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by Brandon D'Imperio

About the presenter

Inspired by what was already there in the XAML world Declarative Bindings
<span data-bind="text:firstname"></span>

Automatic UI Refresh
self.firstname("george"); //automatically changes the span text

Dependency Tracking{ return self.firstname()+self.lastname(); });

Knockout 2
<ul data-bind="foreach:person"> <li data-bind="text:firstname"> </ul>

var komodel=new PeopleModel(); ko.applyBindings(komodel);

Knockout Model
2 way communication with the view The ViewModel represents the view. This means that fields in a ViewModel usually match up more closely with the view than with the model. View Communication: There is no IView reference in the ViewModel. Instead, the view binds directly to the ViewModel. Because of the binding, changes in the view are automatically reflected in the ViewModel and changes in the ViewModel are automatically reflected in the view. There is a single ViewModel for each view

Knockout Html

Knockout Code

Knockout issues oops'is the setter');

binding magic variables


everything is done in one attribute

data-bind="text:name,attr:{title:name,'data-id': personId},click:nameclick" there are addons to help with this Code at

Declarative bindings

Automatic UI Refresh
$scope.firstname='george'; KO dependency tracking is a clever problem which angular does not have.

feature fo

Angular likes to say MV*

Angular 2
Dependency Tracking
$scope.fullname=function(){ return $scope.firstname+' '+$scope.lastname; };

<ul ng-repeat="person in people"> <li title="person.fullname()"> {{person. firstname}} </li> </ul>

no global state, multiple angular apps in one page with no iframe.

Angular 3
no main() method Dependency Injection is core

encourages behavior-view separation pre-bundled with mocks

Loads more built-in stuff

Pluralization Helper Localization Helper Currency and date formatting Script based templating

Angular Issues
There's so much going on here
Is this enterprise library? or `lightweight` emberJs?

slightly non-predictable directive naming

ng-mousedown ng-class-even

too many ways to do similar or the same things

ngBind vs. {{text}} ng-bind vs. data-ng-bind vs. class="ng-class: {expression};" ng-bind-template vs. {{text}} {{moretext}}!

Angular Html

Angular Code

Html Comparison
<body> <ul data-bind="foreach:people"> <li data-bind="text:firstname,attr: {title:lastname}"></li> </ul> <div data-role="add a new person" databind="with:newPerson"> <input data-bind="value:firstname, valueUpdate:'afterkeydown'"/> <span data-bind="text:firstname"></span> <div data-bind="text:fullname"></div> <input type="button" data-bind=" click:$root.addPerson" value="add"/> <!-- sample complex binding --> <div data-bind="text:fullname,attr: {title:fullname,'data-id':personId}, click:$root.addPerson"></div> </div> </body> <body ng-app ng-controller="PersonCtrl"> <ul> <li ng-repeat="person in people" title="{{person.lastname}}">{{person. firstname}}</li> </ul> <div data-role="add a new person"> <input ng-model="newPerson.firstname"/> <span ng-bind="newPerson.firstname" ></span> <div>{{newPerson.fullname()}}</div> <input type="button" value="add" ngclick="addPerson()"/> </div> <!-- sample complex binding --> <div title="{{newPerson.fullname}}" dataid="{{newPerson.personId}}" ng-click=" addPerson()">{{newPerson.firstname}}</div> </body>

Code Comparsion
var PersonModel= function(first,last,id) { var self=this; self.personId=ko.observable(id); self.firstname=ko.observable(first); self.lastname=ko.observable(last); self.fullname=ko.computed(function(){ return self.firstname()+' '+self. lastname(); });}; var PeopleModel= function() { var self=this; self.newPerson=ko.observable(new PersonModel('bob','knoblin',1)); self.people=ko.observableArray(); self.addPerson=function(){ self.people.push(self.newPerson()); self.newPerson(new PersonModel ('jane','dough',self.people().length+1)); }; }; var komodel=new PeopleModel(); ko. applyBindings(komodel); var angularmodel; var PersonCtrl= function($scope) { var PersonModel=function(first,last,id){ var self=this; self.firstname=first; self.lastname=last; self.personId=id || 0; self.fullname=function(){ return self.firstname+' '+self. lastname; }; }; $scope.people=[]; $scope.newPerson=new PersonModel ('bob','knoblin',1); $scope.addPerson=function(){ $scope.people.push($scope.newPerson); $scope.newPerson=new PersonModel ('jane','dough',$scope.people.length+1); }; angularmodel=$scope; };

Fast friendly data-binding attribute-based binding both can be fully html5 compliant custom directives Both are better than using jQuery for most things Both may occasionally benefit from a sprinkling of jQuery

Large adoption on knockout Angular is backed by google MVVM vs. MVC Push Model vs. dirty checking Angular has a dedicated debugging tool Batarang

Knockout vs. Angular

Far more lightweight Easier to learn Focuses on one area Much better documentation Should be faster More backwards (+IE) compat Concerns are better separated
attributes and controller/views

Has a bigger toolbox Does binding and mvc Better initialization story

Knockout - More question tags on Stackoverflow in Feb, as of today: 5904 vs 6554 Angular - more stars on github 10k vs. 3.7k and google searches

References http://stackoverflow. com/questions/9682092/databinding-in-angularjs http://odetocode. com/blogs/scott/archive/2013/02/26/why-use-angularjs. aspx

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