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Beginner Program (Trekker)

Weeks 1 and 2 (MWF)

6 drills, 3 x with a 2 to 3 min rest between each complete round! Do each ex. 1 min. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Incline dumbbell press on stability ball Downward jumping jack to full upward jack (push-up position, jump both legs out, back to push-up, jump to feet, do full jack, clap overhand and behind back) Staggered squat to bent over row with dumbbell (squat position with one leg forward and one back, squat down, as you come up, pull up dumbbells into a row) Squat jump to 2 bounces (arms clasped in front, squat down, explode upwards, when landing, do 2 quick bounces before the next jump) Triceps push-up on knees to clap (kneel on floor with hands in diamond shape on ground below sternum, drop body down until arms reach 90 degree angle, then push back and clap as you balance on your knees) Squat to dumbbell overhead press (see picture)


IE Drills: Go straight through 3 drills with little or no rest between them. For each drill, go 15 yards and back; repeat the road 3 more times. 1. Alternate lunge: hand on hips, take large steps until thigh is almost parallel to ground, while back knee almost touches floor. Make sure the knee never goes in front of toes! 2. Side to side squat 3. Carioca: move sideways as quickly as possible by crossing over feet, first in front and then back. Once you reach the distance, come back facing the same direction. Core: Go straight through 2 exercises without stopping; repeat twice for 15 reps each. 1. Straight-leg crunch: lie on back on padded surface with legs straight and heels on to of stability ball. With your hands beside your ears, crunch upward by bringing your chest upward and your shoulder blades off the ground. 2. Oblique Roll-up: Lie on back on padded surface and hug the outside of the stability ball with each leg. Stretch your arms overhead to start, and then bring the stability ball toward the sky as you roll your body up, one vertebra at a time.

Weeks 1 and 2 (T/Th)

This workout requires access to a running surface. Either use a treadmill or, if you are outdoors, use a grassy field or a dirt trail that preferably has some hilly qualities. 1. 2. Warm-up jog at 2 % incline for 5 min Jog for 5 min at 3 % incline, then 20 reps of dumbell squat kick (assume boxing stance, knees slightly bent and feet flat, one foot in front of other and dumbbells shoulder height besides cheek. Squat downwards, on the way up, kick the back leg forward, making sure your knee reaches hip height before your foot kicks. Switch to other side after 20 reps) Walk as fast as you can for 4 minutes at 8 % incline, then squat straight blast dumbbell punch, 30 reps (Feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Hold dumbbells at chest height with palms facing each other. Do a full squat, then punch with your right hand toward the middle of your body, then immediately follow with left hand) Walk as fast as you can for 3 min at 10 5 incline, then 45-sec. deep breaths Walk as fast as you can for 4 min at 8% incline, then squat straight blast dumbell punch, 30 reps Jog 5 min at 3% incline, the dumbell squat kick, 20 reps Jump rope for 5 min (30 sec on/off) Full sit-up, 20 reps to child pose for 30 sec.; repeat twice


4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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