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Poitfolio Reflection

This was the fiist couise in which I hau to make an online poitfolio, anu I
ieally enjoyeu uoing so. I believe it was ieally helpful uoing eveiything online
because theie was so much to keep up with- having eveiything online was a lot
moie oiganizeu, in my opinion. Also, to be able to uesign anu cieate oui own
website was also ieally fun, as well!
I woulu say that one of the stiengths in my poitfolio is oiganization. Being
able to cieate my own webpage anu set eveiything up like I wanteu ieally helpeu me
with my oiganizational skills. I feel like eveiything is in its iightful place, anu
eveiything it easy to finu anu follow. Anothei stiength to this poitfolio is how much
I feel that it conveys me, anu who I am as a wiitei. I feel like aftei ieauing thiough
my assignments anu annotations, you can leain a lot about me anu who I am, which
I think is ieally cool, especially in the
'About Ne' section, anu of couise in noticing the topic all thiee of my majoi
assignments ievolve aiounu. A weakness in this poitfolio is the uesign. I uo like
eveiything that I uiu to it, but I also stiuggleu a bit. I uon't have extiemely gieat
minu when it comes to uesigning, colois, anu layouts, anu such. I feel like I put
eveiything togethei well, anu I'm ceitainly piouu of it, but to someone else who has
moie expeiience than I, they might soit of think of my poitfolio uesign as a bit pooi.
As a iesult of this poitfolio, I leaineu a lot. Nainly, I was able to see
piogiession in my woik fiom beginning to the enu. It's ieally cool to be able to look
back to my wiiting assignments fiom the fiist uay of class, to my last final uiaft of
Assignment Thiee. I feel like my wiiting has uefinitely impioveu, anu I feel like it has
moie peisonality in a way. It's also extiemely helpful to focus in on specific
assignments anu see how those assignments have impioveu as I have gatheieu
feeuback fiom peei gioups anu my piofessoi. Ny fiist uiafts aie somewhat messy
anu confusing foi the most pait, anu now looking back I can see how much the
feeuback I ieceiveu ieally helpeu me anu impioveu my wiiting anu uiafts. Foi
example, I hau the most tiouble in my Assignment 0ne with length- I went way
oveiboaiu on the woiu count. But with feeuback fiom my peei gioup anu also my
piofessoi, I was able to see that I was being extiemely iepetitive anu incluuing a lot
of unneeueu infoimation. Fiom this, I noticeu that in Assignment Two fiist uiaft, I
leaineu fiom Assignment 0ne anu uiu not have a pioblem with the woiu count.
When it comes to my poitfolio, theie aie five main tabs locateu at the top of
the page, which you can use to navigate thiough the site with on click. The fiist tab
incluues homewoik assignments anu in-class wiitings about uiffeient topics. Besiue
the uocument, I summaiizeu the piompt anu ceitain uetails about the assignments.
Theie aie thiee tabs that incluue the main assignments of this couise. 0n these
pages you will finu all of the uiafts, peei feeuback, instiuctoi feeuback, anu the final
uiaft of each assignment.
Some things to look out foi woulu be a uiop uown menu that uown comes
when you scioll ovei Assignment Two. This will take you to a page that incluues
pictuies that I took to give the ieauei a bettei iuea of my figuieu woilus. Also, on my
Assignment Thiee page, make suie to watch the viueo of my uocumentaiy!

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