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December 13, 2013

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The ValuEngine Weekly is an Investor Education newsletter focused on the quantitative approach to investing and the tools available from In today's fast-moving and globali ed financial markets! it is easy to get overloaded with information" The winners will adopt an ob#ective! scientific! independent and unemotional approach to investing" If you are not yet a member of ValuEngine's stock analysis service! sign up now for a two-week free trial at www"valuengine"com$

VALUATION WARNING: Our models find that o er aluation is at le els t!"icall! seen #hen mar$et "ull%ac$s occur. O er alued stoc$s no# ma$e u" &'( of our stoc$s assigned a aluation and almost )*( of those e+uities are calculated to %e o er alued %! ',( or more. -ifteen of si.teen sectors are calculated to %e o er alued//01 of them %! dou%le digits. MARKET OVERVIEW

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ValuEngine Ne !le""er! #a"e!" Re!ul"!

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Sec"$r Tal%&Au"$!,Tire!,Truc%!
Below, we present the latest data on leading Autos,Tires,Truck Sector stocks from our Institutional software package (VEI . These results were filtered by market price and volume--no results below 3 !share or less than "##k shares!day volume.

To"/-i e Autos@Tires@Truc$ 7ector 7toc$s//7hort/Term -orecast Returns


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Find out what Wall Street Investment and Media Professionals already know, ValuEngine offers sophisticated stock valuation and forecast research as well as a variety of portfolio screening and creation tools If you are reading this you should sign up for ValuEngine!s award"winning To 7ign U" for a stock valuation and forecast -REE TRIAL@ service <lease 2lic$ DERE #$ $%&I'()I$#, *+ ,(F.EE ).I(&/

'ree D$ nl$a( )$r Rea(er!

(s a 0onus to our Free Weekly #ewsletter su0scri0ers, we are offering a F.EE ,$W#&$(, of one of our Stock .eports This week$s free download is forTarget %T&T'. Target (orporation operates largeformat general merchandise and food discount stores in the )nited States, which include Target and SuperTarget stores. They also operate a fully integrated online business, Although is small relative to their overall si*e, its sales are growing at a much more rapid pace than their in-store sales, and it provides important benefits to their stores and credit card operations. +alu,ngine continues its B)- recommendation on TA.&,T (/.0 for 1#"3-"1-"1. Based on the information we have gathered and our resulting research, we feel that TA.&,T (/.0 has the probability to /)T0,.2/.3 average market performance for the ne4t year. The company e4hibits ATT.A(T5+, (ompany Si*e and Sharpe .atio. .ead our Summary .eport on )arget DERE.

Su""meier Sa*!
""1ommentary and (nalysis from 1hief Market Strategist .ichard Suttmeier
If you have any co!!ents or "uestions, sen# the! to Rsutt!eier$%!ail&co! 'reasury (iel#s "#--ear--%1.663' 3onthly and semiannual value levels are 3.""7 and 3.117 with a daily pivot at 1.68#9 and weekly, annual, :uarterly and annual risky levels at 1.738, 1.;7<, 1.1=1 and ".86". Co!!o#ities an# )ore* (ome4 &old >% "11<."' 3y monthly value level is "#<1." with daily, weekly, :uarterly and annual risky levels at "1=1.8, "16;.8, ";3=.<, "=88.8 and "6=1.". ?yme4 (rude /il > % 87.;1' 3y weekly value level is 8#.13 with my monthly pivot at 86.1" and daily, semiannual, :uarterly and annual risky levels at "##.61, "#8.6;, "";.3< and ""=.13. The ,uro > %".37="' 3y annual, :uarterly and semiannual value levels are ".31=7, ".16#=, ".17=< and ".1;77 with a weekly pivot at ".3<=3 and daily, monthly and annual risky levels at ".3671, ".36;# and ".;18=. +a,or In#ices @aily @owA %"=,738' Semiannual and annual value levels are ";,71; and "1,<8< with daily and monthly pivots at "=,7<1 and "<,#83, the ?ov. 18 alltime intra-day high at "<,"7;.=", and weekly, semiannual and :uarterly risky levels at "<,;3#, "<,;8# and "<,77=. SB0 =## > %"77=.=' Semiannual and annual value levels are "7;3.= and "3;6.3 with a daily and monthly pivots at "76".6 and "6"#.1, the ?ov. 18 alltime intra-day high at "6"3.==, and weekly and :uarterly risky levels at "6<;.= and "6=3.6. ?AS@AC > %3886' Semiannual and annual value levels are 37=8, 3<<6 and 16#< with :uarterly and daily pivots at ;#1= and ;#11, the @ec. 8 multi-year intra-day high at ;#6".76, and weekly and monthly risky levels at ;"77 and ;"";.

?AS@AC "## %?@D' > %3;<#' Semiannual and annual value levels are 33#; and 1;<3 with :uarterly, daily and monthly pivots at 3;77, 3;68 and 3="6, the @ec. 8 multi-year intra-day high at 3=1;.##, and daily and weekly risky levels at 3=1# and 3<"<. @ow Transports > %7#=8' 3onthly and annual value levels are <8;", =81= and =;<8 with semiannual, :uarterly and daily pivots at 7"#;, 71#= and 7#18, the @ec. 1 all-time intra-day high at 73#;.;8, and a weekly risky level at 7=<3. .ussell 1### > %""#3.13' Semiannual and annual value levels are "#68.;1, 6<#.1= and 6#8.=; with daily and monthly pivots at ""#=.=; and "";3.61, the ?ov. 18 all time intra-day high at "";7.##, and weekly and :uarterly risky levels at ""=;.;7 and ""<3.1". The S/D > %=#=.6;' 3y annual value level is 336.#3 with daily, :uarterly and weekly pivots at ="1.7", =";.67 and ="<.66, the @ec. 8 multi-year intra-day high at ="6.87, and monthly and semiannual risky levels at =1<.7; and =33.=<. @ow )tilitiesA %;76.7#' @aily, monthly and semiannual pivots are ;63.1#, ;78.#6 and ;6".81 with weekly, :uarterly, semiannual and annual risky levels at =#3.6#, =1#.==, =13.33 and =;#.37.

-tock of the .ay Eere is today$s stock of the day from .ichard Suttmeier$s 3orning Briefing ?ewsletter. Apple %AA0F' > % =<#.=;' Apple 5nc. is engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing mobile communication and media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music players. The (ompany$s products and services include i0hone, i0ad, 3ac, i0od, Apple T+, a portfolio of consumer and professional software applications, the i/S and 3ac /S D operating systems, i(loud, and a range of accessory, service and support offerings. 5t sells its products worldwide through its online stores, its retail stores, its direct sales force, third-party wholesalers, and resellers. Apple 5nc. is head:uartered in (upertino, (alifornia.

Analysis >Apple has a sell rating according to +alu,ngine and its "7.=39 overvalued with fair value at ;77.<3 and a one-year price target at =71.37. The daily chart shows overbought momentum with the stock above its 1"-day, =#-day and 1##-day simple moving averages at =;1.;;, =13.77 and ;<<.;#. 3onthly and annual value level are =1".67 and ="#.<; with a weekly risky level at =73.#;.

.ichard Suttmeier has been a professional in the )S (apital 3arkets since "871 transferring his engineering skills to the trading and investment world. Ee earned a Bachelor of 5ndustrial ,ngineering degree from &eorgia 5nstitute of Technology in "8<<, and a 3aster of Science, /perations .esearch, Systems Analysis degree from Brooklyn 0olytechnic )niversity in "87#. /ver the years .ichard appeared many times in the financial media, on networks such as (?B(, (??, (??fn, ?ew -ork ", Bloomberg T+ and radio, 2o4 Business, Business ?ews ?etwork in (anada, Gall Street Geek with 2ortune, -ahoo 2inance Breakout, and the Bill 3a*er .adio Show. 5n 1##1, he anchored his own show on -ahoo 2inance +ision called, HTraders$ (lub with .ichard Suttmeier.H .ichard has been fre:uently :uoted in )SA Today, The ?- Times, Gall Street Iournal, .euters, and The @ow Iones ?ewswires. .ichard has made numerous speaking appearances in recent years to groups such as the 3arket Technicians Associations, the American Association of 5ndividual 5nvestors, Gells 2argo Advisors, the ,4ecutive 2orum at the ?ational Arts (lub, and the 5nvestors .oundtable of Gilmington ?(.

#ow -$2 can take advantage of the same market and trading e3pertise as the financial media with .ichard Suttmeier!s Valu)rader Model Portfolio The +aluTrader 0ortfolio ?ewsletter is based on +alu,ngine (hief 3arket Strategist .ichard Suttmeier$s proprietary market analytics. Suttmeier combines his technical analysis e4pertise with +alu,ngine$s proprietary valuation, forecast, and ratings data for more than ;### e:uities trading on )S markets to come up with a 1# stock portfolio tailored to current market conditions. Gith +aluTrader, subscribers access Suttmeier$s HBuy and TradeH strategy with a portfolio designed to function well in both up and down markets. ,very edition of .ichard Suttmeier$s +aluTrader model portfolio includes technical risk, pivot, and value levels, as well as critical +alu,ngine data points-ratings, valuation, and forecast--for the current portfolio. Ghenever Suttmeier buys a new stock or sells a current holding, subscribers receive an email alert so that they can take advantage of Suttmeier$s proven market-timing e4pertise. The portfolio may include long as well as short positions according to Suttmeier$s read of the markets. 2lic$ DERE to 7ign U" for 2hief =ar$et 7trategist Richard 7uttmeierEs ValuTrader =odel <ortfolio

With Richard 7uttmeierEs =orning ?riefing@ !ou get dail! anal!sis of U7 Treasur! 3ields@ Gold@ 2lic$ DERE to 7ign 2rude Oil@ and U" for 2hief =ar$et 2urrenc! E.change 7trategist Richard Rates//4ollar@ 3en@ 7uttmeierEs <ound@ and Euro//as =orning ?riefingG #ell as $e! technical indicators for the maFor e+uit! a erages.

ValuEngine+c$m T$$l! an( Ser,ice!

Ge provide a variety of means for accessing +alu,ngine market analysis and other content. -ou can find us on some of the leading financial media websites as well as the more popular social media services. Ghile our own website ValuEngine&co! provides access to lots of analysis--and you can always sign up to receive email daily and weekly bulletins HERE, some users prefer to download 0@2 reports of content while others prefer to garner info while browsing the web.

/ur (hief 3arket Strategist .ichard Suttmeier is a prolific market observer and you can find his content in a variety of places. Eis weekly column on 2orbes provides insights into his HBuy and TradeH strategy while his daily market analysis can be followed and accessed at Scribd, Twitter, and 3inyanville. Senior ,ditor Steve Each re-posts 0@2s and web-accessible copies of @aily and Geekly +alu,ngine bulletins at Seeking Alpha and Scribd. 5n most cases, you can receive notification of +, content posting by Suttmeier and Each by following the +alu,ngine feed on twitter J+alu,ngine. Finks for this content are provided below, you may also find these links on our website HERE

In"elligen" In,e!"ing

i"- Ric-ar( Su""meier

Ar"icle! b* Ric-ar( Su""meier . Ar"icle! b* S"e,e /ac0e" !-$r", "imel* me!!age! )r$m ValuEngine Inc Dail* 1ulle"in 2D'!, Wee%l* Ne !le""er 2D'!, an( 2D' Re!earc- Re3$r"!

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