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Opinion Essay (Opinion in response to a writing prompt) 5 paragraphs minimum A helpful formula: Paragraph 1 (Introduction): Decide on your opinion,

and state it. Paragraph 3 or more (Body): Explain your opinion. Use detail: specific examples, facts, reasons etc. Final Paragraph (Conclusion): Restate your opinion and then give the reader something more to think about So What? Why should the reader care?

Opinion Papers use many of the same conventions of a Persuasive Essay. Think about the important tools that make a strong essay (attention grabbing intro, transition words,
descriptive language, powerful conclusions)

Your abbreviated note-taking graphic organizer would look like this: Introduction: State your opinion. I try to live greenly but, in a big Western city, it is a challenge. Even though I buy organic food, and try to reduce my use of paper and packaging, I may not be as green as I think. Body Paragraph Topic 1: Why buying organic food may not be so green . . . facts, reasons, specific examples . . .

Body Paragraph Topic 2: Why my attempts at reducing paper use and packaging may not be so green . . . facts, reasons, specific examples . . .

Conclusion: Restate your opinion and then give the reader something more to think about So What? Why should the reader care? It is probably better for the planet that I am trying to be green, but I am not really sure whether my efforts balance my privileged western lifestyle. What can I do about that?

A few notes to remember... State your point of view clearly with the purpose of convincing others Arguments are arranged from least to most important Support arguments with facts and figures Conclude with a strong restatement of your opinion and explain how you readers should take action to support you. Understand who your audience is and use an appropriate writing style and voice Step 1 Do your research. Examine multiple credible sources or listen to the opinions of others on both sides before forming your ideas. Engage some in a dialogue about the topic to share your thoughts and to receive feedback. Step 2 Choose a position. What makes an opinion article unique is when you choose a position on an issue. You begin to grow your voice and that is what will resonate with readers. Dont be wishywashy. Make a choice. Either you like it or you dont. Either it wont work or it will. Either its relevant or it isnt. Step 3 Write in the first person. While writing in the first person is used mainly in fiction, by using it, you are firmly saying In my opinion, I believe, I think. This makes it clear on exactly where you stand, and presents you as an authority on the topic which you are discussing. Step 4 Include supporting facts and/or examples. When you are writing an opinion article, you dont necessarily have to do this, but I find that it makes your article stand out as an opinion from a credible expert. That is to include examples, facts, statistics, quotes or whatever you have that can support your position and your opinion on what you are writing.

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