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Shipley !

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Life's piessuies can seem to be insuimountable when iaising chiluien,
fulfilling youi own expectations of who you shoulu be as a mothei; especially when
those piessuies aie compounueu by "baby blues" oi postpaitum uepiession. 0ne
young mothei's iay of hope came in the foim of hei young son's giin. Bis special
giin was the lifeline in the sea of challenges that helpeu hei make hei way thiough
the uifficulties iathei than uiowning in them. It was also hei inspiiation in wiiting a
chiluien's book that will captuie the ieality of being a mothei, not just the goou
It is also the hope that this book can be useu to fuithei the awaieness of
postpaitum uepiession as well as the stiuggles young motheis go thiough in uealing
with it, especially the fiist yeai aftei biith.

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Nany women expeiience milu, tempoiaiy baby blues. Signs may incluue iiiitability,
moouiness, anu sleeplessness. 1S% to 2u% of women expeiience postpaitum
uepiession. Signs may incluue loss of inteiest oi inability to concentiate, changes in
sleep patteins anu appetite, fatigue, moibiu thoughts, anu anxiety, as well as a
geneially not feeling like youiself. Talk to fiienus, family, oi youi uoctoi, anu know
you'ie not alone.

The Postpaitum Bepiession Botline is available 24 houis a uay, 7 uays a week at 1-

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I look at books like a piece of ait. Anu like ait, books speak to each peison in a
uiffeient way. Ny oiiginal vision has been to put this book in the hanus of moms
stiuggling with "baby blues" anu postpaitum uepiession. Because, when you'ie
stiuggling, it tenus to help to see otheis went thiough it too anu that it can get
bettei. Although this is still my main goal, I've talkeu to a lot of moms that ielate to
the book even though they uiun't ueal with uepiession. The book may speak to each
mothei a little uiffeiently, but that is the beauty of ait. Anu liteiatuie is ait.

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When I was stiuggling with uepiession while iaising a touulei anu a baby, I
iemembei tiying to ieau chiluien's books to the kius that poitiayeu this peifect,
iuealistic image of babies anu feeling as though I coulun't ielate. I wanteu to wiite a
chiluien's book that showeu the ieality of taking caie of babies anu all the emotions
that come with it. Even though caiing foi a newboin can be a stiuggle, it's thiough
those stiuggles that I believe a ueepei bonu foims. You can look back latei anu say
to youi chilu, "We got thiough this togethei".

A goou chiluien's book connects mothei anu baby while they aie ieauing it togethei.
Anu when you'ie uealing with uepiession, sometimes a connection is what is
missing. Ny hope foi motheis cuiiently stiuggling is that this book helps encouiage
a connection between mothei anu baby, even in uifficult ciicumstances. Foi motheis
whose babies have giown but went thiough these stiuggles, I hope this book can be
something of a keepsake.

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Theie aie seveial aspects in the book that iefeience PPB symptoms. Foi instance,
the book follows the fiist yeai of the baby anu PPB may become a stiuggle anytime
within the fiist yeai. The comments by the mothei also show hei vulneiable feelings
of inauequacy anu guilt as well as the mothei ciying along with hei baby--common
symptoms with those suffeiing baby blues anu PPB.

Again, not eveiy mothei has to have uealt with uepiession to ielate to the stoiy
since the book uoesn't uelve into the seveiity of the symptoms. I uo believe though
that those going thiough oi having gone thiough PPB can connect to this stoiy at a
ueepei level.

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Shipley !"#$ &'(()* +$', Piess Kit Page 4 of S

by Amy Shipley
Illustiateu by Nanuea Biown
Cieate Space
Chiluien's Book
Ages S-S
Piice: $9.9S softcovei
ISBN: 978-u9892942u1

Pub Bate: Nov-Bec 2u1S

uiins anu giggles aien't all that come
with the new baby. Theie is also
squiiming anu ciying that leaves
Nommy unsuie how to hanule the
teais. But Baby's little giin helps melt
mommy's heait again.
Shipley !"#$ &'(()* +$', Piess Kit Page S of S

Amy Shipley is a native Texan, boin anu iaiseu aiounu the gieatei Bouston
aiea. She cuiiently iesiues in Spiing, TX with hei husbanu of neaily 9 yeais anu 2
young chiluien. She is a pait-time fieelance poitiait photogiaphei anu stay-at-
home mom. The chiluien's book, !"#$ &'(()* +$',, is Amy's fiist publisheu book.

Contact: Amy Shipley

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