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Seven Treasures Seven Treasures (Lha Drub Ter Kha Dun Du) () is an elaborate Guru Yoga practice compiled

d by Dudjom Rinpoche !igdral Yeshe Dorje Drodul Lingpa Tsal at the re"uest o# the da$ini Yeshe Tsogyal% &t is a particularly bene#icial practice #or this degenerate time 'hen it(s so di##icult to receive and practice guru yogas o# many di##erent lineages% )y combining the treasure lineages #rom seven tertons including himsel# *is *oliness has made it possible to practice and maintain lineages in danger o# disappearing% Tso$yey Tu$+Ti$ (La$e+)orn ,ajra) (+ ) is a mind treasure o# *is *oliness Dudjom Rinpoche based on Guru Rinpoche belonging to the secret category o# lama practice the root o# blessing% Dorje Drolo (+ ) a mind treasure o# *is *oliness Dudjom Rinpoche is the most 'rath#ul #orm o# Guru Rinpoche% &t belongs to the innermost secret category o# lama practice the root o# blessing% ,ajra$ilaya () is one o# the main yidam practices in the -yingma lineage the root o# spiritual accomplishment (siddhi)% .utri Re$phung () is a mind treasure o# *is *oliness Dudjom Rinpoche% /e practice this regularly at .ema 0sel Ling% -amcha$ .utri () is Dudjom Lingpas earth treasure (sa+ter) #rom the 1ab+Sang Khandro -ying+ Ti$ cycle% &t is a very e2tensive ,ajra$ilaya practice that has recently been translated and 'ill #orm the basis o# the Gutor ,ajra$ilaya retreat prior to ne2t Losar% Khandro Tu$+Ti$ ( + ) is *is *oliness Dudjom Rinpoches mind treasure based on the da$ini Yeshe Tsogyal%

Da$ini practices are the root o# activity and promise s'i#t accomplishment% Thr3ma -agmo (The /rath#ul )lac$ 4other) () is a mind treasure #rom the 5h3nyi -am$hai Long D63d cycle o# Dudjom Lingpa% &t is a da$ini practice the root o# activity% 7t least thirteen o# Dudjom Lingpas disciples attained rainbo' body through the practice o# Thr3ma -agmo% Tse+drup 5hime So$+Ti$ is a longevity practice based on 7mitayus that 'as revealed by Surmang -am$hai Dorje #or Dudjom Rinpoche(s long li#e% Dudjom Rinpoche al'ays did this practice in Tibet and &ndia % &t is a long sadhana that has hitherto not been per#ormed in the 8S % -o' 'e have translated it in 9nglish and loo$ #or'ard to practicing it together% D6ongsar Khyentse Rinpoche () : D6ongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is a student o# important Tibetan )uddhist lamas including Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Kyabje Sa$ya Tri6in Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche and the;<th Karmapa% *e is the head o# the reno'ned D6ongsar 4onastery and D6ongsar 5ollege % Rinpoche is currently responsible #or the care and education o# appro2imately ;<== mon$s distributed bet'een si2 monasteries and institutes in 7sia % *e also oversees < branches o# Siddhartha(s &ntent contemporary teaching and practice centers established in several continents as 'ell as the non+pro#it organi6ations Khyentse >oundation and Lotus 0utreach% /e re"uested *is 9minence D6ongsar Khyentse Rinpoche besto' these empo'erments because ,ajrayana >oundation(s main practices come #rom the Dudjom lineage% Receiving these empo'erments is really necessary in order #or us to do the practices here% *is 9minence D6ongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is the third generation o# Dudjom >ather and Son lineage ? he carries

both #amily and Dharma lineage% >or us he is very important no' and in the #uture% This is the time to establish genuine Dharma in the /est% ,ajrayana )uddhism 'as established in Tibet by the 7bbott Shantara$shita) Guru Rinpoche () and King Trisong Detsen ()% Later at a time o# decline o# Dharma in Tibet in order to revitali6e the Dharma Shantara$shita incarnated () as !amg3n Kongtrul () Guru Rinpoche incarnated () as 5ho$gyur Dechen Lingpa ( ) and King Trisong Detsen incarnated () as !amyang Khyentse /angpo ( ) $no'n together as !amg3n -amsum% -o' in the /est 'e have the great #ortune that Shantara$shita incarnated () as an emanation o# ,ajrapani Kyabje Dungse Thinley -orbu Rinpoche (! " #$%&' )@ Guru Rinpoche ( incarnated () as *is *oliness Dudjom Rinpoche !igdral Yeshe Dorje () * + ,-./0)@ and King Trisong Detsen incarnated () as *is 9minence D6ongsar Khyentse Rinpoche (1 2 ' )% These ( are three e2tremely important lamas to establish the Dharma in the /est% That is 'hy 'e re"uested these particular empo'erments #rom this particular teacher% & highly recommend that you join us%A

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