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128 10 Revisioh
Check-up 1
CompIeIe Ihe senIences viIh wos or were.
1 1he childreh ih Ihe clossroom.
2 1he IimeIoble oh Ihe woll.
3 We ih Ihe ploggrouhd.
4 Where Ihe Ieocher?
5 gou oI school gesIerdog?
6 I oI home oh SoIurdog.
WriIe quesIions using wos or were.
1 Yes, Ihe !rsI lessoh wos Sciehce.
2 Yes, Ihe bogs were loIe.
3 Where 1he girls were ih Ihe clossroom.
4 WhoI 1he secohd lessoh wos Lhglish.
5 Yes, Ihe sums were eosg.
6 Wheh 1heir MoIhs lessoh wos ih Ihe
Chonge Ihe senIences. Use No ond not.
1 1he bogs were hoisg.
2 1he lessoh wos di!!iculI.
3 1he weoIher wos cold.
4 We were ih Ihe pork.
5 1he childreh were quieI.
6 1he Ieocher wos o moh.

9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in10 10 1/12/08 15:47:18
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11 Revisioh
Nov Ihink obouI Ihese quesIions.
1 Wos Ihe Ieocher ih Ihe clossroom?
2 WhoI wos her home?
3 Wos Ihe clossroom quieI or hoisg?
4 Were Ihe childreh ih Ihe clossroom?
5 WhoI wos Ihe Iime?
6 Wos iI breok?
7 Where were Ihe childreh?
WriIe obouI Ihe picIure.

9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in11 11 1/12/08 15:47:19
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128 2 LiIerol quesIiohs, idehIi!gihg lessohs !rom descripIiohs


Oh Wedhesdog Ihe !rsI lessoh wos Sciehce. A !ower wos oh Miss Coreg's desk.
1he secohd lessoh wos Music. II wos ihIeresIihg.
1he Ihird lessoh wos SporIs. 1he childreh were hoisg ih Ihe SporIs lessoh. Lhglish
wos o!Ier breok. II wos Ihe !ourIh lessoh. 1he !!Ih lessoh wos MoIhs. II wos eosg.
ArI wos Ihe sixIh lessoh. II wos quieI.
Ansver Ihe quesIions.
1 WhoI wos Ihe !rsI lessoh?
2 Where wos Ihe !ower?
3 Which lessoh wos ihIeresIihg?
4 Wheh were Ihe childreh hoisg?
5 Which lessoh wos o!Ier breok?
6 Which lessoh wos eosg?
7 WhoI wos Ihe sixIh lessoh?
WriIe Ihe Iesson.
1 Ih Ihis lessoh childreh couhI ohd wriIe humbers.
2 Childreh use brushes ohd poihIs ih Ihis lessoh.
3 1he Ieocher plogs Ihe pioho ohd childreh sihg ih Ihis lessoh.
4 Ih Ihis lessoh childreh look oI plohIs ohd ohimols.
5 1his lessoh is o!Ieh exciIihg. Childreh ruh ohd |ump.
6 Childreh coh Iolk ih Ihis lessoh buI iI is someIimes di!!culI.
1e 1tst 'esson wos 1e 1tst 'esson wos
eoding comprehension ond vocobuIorg

9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in2 2 1/12/08 15:47:05

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3 DicIiohorg skills
5Iudg skiIIs
o b c d e ! g h i | k l m h o p q r s I u v w x g z
eod Ihe IeIIer in Ihe circIe. WriIe iI be!ore or o!Ier Ihe IeIIer in Ihe box.
1 d c

2 p q
3 h g 4 w v
5 m h 6 s I
eod Ihe vord. WriIe iI be!ore or o!Ier Ihe vord in Ihe box.
1 coI dog 2 hoI girl
3 moh lemoh 4 fish egg
5 suh teh 6 rihg queeh
eod ond moIch.
1 ciIg 2 !orm 3 |or 4 plohI 5 sums 6 IimeIoble
A 8 C D L F
Check! Look in gour DicIionorg.

9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in3 3 1/12/08 15:47:07
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128 4
CompIeIe Ihe senIences viIh or .
1 YesIerdog Ihe childreh oI Ihe ploggrouhd.
2 1he weoIher cold ohd wihdg.
3 Ahho oh Ihe swihgs ohd her broIhers oh Ihe slide.
4 gou oI Ihe ploggrouhd gesIerdog?
5 No, I oI home.
6 We oI Ihe beoch gesIerdog. II hoI ohd suhhg.
Look ond onsver Ihe quesIions.
1 Were Ihe childreh oI Ihe beoch gesIerdog?

2 Were Ihe bogs oh Ihe swihgs?

3 Wos Ihe girl oh Ihe slide?

4 Wos Ihe weoIher cold ohd weI?

5 Were gou oI Ihe ploggrouhd gesIerdog?

o, teg wee not ot te ceoc. 1eg wee ot te p'oggound. o, teg wee not ot te ceoc. 1eg wee ot te p'oggound.
, : sIoIemehIs ohd hegoIive sehIehces
wasnt = was not
werent = were not
9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in4 4 1/12/08 15:47:08
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Look, reod ond vriIe Ihe Iime.
II is quorIer Io Ieh. II is Ieh o'clock. II is quorIer posI Ieh. II is hol! posI Ieh.
1 2
3 4
5 6
Reod Ihe IimeIobIe. Ansver Ihe quesIions.
1 WhoI do Ihe childreh hove oI quorIer Io Ieh?
2 WhoI do Iheg hove oI quorIer posI ohe?
3 Wheh do Iheg hove Sciehce?
4 Wheh do Iheg hove MoIhs?
5 Wheh do Iheg hove breok?
6 Wheh do Iheg hove luhch?
1ellihg Ihe Iime: quorter to, quorter post, ho/I post, o'c/ock
Grommor in conversoIion
9.00 Maths
9.45 English
10.30 Break
10.45 Science
12.15 Lunch
1.15 Art
9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in5 5 1/12/08 15:47:11
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128 6 Lohg vowel souhd

WriIe . WriIe Ihe vords. eod Ihe vords.

sI c sh k | p k

WriIe . MoIch ond vriIe Ihe vords.
h d sh p m ! m d k

CompIeIe Ihe senIences. Use vords !rom Ihis poge.
1 A crob hos Iwo clows. 1heg ore .
A crob hos o shell. II is .
2 A hos loIs o! IeeIh.

3 We plog !ooIboll ih Ihe .

4 AI highI iI is . You coh see Ihe .

Look and read!
9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in6 6 1/12/08 15:47:15
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7 houhs
Use o! EngIish
plohI 1his word is o houh. A houh is o homihg word.
II homes Ihe ob|ecI.
|or 1his word is o houh, Ioo.
II homes Ihe ob|ecI.
MoIch Ihe nouns ond Ihe objecIs.
book brush boskeIboll peh sum
1 2 3 4 5
find Ihe noun in eoch senIence. CircIe iI.
1 1his is mg hoI. 2 Look oI Ihis crocodile.
3 I hove goI o plohe. 4 1his coI is smoll.
There ore Ivo nouns in eoch seI. CircIe Ihem.
1 |or is look book 2 oh goI dog plohI
3 ohd peh sum Ihere 4 drum ruler o! hove
f-- .- - .--t .- - --.
Read this!
9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in7 7 1/12/08 15:47:17
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128 8 0n|t : 1imes, ordihols, od|ecIives
WriIing preporoIion
: Reod ond moIch. WriIe Ihe Iime.
quorIer posI Iwelve hol! posI !our quorIer Io hihe

z WriIe Ihe Iime.

a WriIe Ihe vords.
!!Ih Ihird sixIh secohd !ourIh !rsI
1sI 2hd 3rd 4Ih 5Ih 6Ih
CompIeIe Ihe senIences. Use vords !rom Ihe box.
ihIeresIihg exciIihg di!!culI eosg !uh hoisg
1 I coh do Ihis sum. II is .
2 1he !ooIboll gome wos verg .
3 We ore leorhihg obouI elephohIs. II is verg .
4 I like orI buI I coh'I poihI. II's .
5 1his drum is .
6 I like Lhglish. Our lessohs ore olwogs .

9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in8 8 1/12/08 15:47:17

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9 WriIihg oh occouhI !rom ih!ormoIioh ih o IimeIoble
ComposiIion procIice
Oh 1uesdog o!Ierhooh, Al!e, Mollg, Mox
ohd Lulu were ih school.
1he IimeIoble wos oh Ihe woll.
WriIe obouI Ihe Iessons. Use vords !rom poge 8.

1e 1out 'esson wos ot t wos 1e 1out 'esson wos ot t wos
1e ct'den to'red ocout t wos 1e ct'den to'red ocout t wos
1e 1t1t 1e 1t1t
1e ct'den 1e ct'den
They have sharp teeth.
Lesson Time



These are lions.
They can run fast.
9780230024893_EWWB3 Units1to3.in9 9 1/12/08 15:47:18

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