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Steps for Fiber Optic Cable Termination Fiber optic cabling is a important aspect of local area networking LAN

N communications infrastructures. Fiber optic cables are being used in an increasing number of applications, especiall in networking and cable! "nternet. "n fiber networking installations, workmans#ip is critical to reac# acceptable results because e$en a small imperfection or microscopic dirt on t#e face of t#e fiber can result in significant problems wit# optical propagation, w#ic# can cause t#e link to fail. T#is article offers a #ands%on tutorial for fast, safel , and correctl creating fiber optic connections t#at meet good standards of &ualit workmans#ip and ensure optimal coupling efficienc . T#e following steps for fiber optic cable termination wit# epo' will #elp installer a$oid problems b pro$iding a solid base of information t#at will #a$e great reference $alue for bot# new and e'perienced field tec#nicians terminating fiber optic cables often. Step(. Creating and maintaining a safe work en$ironment. )ou s#ould not onl protect ourself during t#e installation process, ou also need to lea$e t#e installation area in a safe condition for ot#er people beside ou. Fundamental safet tools include a dark work surface, suc# as a black work%mat, and a proper tras# receptacle for fiber scraps t#at is clearl marked as to its contents. *sing a piece of black tape to stick our scraps on isn+t an acceptable work practice ot#er t#an ,ust incorrectl flick off t#e clea$ed fiber scraps wit# fingers w#ic# could be #armful to t#e occupants nearb . T#en, use a microscope to c#eck a fiber to make sure t#e ot#er end isn+t connected to a power source since t#e in$isible laser lig#t is #armful to t#e e es w#ile ou ma not e$e reali-e ou+re looking into it until it+s tool late.. Step.. Strip t#e cable wit# a fiber cable stripper. Once ou #a$e our bulk fiber cable, strip t#e cable down to t#e bare fiber using an appropriate fiber stripper suc# as t#e Fiber Cable Stripper. After ou #a$e prepared t#e end of t#e cable ou ma begin to mi' t#e epo' resin and #ardener toget#er and load it into a s ringe, unless of course ou are using pre%loaded epo' s ringes, w#ic# are premi'ed and kept fro-en until use. Now, from t#e s ringe ou must in,ect t#e epo' directl into t#e connector ferrule. Step /. "n,ect epo' into t#e connector ferrule and insert t#e fiber optic into t#e connector wall. "n,et epo' into t#e fiber optic connector ferrule and t#en insert t#e fiber optic cable so t#at t#e cable is seated inside of t#e connector wall and t#e bare fiber core sticks out about a #alf an inc# from t#e front of t#e ferrule. Step 01 Crimp t#e cable wit# t#e cable crimper. "f our cable is ,acketed, ou will need to use a crimping tool to secure t#e connector to t#e ,acket and strengt# member of t#e cable. Two crimps would be needed at t#is point. Step 21 3lace t#e cable in t#e curing #older, suite t#e connector end facing down. After t#at, t#e ne't step is to place t#e connected end into a curing #older to ensure t#at t#e end of t#e fiber is not damaged w#ile curing. Now place t#e cable and curing #older into a curing o$en. To a$oid 4wicking5 w#ile curing wit# a con$entional o$en, situate t#e connector so t#at t#e end is facing down. T#is positioning will ensure t#at t#e epo' does not come out of t#e back side of t#e connector and compromise t#e strengt# member of t#e cable. T#en ou need to refer to t#e documentation of our specific epo' for accurate curing times and temperatures. Step 61 Clea$e t#e fiber wit# t#e fiber optic clea$er. 7et as close to t#e ferrule tip as ou can. After ou #a$e sufficientl cured t#e epo' , ou are now read to mo$e on to t#e ne't step, clea$ing t#e e'cess protruding fiber core. Tool ou need is a Fiber Optic Clea$er. 7et as close to t#e ferrule tip as possible w#ile a$oiding an sort of twisting motion.

Step 8. 9ispose of all fiber pieces after using t#e fiber clea$er. Once clea$ed, it is important t#at ou properl dispose of t#e fiber clipping. A regular piece of tape will do ,ust fine at retaining our fiber debris. "f ou do not properl dispose of all fiber pieces t#e could easil end up in our skin or e$en in somebod +s e e or respirator s stem. A s#ort strand of fiber can cause more damage t#an ou would at first imagine. Step :. 3olis# t#e end of t#e fiber optic cable. After t#e e'cess fiber clea$ed and properl disposed of, ou can begin t#e task of polis#ing t#e fiber tip to a smoot# finis#. *sing fiber optic polis#ing tool ou can effecti$el remo$e an e'cess epo' from t#e ferrule end and buff out an imperfections on t#e face of t#e fiber. )ou can polis# t#e cable tip wit# t#e 2%(2 micron film, 2 micron aluminum o'ide film, /%6 micron diamond film, ( micron diamond film, and ;< film in order. A smoot# fiber surface makes great sense to an lig#t passing t#roug#. Step =. Clean t#e ferule and fiber tip. "f ou #a$e finis#ed wit# our polis#ed finis#, ou can mo$e on to t#e cleaning of t#e ferrule and fiber tip. *sing a lint%free wipe dipped in ==> reagent%grade alco#ol, gentl wipe t#e surface area of t#e ferrule and fiber tip and immediatel wipe t#em dr wit# anot#er dr lint%free wipe. )ou ma optionall use a can of compressed air to finis# t#e process. Step (?. Test t#e terminated cable wit# fiber optic test e&uipment. Now t#e connected cable is complete. T#e last step is to ensure good standard. First ou need to inspect t#e fiber tip wit# a (??' to .??' microscope. And t#en test our cable wit# a fiber optic test e&uipment for insertion loss and return loss w#ere needed.

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