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Below are two charts, one that represent changes in population growth and the other shows the

major impacting factors from overpopulation. Each represents a different perspective about population growth and its consequences.

Population Growth

1950's Population

2000's Population

2013's Population

Projected 2050's Population



United States

Linear (United States)

In the graph shown above I have created three different population lines to indicate the growth of population sine the 1950s. Also included is a projected number of the population for the three major areas in the world. I used the world to get a grasp of how large the entire population was and is becoming. I used India to show how underdeveloped countries are growing at a much faster rate than many other countries. The United States population indicator helps show how the country we live in is slowly increasing throughout the years. As the population rises our ability to overcome the effects becomes much harder. By the year 2050 our resources, food and water consumption and environmental effects will become a concern. If plans and technological advancements are not implemented to help slow the growth rate, much of the world will be fighting for the little things that are left. Many scientists believe that because technological advancements have been able to overcome any prior situation, that once again the world will come together and overcome this concern as well.

Major Issues Related to Overpopulation


Food Shortages

Water Shortages

Space Limitation

Resource Depletion

Environmental issues are continuing to become a concern all over the globe, scientists are concerned about deforestation, desertification, air pollution, global warming and the ecosystem becoming irreversibly tainted. Food shortages- With the dramatic growth in population maintaining enough food supply for the worlds population is a huge problem. With many people in developing countries already dying from malnutrition, the need for food now only shows how bad the future can be without a plan to control the population. Food production and distribution could catch up if our population stopped growing and dropped to a sustainable level. The consensus only shows major increases in populations. Water Shortages- Taxes on water supply are already implemented in some major cities around the globe. Although the world is surrounded by water only 3% is deemed drinkable. Developed countries use this water for many needs aside from simply drinking it. Limits on water consumption have already been put in place but implementing more rules in place may help conserve the little fresh water we have available. About 1 billion people lack access to sufficient water for consumption, agriculture and sanitation. Space Limitation- With the growth of population, comes overcrowding and less space for everybody. It has already been shown how schools and cities are being overpopulated. People will not enjoy the freedom that they once had. A perfect example of this is about The Commons. A man who owned a group of sheep thought to himself and wondered why he shouldnt add more sheep to his group, thus making more wool and increasing his output. Little did he know that when you add more and more sheep to an already populated area the

whole system becomes affected. There isnt enough space for the sheep to Rome, food became an issue and the overall output became less than if the farmer simply kept the sheep he had without adding to the group. This applies to overpopulation of humans, when we continue to add more and more people to the world everything depletes and we are left with less than if we simply maintained. People begin battling for basic needs to survive. Resource Depletion- There is a finite amount of fossil fuels left on Earth, the world has already extracted the easy-pickings throughout much of the world. As the resources deplete the need to find new means to power our industrialized world becomes more of a concern. New types of energy and resource efficiency could help slow the rate of depletion but soon the world will have little resources to survive on.

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