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designed for kidknits by erika flory

Sized for 6 mos (12 mos, 18 mos).

• Chest (closed) 19(21,23)”
• Length 9(10,11)”
YARN Peaches & Creme by Elmore-Pisgah, 2.5 oz balls (cotton): 3 (3, 4) balls in
#56 Celery; 16 yards in #95 Red
NEEDLES One pair size 7 (4.5mm) knitting needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
One pair size 7 (4.5mm) double pointed needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
NOTIONS Stitch holders and stitch markers
GAUGE 16 sts and 24 rows to 4”/10 cm over St st using size 7(4.5mm) needles.

I-Cord: worked on 2 double-pointed needles. Cast on 2 stitches. Knit. Do not
turn work. Slide stitches to opposite end of needle. Repeat until the I-cord is
desired length. Bind off.
3-needle Bind-off: Used instead of binding off shoulder stitches and sewing
them together, this technique reduces bulk at the shoulders.
With stitches on 2 needles and right sides facing, *Knit 2 stitches together (one
from the front needle and one from the back needle); repeat from * once.1. With
left needle, pass first stitch on right needle over second stitch and off right
needle. 2. Knit next 2 stitches together. Repeat 1 & 2 until 1 stitch remains;
draw yarn through this last stitch.

Cast on 38(44,48) sts. Work 6 rows garter stitch.
Change to stockinette stitch (st st). Work to 3 1/2(4, 4 1/2)” above garter band.
Next row, work the Decrease eyelet-garter band: Row 1: Work to last 5 sts.
K2tog, yo, K2tog, K1. Row 2: K2 sts, P1, P2tog, purl to end of row.
Repeat these two rows until 12(14,16) sts. remain. Length is 9(10, 11)” from
cast on. Put 12(14,16) sts on holder, leaving a long tail to work 3-needle bind

Cast on 38(44,48) sts. Work 6 rows garter st. Change to st st. Work to 3 1/2(4,
4 1/2)” above garter band. Next row, work the Decrease eyelet-garter band:
Row 1: K1, SSK, yo, SSK, K to end. Row 2: Purl to last 5 sts. SSP, P1, K2. Repeat
these two rows until 12(14,16) sts remain. Length is 9(10,110” from cast on.
Put 12(14(16) sts on holder, leaving a long tail to work 3-needle bind off.

Cast on 38(44(48) sts. Work 6 rows garter st. Change to st st and work to
9(10,11)” from beg. End on WS row.
Next row: with right side of right front facing right side of back, work 3-needle
bind off on 12(14,16) sts from back shoulder and 12(14,16) sts from holder.
Bind off center 14(16,16) sts for neck. With right side of left front facing right
side of back, work 3-needle bind off on rem sts from back shoulder and
12(14,16) sts from holder.

With right side facing, measure 5(5 1/2, 6)” down from shoulder on each side of
seam and place markers. Pick up and knit 42(48,52) sts evenly between
markers. Working in st st, dec 1 st each end of every 5th row 6(7,8) times:
30(34,36) sts remain. Work 6 rows in garter st. Bind off.

TIES (make 4)
Working on 2dp needles, cast on 2 sts. Work 9” I-cord as follows: knit. Do not
turn work. Slide stitches to opposite end of needle. Repeat until the cord is the
desired length. Bind off.

Lightly block sweater. Sew side/sleeve seam from cuff to 3 1/2(4, 4 1/2)” above
cast on. Firmly sew one tie to each front edge where garter-eyelet band begins,
and to side where seam ends.

copyright 2006 kidknits

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