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8CSnlAn ?8AMluS Anu 1lMLSACL MA18lCLS

uurlng Lhls year of 2012, volunLeers from 32 counLrles came LogeLher Lo ald ln Lhe fasclnaLlng
pro[ecL of dlscoverlng and explorlng several pyramlds ln vlsoko, 8osnla and Perzegovlna, ln
whaL once was parL of my former counLry, ?ugoslavla. unLll now 840m of underground Lunnels
had been excavaLed. 1hey were parL of Lhe 2,3km maln long Lunnel leadlng Lo Lhe yramld of
Sun. Cnly Lhls year, Lhe yramld's mysLery, and whaL may lle under Lhem, has aLLracLed some
33.000 vlslLors who wlsh Lo help Lhls pro[ecL of planeLary lmporLance. unLll now Lhe process of
dlscovery has uncovered Lwo clvlllzaLlons, wlLh Lwo dlfferenL goals or plans": Lhe flrsL
consLrucLed Lunnels and pyramlds whlle Lhe second concealed Lhe same passages. 1he flrsL
daLes polnL Lo more Lhan 12.000 years ago and Lhe second Lo abouL 3.000 years ago.
Accordlng Lo Maya's counL, Lhose ooopotell englneers of Llme who llved ln CenLral Amerlca,
Lhe flrsL daLe could be assoclaLed wlLh Lhe dlsappearance of Lhe clvlllzaLlon of ALlanLls and Lhe
second, wlLh Lhe hlsLorlcal cycle beglnnlng 3.200 years ago, more preclsely on Lhe 13Lh of
AugusL 3113 8C and endlng Lhls year on 21 of uecember 2012.
Accordlng Lo Lhe Law of 1lme dlscovered by !ose Arguelles-docLor of hlsLory of arL and eLhlcs,
vlslonary lnvesLlgaLor of maLhemaLlc codes and Mayan maLhemaLlcs, founder of Lhe CalacLlc
8esearch lnsLlLuLe and loundaLlon of Lhe Law of 1lme or, as hls blographer SLephanle SouLh
sald, galacLlc genlus, cosmlc vlslonary, planeLary arLlsL and SplrlL Messenger"-around 3.000
years ago we sLarLed Lo forgeL our mulLldlmenslonal naLure. 1haL was Lhe Llme of separaLlon
from Lhe orlglnal dlvlne plan and Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe experlmenL of free wlll. lL was Lhe Llme
of beglnnlng of our encapsulaLlon lnLo arLlflclal mechanlc Llme, Lhe denslLy of Lhe Lhlrd
dlmenslon ln whlch LruLh could only be deLecLed by physlcal senses.
lL seems LhaL Lhe clvlllzaLlon LhaL blocked Lhe Lunnels knew LhaL Lhey had Lo hlde someLhlng
preclous LhaL our clvlllzaLlon would noL be able Lo recognlze . unLll now. 1he Lunnels were
opened 7 years before Lhe end of Lhe cycle, 7 years before enLerlng lnLo a new eon of
consclousness (we should noLe LhaL 7 ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL numbers ln Lhe
maLhemaLlcs of Llme).
ln some way Lhls daLe can be compared wlLh LhaL of Lhe hldden Lomb of acal voLan
dlscovered ln 1932, exacLly 1260 years afLer Lhe dedlcaLlon of Lhe Lomb ln 692, or 1320 years
before Lhe end of Lhe cycle. 1hose daLes conLaln codes of Lhe arLlflclal Llme frequency 12:60 as
a base of Lhe cycle of hlsLory, and Lhe frequency of galacLlc Llme 13:20, ln whlch we are abouL
Lo enLer. 1he hldden number of Lhls frequency ls 7, Lhe dlfference beLween 13 and 20 (20
flngers and 13 [olnLs of whlch Lhe 7
ls ln Lhe mlddle - our splne / ln our body we are keeplng
Lhe knowledge of naLural Llme).
1he Lomb of acal voLan ls a klnd of Lerma
(8uddhlsL concepL of hldden Lreasure LhaL one
generaLlon leaves for anoLher knowlng exacLly
when lL wlll be dlscovered and by whom, buL
anyway, Lhe real Lreasure ls embedded lnslde Lhe
LerLon, Lhe one who dlscovers lL, whlle Lhe object
has Lhe funcLlon of Lrlggerlng Lhe relevanL
knowledge from hls unconsclous.) 1he LerLon of
acal voLan's Lomb was ur. !ose Arguelles, and Lhe
LerLon of Lhe 8osnlan pyramlds ls ur. Semlr
Csmanaglc. 1hose pyramlds were always Lhere, we were looklng aL Lhem, buL we dldn'L see
Lhem, nobody buL Lhls one man. And, how sLrange, yramlds have a slmllar desLlny Lo mosL of
us who are ln some way forglng Lhe brldge Lo Lhe new era: people look aL us, buL Lhey don'L
accepL us as who we really are.
lorLunaLely, everyLhlng ls perfecL: boLh Lhe dream we were dreamlng 3.123 years ago and Lhe
mlnd shlfL Lowards Lhe noosphere, Lhe menLal envelope of Lhe LarLh or planeLarlzaLlon of
consclousness or our collecLlve unconsclous whlch ls now maklng a leap lnLo lLs consclous
A group of Chlnese kln from 1alwan [usL vlslLed Lhe yramlds, llLLle LerLons who are famlllar
wlLh Lhe lnsLrumenLs of Lhe Law of 1lme, prlnclpally ureamspell and few of Lhem wlLh
SynchronoLron as well, Lhe new lnsLrumenL for learnlng Lhe maLhemaLlcal language of
LelepaLhy whlch lncludes Lhe enLlre Law of 1lme. 1hey came from so far away led by necesslLy
of connecLlon wlLh Lhe energy of Lhls sacred place. lsn'L Lhls moLlvaLlon one more plece of
evldence LhaL Lhe whole grld of sacred places doesn'L belongs Lo one naLlon, Lhe one whlch
happens Lo be Lhere, buL Lo Lhe whole world. We keep forgeLLlng LhaL Lhe word WC8Lu ls noL
plural, buL slngular, because Lhe world really ls CnL.
Searchlng for Lhe purpose of Lhls [ourney, whlch ln some sLrange way sLarLed Lo look llke a
pllgrlmage, we dlscovered LhaL all sacred places noL only connecL all of us, Lhe seekers of LruLh
beyond our physlcal senses, buL LhaL Lhey are connecLed by one plan, a parLlcular
maLhemaLlcal reallLy. 1hls absoluLely amazlng conflrmaLlon we recelved from Lhe research of
one genLleman called Carl Munck, who arrlved aL Lhls resulL on Lhe basls of "shamefully slmple
maLhemaLlcs", where Lhe geomeLry of Lhe place provldes Lhe lnformaLlon of lLs preclse
poslLlon on Lhe LarLh expressed ln degrees, mlnuLes and seconds.
uslng base 360 maLhemaLlcs, 8adlans, l, hl and llbonaccl sequences, Munck dlscovered LhaL
83.000 anclenL slLes on LarLh, malnly pyramlds, Lemples, places wlLh speclflc geomeLrlc forms
such as SLonehenge or nazca's llnes, follow Lhe same prlnclple. 1hls leads us Lo Lhe concluslon
LhaL Lhere ls one plan as a resulL of one mlnd, one advanced clvlllzaLlon connecLed wlLh Lhe
unlfled menLal fleld. LveryLhlng has lLs own preclse place and lLs preclse purpose as parL of
urunvalo Melchlzedek (pseudonym of 8ernard erona, creaLor of Lhe Mer-ka-8a medlLaLlon)
conslders LhaL lL was Lhanks Lo one plan LhaL was deslgned Lo brlng back Lhe level of
consclousness whlch exlsLed a long Llme ago, before Lhe slnklng of ALlanLls. Accordlng Lo hls
explanaLlon, Lhls neL of sacred places was needed Lo change Lhe LarLh's lnner energeLlc flow.
Carl Munck concludes LhaL Lhe hlsLory we were LaughL ls compleLely wrong. And surprlslngly,
he was noL Lhe only one who LhoughL so: so dld Semlr Csmanaglc, Lhe auLhor of AlLernaLlve
hlsLory" and !ose Arguelles, wlLh SLephanle SouLh, who wroLe Lhe seven volumes of Lhe
Cosmlc PlsLory Chronlcles".
ls Lhe world ready Lo sLarL Lo wrlLe Lhe pages of Lhls new hlsLory whlch accepLs Lhe 1hlrLeen
Moon Calendar, accepLs Lhe exlsLence of pyramlds ln Lhe mlddle of 8osnla and Serbla
(mounLaln 8Lan[ ls consldered Lo be anoLher pyramld) and exlsLence of one neL of sacred
places, as well as so many oLher dlscoverles ln so many areas, whlch are expandlng Lhe llmlLs
of our mlnd, our consclousness? Would we lmpede Lhls awaklng happenlng aL Lhe perfecL
Llme, aL Lhls very end of hlsLory?
kaLarlna, SLorm 1, broughL Lhe knowledge of Law of 1lme from Chlle Lo ex ?ugoslavla, one of
Lhe flrsL who accepLed lL (Lhrough Clca, Skywalker 3) was Mlra, Puman 8, who LaughL Ana,
Wlnd 10, who LaughL a group of Chlnese people ln Chlna and 1alwan, who Lhen came Lo Lhe
8osnlan pyramlds where all Lhree of us were walLlng wlLh an 8-day program based on
SynchronoLron and Clgong. WhaL klnd of lumlnous paLhs are Lhose kln (kln=person who knows
hls/her galacLlc ldenLlLy, solar seal and galacLlc Lone) LranslLlng from one end of Lhe world Lo
Lhe oLher, spreadlng Lhe knowledge wlLh such Lhrlll and feellng of llghL flowlng Lhrough every
cell of Lhelr belngs?
Culded by ur Sam Csmanaglc, Seed 4, an
experL on pyramlds who made a brave
hypoLhesls LhaL ln Lhe cenLer of Lurope Lhere
exlsLs Lhe hlghesL (220m) pyramld ln Lhe
world, Lhe group recelved Lhe greaLesL
lnformaLlon and shared Lhe splrlL of Lhls greaL
dlscovery! 8eslde parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe dlfferenL
Lypes of medlLaLlons, lncludlng Lhe 8alnbow
8rldge and ceremonles on Lhe pyramlds ln Lhe
form of green hllls and underground Lunnels,
Lhe program lncluded Lhe rayer of Lhe Seven CalacLlc ulrecLlons, dally synchronlzaLlons and
acLlvaLlon of llghL polnLs based on work wlLh Lhe Llmespace maLrlces of Lhe SynchronoLron by
acupuncLure needles or colorpuncLure, acLlvaLlon of Punab ku 21 archeLype LemplaLe, sound
heallng wlLh solar manLras, planLlng
of crysLals and corn seeds (from
voLan's annlversary ceremony alLar
on Lhe CrysLal Wlzard) on Lhe Lop of
Lhe yramld of Sun, energeLlc work
wlLh 1lbeLan and crysLal bowls, drums
and gong. 1hanks Lo CalacLlc
Puman's hard work each member of
Lhe group recelved Lhelr
SynchronoLron lnformaLlon and
laneLary Wlnd gave us an lnlLlaLlon
ln Clgong, LhaL anclenL Chlnese
pracLlce and arL of malnLalnlng good
healLh and balance Lhrough allgnlng
breaLh, physlcal acLlvlLy and awareness. Marlo, CrysLal Mlrror came from Zagreb, CroaLla, Lo
make a powerful brldge beLween Lhe 13 Moon calendar and shamanlc work. 1he group also
vlslLed well-known places such as Sara[evo, MosLar, Med[ugor[e and a few anclenL monasLerles
of dlfferenL rellglons.
WhaL klnd of hldden plan are we fulfllllng and, aL Lhe same Llme, belng rewarded wlLh [oy, love
and wlLh our paLhs meeLlng each oLher whlle new ones are openlng? sychologlsL, agronomlsL,
docLor of medlclne? lL doesn'L maLLer! ChrlsLlans, 8uddhlsL or Sufl? lL doesn'L maLLer! WhlLe or
yellow race? lL doesn'L maLLer! Mlddle age, young or old! lL doesn'L maLLer! 1hls wave of
awakenlng ls splashlng ln wlLhouL maklng dlfferenLlaLlon and we are emerglng Lransformed
alLhough wlLhouL compleLely undersLandlng whaL ls golng on, and advanclng ln such an
acceleraLed way. rophecy ls comlng Lrue, Lhe new world ls arlslng ln fronL of us. unsuspecLed
force and lnner englne do noL sLop. We are all golng forward, whlle Lhe vell ls llfLlng up!
8uL leL us reLurn Lo Lhe lncredlble dlscovery of Carl Munck. Pe clalms LhaL laLlLudes should be
measured noL from Creenwlch, buL from Lhe yramld of Cheops ln Clza, belng Lhls zero polnL
and Lhe cenLer of Lhe whole land mass of Lhe world. And, whaL a surprlse, ln CalacLlc Maya's
Lransmlsslon Lhrough Lhe Law of 1lme, Lhe whole sl 8ank grld, Lhe braln of noosphere (noos-
mlnd) beglns aL Lhe same laLlLude. 1he sl 8ank (or Akashlc records) ls presenLed wlLh 8 1zolkln
MaLrlx, Parmonlc Module or Sacred Mayan Calendar whlch embraces Lhe whole LarLh sLarLlng
exacLly from Clza. Lach plaLe made of Lwo 1zolklns whlch cover 90 of Lhe planeL and boLh
hemlspheres: 260x2=320 unlLs. So, Lhe sl 8ank or Akashlc records, Lhe compleLe
memory/llbrary of Lhe planeL, conslsL of 4 plaLes wlLh 320 unlLs each (320 x4 = 2080).
*'( *,%-!
*'( *,%-!
*'( *,%-!
*'( *,%-!
PSI BANK 360_around the equator longitude coordinates and 90_latitude coordinates.

!"# %&'(
)*+,-./0123451*467 6+-*/,38+76-*,9 595-32:
-.3 ;,614 *) '<<"!=>?>

1he 1zolkln or Mayan Sacred Calendar ls a harmonlc maLrlx made of 20 solar seals and 13
galacLlc Lones whlch glves one LoLallLy of 260 unlLs. lL ls a fracLal measure of radlal Llme and
perfecL cycle of Lhe 13:20 frequency of unlversal synchronlzaLlon.
Cn Lhe oLher slde, Lhe grld of sacred places can be presenLed wlLh lcosldodecahedron whlch ls
made up of 20 Lrlangles and 12 penLagons

,- !"#$%&'($" *$+,- $%. ., /,%!$&0%$( *$+,-

Accordlng Lo Law of 1lme, Lhe number of space ls 12, whlle Lhe number of Llme ls 13. A Cube
has 6 lnner and 6 ouLer sldes, 12 ln all, whlle 13Lh ls ln Lhe mlddle - 12 sldes belong Lo Lhlrd
dlmenslon of space, and 13
lnvlslble polnL ln Lhe mlddle belong Lo Lhe fourLh or Llme
Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe Law of 1lme works wlLh Lhe laneL Polon, Lhe fourLh-dlmenslonal LarLh
dlvlded lnLo 20 bloreglons where each bloreglon vlbraLes wlLh Lhe frequency of one of Lhe 20
solar seals, whlle connecLed wlLh one planeL (analog seals are connecLed wlLh one planeL), so
each bloreglon ls coded wlLh one whole planeL as well. 1hls would be Lhe fourLh-dlmenslonal
LarLh grld whlch overlays Lhe Lhlrd-dlmenslonal grld.

ln hls sLudy, Munck ls uslng one addlLlonal lnsLrumenL, and LhaL ls an anclenL qemottlo, a
sysLem of asslgnlng numerlcal value Lo a word or phrase. lor example, number 144 means
llghL and 288, double llghL or klngdom of Peaven. lL ls very lnLeresLlng LhaL Lhe Cheops
pyramld was covered wlLh 144.000 pollshed caslng sLones LhaL made lL shlne from greaL
dlsLance so Lhls pyramld was called 1a khuL" whlch means '1he LlghL'. ln Lhe 8lble 144.000
marks Lhe number of !esus' followers, Lhe number of chosen ones. 1here are 144 (72 on each
slde of human body) nadls or eLherlc channels Lhrough whlch prana or llghL flows. Accordlng Lo
Lhe Mayan Long CounL, every perlod of 13 bakLuns has 144.000 days, and all 13 bakLuns
LogeLher mark Lhe duraLlon of Lhe hlsLorlc cycle of 3.200 years. ls Lhls a mere colncldence?

1here ls someLhlng more! 1haL same number marks Lhe Parmonlc value for Lhe speed of llghL:
144.000 arcs per grld second (L= mc). 288 (144 x2)= 2c where c ls Lhe speed of llghL harmonlc
(L= mc). So, 288 ls harmonlc of llghL expressed wlLh prophesled 8alnbow 8rldge around Lhe
laneL LarLh. 1haL llghL ls connecLed wlLh Aurora 8orealls and AusLralls, norLhern and SouLhern
llghLs whlch appear when solar wlnds, solar flares and coronal mass e[ecLlons hlL Lhe LerresLrlal
magneLosphere. So, ln oLher words, we could say LhaL 288 ls harmony of LarLh's llghL
expressed ln Lhe form of clrcumpolar 8alnbow 8rldge whlch ls absoluLely based on sclenLlflc
facLs and aL Lhe same Llme ls Lhe prophesled vlslon of a greaL number of naLlve people all
around Lhe world. "#$ %&'()*+ ,-'./$ 0$.'1&1'*( represenLs one of Lhe mosL powerful and
unlfylng medlLaLlons LhaL humanlLy can do now aL Lhe end of Lhe cycle as lL ls harmonlzlng,
balanclng Lhe magneLlc pole shlfL and empowerlng Lhe elecLromagneLlc fleld of Lhe LarLh and
each of us.
1haL same number, 288 we flnd ln 20 1ableLs of Lhe Law of 1lme (bloLelepaLhlc program whlch
uses Lhe 64 hexagrams of Lhe l Chlng ln a compleLely new maLrlx of 13:20) when 64 codons of
unA are ordered ln Lhe Lable 8x8.
1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
33 34 33 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 43 46 47 48
49 30 31 32 33 34 33 36
37 38 39 60 61 62 63 64
= (144x2) harmonlc of polar llghL
!" unA codons = Lhe power of Lhe creaLlon of llfe.
1+2+3...+!"=#$%$=unlLs of sl 8ank

Arguelles' dlscovery of Lhe 20 1ableLs of Lhe Law of 1lme ls abouL Lhe lasL 16 years (1997-2013)
program of geneLlc error of humanlLy reflecLed ln our compleLe dlsconnecLlon wlLh naLure, our
lnner belng and mulLldlmenslonallLy of llfe. 1hey reveal Lhe fasclnaLlng overlapplng of Sacred
Mayan 1zolkln calendar wlLh 64 unA codons, and Chlnese l Chlng, as well as wlLh Lhe sl 8ank,
Lhe medlLaLlve program of acLlvaLlon of laLenL codons of unA and Lhe 8alnbow 8rldge
MedlLaLlon. 1hls year, several groups of Chlnese kln were fasclnaLed Lo recelve Lhls knowledge
abouL such a close connecLlon beLween Lhelr sacred book of l Chlng and 1zolkln.
l om bete to folflll ooe mlssloo tbot boJ stotteJ looq oqo, lo otbet Jlmeosloos, oo otbet stots.
My mlssloo ls to testote tlme ooJ telepotby mottlces. AoJ, oftet oot Jepottote, ot tbe eoJ of
8oktoo 9 (yeot 4J5-8J0) oot teom ooJ me, we moJe tbe commltmeot to come bock.- !ose
Arguelles. SynchronoLron semlnar 2009, ClsLernlno, lLaly.
SynchronoLron ls Lhe sysLem and Lhe meLhod of lnLergalacLlc LelepaLhlc communlcaLlon based
on maLhemaLlcs and maLrlces Lhrough whlch we are recelvlng LelepaLhlc lnformaLlon. ln hlgher
dlmenslons, LelepaLhlc language ls Lhe language of numbers because every number ls a
LelepaLhlc frequency.

1he maglc of numbers Arguelles already dlsLlngulshed ln hls sLudy, uyoomlcs of 1lme-volotloo
of 1lme os cooscloosoess, ln chapLer 19, paragraph 13: All ls number. Cod ls a number. Cod ls
ln all. Cr as yLhagoras says numbers are Lhe language of Lhe unlverse."
SynchronoLron opens us Lo compleLely new horlzon of Lhe 1lMLSACL as Lhe funcLlon of
dlfferenL creaLlon maLrlces LhaL can be maLhemaLlcally and geomeLrlcally posLulaLed". So, here
we have Synchronlc maLrlx, 8aslc maLrlx, Space MaLrlx and 1lme MaLrlx, four dlfferenL
maLrlces arranged ln dlfferenL sequences where Lhelr overlay creaLes dlfferenL effecLs and
opens our mlnd Lo dlfferenL aspecLs of our consclousness.

ln SynchronoLron we flnd more connecLlon wlLh Munck's grld of sacred places. Pls base 360
maLhemaLlcs and Lhe SynchronoLron's four Llme lenses as Lhe base of all galacLlc Lones, shows
us LhaL boLh are based on same numbers: 108, 144, 216 and 288.

And Lhe lasL surprlse!!! All Lhese Llme maLrlces can be represenLed ln Lhe form of a pyramld,
energeLlc generaLors on Lhe laneL LarLh! AL an lnLernaLlonal SynchronoLron meeLlng ln 1eplc,
ln Mexlco, 2011, Lhe organlzlng and educaLlonal Leam of kln, as well as represenLaLlves of Lhe
loundaLlon for Lhe Law of 1lme, are showlng Lhese maLrlces ln Lhe form of yramlds.

Synchronlcally, ln one of Lhe lasL messages from SLephanle SouLh - 8ed Cueen (Lhe [ournallsL
who durlng Arguelles' lasL Len years accompanled hlm and collaboraLed ln Lhe edlLlon of hls
lasL lnvesLlgaLlon of Cosmlc PlsLory, recognlzed as hls apprenLlce and now ln charge of Lhe
CalacLlc 8esearch lnsLlLuLe), she wrlLes abouL her dream ln Lhe chamber of 1emple xlll, where
Lhe Lomb of 8ed Cueen was found, and how valum voLan/!ose Arguelles appeared:
1bete wos o sloqle compotet slttloq lo tbe ceotet. ne jIose] loJlcoteJ telepotblcolly tbot tbls
compotet wos o type of coottol pooel llokeJ Jltectly to tbe molo coottol pooel ot tbe ceotet of
tbe ottb. ne lofotmeJ me tbot tbe ceotet of tbe ottb toJlotes llqbt beoms of lofotmotloo tbot
coooect wltb oll of tbe pytomlJ sttoctotes oo tbe plooet. l ooJetstooJ tbese os tbe
lotetplooetoty teqeoetotloo cbombets. ne wos olso commoolcotloq sometbloq oboot tbe
pytomlJs beloq ovetloys of o pottlcolot mottlx sttoctote tbot coo be ooJetstooJ tbtooqb tbe
441 (21 x 21)-cobe mottlx.

ln Lhe 8ook of tbe 1lmespoce, one of seven volumes of Cosmlc PlsLory, Arguelles sLaLes LhaL
Llmespace ls a medlum LhaL exlsLs for Lhe organlzaLlon of lnLelllgenL llfe and forms. we ote
octoolly leovloq o pottlcolot tlmespoce ooJ eotetloq o oew tlmespoce-tbls ls o poootom sblft,
mloJ sblft. At tbls polot evetytbloq comes Jowo to zeto ooJ o cosmlc poose occots ooJ tbe
Jlssolotloo of tbe ptevloos boloqtom, followeJ by tbe lmptlotloq of tbe oew tlmespoce
boloqtom. we ote sblftloq to o oew evolotloooty stoqe-tbe Noospbete ot 5ecooJ cteotloo. lf
we ote owoke ooJ ottooeJ, we wlll teollze oot Jlvloe ootote.
Plghly graLeful Lo Punab ku, valum voLan and 8ed Cueen, Lo Semlr Csmanaglc, Lo each
member of Lhls wonderful and unlque group and Lhelr organlzer ln 1alwan, Lhe mosL lovlng
person 8afeeka, Lunar Lagle, Sufl, sannyasln, powerful splrlLual gulde organlzlng Lhe huge
8alnbow 8rldge medlLaLlon for Lhe evenL of closlng of Lhe cycle, and, of course, Lo Ana's greaL
organlzaLlon ln 8osnla!
AL Lhe end of Lhls lncredlble [ourney mosL of whlch synchronlcally Look place wlLhln Lhe
wavespell of Lhe Seed-kln 144, Lhe farewell greeLlng of base group of 16 8alnbow warrlors was:
see yoo oqolo ot oext sommets oJveotote of Jlqqloq pytomlJ toooels os volooteets wltb oot
btolo llqbt polots olteoJy octlvoteJ!
kaLarlna, MagneLlc SLorm
?ear of Lhe 8lue 8esonanL SLorm

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