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Talmud - Mas. Berachoth 47b Out of all your tithes ye shall offer.

1 But still what reason have you [for including corn in the ear and not grain]? One has been turned into corn the other has not.2 SECON !"!#E O$ %OO BE&ON'"N' !O !#E S(NC!)($* !#(! #(S BEEN $E EE+E . !his is obvious, -e are dealing here with a case where. for instance. he has given the /rinci/al but not the additional fifth03 and he teaches us here that the fact that the fifth has not been given is no obstacle.4 O$ "% (N (!!EN (N! -#O #(S E(!EN (S +)C# (S (N O&"1E etc. !his is obvious, *ou 2ight ob3ect that the attendant does not sit through the 2eal.5 !his teaches. therefore. [that this is no ob3ection]. ( C)!#E(N +(* BE "NC&) E ["N !#E !#$EE]. -hy so? -herein is he better than an 4a2 ha5are6. and it has been taught7 (n 4a2 ha5are6 is not rec8oned in for 6i22un? (baye re/lied7 "t refers to a Cuthean who is a haber. $aba said7 *ou 2ay even ta8e it to refer to a Cuthean who is an 4a2 ha5are6. the /assage cited referring to an 4a2 ha5are6 as defined by the $abbis who 3oin issue in this 2atter with $. +eir. %or it has been taught7 -ho is an 4a2 ha5are66 (nyone who does not eat non5sacred food in ritual cleanness. So $. +eir. !he $abbis. however. say7 (nyone who does not tithe his /roduce in the /ro/er way. Now these cutheans do tithe their /roduce in the /ro/er way. since they are very scru/ulous about any in3unction written in the !orah0 for a +aster has said7 -henever the Cutheans have ado/ted a 2i6wah. they are 2uch 2ore /articular with it than the 9ews.6 Our $abbis taught7 -ho is an 4a2 ha5are66 (nyone who does not recite the She2a: evening and 2orning. !his is the view of $. Elie6er. $. 9oshua says7 (nyone who does not /ut on tefillin. Ben 4(66ai says7 (nyone who has not a fringe on his gar2ent. $. Nathan says7 (nyone who has not a 2e6u6ah on his door. $. Nathan b. 9ose/h says7 (nyone who has sons and does not bring the2 u/ to the study of the !orah. Others say7 Even if one has learnt Scri/ture and +ishnah. if he has not 2inistered to the disci/les of the wise.7 he is an 4a2 ha5are6. $. #una said7 !he halachah is as laid

down by 4Others:. $a2i b. #a2a refused to count to 6i22un $. +enashiah b. !ahalifa who could re/eat Sifra.8 Sifre.9 and halachah. -hen $a2i b. #a2a died. $aba said7 $a2i b. #a2a died only because he would not count $. +enashiah b. !ahalifa for 6i22un. But it has been taught7 Others say that even if one has learnt Scri/ture and +ishnah but has not 2inistered to the disci/les of the wise. he is an 4a2 ha5are6? $. +enashiah b. !ahalifa was different because he used to 2inister to the $abbis. and it was $a2i b. #a2a who did not 2a8e /ro/er in;uiries about hi2. (ccording to another version. he used to hear discussions fro2 the 2outh of the $abbis and co22it the2 to 2e2ory. and he was therefore li8e a $abbinical scholar. ONE -#O #(S E(!EN !EBE& (N %"$S! !"!#E etc. "n the case of tebel this is obvious, "t re;uired to be stated for the case of that which is tebel only by the ordinance of the $abbis. -hat for instance? %ood grown in a /ot without a hole in the botto2.10 %"$S! !"!#E etc. !his is obvious, "t re;uired to be stated for the case where [the &evite] antici/ated [the /riest] at the hea/. *ou 2ight thin8 that the law is as indicated by $. <a/a=s ;uestion to (baye011 this teaches that it is as indicated by the latter=s answer. SECON !"!#E etc. !his is obvious, "t is re;uired for the case in which the tithe etc.. has been redee2ed. but not /ro/erly redee2ed. Second tithe. for instance. if it has been redee2ed for bar silver.12 since the (ll5+erciful said0 !hou shalt bind u/ [we56arta] the silver in thy hands.13 i2/lying. silver on which a for2 [6urah] is sta2/ed. (s to %OO BE&ON'"N' !O !#E S(NC!)($*. if for instance it has been rendered /rofane for its e;uivalent in land but has not been redee2ed for 2oney. whereas the (ll +erciful laid down. #e shall give the 2oney and it shall be assured unto hi2.14 O$ !#E (!!EN (N! -#O #(S E(!EN &ESS !#(N (N O&"1E. !his is obvious, Since the first clause states the rule for the ;uantity of an olive. the second clause states it for less than an olive. ( 'EN!"&E +(* NO! BE CO)N!E . !his is obvious, -e are dealing here with the case

of a /roselyte who has been circu2cised but has not yet 2ade ablution. %or $. >era said in the na2e of $. 9ohanan7 One does not beco2e a /roselyte until he has been circu2cised and has /erfor2ed ablution0 and so long as he has not /erfor2ed ablution he is a gentile. -O+EN S&(1ES (N C#"& $EN ($E NO! CO)N!E ["N !#E !#$EE]. $. 9ose said7 (n infant in the cradle 2ay be counted for 6i22un. But we have learnt7 -O+EN S&(1ES (N C#"& $EN +(* NO! BE CO)N!E ? #e ado/ts the view of $. 9oshua b. &evi. %or $. 9oshua b. &evi said7 (lthough it was laid down that an infant in a cradle cannot be counted for 6i22un. yet he can be counted to 2a8e u/ ten. $. 9oshua b. &evi also said7 Nine and a slave 2ay be 3oined [to 2a8e u/ ten].15 !he following was cited in ob3ection7 Once $. Elie6er entered a synagogue and not finding there ten he liberated his slave and used hi2 to co2/lete the ten. !his was because he liberated hi2. otherwise he could not have done so? #e really re;uired two. and he liberated one and one he used to 2a8e u/ the ten. But how could he act so seeing that $ab 9udah has said7 "f one liberates his slave he transgresses a /ositive /rece/t. since it says. they shall be your bond2en for ever?16 "f it is for a religious /ur/ose. "t is different. But this is a religious act which is carried out by 2eans of a transgression? ( religious act which affects a whole co2/any17 is different. $. 9oshua b. &evi also said7 ( 2an should always rise early to go to synagogue so that he 2ay have the 2erit of being counted in the first ten0 since if even a hundred co2e after hi2 he receives the reward of all of the2. 4!he reward of all of the2:. say you? Say rather7 #e is given a reward e;ual to that of all of the2. $. #una said7 Nine and the (r8 3oin together [to be counted as ten]. Said $. Nah2an to hi27 "s the (r8 a 2an? " 2ean. said $. #una. that when nine loo8 li8e ten. they 2ay be 3oined together. So2e say [this 2eans] when they are all close together.18 others say when they are scattered. $. (22i said7 !wo and the Sabbath 2ay be 3oined together. Said $. Nah2an to hi27 "s the Sabbath a 2an? -hat $. (22i really said was that two scholars who shar/en one another in the 8nowledge of the

halachah 2ay count as three [for 6i22un].19 $. #isda gave an e?a2/le7 %or instance. " and $. Shesheth. $. Shesheth gave an e?a2/le7 %or instance. " and $. #isda.20 $. 9ohanan said7 ( boy [who has reached /uberty] before his years21 2ay be counted for 6i22un. "t has been taught si2ilarly7 ( boy who has grown two hairs 2ay be counted for 6i22un. but if he has not grown two hairs he 2ay not be counted0 and we are not /articular about a boy. Now this see2s to contain a contradiction. *ou first say that if he has grown two hairs he 2ay count and if not he 2ay not. and then you say. -e are not /articular with a boy. -hat case does this include? "s it not @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(1) Nu2. A1""". BC. !he actual word in the te?t is 4gifts:. (2) (nd it is only fro2 what can be called 4corn: that teru2ah has to be given. (3) $e;uired for the rede2/tion of second tithe or anything belonging to the Sanctuary. (4) !o render the rede2/tion valid. (5) #e has always to be getting u/ to wait on the guests. (6) #ence a Cuthean 2ay be rec8oned in. (7) $ashi e?/lains this to 2ean that he has not learnt 'e2ara. which e?/lains the +ishnah. (8) !he +idrash on &eviticus. (9) !he +idrash on euterono2y. (10) So that the earth in it is not in contact with the soil. (11) 1. su/ra DEb ad fin. (12) ".e.. silver not turned into current coin. (13) eut. A"1. BF. (14) &ev. AA1"". GC. !he e?act words of the te?t are7 he shall add the fifth /art of the 2oney of thy valuation unto it. and it shall be assured to hi20 v. B.+. HSonc. ed.I /. JBG. n. G. (15) %or a congregational service which re;uires a 2ini2u2 ;uoru2 of ten 2ales over the age of thirteen. (16) &ev. AA1. DE. 1. 'it. JKb. (17) (s in the case of $. Elie6er. (18) "n which case the absence of one is not so noticeable. !he (r8 is /robably 2entioned as being a focal /oint which enables us to deter2ine whether the worshi//ers are close together or scattered. (19) is accordingly e?/lained as an abbreviation for HtwoI who study the &aw0 v. 'oldsch2idt. (20) $. Shesheth and $. #isda re/resented each a different ty/e of scholar. the for2er=s forte being an e?tensive 8nowledge of traditions. the latter=s 8een dialectical /owers0 v. 4Er. ELa. (21) ".e.. before reaching the age of thirteen years and one day.


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