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Circle Time

Edited by Jenny Mosley

A practical book of Circle Time lesson plans

Included in the booklet are lesson plans produced for pupils at Key Stages 1 and 2. These plans could also be used at Key Stages 3 and ! in some instances ideas may need to be adapted.

The Making Belfast Work team originally piloted this project "e#erley "eattie $ary "lease "ridgeen %&'eill
Consultant and Originator of the Quality Circle Time Model (enny $osley

Illustrations y (uliet )oyle

IS"' * +,3*122 - 1

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Aims of the booklet Comments from official reports Aspects of a 3hole school positi#e beha#iour policy The 5lton 2eport The circle approach as a practical response to 5lton :o3 lo3 selfCesteem leads to negati#e beha#iour A rationale for Duality Circle Time Setting up Circle Time Duality Circle Time /essons for Key Stage 1 =2eception<Eear group 1> /essons for Key Stage 1 =Eear group 2> /essons for Key Stage 2 .oem 3ith #ocal and other sounds )% '%T )ISTF2" sign Training and 2esources

2 3

, ? 1* 11 12 13 23 33 3

This booklet aims to:

1. :elp schools implement a 3hole school positi#e beha#iour approach.

2. Introduce Duality Circle Time and sho3 ho3 it can contribute to the enhancement of selfCesteem in children and adults and create a positi#e school ethos.

3. .ro#ide clear8 accessible lesson plans for teachers 3ho 3ant to de#elop the approach in their classroom.

Comments from official reports

The (enny $osley Duality Circle Time $odel has been rigorously tested o#er many years and endorsed by hundreds of %@ST5) reports from all o#er the country8 specifically highlighting the beneficial effects of the model. 2eports often refer to particular aspects of the model such as GCircle Time&8 the G1olden 2ules& or the G/unchtime .olicy&. $ost often they note the effect of the 3hole school policy on the ethos of the school and pupils& moral8 spiritual8 social and emotional de#elopment.

GThe good relationships 3ithin the school and the successful Circle Time ha#e raised pupils& selfCesteem and they kno3 and understand 3hat is eApected of them.&
=%@ST5) 2eport8 "roadstone @irst School8 para 2?8 1++,>

GThe 3eekly Circle Time for each class enables pupils of all ages8 at their o3n le#el8 to reflect on aspects of their li#es8 to discuss moral and social issues and to eApress 3ith confidence their understanding of right and 3rong and their sense of 7ustice. .upils learn to listen to others8 to be tolerant of other #ie3points and to respect fello3 pupils.&
=%@ST5) 2eport8 Canberra .rimary School8 para 1**8 1++2>

In their guidance notes on Social Inclusion; .upil Support8 the )f55 =no3 )f5S> included the follo3ing statement;

GSupporting beha#iour management; ... The 4hole School Duality Circle Time $odel ... can help impro#e and maintain high standards of beha#iour and discipline.& =Circular no. 1*<++8 page -8 para. 2.18 1+++>

The aims of a whole school positive behaviour approach are:

1. To promote teaching and learning. 2. To enhance the pupils& selfCesteem8 and encourage selfCrespect and respect for others. 3. To encourage pupils to de#elop their independence through becoming responsible for their o3n beha#iour8 and achie#ing self discipline and selfC control. . To de#elop interpersonal skills 3hich facilitate coCoperation 3ith others8 problemCsol#ing and rational conflictCresolution skills.

These aims contribute to:

1. 5ducational achie#ement 2. 5motional security 3. .ersonal gro3th . $oral de#elopment ,. Socialisation

It is important to remember that all members of staff need to be involved in policy making.
A policy is an agreed course of action8 and in the case of beha#iour policy spells out 3hat conditions are re9uired for teaching and learning to take place8 ho3 teachers might set these conditions up and 3hat resources8 skills and management techni9ues they need to kno3.

In a consistent and well-maintained positive behavioural policy all adults need to:
1. .ositi#ely promote good beha#iour. 2. "e clear 3ith the children 3hat they can and cannot do =rules>. 3. Constantly recognise those children 3ho keep the rules =i.e. a balanced combination of re3ards and punishment>. . .lan to deal 3ith un3anted beha#iour in a manner that is likely to reduce the beha#iour recurring =i.e. don&t re3ard children for bad beha#iour>. ,. /et e#eryone kno3 there are rules and make it in e#eryone&s interest to keep them ! children8 teachers8 ancillary 3orkers8 parents8 go#ernors.

The Elton Report

Although 3ritten o#er a decade ago8 the 5lton 2eport8 Discipline in Schools =:$S% 1+0+> is an eAtremely important document. It made recommendations about actions Gaimed at securing the orderly atmosphere necessary in order for effecti#e teaching and learning to take place&. 5lton&s findings support the #ie3 that teachers are beaten do3n8 not Gbeaten up& =as the press 3ould ha#e us belie#e> by constantly dealing 3ith Grelati#ely tri#ial but persistent misbeha#iour&. The report s findings identify !" indicators of a #good school . 1ood schools; 1. ha#e a positi#e atmosphere based on a sense of community and shared #alues. 2. ha#e a headteacher and senior management 3ho take the lead in plans for good beha#iour. 3. :a#e a Code of Conduct and #alues represented in formal<informal curricula 3hich reinforce one another. . :a#e a high degree of consensus about the standards of beha#iour among staff8 pupils and parents. ,. :a#e clear guidance for staff8 parents and pupils about standards and ho3 to uphold them. ?. 2ecognise good beha#iour and consistently praise it. -. )eal 3ith bad beha#iour. 0. :a#e 3ays of ensuring that the punishment fits the deed and is fairly and consistently applied. +. :a#e a sense of collecti#e responsibility led by a headteacher 3ho promotes this in staff and pupils. 1*. 4ork as a team to de#elop 3hole school approaches to promote good beha#iour. 11. 5Aamine carefully content and deli#ery of curriculum8 and moti#ation of less able pupils in particular. 12. .romote mutual respect8 selfCdiscipline and social responsibility. 13. Hie3 pastoral care as a #ital ingredient in the total educational eAperience of the child and use support agencies effecti#ely. 1 . Take pride in school buildings. 1,. :a#e effecti#e 3ays of communicating 3ith parents.

The Circle $pproach as a practical response to the Elton Report

Circle Time meetings take place 3eekly and last bet3een 2* and ,* minutes according to the pupils& age and their ability to concentrate. The circle approach in#ol#es the 3hole class group =3*I> and the teacher sitting in a circle.

The teacher&s task is to present a programme of circle acti#ities that 3ill most effecti#ely challenge and moti#ate the class group to share in the aim of promoting more positi#e relationships. Eou can choose acti#ities from a 3ide range of coCoperati#e games8 rounds8 drama strategies8 talking and listening eAercises8 puppet and mask acti#ities8 according to the ages and abilities and needs of that particular class group.

Through these acti#ities and their subse9uent discussion children are encouraged to de#elop emotional literacy8 think more about their o3n beha#iour and its effect on others8 and share in the responsibility for creating a better learning and caring atmosphere. @or eAample8 being called names upsets children. )uring circle sessions8 if they are kept emotionally Gsafe&8 some children may take the opportunity to talk about the misery this nameCcalling causes them. %ne child8 3hose surname 3as )yer8 3as constantly called Gdiarrhoea&8 another child8 Adrian8 3as continually taunted 3ith the name GAids&.

4hen moti#ated through the Duality Circle Time approach to think about solutions to the problems that their beha#iour causes themsel#es and their peers8 children can de#ise many in#enti#e systems to help foster their aims. %ne class decided that they talked far too much and conse9uently 3ere not 3orking as they 3ould like. They arri#ed at the solution of making Gdo not disturb& signs 3hich they could put on their tables to signify the times they 3anted to concentrate and remain undisturbed.

%ne class and Gtheir& troubled child 3orked 7ointly on an action plan 3ith certain beha#ioural targets that had to be reached by that childJ if he achie#ed these then they agreed to let him play football 3ith them. G:elp each other be good& became one of their class rules.

Children&s o3n 3ritten comments8 ho3e#er8 certainly reflect their appreciation of the benefits. They say that circle time helps 3ith !

Their ans3ers reflect an ackno3ledgement that they are beginning to think about their beha#iour and their interpersonal relationships and to feel more confident about their o3n role in being able to change these situations. These pupils 3ere being encouraged to3ards a sense of feeling part of a group.

Teachers& e#aluations reflect that they no3 understand the point of regularly using the circle approach 3ith their classes. Included belo3 are a range of comments in response to the 9uestion; G:a#ing taken part in this circle programme8 3hat #alue do you think this Circle Time approach may ha#e for the participantsK&

If you don t boost self-esteem it will lead to:

Stereotyping or /abelling

2einforced Stereotypes
C for self C for others

.oor Image
C of self C attributed by others

.oor G.erformance& or Skills

/o3 5Apectations
C of self C by others

@e3er %pportunities

%E&$TI'E $%( C)*)+$TI'E C,C+E


-hy we believe .uality Circle Time is beneficial

Rationale Duality Circle Time affords the opportunity for the teacher and class to communicate 3ith each other about issues 3hich promote selfCesteem and positi#e beha#iour. .uality Circle Time aims to develop: 1. The #alue and selfCconfidence of each child 2. Specific beha#iours 3hich sho3 caring and respect to3ards each other =e.g. Gdo be kind 3hen others make mistakes&>. 3. The establishment8 in an en7oyable and constructi#e 3ay8 of classroom routines that are necessary for 9uality teaching and learning. . A climate of good relationships bet3een teacher and children and child to child. ,. A 3ay of meeting children&s needs 3ith regard to impro#ing their beha#iour8 rather than saying G4hat they deser#e is L& ?. Talking and listening skills in a 3ay that helps such skills transfer across the curriculum. -. A sense of responsibility for one&s o3n beha#iour and actions. 0. An en#ironment that is nonCthreatening 3here teachers and pupils can eApress themsel#es and listen to each other.


The follo!ing material has een produced y some of the teachers of "oly Cross Boys #rimary $chool% Belfast&

/etting up .uality Circle Time 0 essential prere1uisites

Sitting in a circle ! eye contact 5stablishing ground rules8 e.g. hands up Taking turns Allo3ing children to Gpass& Haluing all contributions ! no putCdo3ns Al3ays praising ! #ery positi#e /o3 teacher profile Al3ays ending session on a positi#e note $aking it fun ! lightChearted

1. :a#e class sitting in a circle =preferably on chairs and in their o3n classroom en#ironment>. 2. Teacher is a participating member of the circle and8 although directing acti#ities8 abides by the Grules& of the circle. 3. 5nsure Circle Time is not interrupted as it should be G9uality& time 3ith the group. A good idea is to use the G)o 'ot )isturb& sign outside the classroom door ! a sample is included in this booklet. . :a#e your lesson plan carefully thought out in ad#ance and ha#e ready for use a Gconch& or talking ob7ect for rounds =held by the person speaking>8 musical instruments8 music cards8 story ideas etc. ,. Try to ha#e Duality Circle Time as a regular part of your classroom acti#ity8 i.e. at a regular and set time so that children see it as an important part of their school 3eek.


+E//3%/ 43R 5E, /T$&E ! 6,ear group !7

+esson !
Introduction Class and teacher agree ground rules. 5Aamples; :ands up /ook at person 3ho is speaking Take turns to speak /isten 3ell 'o putCdo3ns $ctivity ! 1eneral participation games8 e.g. passing on smile ! teacher looks at neAt child to pass on a smile. 1. .ass on rain8 i.e. hands raised up and do3n8 fingers 3iggling ! touch neAt child to pass it on. 2. .ass on thunder i.e. stamping on floor ! touch to pass it on. /istening ! point to ears > Thinking ! point to head > 1et class to follo3 teacher&s /ooking ! point to eyes > actions Concentrating ! fold arms > $ctivity 8 $usical 2ound; $usical instrument ! try to pass around silently ! e.g. tambourine8 bells. $ctivity 9 G"ag of S3eets& 1ame; Teacher says GImagine you ha#e a 3onderful bag of s3eets on your knees. Think of 3hat you ha#e8 e.g. is it Smarties8 7elly babies etc. 'o3 you&re going to share it 3ith the person neAt to you.& Then e#eryone stands up and offers s3eets to others ! don&t forget to thank people. Choose certain children. $ctivity : GTalking Ted& =GConch strategy& using small teddy or any special item as talking ob7ect>; 5ach child has the opportunity to speak or pass. Simply stand and say name or Gpass& and pass ob7ect to neAt boy<girl. G$y name is ... and I like ... s3eets.& 4inal $ctivity 0 Evaluation 5ach child has the opportunity to say 3hat they liked best about today&s circle timeJ =use Ghands up& or conch strategy>.


+esson 8
Introduction ! 2ule reminder < 5stablish rules $ctivity ! Simple number or 3ord games ! general participation; Children are standing. They say 18 28 18 28 18 2 around the circle. Any child 3ho gets it 3rong sits do3n. Continue until all children are seated or you think the children are losing interest. $ctivity 8 5Aperiencing silence ! sit 9uietly8 be #ery still. 'o3 pass an ob7ect round 3ithout a sound8 e.g. keys8 bells8 tambourine. See ho3 9uietly the children can do this. $ctivity 9 G@ruit "asket& 1ame; Children are named oranges or apples. %ranges change seats 3hen teacher calls G%ranges&8 apples change seats 3hen he<she calls GApples&. =@ruit basket ! all change ! add later8 if class are competent>. $odification for younger children ! Goranges& are gi#en an orangeCcoloured item such as building block8 Gapples& are gi#en a green one8 as constant reminder of 3hat they are =or coloured dots on their 7umpers>. $ctivity : GTalking Ted& 2ound; .ass Ted round circleJ teacher begins by saying; GI like ...& e.g. TH programme8 food. GI don&t like ...& 5ach child takes a turn ! remember to allo3 a child to say G.ass&. 4inal $ctivity .ass the S9ueeMe; Children and teacher hold hands around the circle. The teacher gently s9ueeMes the hand of the child on his<her left8 3ho then s9ueeMes the hand of the child on his<her left and so on until the Gs9ueeMe& has passed round the circle and back to the teacher.


+esson 9
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! 1ames of G@ollo3 the /eader&; Teacher does action 3hile class copy8 e.g. teacher claps8 child follo3s. Clap hands8 touch knees etc. .rogress to child being leader 3hen class feel competent. $ctivity 8 a. /istening ! Children sit 3ith eyes closed8 teacher has instrument. Teacher uses musical instrument8 then stops. Children put up hands 3hen sounds disappears. b. .rogress rhyme such as ! =1> G:ead8 shoulders8 knees and toes&8 then G:ead8 shoulders8 knees and L& =2> GThere 3as a farmer had a dog8 and "ingo 3as his name oh8 "CIC'C1C%8 "CIC'C1C%8 "CIC'C1C% and "ingo 3as his name oh& ! lea#e out letters in order8 e.g. "CIC' ...8 replacing them 3ith silence. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& 2ound; 2ound begins ! GI feel happy 3hen ...& =child can pass>. Children 3ho pass should be gi#en another opportunity to speak at conclusion but should only speak 3hen they are holding Ted < the conch. $ctivity : Acti#ity 1ame; e.g. Children standing inside circle. %ne clap ! 3alk. T3o claps ! stop. Three claps ! 3alk on spot. Teacher is leader initiallyJ e#entually child could do clapping. 4inal $ctivity 0 Evaluation Any child can put their hand up to say 3hat they liked best about today&s circle time ! or 3hat they didn&t like.


+esson :
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! a. b. 1ame of GSimon Says& ! eAplain do Gthis&8 do Gthat& only 3hen Simon Says. /istening! point to ears > Thinking ! point to head > Children copy teacher /ooking ! point to eyes > 3hile repeating 3ords 4ell done ! fold arms >

$ctivity 8 /ooking and /istening 1ame; Collection of three instruments8 e.g. tambourine8 bells8 cymbals. Chosen boys<girls =by eye contact8 touch or holding conch> to pick up instruments 9uietly and pass three around simultaneously =begin 3ith one8 then t3o8 then three instruments>. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& 2ound; Introduction by teacher using a short story about the eAperience of an imaginary child. G)aniel has started a ne3 school. It is his first day in the playground at lunchtime. :e 3atches all the other children playing happily together. 'one of the children ha#e talked to )aniel or in#ited him to 7oin in their games. :e feels #ery lonely and sad. & "egin a round 3ith GI feel sad 3hen ...&. Those 3ho pass may be allo3ed a turn at the end of the round. $ctivity : 1ame of GStatues&; Children 3alk round to beat of instrument8 e.g. drum. @reeMe 3hen beat stops. 4inal $ctivity Statues slo3ly melt onto the ground.


+esson "
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! 2ound 1ame; Teacher begins by saying GI am sitting beside ...& =gi#ing neAt child&s name>. 'eAt child speaks so that the phrase is mo#ing round the circle from the teacher. Then<or G$y friend is ...& =gi#ing neAt child&s name>. $ctivity 8 $usical 1ame; $o#ing to simple beat8 e.g. drum or tambourine. :ea#y steps8 fast steps8 light steps8 slo3 steps ! echoing appropriate beat. Instrument stops8 then children stop. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& 2ound; Teacher tells a story about t3o friends. Amit and (osh are good friends. They spend all their spare time together. They like to cycle8 play on their skateboards or challenge each other at computer games. Amit and (osh al3ays try to be considerate and helpful to one another and to share both good and bad things. GThat&s 3hat friends are for8& they say. 2ound begins !GI can make my friend happy by ...& =children may say Gpass&>. $ctivity : Imagination 1ame ! GThe $agic 4and&; Teacher has a magic 3and8 3a#es it and says GEou are all elephants< mice< rabbits& etc. Children pretend by doing actions inside the circle. .ass 3and to child to try. 4inal $ctivity All hold hands around the circle. %n the count of three8 all raise hands in air and say together8 GIt&s good to ha#e friendsN&


+esson ;
Introduction 0 5stablish < 2e#ise 2ules etc. /isten 3ell :ands up Take turns to speak $ctivity ! 5Apression 1ame; Children co#er faces 3ith hands. Teacher says; 1 Smile 2 @ro3n =or look angry> 3 /augh =silently i.e. mime> Cry =silently i.e. mime> Children remo#e hands to re#eal appropriate eApression. .ass a smile around the circle. $ctivity 8 $usical Instruments 1ame; T3o different instruments8 e.g. Aylophone8 glockenspiel. T3o children in middle to play as they like. Then first child to sit do3n8 second child mo#es to first instrument and neAt child goes to free instrument. Teacher guides by calling out each change until e#eryone has had a turn. $ctivity 9 Cue 1ame; 5#eryone to change seats8 or put hands on head8 on cue. Teacher to talk to class about any sub7ect. Tell class that on hearing cue 3ord they must perform an action8 e.g. GI am going to talk about the 3eather8 e#ery time you hear the 3ord 2AI'8 put your hands on your head&. $ctivity : GTalking Ted& 2ound; Children to speak in turn 3hile holding Ted ! G$y teacher is ...& =name of teacher>J G$y room is room ...&J GI go to ... School& Start 3ith one statement8 progress o#er 3eeks to three statements. 4inal $ctivity All hold hands around the circle. %n the count of three8 all raise hands in air and say together8 G4e all like Circle TimeN& /ook at person 3ho is speaking Smile


+esson <
Introduction ! 5stablish rules etc /isten 3ell :ands up Take turns to speak /ook at person 3ho is speaking $ctivity ! @ollo3 the /eader; Simple game ! general participation. Children hum the same note. 4hen teacher raises hands they get louder8 3hen teacher lo3ers hands they get softer. 4hen teacher mo#es hands apart they stop. Hary speed of hand mo#ements. $ctivity 8 $aking Sounds =round or handsCup game>; Try to make noise 3ithout using anything other than chair or floor8 e.g. 1. $ake a loud noise 3ith hands ! go round circle ! praise any no#el ideas. 2. $ake a soft sound 3ith feet. $ctivity 9 CueCcard 1ame; Teacher has t3o cards8 one red8 one black. Children to stand in circle. 4hen sho3n red card8 march around noisily. 4hen sho3n black card8 tiptoe round. Children must 3atch carefully as cards are changed 3ithout 3arning. Children 3ho miss change of card sit do3n. $ctivity : GTalking Ted& 2ound; Children to speak in turn 3hile holding Ted =or conch etc>. Can say G.ass&. GI like to be noisy<9uiet =make choice> because ...& 4inal $ctivity 0 Evaluation As /esson 3.


+esson =
Introduction ! 5stablish rules etc /isten 3ell :ands up ! Take turns to speak /ook at person 3ho is speaking 'o putCdo3ns 'o laughing at mistakes $ctivity ! Changing Seats 1ame; Simple game ! general participation. All stand. Teacher calls child&s name8 e.g. G$ary&8 and then changes places 3ith that child and sits do3n. $ary then calls name8 changes places and sits do3n. This continues until all children are seated. $ctivity 8 /istening 1ame; Teacher has selection of musical instruments in centre of the circle. Children close eyes and listen. Teacher makes a sound 3ith one instrument. Children put up hand if they kno3 3hich one made the sound. A child 3ho is correct then chooses and plays neAt instrument. $ctivity 9 Sound 1ame; Teacher makes animal sound and touches neAt child to pass it round the circle. 4hen the teacher says GStop&8 neAt child chooses ne3 animal sound and so on until he<she says stop and process goes on. =Teacher could gi#e<recei#e ideas beforehand>. $ctivity : GTalking Ted& 2ound; Teacher talks about Gpersonality traits& in the conteAt of ho3 3e think of different animals8 then begins a round8 GIf I 3ere an animal I 3ould be a ... because ...&. Children can say G.ass&. 4inal $ctivity 0 Evaluation G4hat I liked best about today&s Circle Time 3as L&


+esson >
Introduction ! 2ule reminder /isten 3ell :ands up Take turns to speak /ook at person 3ho is speaking $ctivity ! Action 1ame; Simple game of passing around the circle ! general participation. Teacher starts 3ith t3o actions =or one action if children find this difficult>8 e.g. 1. Clap hands8 stamp feet 2. Touch nose8 nod head .ass it on. $ctivity 8 $usical 2epetition 1ame; T3o drums in middle. Teacher beats drum up to four times8 then calls name of child 3ho copies. Then child calls another and he<she beats8 to be imitated by ne3 child8 continuing round class. Hariation ! someone beats drum8 e#eryone responds by either clapping or stamping same number of times. $ctivity 9 Imagination 1ame; Teacher says GEou ha#e a ne3 toy.& Stand up. GEou are going to let a friend play 3ith it.& @ind a friend8 s3ap toys8 tell them 3hat the toy is. )on&t forget to say thanks. Teacher says G"ack to your seat& and then children may tell 3hat they borro3ed. $ctivity : GTalking Ted& 2ound; Children think of a toy they 3ould like to gi#e to the child on their left. If someone elects to pass8 another child can #olunteer to take his<her turn as 3ell as their o3n. 4inal $ctivity 0 Evaluation As /esson 3.


+esson !?
Introduction ! 2ule reminder /isten 3ell :ands up Take turns to speak /ook at person 3ho is speaking $ctivity ! $ime; Simple game ! general participation. Teacher leads. $iming acti#ities in#ol#ed in going to school each morning ! 1. 4ake up ! rub eyes8 stretch8 ya3n 2. 4ash face and hands 3. 1et dressed . 5at breakfast ,. %ff to school All change seats. 2epeat. $ctivity 8 $usical $o#ement 1ame; Children standing. T3o instruments used. Children are light el#es =glockenspiel> or hea#y giants =drum>. $ust listen and respondJ stop 3hen teacher stops playing. /et child ha#e a turn 3ith the instruments to make the others become el#es or giants. $ctivity 9 GCaring 4ays& 1ame; Teacher tells a pretend story that the boy or girl beside you has fallen in the playground. 4hat 3ould you do<sayK In turn8 starting 3ith teacher as role model gi#ing e#idence of #erbal and physical sympathy =e.g. patting child Gthere8 there&>8 turn to neAt child and sho3 sympathy. .ass round circle. $ctivity : GTaking Ted& 2ound; Teacher begins by saying G4hen someone helps me I feel L& 4inal $ctivity 0 Evaluation As /esson 3.


+E//3%/ 43R 5E, /T$&E ! 6,ear group 87

+esson !
Introduction ! 5stablishing rules /isten 3ell ! =arms folded8 looking8 listening> ! praise. :ands up to ask a 9uestion ! praise only those 3ho remember to raise their hands. /ook at the person 3ho is speaking. $ctivity ! G.assingCon& 1ame =see page 13>; .assing on a smile ! change to rain. @irst child 3ill use his or her fingers to represent falling rain ! then pass it on to neAt and process continuesJ =teacher may go o#er 9uietly and demonstrate to any child ha#ing difficulty>. $ctivity 8 /istening 1ame; Teacher takes a chime bar and gi#es an instruction 3ith a sound ! hands up or touch knees ! children obey only 3hen they hear sound of chime bar and not the instruction on its o3n. Change mo#ement and repeat. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& 2ound =conch strategy ! see page 13>; Teacher begins round8 GI feel happy 3hen L& 5Aplain the right to say G.ass& but offer the conch<Ted back at end of each round. $ctivity : G"ag of S3eets& 1ame =see page 13>; %ffer a s3eet to your friends ! go around the class. 4inal $ctivity Teacher says8 GClose your eyes ! imagine you are eating your fa#ourite s3eet. Think of its taste and teAture in your mouth. Think ho3 much you are en7oying it.&


+esson 8
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! Action 1ame; )o actions ! thinking =hands on temples>8 listening =ears>8 looking =eyes>8 3ell done =arms folded>. Teacher leads by calling for actions ! children respond. $ctivity 8 /istening 1ame; /ike GSimon Says&. Teacher uses chime bar ! gi#es instructions but class obey only 3hen they hear three sounds. =The 3ords GSimon Says& are not spoken. These 3ords are represented by the three chime bar sounds.> $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; @irst brainstorm all the things that make the children feel sad. "egin round ! GI feel sad 3hen L& Teacher or #olunteer may begin round. $ctivity : G@ruit "asket& 1ame; Children are either oranges or lemons =teacher goes round and touches all oranges on shoulder8 then lemons>. 4hen calls out G%ranges& they change seats8 3hen G/emons&8 they change. %n the 3ords G@ruit "asket& e#eryone changes seats. 4inal $ctivity 0 Evaluation 2ound; GThe part I liked best today 3as L&


+esson 9
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! @ollo3 the /eader; @irst child makes any action ! passes it on. /ater the teacher eAplains that the action can be changed by another child but must be copied or changed again. =Eou 3ill find only the most confident children 3ill change the action at first8 3hile 9uieter ones 7ust copy>. $ctivity 8 /istening 1ame; .ick a child to take chime bar ! gi#e instruction for class to follo3 3hen they hear the sound8 i.e. class 3ill obey the instruction only if it is accompanied by the sound of the chime bar8 e.g. 3alking inside circle or tapping knees 3hile sitting on chair or floor. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; G$y fa#ourite animal is L& 2emember rule that allo3s child to say G.ass&. $ctivity : Imagination 1ame ! GThe $agic 4and& =see page 1->; Child takes magic 3and =can be a ruler> and changes a fe3 children into animal of his<her choice ! they imitate animal and then one takes 3and to repeat the process. 4inal $ctivity 2ound 1ame; /isten ! concentrate on sounds outside for t3o minutes. Tell one sound heard ! choose a child to begin round 3ith GI heard L&


+esson :
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! Action 1ame; Teacher names children 1 to around the circle and allocates an action to each number. 4hen he<she calls e.g. ! e#ery fourth child around the circle stands up and performs action =e.g.hop on the spot> etc. Teacher then calls another number. Can alternate 3hat each number does by gi#ing simple instructions. $ctivity 8 /istening 1ame; :a#e selection of instruments in the middle of the circle ! teacher 3inks at a child 3ho creeps out 9uietly ! takes an instrument and returns to his<her place in silence8 then 3inks to another child etc. If the child makes a noise 3ith the instrument he or she has to lea#e it back in the circle. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; "egin GI 3ish I 3as L& =e.g. a fa#ourite place8 a famous person>. $ctivity : G@ollo3 the /eader& 1ame =using sound>; $arching around circle ! teacher uses a drum ! %ne beat e9uals walk T3o beats e9uals stop Three beats e9uals walking on the spot Teacher may allo3 a child to use the drum 3hile he<she 7oins in 4inal $ctivity Close eyes ! relaA ! think of something happy. )o a round and tell us your happy thought. =Fse conch or other talking ob7ect and remember to allo3 child to say G.ass&. %ffer those 3ho passed a turn at the end.>


+esson "
Introduction 0 2ule reminder $ctivity ! .assingCon 4ord 1ame; Someone starts Gcar& going round circle by saying GMoom& and looking to child on right. 4ord and action passed round 9uickly till someone =can be teacher at first> says Geek& to change direction8 then the Moom sound goes round the other 3ay. $ctivity 8 $usical =/istening> 1ame; Instruments in the centre. Teacher has notation cards colourCcoded red for loud8 black for soft. Child gets a 3ink ! picks up an instrument 9uietly and plays the number of notes on the card 3hich is held by the teacher. 2emember to encourage the child to play loud or soft according to colour code. =If you do not think your class are familiar 3ith musical notes then 7ust use numbers or dots>. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; GIf I 3ere a magician I 3ould L& =think of something good to Gmagic& for the other children to en7oy.> 2emember rule about passing. $ctivity : G@ollo3 the Sound&; Fse a drum to make a choice of sounds ! soft<loud or 9uick<slo3 etc. Children march according to sound8 i.e. tiptoeing 9uickly or plodding slo3ly according to the instruction from the drum. Teacher eAplains the mo#ement that should follo3 the sound. 4inal $ctivity GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; "egin G4hat I like about Circle Time is ...&


+esson ;

Introduction ! 5stablish < re#ise rules /isten 3ell :ands up ! 3ait your turn /ook at person 3ho is speaking 'o laughing ! no putCdo3ns. $ctivity ! GSimon Says& =see page 1?>. $ctivity 8 Sound 1ame; Choose a child to take a chime bar or tambourine etc. Children must respond to two sounds this time8 not one8 i.e. one sound ! no response8 t3o sounds ! 3alk8 stamp8 clap etc. =Teacher says 3hich mo#ement children should make and 3hen to change the mo#ement>. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; Teacher talks about dreams. "egin round8 GA dream I had 3as L& $ctivity : GThe $agic 4and&; Child takes magic 3and ! changes whole circle into an animal8 e.g. pig. All get into centre and imitate that animal ! then change. 4inal $ctivity /istening and Telling 2ound; Sit do3n8 close eyes ! listen to sounds outside classroom ! do a round to tell us 3hat you heard. Teacher may begin GI heard a bird& then pass conch ob7ect to neAt child etc. 2emember to offer children 3ho pass another turn at the end of the round.


+esson <
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! .assingCon Sounds; .ass on a sound8 e.g. animal noise < 3eather noise. Any child can change sound but circle must keep passing it on. $ctivity 8 Sound 1ame; 2epeat /esson ?8 Acti#ity 2 from this section; i.e. chime bar ! t3o sounds ! respond to an instruction only 3hen accompanied by two sounds from chime bar. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; "egin GThe best day in my life 3as 3hen L& $ctivity : @ruit "asket 1ame; 2epeat /esson 28 Acti#ity from this section; i.e. children are named as oranges and lemons. Call G%ranges& ! oranges change seats8 G/emons& ! lemons change seats8 G@ruit "asket& ! all change seats. 4inal $ctivity GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; Teacher says G5yes closed8 imagine you are on a beach ! sun shining ! tell us 3hat you see<hear&. "egin GI could see ...& or GI could hear ...&


+esson =
Introduction ! 2eCestablish Circle Time rules $ctivity ! Ooom 1ame; 2epeat /esson ,8 Acti#ity 1 in this section. GOoom& passed on #ery 9uickly ! any child can change it to GmooM& ! 3hereby it changes direction and goes back. $ctivity 8 /istening 1ame; 2epeat /esson 8 Acti#ity 2 in this section; i.e. ha#e a selection of instruments in the middle of the circle. Teacher 3inks at a child 3ho creeps out 9uietly and takes an instrument and returns to his<her place in silence. :a#ing returned8 the child 3inks to another child 3ho then carries out a similar process =this has already lo3ered teacher profile>. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; Teacher talks about magic and making 3ishes etc. G4hat 3ould you do if you 3ere a magician for a dayK& 5ach child chooses one thing to say. "egin GI 3ould L& $ctivity : Treasure :unt < %bstacle 1ame; Teacher chooses a child as G1uardian& to sit on chair in middle of circle8 3earing a blindfold. Teacher puts keys =treasure> under chair and places obstacles in circle. Child must climb obstacles and retrie#e treasure in silence ! G1uardian& must catch him<her =by pointing to 3here the sound is coming from>. If the 1uardian succeeds then he<she can choose the neAt 1uardian of the Treasure. 4inal $ctivity .lay a piece of music 3hile children sit in silence8 eyes closed. Teacher says GThink of 3hat you see in your mind&s eye.& Children put up hands to tell 3hat they sa3.


+esson >
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! 5Apression 1ame =see page 10>; Children co#er face 3ith hands ! teacher describes something 3hich could ha#e happened to them =happy<sad> ! take a3ay hands and sho3 eApression ! then change. $ctivity 8 2epeat /esson 08 Acti#ity 2 in this section. $ctivity 9 GTalking Ted& or Conch 2ound; Teacher talks about 3hen the children 3ere babies8 toddlers etc. "egin G4hen I 3as small I al3ays used to L& $ctivity : GThe $agic 4and&; Child points to another 3ith the 3and ! that child goes into the centre and mimes action of an animal ! rest must guess 3hat he<she is = hands up>. Child 3ho guesses correctly can ha#e the 3and. 4inal $ctivity GSharing S3eets& Imagination 1ame; Imagine a bag of s3eets ! describe 3hat it is. .ick a child ! not a friend ! someone you don&t normally talk to ! and offer them a s3eet. 2emember to say thank you. Continue inside circle until teacher says GStop&.


+esson !?
Introduction ! 2ule reminder $ctivity ! @inish a Story =Conch 2ound>; Teacher begins story !GThe "roken Cup&. Sean asks mum can he in#ite his friends for a garden party ! yes8 you can8 but don&t use any of my good cups ! he agrees ! takes old cups out of the garage ! mother gi#es lemonade ! pretend tea ! friends come ! he pours ! each ha#e a cup ! eAcept himself so he looks through kitchen 3indo3 at ne3 cups. 4hat did he doK "egin GSean L& $ctivity 8 $usical =/istening> 1ame; See /esson ,8 Acti#ity 2 in this section. Instruments are in the centre of the circle. Teacher has notation cards8 colourCcoded red for loud8 green for soft. The teacher 3inks at one child 3ho picks up an instrument 9uietly and plays the number of notes on the card. 2emember again to encourage the playing of loud and soft according to colourCcode. The child goes back to his place and he 3inks at another child 3ho carries out the same process. $ctivity 9 2ound; Teacher asks class if they sometimes 3orry. )iscuss. "egin GSometimes I 3orry about ...& $ctivity : "all 1ame ! G@ollo3 the Teacher&; 1i#e a bouncing ball to each person in circle. Teacher begins by bouncing the ball ! nods at a child 3ho imitates teacher at same pace ! 3atch teacher ! child stops 3hen the teacher stops. This can be done 3ith 3hole group. 4inal $ctivity $usic 2ound; .lay music ! listen ! is it happy<sadK 4hat do you feelK =Teacher should choose a piece of music carefully for this acti#ity>. "egin round GI felt sad<happy ...& .ass conch.


+E//3%/ 43R 5E, /T$&E 8

+esson !
Introduction ! 5stablish rules :ands up /isten 3ell /ook at speaker %nly speak 3hen conch < talking ob7ect is 3ith you 'o laughing at others 'o putCdo3ns

$ctivity ! Treasure :unt =see page 3*>; .ut chair in middle of circle 3ith Gtreasure& =something that rattles e.g. keys> underneath. .ut a couple of obstacles to climb o#er8 e.g. bin is a bear pit8 book is a rock. G1uardian& sits on chair 3earing a blindfold. Total silence in group. Child to Gsteal& treasure 3ithout 1uardian hearing. If successful he<she picks that child to go neAt as 1uardian. 2epeat.

$ctivity 8 GSimple Simon& Chime "ar& 1ame; Similar to Simple Simon eAcept children obey rules only if chime bar is hit8 i.e. say Gsit do3n& ! no response8 say G sit do3n& and hit chime bar ! children sit do3n.

$ctivity 9 Conch 2ound; )iscussion of rules. GConch& is chosen =something #aluable like an ornament>8 person speaks only 3hen holding conch ! ability to say G.ass& is allo3ed.

4inal $ctivity "reathing eAercises to end on 9uiet8 settled note8 i.e. siA deep breaths inhaling and eApelling air. @inish lesson.


+esson 8
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! G$agic 4ink& 1ame; Class sitting 9uietly in circle8 arms folded. Teacher picks one child to be in middle. Another child from circle is magician ! he<she 3inks at child 3ho falls on floor asleep ! child in middle must guess 3ho magician is.

$ctivity 8 Sound 1ame; )iscrimination of sounds. Three children pick different instruments and the rest of the group close eyes. Instruments are hit and children must guess 3hat instrument is being playedJ =important that they raise hands8 no shouting out>. Teacher can 3ink at the child he<she 3ants to play instrument.

$ctivity 9 Conch 2ound; )iscussion of G$y 3orst habit& ! again conch passed around8 pupils in circle decide 3ho 3ill speak neAt by hands up. 5stablish rule of no laughing and no putCdo3ns and praise those 3ho are honest.

4inal $ctivity /ie on floor ! listen to music ! children think about 3hat feelings it e#okes. @inish.


+esson 9
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! G:unter and :unted& 1ame; Children stand around circle. Teacher chooses t3o children8 one 3ears a blindfold and is hunter8 other is 9uarry8 both inside the circle =absolute silence>. :unter tries to catch prey by sound of feet mo#ing ! if he<she goes to edge of circle8 other children gently direct him<her back into middle. Change children.

$ctivity 8 $o#ement to Sound; Children stand in middle of circle and mo#e on spot to beat of bouncing ball8 drum or similar. Important they find their o3n spot8 no bumping into one another.

$ctivity 9 Conch 2ound; Teacher talks about 3hat makes us upset or annoyed. "egin round8 G%ne thing that really annoys me is L&. Again conch is passed around ! children allo3ed to say G.ass& ! no laughing8 no putCdo3ns. %ffer those 3ho pass a chance to speak at the end of the round.

4inal $ctivity Children stand in sno3man pose and imagine the sun shining on them. They slo3ly melt until they are Gpuddles& on the floor. A 9uiet acti#ity designed to 3ind children do3n.


+esson :
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! G@ollo3 the Teacher& 1ame; Simon Says ! teacher gi#es instructions8 children follo3 only 3hen teacher prefiAes 3ith GSimon Says&.

$ctivity 8 $usical Instrument 1ame; Children in circle are gi#en different instruments and follo3 beat of the leader. =The leader does not ha#e to be the teacher>.

$ctivity 9 Conch 2ound; Teacher talks about things 3e say<do to hurt others ! people 3e 3ould like to say sorry toJ =be careful here8 children tend to force the issue8 i.e. make up reasons to apologise>. This is a good acti#ity after some ma7or problem in class ! fights etc. "egin 3ith #olunteer 3ho says GI 3ould like to say sorry to L& .ass conch to any other #olunteerJ n.b. get child to look at the person and say their name 3hen they are saying sorry.

4inal $ctivity /isten to sounds outside room for one minute 3ith eyes closed.


+esson "
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! G@ruit "asket& 1ame; Children sit on chairs8 one child stands in the middle. Children are labelled oranges or lemons. Child in middle calls out either oranges or lemons and those called change places 3hile child in middle tries to get a seat. 4hen successful8 child from middle takes on identity of child he<she is replacing. 'o pushing or sho#ing or fighting o#er seats.

$ctivity 8 $usical =/istening> 1ame =see page 2->; Children gi#en cards 3ith blobs8 dots8 notes8 numbers etc8 red for loud or black for soft. Child gets a 3ink8 picks up an instrument and plays number of notes on card 3hich they ha#e. 2emember to encourage children to play soft or loud according to card.

$ctivity 9 Conch 2ound; Teacher talks about 3hat should happen 3hen rules are broken. "egin round asking 3hat sanctions should school ha#eK 1et children&s suggestions. Fse conch8 hands up8 no laughing8 shouting or criticising. .raise good suggestions. Allo3 child to say G.ass&.

4inal $ctivity Children form a line based on different characteristics8 e.g. biggest to smallest. )o this 9uietly and 3ithout rushing. Teacher may super#ise closely. Teacher talks to children about 3ays in 3hich 3e are all the same. Children put hands up to offer suggestions.


+esson ;
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! G/ighthouse and 2ocks& 1ame; Choose a lighthouse ! gi#e him<her a tambourine or drum 3ith 3hich he<she makes an infre9uent sound. Choose a ship ! the captain 3ears a blindfold ! rest of group spread around floor as rocks ! captain has to steer around rocks to lighthouse ! rocks clap 3hen he gets near.

$ctivity 8 Spot the pupil; Teacher of group relates a lot of information about someone in group ! children guess 3ho is being discussed. 2emember Hands Up.

$ctivity 9 Things 4e /ike =Conch 2ound>; )iscussion on 3hat makes us feel good8 e.g. GI like it 3hen L& Conch passed around ! no laughing at each other.

4inal $ctivity 2hythms and "eats; Duestion and ans3ering session. /eader beats out a rhythm =clapping> 3hich children echo. Children can also #olunteer to lead clapping.


+esson <
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! $antle of the 5Apert ! imagination game; /eader is chosen from group ! he<she has been in#ited to a special school for 3itches and 3iMards because he<she has in#ented a ne3 spellJ a special one that no one else thought of. :e<she has to describe it. T3o or three children take turns to tell story ! #olunteers only.

$ctivity 8 $usical 1ame; .lace four instruments in middle8 e.g. chime bars. /eader has a chime bar ! four pupils in middle numbered 1C . /eader plays his<her chime bar =any rhythm> ! child number copies this then goes to his<her seat. 'umber 3 mo#es to 8 2 to 38 1 to 28 ne3 child is number 1. They all repeat tune. Continue until all ha#e had a go.

$ctivity 9 Conch 2ound; )iscussion on their fa#ourite parts of school8 ! sub7ects8 interests etc. "egin GIn school I like L&

4inal $ctivity Children sit 9uietly 3ith eyes closed. Teacher plays chime bar or cassette tape of gentle music8 and only 3hen sound dies a3ay do children open eyes. 2epeat.


+esson =
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! .oints of Contact 1ame; Children pass Gbody parts& around the circle8 i.e. elbo3 to elbo38 knee to knee. 5nd by passing a smile.

$ctivity 8 $o#ement to Sound; Children all stand in middle8 teacher blo3s 3histle ! one short blo3 means 3alk ! one long blo3 means run on the spot ! t3o short blo3s mean hop ! t3o long blo3s mean 3alk back3ards ! no touching8 bumping etc.

$ctivity 9 @eelings; Teacher makes a facial eApression e.g. sad8 happy8 3orried. Children guess or teacher identifies feelings that children 3ill discuss8 such as 3orry8 en#yJ e.g. GI 3orry 3hen L&8 GI am sad 3hen L&8 GI hate it 3hen L& Again no laughing or criticising.

4inal $ctivity .lay some fairy music on glockenspiel or a cassette tape of suitable music. Children tiptoe 9uietly inside circle. 4hen music stops children must freeze.


+esson >
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! "uMM 1ame; Children number around in circle ! 1 C 2 C 3 C buMM8 , C ? C - C buMM =i.e. mustn&t say multiples of >. 4hoe#er misses buMM is out. Hery good for learning tables.

$ctivity 8 $usical Statues; Tambourine is 7ingled ! children run on spot ! if it&s hit they stop. =.rogress to running around in circle 3ithout touching.>

$ctivity 9 @inish the Story; Teacher tells story of marbles. T3o children8 .aul and (ohn8 started 3ith ten marbles each ! .aul lost all his to (ohn ! he 3as lonely8 he thought about going home ! (ohn no3 had t3enty marbles. 4hat happened neAtK .ass conch8 teacher comments on positi#e endings. "egin GI think (ohn<.aul L& Allo3 to say G.ass&.

4inal $ctivity Stand up8 close eyes tight8 you are a block of ice. Teacher impro#ises story about being 3ashed up on a beach and melting ! lie absolutely still until teacher claps hands ! then stand up 9uietly.


+esson !?
Introduction ! 2ule reminder

$ctivity ! Charades; Teacher picks child to mime acti#ities of particular 7obs ! teacher goes first miming postman ! child 3ho guesses right mimes neAt. =1ood idea to ha#e a list of 7obs to choose from.>

$ctivity 8 $aking Sounds; Fse the 4ind .oem on the neAt page.

$ctivity 9 Conch 2ound; The 3orld 3ould be a better place if e#eryone L ! children discuss their opinions. "egin GI think the 3orld 3ould be better if L& 'o putCdo3ns. Allo3 children 3ho pass a chance to go at the end.

4inal $ctivity @ollo3 the Teacher; Teacher makes some simple mo#ements ! children follo3 ! tapping knee and touching head etc.


The Wind
#oem !ith 'ocal and other sounds or instruments

The wind has lots of noises

(spoken words only) ( ocal sounds on each line! appropriate to the words)

it sniffs
it puffs it whines, it rumbles like an o ean throu!h "unipers and pines# $t whispers in the windows it howls it sin!s,

(drums or drummin" hands)

( ocal sounds on each line! appropriate to the words)

(spoken words only)

it hums, it tells %ou &er% plainl% e&er% time it omes#

#his "i es an e$ample of how sounds can be used with the poem% Decide on your own instruments&sounds%


TR$I%I%& $%( RE/3)RCE/ Training for your staff

The (enny $osley Consultancies can pro#ide 3ellCtrained consultants8 eAperienced in all aspects of the 4hole School Duality Circle Time $odel8 3ho 3ill #isit your school to run courses and 3orkshops for teachers and support staff. Try our key introductory course for primary and secondary schools on the -hole /chool .uality Circle Time *odel; %n a Closure =I'S5T> day8 all staff8 teachers8 lunchtime super#isors8 ancillary and administration staff are in#ited to participate in a day that focuses on all aspects of the model8 including teamCbuilding8 de#eloping positi#e ethos and #aluing indi#iduals. %n a 4orking In School day8 the school does not close and the Duality Circle Time approach is demonstrated 3ith 3hole groups of pupils obser#ed by a range of staff. In addition8 Circle Time meetings can be held for lunchtime super#isors and an action plan for the school is dra3n up 3ith key members of staff. The Top Halue %ption =discounted price> is to book both the abo#e plus a follo3C up day for e#aluation and ad#ice.

3ther courses for schools

The follo3ing are eAamples of courses offered by our team of highly 9ualified and eAperienced consultants8 a#ailable in similar format to the abo#e; :appier /unchtimes Assessing the effecti#eness of your selfCesteem8 antiCbullying and positi#e beha#iour policies )e#eloping peer mediation )e#eloping .S:58 CitiMenship and emotional literacy policies through Duality Circle Time 2eCenergising your circle time policies 3ith 'uality ideas Children beyond ! 3hat more can 3e doK In#ol#ing e#eryone in Duality Circle Time

$ccredited@ specialist trainers onlyA

%ur research and eAperience re#eal that the 4hole School Duality Circle Time $odel can become diluted or #ulnerable 3hen people 3ho ha#e ne#er attended one of our inCdepth courses offer training based on our model. (enny $osley holds 3eek long inCdepth courses nationally and then a3ards accompanying certificates. 4or details of all the above@ contact the 2roBect *anager by any of the means listed on page :=. $ list of accredited trainers is available.

Cooks@ Catalogues and 3ther Resources available from 2ositive 2ress

20a 1loucester 2oad8 Tro3bridge8 4iltshire "A1 *AA 5ngland. Tel; *122, -1+2* 5mail;

Turn ,our /chool Round by (enny $osley Comprehensi#e management manual for the 3hole school community to de#elop positi#e relationships through circle time. =/)A> .uality Circle Time in the 2rimary Classroom by (enny $osley 5ssential guide to enhancing selfCesteem and selfCdiscipline8 for teachers 3ishing to put the 4hole School Circle Time model into their classrooms8 3ith hundreds of ideas and lesson plans. =/)A> *ore .uality Circle Time by (enny $osley )e#elops the application of the model in a se9uel to the abo#e. Includes tenCminute circle times for nursery children to practice specific skills. =/)A> Dere -e &o Round by (enny $osley P :elen Sonnet )elightfully illustrated book of Duality Circle Time acti#ity plans for the 5arly Eears in response to the DCA guidance document8 3ith sessions for each of the siA areas of learning. =.ositi#e .ress> 2hotocopiable *aterials for use with the Eenny *osley Circle Time *odel by (enny $osley Charts8 target sheets8 achie#ement ladders8 a3ards8 congratulations cards8 in#itations and much more. =.ositi#e .ress> The Circle Cook by (enny $osley Inspiring collection of responses to Duality Circle Time8 3ith feedback from teachers and children and great suggestions for games and acti#ities. =.ositi#e .ress> -orking Towards a -hole /chool 2olicy on /elf-Esteem and 2ositive Cehaviour by (enny $osley :o3 to 3rite and operate an effecti#e policy in#ol#ing teachers8 children8 parents8 $)SAs ! e#eryoneN 4ith background information and ideas based on schools& eAperience using the Duality Circle Time model. =.ositi#e .ress> Cridging the Circle: Transition through .uality Circle Time by Anne Co3ling and .enny Hine Thoughtful and effecti#e Circle Time lesson plans for years ? and - supporting the often intimidating transition from primary to secondary school. 4ith photocopiable resources. $ll Round /uccess by (enny $osley Simply setCout practical ideas and games to help children 3ith their social skills. =45ST>

Coming Round $gain by (enny $osley Se9uel to All 2ound Success8 outlining ho3 to pull together a range of fun acti#ities into a themed approach. =45ST> &uidelines for 2rimary *idday /upervisors by (enny $osley A friendly8 practical selfChelp booklet to be gi#en directly to lunchtime super#isors as part of the policy to boost their skills and selfCesteem. =45ST> Create Dappier +unchtimes by (enny $osley Se9uel to the abo#e8 offering eAtra ideas and both indoor and outdoor games. =45ST> $ssemblies to Teach &olden Rules by $argaret 1oldthorpe and /ucy 'utt )ynamic and fun assemblies for de#eloping the moral #alues behind 1olden 2ules8 based on positi#e re3ard for good beha#iour rather than punishment for negati#e actions. =/)A> 2oems for Circle Time F +iteracy Dour by $argaret 1oldthorpe .oems of simplicity and fun8 to help children look at serious issues in a relaAed 3ay 3ithin our fi#eCstep model. =/)A> Effective IE2s through Circle Time by $argaret 1oldthorpe .ractical solutions to 3riting Indi#idual 5ducation .lans for children 3ith emotional and beha#ioural difficulties8 using Duality Circle Time. =/)A> $ll ,ear Round ! eAciting ideas for peaceful playtimes /tepping /tones to /uccess ! a planned 7ourney through the foundation stage Ring of Confidence ! personal safety for the foundation stage !?! &ames for /elf-Esteem !?! &ames for /ocial /kills &olden *oments for Cusy Teachers -e also have books on .uality Circle Time for secondary schools@ and on adult subBects such as assertiveness and self-esteem. Training video: .uality Circle Time in $ction An eAcellent inCdepth resource for staff training8 sho3ing (enny demonstrating her model 3ith KS1 and KS2 pupils. Includes booklet 3ith her fi#e steps to Duality Circle Time. =/)A> Eenny *osley s /elf-Esteem Cuilders /et Contains moti#ational stickers for congratulating children on moral #alues and circle time skillsJ t3o colourful themed class target sheets 3ith reusable stickers to mark positi#e beha#iour to3ards a particular targetJ re3ard certificates for achie#ements such as deciding to impro#eJ responsibility badges for boosting children&s selfC esteem through special tasks such as being special child of the 3eekJ and a golden rules poster set for classroom and playground. Items also available separately. =/)A>

Eenny *osley s .uality Circle Time 5itbag To keep circle times eAciting and fresh; contains t3o puppets8 blindfold8 cloak8 rainstick8 teddy8 treasure chest8 cassette tape and booklet of lesson ideas. Rainstick also a#ailable separately.

Contact details for Eenny *osley Consultancies G 2ositive 2ress +td:

20A 1loucester 2oad8 Tro3bridge8 4iltshire8 "A1 *AA8 5ngland @or Training 5n9uiries Telephone; *122, -?-1,@aA; *122, -,,?31 5Cmail; @or .roducts and 2esources Telephone; *122, -?+2* @aA; *122, -12105Cmail; 4ebsite;

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