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11 BIOLOGY. SUMMATIVE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT & PRESENTATION. CELLS & CANCER. Name:.... Class:. Due Date: .........................


Research the following sections, take notes and complete a written report using appropriate headings for each section. You should obtain your information from at least three different sources and document these sources in a bibliography. Your rough notes must also be submitted with your report. he report should be about !""# $""" words in length and include clear, rele%ant, labelled diagrams. &nformation should be organi'ed under appropriate headings for each section and sub#section. Section A -Choose one type of cancer (e.g. bowel, breast, cer%ical, laryn), li%er, leukemia, lung, mouth * throat, testicular, prostate, o%arian, skin, etc.+ (about ,"" words+ -i%e information to co%er as many of the following criteria as possible: (a+ a brief description of the structure and function of the organ affected. (b+ a description of the cancer including its cellular basis. (c+ causes. (d+ signs * symptoms. (e+ detection. (f+ treatment (g+ pre%entati%e measures. You should choose one (or combination+ of the following methods of presentation for section .: a written report/ an indi%idual talk to the class using %isual aids/ a role play (indi%idual or small group+/ a poem/ a %ideo/ an audio tape/ a puppet show/ a computer presentation (e.g. using 0owerpoint+/ a slide show/ an imaginati%e poster/ or another idea that you ha%e negotiated with your teacher. (1" marks+ Section B - Social Implications . &nclude a discussion on things such as: 2ow the cancer affects the life of the sufferer, the carer (s+ and the community/ the financial implications etc. Choose 1 points and discuss each in separate paragraphs.

(3 marks+

Section C -Careers !ersonnel "a#out $%& 'ords( 4utline the roles of at least 1l different occupations or organi'ations whose role is in the research, detection, treatment and5or pre%ention of cancer. You should also consider follow up roles e.g. counselors, plastic surgeons etc. 6rite 1 separate paragraphs. (3 marks+ 7ibliography # &n alphabetical order of the author8s surnames, list all references used. 9se the following formats: books:# .uthor8s :urname, &nitials: itle of book, 0ublisher, 0lace published, Date of publication maga'ine articles:# .uthor8s :urname, &nitials: ; itle of .rticle< itle of =aga'ine, Date of issue %ideos:# itle of >ideo: 0roducer, date specialist persons:# :urname, &nitials: 4ccupation, other rele%ant details CD R4=:# .uthor8s :urname, &nitials: ; itle of .rticle<, itle of CD R4=, 0ublisher, 0lace published, Date of publication internet:# .uthor8s :urname, &nitials: ; itle of .rticle<, 6eb :ite, 6eb .ddress, Date updated. pamphlets:# .uthor (if gi%en+: ; itle of 0amphlet<, 4rganisation, Date printed (if gi%en+ (? marks+ he :.C@ obAecti%es assessed are: In)esti*ation &1 :election and acknowledgment of information about biology and issues in biology from different sources. Analysis and E)aluation .@$ .nalysis of connections between data, concepts, and issues in biology. +no'led*e and ,nderstandin* B9$ Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of biological concepts. B91 9se of knowledge of biology to understand and e)plain social or en%ironmental issues. B9C Communication of knowledge and understanding of biology in different formats. 4 .D C3 =.RB:




Performance Standards for Stage 1 Biology

In)esti*ation Analysis and E)aluation
.@$ 9ses percepti%e and thorough analytical skills to e)amine connections between data, concepts, and issues in biology.


+no'led*e and ,nderstandin*

B9$ Consistently demonstrates a deep and broad knowledge and understanding of a range of biological concepts. B91 9ses knowledge of biology percepti%ely and logically to understand and e)plain social or en%ironmental issues. B9C 9ses a %ariety of formats to communicate knowledge and understanding of biology coherently and highly effecti%ely.

&1 Critically and logically selects and consistently and appropriately acknowledges information about biology and issues in biology from a range of sources.

&1 Dogically selects and appropriately acknowledges information about biology and issues in biology from different sources.

.@$ 9ses clear and well# organised analytical skills to e)amine connections between data, concepts, and issues in biology.

B9$ Demonstrates some depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of a range of biological concepts. B91 9ses knowledge of biology logically to understand and e)plain social or en%ironmental issues. B9C 9ses a %ariety of formats to communicate knowledge and understanding of biology coherently and effecti%ely.

&1 :elects with some focus, and mostly appropriately acknowledges, information about biology and issues in biology from different sources.

.@$ 9ses generally organised analytical skills to e)amine connections between data, concepts, and issues in biology.

B9$ Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a general range of biological concepts. B91 9ses knowledge of biology with some logic to understand and e)plain one or more social or en%ironmental issues. B9C 9ses different formats to communicate knowledge and understanding of biology with some general effecti%eness.

&1 :elects and may partly acknowledge one or more sources of information about biology or an issue in biology.

.@$ Describes basic connections between some data, concepts, and issues in biology.

B9$ Demonstrates some basic knowledge and partial understanding of biological concepts. B91 &dentifies and e)plains some biological information that is rele%ant to one or more social or en%ironmental issues. B9C Communicates basic information to others using one or more formats.

&1 &dentifies a source of information about biology or an issue in biology.

.@$ .cknowledges that connections e)ist between data, concepts, and5or social issues in biology.

B9$ Demonstrates some limited recognition and awareness of biological concepts. B91 :hows an emerging understanding that some biological information is rele%ant to social or en%ironmental issues. B9C .ttempts to communicate information about biology.

STAGE $ BI./.G0 ASSESSMENT -ESIGN CRITERIA he specific features of these criteria are listed below. In)esti*ation he specific features are as follows: &1 :election and acknowledgment of information about biology and issues in biology from different sources. Analysis and E)aluation he specific features are as follows: .@$ .nalysis of connections between data, concepts, and issues in biology. Application he specific features are as follows: .$ .pplication of biological concepts and e%idence from in%estigations to sol%e problems in new and familiar conte)ts. .1 9se of appropriate biological terms, con%entions, formulae, and eEuations. .C Demonstration of skills in indi%idual and collaborati%e work

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