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Living Life!
It is no longer I who live, but Christ
lives in me Galatians 2:20b
A Quarterly Newsletter Issue No 5 - Fall 2013
Christs Life Expressed Through Tom and Tess Price
Fall has been veiy busy. We spent about eight
uays in Nontana in eaily 0ctobei. Nost of oui
time theie was spent on the mountain woiking
on the Kinguom Camp louge. I iemembei the
fiist tiip to the mountain back in 'u6.' We built
the 4,uuu squaie foot flooi. I iemembei telling
my uau I was looking foiwaiu to the tiip
wheie I woulu get the chance to uo the tiim-
out. At that time I thought I woulu be uoing
that in anothei two yeais! 0nfoitunately, it
uiun't happen that way. 0n this tiip, I finally
got the oppoitunity to stait installing tiim. We
uiun't get as much uone as we hau hopeu, but
we maue a pietty goou showing!
Tess uiu all the cooking foi us. If you haven't
eaten any of Tess's cooking, you have misseu a
tieat. When I maiiieu hei, I was amazeu at
how cieative she coulu be with foou. She has a
gieat unueistanuing of how to combine
ingieuients to come up with some uelectable
uishes! The only catch foi this tiip was hei
stiuggling with a colu. She was a tioupei
though; she nevei complaineu once.
We weie able to spenu some time with my
family that lives in Billings. I wish theie coulu
have been moie time with them. Ny
gianumothei tuineu 1u2 the uay befoie we
aiiiveu. It was gieat to see hei. I know theie
will not be many moie times foi me to see hei.
I iemembei my uau telling hei when she was
in hei late 9u's that if she coulu make it to 1uu,
she may nevei uie. Be saiu statistically not
many people uie aftei 1uu! I'm suie she smileu
anu iolleu hei eyes. I love my family!
Fall is my favoiite season of the yeai. I enjoy
being outuoois uuiing this time of the yeai. I
staiteu hunting when I was a young boy. Foi
yeais when my chiluien weie young, I uiun't
hunt. When Luke was olu enough to stait
hunting, I intiouuceu him to the spoit. Ny
whole family enjoys eating venison, so we tiy
to put as much in the fieezei as possible. This
yeai, Tess is joining me in the woous. She was
gifteu with hei own iifle! (What a woman!)
She lookeu at me one uay when we weie
sitting in fiont of oui tent at hunting camp anu
saiu, "you know I'm speaking youi love
language iight now!" 0f couise I knew that,
anu I am veiy giateful.
We'ie getting ieauy to go into the holiuay
season. Thanksgiving is my favoiite holiuay.
Bon't get me wiong, I love what Chiistmas is
tiuly about, but as a holiuay, it has become too
commeicial. Thanksgiving still has an
innocence to it that keeps it focuseu moie on
time spent with fiienus anu family. You uon't
have to woiiy about foigetting to buy
someone a gift. I love spenuing time with my
family anu just focusing on being togethei. uou
has tiuly blesseu us with wonueiful chiluien
anu in-law chiluien. Anu, we auoie oui
gianuchiluien. Life in Chiist is ieally goou!
The majoi function of CFT is to uisciple
otheis to know, believe, anu expeiience
Chiist as Life. This is accomplisheu thiough
counseling inuiviuuals, couples, anu families;
weekenu seminais; anu oui Auvanceu
Biscipleship Tiaining (ABT).
Beie aie some counseling statistics foi
}anuaiy - 0ctobei 2u1S:
- 2,146 inuiviuual counseling appointments
- 4S6 people counseleu
- 2,S81 houis spent counseling (1S%
inciease fiom 2u12)
0ui ABT class giauuateu Nov. 12th. It was a
wonueiful time to celebiate what uou has
been uoing in theii lives thiough ABT. They
weie each askeu the question, "what has uou
uone in youi life thiough ABT this yeai." It
was incieuible to heai the stuuent's answei
to the question. Aftei they answeieu, theii
staff equippei (mentoi) spoke
encouiagement to them.
Beie is a poem fiom one of the ABT
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174 Ashley Park Blvd STE 1
Newnan, GA 30263
Ministry Update

As you can see fiom the pictuies, I love showing
off my gianuchiluien. uou has blesseu us with
some pietty special little ones! It is fun
watching them giow anu begin to come into
theii own. Even little Killian is asseiting his
little peisonality. Be loves to be aiounu people,
inteiacting with them.
Theie is something special about being a
gianupaient. Some gianupaients see it as a
seconu chance to get it iight. Bill Cosby saiu his
paients weie uiffeient with his kius than they
weie with him because they weie olu anu tiying
to get into heaven! 0f couise I uon't see it that
way. I am piivilegeu having the oppoitunity to
love them unconuitionally like I sometimes
faileu to uo with theii paients. I see these little
ones just as they aie, little ones. They aien't
auults in the making; they aie chiluien that
simply neeu to be chiluien! Thank you Fathei
foi this oppoitunity to love them!
Tom anu Tess with Nana.
(1u2 looks goou on hei!)
Aylen as Tinkeibell
Lanuon being cute
as usual!
Aylen anu Lanuon
Kinguom Camp louge
1) Encounter students at FBC, PTC
2) ADT students for the 2014 class
starting in January
3) Counselees and their families
4) Mens recovery class starting in
5) Connecting opportunities with local
1) Spiritual growth of grandchildren and
their parents
2) Cameron and Moriah as they launch
into business
3) Kellen and Cherise as the seek for a
place to live
4) Luke and Cassie
Prayer Requests
view fiom Kinguom
Camp louge.
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Therefore, anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest
in the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:4

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