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TITLE: The relative applicability of the communicative approach (CA) and the learning of English as foreign language (EFL) in the students of the fifth grade at: orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'
PROBLEM General proble To (hat e)tent the relative applicability of C*A and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'+ Spe!"#"! proble $ %& To (hat e)tent the relative applicability of teacher,s role using CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'+ '* To (hat e)tent the relative applicability of student,s role using CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'+ (& To (hat e)tent the relative applicability of means and materials using CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'+ )* To (hat e)tent the relative applicability in social cultural conte)t using CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'+ OBJECTIVE General ob*e!+",e The ob-ective of this research is to determine the relative applicability of the CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!"# .e/or de los 0ilagros" and EE*11" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&' Spe!"#"! ob*e!+",e$ %& To determine the relationship bet(een the relative applicability of teacher,s role in the CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&' '*To determine the relationship bet(een the relative applicability of students, role in the CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&' (&To determine the relationship bet(een the relative applicability of means and materials in the CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&' HYPOTHESIS General -.po+-e$"$ The CA is relatively applicable for the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!"# .e/or de los 0ilagros" and EE*11" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&' VARIABLES Var"able I The relative applicability of the communicative approach Var"able II The Learning of EFL In+er,en"n/ Age .e) .ocio economic level Academic status of the students .ocial environment DISIGN OF RESEARH Re$ear!- e+-o0 5ithin the frame(or6 of our research the method that (e are going to apply is descriptive research* Re$ear!- 0e$"/n 7t is correlate at: orge Chave!"# secondary national schools because they establish that t(o or more variables are associated* (1culmana# Ch* And Lanchipa* A *$%%$) 7t is e)pressed through the follo(ing design: %& 0 8 %$ 5here: 09sample %&9variable & %$9variable $ 8 9relation of the variable of the study U!1l ana2 C-&3'44'5 Re$ear!- "n$+r1 en+$6 :uestionnaire (ith Li6ert scale Re$ear!- +e!-n"71e$6 .urvey POPULATION AND SAMPLE Pop1la+"on The population (ill be made by students of the fifth grade at secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&' Sa ple The sample of our research (ith a group of ;< students at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'

Spe!"#"! -.po+-e$"$ %& The role of the teacher in the CA is relatively applicable for the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!"# .e/or de los 0ilagros" and EE*11" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&' '& The role of the student in the CA is relatively applicable for the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'

(& The means and materials in the CA are relatively applicable for the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'

)*To determine the relationship bet(een the relative applicability of social cultural conte)t using CA and the learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&'

2* The 3eruvian sociocultural conte)t role in the CA is relatively ade4uate for CA so it does not influence in the effective learning of EFL in the students of the fifth grade at orge Chave!" secondary national schools in Comas# Lima# $%&' Esta en observacion* pertinet

OPERACIONALITATION OF VARIABLE MATRIX6 The relative applicability of the communicative approach and the learning of English as foreign language in the fifth grade secondary national schools at: orge Chave!"# .e/or de los 0ilagros" and EE*11" secondary national schools in comas# Lima# $%&' VARIABLES DIMENSIONS In0"!a+or$ =To .pea6 and to e)plain all the class in English VARIABLE 6 I T-e rela+",e appl"!ab"l"+. o# +-e !o 1n"!a+",e approa!The teacher,s role =To facilitate all the resources and materials =To create situations that promote communication = To act as an adviser = =To tolerate students errors 4' 4( 4) 48 I+e $ 4%

The student,s role

= = To communicate in the target language = = =To negotiate meaning = =To be responsible of his>her self=learning = =To interact about real situations = =To be motivated to learn English = =To (or6 (ith authentic materials

49 4: 4; 4< %4 %% %' %( %) %8

The resources and materials role

= =To have access to media devices = =To have the boo6s, audio and video = =To have ade4uate furniture = =To decorate the classroom according to the conte)t of English

The sociolinguistic role

= =To practice English (ith friends and family outside the classroom = =English language helps at (or6 and studies = =To receive help from the family to learn English = =To feel confident to learning English = =To feel valued spea6ing English

%9 %: %; %< '4 '% '' '( ') '8 '9 ': '; '< (4 (% ('

Conceptual Learning VARIABLE II6 The learning of EFL

=To learn grammar =To learn pronunciation =To use semiotics and pragmatics =To learn ho( to use connectors

3rocedural Learning

=Listening strategies =.pea6ing strategies =8eading strategies =5riting strategies

Attitudinal learning

=To participate actively =To respect others =To value the importance of English =To have good disposition to learn English

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