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For centuries humans have tried to use forces and different kinds of artifacts to perform their jobs, to make

them simpler and faster. The known history of artifacts that compute or compute, dates back to many years before Jesus Christ. The Abaco Two principles have coexisted on this issue. One is to use thin s to have, either, fin ers, stones, shells, seeds. The other is to place these objects in certain positions. These principles met in the abacus, instrument used to today, to perform complex arithmetic with enormous speed and accuracy. The !"T# century in the $est was in use the rule of calculation, calculator based on the research of %appier, &unther and 'issaker. John %apier (!))*+!,!"- discovers the relationship between arithmetic and eometric, creatin tables called lo arithms series. .dmund &unter handles /ark %apier0s lo arithms in lines. 'issaker in turn places lines %appier and &unter on a piece of wood, thus creatin the slide rule. For over 1** years, the slide rule is perfected, becomin a 2ocket, extremely versatile calculator. The Pascaline The first machine calculate mechanical, a precursor of the di ital computer was invented in !,31 by French mathematician 'laise 2ascal. The device used a number of wheels of ten teeth where each tooth represented a di it from * to 4. The wheels were connected in such way that could add numbers makin them move the correct number of teeth. 5n !,"* the &erman philosopher and mathematician &ottfried $ilhelm 6eibni7 perfected this machine and invented one that could also multiply. The analytical engine 8lso in the nineteenth century mathematician and 'ritish inventor Charles 'abba e developed the principles of modern di ital computer. #e invented a number of machines, such as the difference en ine, desi ned to troubleshoot mathematical complex. /any historians consider 'abba e and his partner, 'ritish mathematics 8u usta 898 'yron (!:!)+!:)1-, dau hter of the poet 6ord 'yron, .n lish as to the true inventors of the modern di ital computer. 5t technolo y at the time was unable to move to practice their successful concepts; but one of his inventions, the analytical en ine, already had many features of a modern computer. 5ncluded a stream, or input in the form of packa e punched card, a memory stream to save the data, a processor for the operations /ath and a printer to make permanent re istration.

Early computers 8nalo computers be an to be constructed at the be innin of the 1*th century. .arly models were calculations usin axes and rotatin ears. %umerical approximations of e<uations too difficult as to be able to be resolved throu h other methods were evaluated with these machines. 9urin the two world wars were used systems analo , first mechanical and later electrical en ineers to predict the trajectory of the torpedoes in submarines and handlin remote bombs in aviation. Electronic computers !433 /ark the date of the first computer to current mode, which is put into operation. 5t is 9r. #oward 8iken at the =niversity of #arvard, =>8, who presents it with the name of /ark !. This is the first information processin machine. /ark ! operated electrically, instructions and information are entered therein in punched cards and its components work based on electromechanical principles. 5n spite of its wei ht exceedin ) tonnes and slow compared with current e<uipment, was the first machine to have all the characteristics of a real computer. The first computer electronics was finished buildin in !43, and called .%58C. Takin into account the different sta es of development that had computers, are considered the followin divisions as enerations isolated First eneration (!4)!+!4):('ulbs-? life. 1. 6ar e and heavy machinery. The .%58C computer lar e (@* tons- was built. @. #i h consumption of ener y. 3. The information on internal ma netic drum stora e. ). The information on internal ma netic drum stora e.
6. Continuous failures or interruptions in the process.

1. >ystems consistin of vacuum tubes, leached enou h heat and had a relatively short

". Ae<uired air conditioner special auxiliaries. >econd eneration (!4)4+!4,3(Transistorssemiconductor, and exposed in the so+called circuits transistori7ed. 1. 9ecrease the si7e.
3. Aeduction in consumption and heat production

1. Transistor as powerful primary. The main component is a small piece of

3. 5nternal memory of ferrite cores.

). >tora e instruments? tapes and discs.

Third eneration (!4,3+!4"!5nte rated circuit (chips!. 5nte rated circuit developed in !4): by Jack Bilbry. 1. 5nte rated circuit, miniaturi7ation and meetin of hundreds of items in a plate of silicon or (chip-. @. 6ower power consumption. 3. >i nificant reduction of space. ). 5ncreased reliability and flexibility.
6. 5ncreases stora e capacity and reduces the response time.

". &enerali7ation of hi h+level pro rammin lan ua es. :. 5'/ @,* series computers. Fourth eneration (!4"!+!4:1(5nte rated microcircuitThe microprocessor? the process of reducin the si7e of the components reaches operate at microscopic scales .lectronic memories? 5s discarded memory internal ma netic ferrite cores and introduced electronic memories, which are faster 9atabase processin system? The database processin systems consist of a set of interrelated elements of hardware and software that allows a <uick and easy use of information. /ain features /icroprocessor? 9eveloped by 5ntel Corporation to Japanese company (!4"!- re<uest. The microprocessor? 5nte rated circuit meets in silicon plate the main functions of the computer and that is mounted in a structure that facilitates multiple connections with the remainin elements. /inimi7in circuits. Aeduce response time.

Faster electronic memories. Treatment of database systems. /ultithreaded. /icrocomputer? 6ater eneration and the artificial intelli ence (!4:1/ain characteristics?

Faster. &reater miniaturi7ation of elements. 5ncreasin memory capacity. /ultiprocessor (processors interconnected-. %atural lan ua e. 2ro rammin lan ua es? 2AO&O6 (2ro rammin 6o ic- and 65>2 (6ist 2rocessin -.

8rtificial intelli ence collected within the followin fundamental aspects? .xpert systems %atural lan ua e Aobotics

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