= $n) { $fib = $fibminusone + $fibminustwo; $fibminustwo = $fibminusone; $fibminusone = $fib; $i++; } echo 'The '.$n.'th Fibonacci-element is '.$fib; }

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


Solution Exercise 2 (Nassi-Shneiderman diagram)

Initialize value Yes Value smaller than 0 No

Output: Enter nonnegative number


Value is 0 or 1 Define variables for calculation


Output: Fibonaccielement equals value

i=0; i<=value, i++

Calculate Fibonacci-element for i

Output: Fibonacci-element

M.Sc. Sebastian Wagner,

Introduction to HTML and PHP


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