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Perjury- lying under an oath The defendant was charged with perjury

Veto- when the president refuses to sign a bill The president vetoed the bill because he didnt want it

Suffrage- the right to vote Womens suffrage gave women the right to vote

Filibuster- the use of obstructive tactics by a legislative member to prevent the adoption of something favored, generally a long speech The bill did not win enough votes to break a filibuster

Confederation- a league or alliance; group united for common purposes The confederation decided on a president for them

Treaty- a formal agreement between two or more states in reference to peace, alliance and commerce The countries signed a treaty to end the war

Indictment- an accusation initiating a criminal case; a charge, accusation, cause for blame The jury indicted him for murder

Bureaucracy- body of officials and administrators People dont like bureaucracy

Gerrymandering- dividing into voting districts They gerrymandered the state for elections

Appropriation- an approval of government spending Appropriations are important in a country so overspending and debt dont happen

Globalization- extending to other or all parts of the world Company profits have increased due to globalization

Appropriation Bill- proposed laws to authorize spending money The appropriation bills were passed to authorize spending money

Standing Committee- a permanent committee The standing committee was concerned about parliament

Conservative- the belief that individuals should be responsible for themselves and shouldnt rely on government assistance Conservatives believe that citizens should take care of themselves without the help of the government

Select Committee- a temporary committee that examines and reports on a specific bill or issue The select committee reported about addictions

Liberal- the belief that the government should be used to fix the social and economic problems; that the government should help Liberals want the government to intervene

Federalism- system of government where national and state governments share powers The Constitution is the foundation for federalism

Earmarks- provisions that direct specified funds to specific projects, programs, organizations or individuals Earmarks help projects, programs and organizations

Plea bargaining- an agreement with the prosecution to a less serious crime and sentence Plea bargaining allows defendants to get off with a lesser charge if they plead guilty

Concurrent powers- powers shared by the nation and state governments Concurrent powers are the sharing of federal and state governments

Inalienable rights- not subjected to be bought, sold, traded or transferred from one individual to another People have inalienable rights so they cant be bought or sold to someone

Reserved powers- powers that belong exclusively to the states The states have reserved powers

Electoral College- a body of electors chosen by the voters in each state to elect the president and vice president The electoral college decides who will be president

McCulloch vs Maryland- implied powers of the congress McCulloch vs Maryland decided with the federal government can do things if the constitution doesnt forbid it

Mapp vs Ohio- warrantless search Mapp vs Ohio decided there could be searches without warrants

Engel vs Vitale- school prayer Engel vs Vitale concluded that prayers in public schools violated the 1st Amendment

Dred Scott vs Sandford- civil rights Dred Scott vs Sandford said that African Americans that were in slavery or were descendants of slaves could not be U.S. citizens or couldnt sue in courts

Lemon vs Kurtzman- separation of school and church Lemon vs Kurtzman decided that there needed to be a separation of school and church

Gibbons vs Ogden- regulate interstate commerce The power to regulate interstate navigation was given to Congress because of Gibbons vs Ogden

Hazelwood vs Kuhlmeier- freedom of press in public schools, for students Students got in trouble at school for posting things in newspapers, and after Hazelwood vs Kuhlmeier, they were given the freedom of the press

Miranda vs Arizona- Miranda rights; rights of accused in custody Miranda vs Arizona said that people in custody were still given rights

Separated powers- legislative, executive and judicial branches are in separate bodies Separated powers give each branch certain unique powers

Judicial review- power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and execute actions unconstitutional Lawyers can apply for judicial review on some sentences

Due process of law- legal requirement that a state must respect all of the legal rights of a person Prisoners have the right of due process

Checks and balances- limits on all branches of government so one branch cant have more power Because of checks and balances, the judicial branch has equal power to the legislative

Double jeopardy- subjecting a person to a second trial or punishment for the same offense that the person has already been tried for or punished The defendant was not punished because of double jeopardy

Lobbying- to try to influence the votes of members of a legislative body People lobby others to get what they want

Pocket veto- a veto of a bill brought about by the presidents failure to sign it within 10 days after adjournment by Congress The president pocket vetoes a lot of bills

Political party- a political organization to gain political power There are two main political parties in the U.S.

Super Tuesday- a Tuesday usually in March where party members vote in primary elections to select their partys presidential candidate Next Tuesday is Super Tuesday, and well find out who the candidates are

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