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!elmar has been a growlng and evolvlng company slnce lLs lncepLlon ln 1949. lamlly owned and
operaLed, !elmar conLlnues Lo develop new and lnnovaLlve producLs, lncludlng: 1arn-k and CLk.

uue Lo Lhe success of Lhelr consumer brand, !elmar was able Lo develop an lndusLrlal llne of producLs
whlch allowed Lhem Lo expand Lhelr buslness offerlngs lnLo dlfferenL areas. !elmar's lnvesLmenL ln
consumer research and lL's creaLlon of envlronmenLally frlendly reformulaLlons of new and exlsLlng
producLs ls conLlnuous. 1hese new and reformulaLed producLs have been very well recelved by
consumers allowlng !elmar Lo conLlnue lLs exclLlng growLh and expanslon now, and lnLo Lhe fuLure.


1he D|rector of Industr|a| Sa|es ls a sLraLeglc new poslLlon responslble for developlng and bulldlng a new
llne of buslness whlle malnLalnlng hlgh level relaLlonshlps wlLh cllenLs across Lhelr markeLplace.
1hls lndlvldual ls a key conLrlbuLor ln Lhe developmenL, deslgn and execuLlon of !elmar's expandlng sales
sLraLegy. 1he lndlvldual musL be able Lo sell Lhe approprlaLe soluLlons Lo meeL a cllenL's presenL and
fuLure needs ln Lhe lndusLrlal MarkeLplace. ln addlLlon, Lhe lndlvldual ls expecLed Lo conLrlbuLe Lo
!elmar's growLh sLraLegy Lhrough Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of new buslness opporLunlLles wlLh cllenLs/prospecLs
and Lhe coordlnaLlon of Lhose opporLunlLles wlLh Lhe !elmar LxecuLlve 1eam.

r|mary kespons|b|||t|es:
uevelop sLraLegy, LacLlcs, sales plans and proflL LargeLs
uevelop and bulld relaLlonshlps wlLh new and exlsLlng cllenLs
ldenLlfy and reporL on buslness opporLunlLles ln LargeL markeLs
lnvesLlgaLe fuLure buslness needs and maxlmlze new buslness developmenL opporLunlLles
Cversee a sales Leam/Lralnlng/evaluaLlng dlrecL (evenLually) sales Leam and lndependenL
uevelop a sLraLeglc plan Lo lnsure long Lerm growLh
lnlLlaLe and coordlnaLe developmenL of acLlon plans Lo peneLraLe new cllenLs and new markeLs.
8esearch Lhe markeL, buslness and producL sLraLegles. ldenLlfy opporLunlLles Lo sell !elmar's
key lnvolvemenL wlLh developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of markeLlng lnlLlaLlves - coordlnaLlon
wlLh lnLernal resources and ouLslde markeLlng/adverLlslng flrm. LsLabllsh and malnLaln lndusLry
conLacLs LhaL lead Lo sales opporLunlLles.
arLlclpaLe ln annual sales forecasLlng and ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe annual revenue budgeL.
MonlLor, analyze, and communlcaLe monLhly sales daLa Lo key consLlLuenLs LhaL can be used for
producL enhancemenL and plannlng.
8epresenL company aL lndusLry Lrade shows and evenLs
os|t|on Descr|pt|on
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AblllLy Lo moLlvaLe and lead a sales Leam, ln addlLlon Lo a Leam of lndependenL brokers
undersLandlng of Lhe producL llne and how lL relaLes Lo use of producL by cusLomers
A professlonal do whaL lL Lakes" approach Lo buslness developmenL.
roven ablllLy Lo bulld and malnLaln long-Lerm relaLlonshlps.
SLrong buslness acumen skllls ln regards Lo forecasLlng, plannlng, and execuLlon.
Work effecLlvely wlLh oLhers, LreaL oLhers wlLh courLesy and respecL, Leam player.
AblllLy Lo work lndependenLly ln a famlly owned small buslness culLure.
SLrong values, hlghesL degree of personal lnLegrlLy.

8achelor's uegree.
3-10 years sales managemenL experlence ln a relaLed fleld.
roven examples of pasL sales growLh and negoLlaLlon skllls

keports 1o:
resldenL and CCC

D|rect keports:
none lmmedlaLely wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo bulld a Leam

A generous compensaLlon package wlll be offered for Lhe successful candldaLe, lncludlng:
A compeLlLlve base salary
ulscreLlonary annual bonus sub[ecL Lo a comblnaLlon of achlevemenL of corporaLe and personal
performance meLrlcs
SLandard package of healLh lnsurance and oLher beneflLs

noLe: 1he precedlng oslLlon uescrlpLlon represenLs our besL undersLandlng of Lhe needs of Lhe cllenL aL Lhe
lnlLlaLlon of Lhls pro[ecL. lL ls llkely LhaL Lhe cllenL wlll reconflgure Lhe ulLlmaLe responslblllLles of Lhe LargeL
poslLlon wlLh respecL Lo Lhe successful candldaLe's background and ablllLles and/or evolvlng buslness condlLlons.
1he flnal LlLle and duLles of Lhls poslLlon wlll be deLermlned durlng ensulng dlscusslons and research.

As Lhe search progresses, submlsslon of lnformaLlon concernlng professlonal experlence and educaLlonal
background wlll be requlred of poLenLlal candldaLes. 1he search consulLanL wlll assess Lhe sulLablllLy of each
poLenLlal candldaLe uslng Lhls lnformaLlon, whlch musL lnclude a compleLe hlsLory of employmenL experlence
(names of employers, daLes of employmenL, relevanL asslgnmenLs and accompllshmenLs), educaLlonal
quallflcaLlons (lncludlng lnsLlLuLlons aLLended and daLes/deLalls of degrees aLLalned), and any oLher facLs whlch are
perLlnenL Lo Lhe poslLlon. 1he conslderaLlon of lndlvlduals for Lhe poslLlon wlll be curLalled lf Lhey fall Lo provlde
full and LruLhful wrlLLen and verbal dlsclosure of Lhelr hlsLorles. 12/1/13

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Mary C|son-Menze|, Manag|ng D|rector
Cff|ce (914) 630-23S8 Ce|| (312) 203-4164
know|edge, Sk|||s, and Ab|||t|es
Lducat|on, 1ra|n|ng, and Lxper|ence
Add|t|ona| Informat|on
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