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Elemental Geosystems, 5e (Christopherson) Chapter 8 The Dynamic Planet

1) Which of the following is incorrectly matched? A) endogenic internal processes B) exogenic external processes C) radioactive decay heat exogenic energy source D) weathering exogenic brea ing and dissolving the crust Answer! C ") Which of the following is endogenic in nature? A) weathering


stream deposition C) volcanism


glacial erosion Answer! C #) Which of the following is exogenic in nature? A) earth$ua es B)

volcanism C) flows of heat and materials in the mantle D) weathering Answer! D %) &he shape of the earth's surface results from A) gravity( B) the action of wind) water and ice( C) the radioactive decay of atoms( D) all of the above *) gravity and wind) water) and ice only Answer! D +) &ectonic forces A) erode the surface of the earth( B) warp) fold) and uplift roc ( C) control soil formation processes( D) form sedimentary roc (

Answer! B ,) Which of the following is true regarding the geologic time scale? A) &he bul of *arth's history has occurred during the Ceno-oic era( B) .ver /0 percent of *arth's history has elapsed during the more recent Ceno-oic) 1eso-oic) and 2aleo-oic eras( C) Both relative and absolute dating methods are used in determining the se$uence of the time scale( D) We live in the &ertiary period( Answer! C

0) Which of the following lists the correct se$uence of divisions in the geologic time scale) from largest to smallest? A) era) eon) epoch) period B) eon) era) period) epoch C) epoch) era) eon) period D) period) eon) era) epoch Answer! B /) Which of the following lists is in the correct se$uence from youngest to oldest? A) 3olocene) 2leistocene) 2liocene) 1iocene B) 3olocene) 2recambrian) Ceno-oic C) 2aleo-oic) Ceno-oic) 1eso-oic D) &ertiary) 4uaternary) Cretaceous Answer! A 5) When geologists or archaeologists dig downward into a unit of roc or sediment) they are digging 6bac in time(6 &his fact is based on the principle of 77777777( A) uniformitarianism B) superposition

C) catastrophism Answer! B 18) Which of the following is not an example of an age9relationship based on absolute dating? A) &he oldest nown roc s on *arth are #(5, billion years old( B) &he :ishnu schist at the bottom of the ;rand Canyon is " billion years old( C) &he dinosaurs became extinct ,+ million years ago( D) &he Coconino formation in the ;rand Canyon is older than the <aibab formation( Answer! D 11) =niformitarianism assumes that A) *arth is $uite young and is shaped by dramatic events( B) catastrophic episodes have regularly occurred( C) the same physical processes we see today are a ey to understanding the processes that have been operating throughout geologic time( D) mountains) plains) and canyons formed by catastrophic events( Answer! C 1") &he idea that *arth formed only a few thousand years ago is

A) basically accepted today by science( B) based on little physical evidence and is more appropriately considered a belief( C) referred to as uniformitarianism( D) the basis of the geologic time scale( Answer! B 1#) *arth's interior is A) evenly mixed throughout( B) not sub>ect to internal differentiation( C) heated unevenly by the heat of radioactive decay( D) arranged with lighter elements toward the center and heavier elements toward the crust( Answer! C

1%) <nowledge of *arth's interior is derived from A) direct sampling of the interior using deep9test wells( B) wor in *arth's deepest caverns and caves( C) indirect evidence involving the analysis of seismic waves( D) historic and prehistoric records( Answer! C 1+) &he heat that melted the early *arth was derived from A) nuclear fusion( B) radioactive decay( C) chemical reactions( D) sunlight( Answer! B 1,) Which of the following gives the correct se$uence of layers in the earth) from the surface to the center? A) crust) core) lower mantle) aesthenosphere B) aesthenosphere) lower mantle) crust) core C)

crust) lower mantle) aesthenosphere) core D) crust) aesthenosphere) lower mantle) core Answer! D 10) Which of the following can occur when seismic waves encounter a layer in the earth's interior? A) &hey can be reflected or refracted( B) &hey can be absorbed( C) &heir speed can change( D) All of the above can occur) depending upon the nature of the layer( *) ?one of the aboveseismic waves cannot penetrate below the crust of the earth( Answer! D 1/) Which of the following statements about *arth's core is not true? A) @t is composed primarily of iron( B) &he inner core is believed to be li$uid and the outer core solid( C) &emperatures in the core reach several thousand degrees( D) &emperatures and pressures are higher in the inner core than in the outer core( Answer! B

15) Approximately 58 percent of *arth's magnetic field is generated in the A) inner core(


outer core(


lower mantle( D) upper mantle( Answer! B "8) *arth's magnetic field A) is variable) and it has phased to -ero some nine times during the past % million years( B) is constant in its intensity( C) remains a mystery as to its cause( D) is principally generated in the inner core( Answer! A

"1) Which of the following is not true regarding *arth's magnetic field? A) @t causes magnetic particles in cooling magma to align with magnetic field lines( B) &ransition periods) during which reversals occur) last an average of about %888 to /888 years( C) &he earth's magnetic field will probably reverse in the next few thousand years( D) A given field orientation can last billions of years( Answer! D "") &he transition -one from the outer core to the mantle is 77777777 and is nown as the 77777777 discontinuity( A) unevenA ;utenberg B) unevenA 1oho C) smoothA ;utenberg D) smoothA 1oho Answer! A "#) With increasing depth) the mantle becomes 77777777 due to greater 77777777( A) more plasticA pressures B) more plasticA temperatures C)

stifferA pressures D) stifferA temperatures Answer! C "%) Which of the following gives the correct se$uence of layers in the mantle) from bottom to top? A) lower mantleA upper mantle) aesthenosphere B) aesthenosphere) mantle) upper mantle C) upper mantle) aesthenosphere) mantle D) mantle) aesthenosphere) upper mantle Answer! A "+) &he aesthenosphere can best be described as A) a rigid solid( B) a li$uid( C) plastic9li e( D) plasma9li e( Answer! C ",) Which of the following is true of the aesthenosphere?

A) @t contains poc ets of increased heat( B) @t flows(


@t carries the crustal plates( D) All of these are true( *) ?one of these are true( Answer! D "0) &he density of material below the 1oho is 77777777 that above it( A) greater than B) less than


the same as Answer! A

"/) &he boundary between the crust and the rest of the lithospheric upper mantle is a discontinuity nown as the A) ;utenberg(






lithospheric layer( Answer! C "5) Which layer of the planet forms /8 percent of *arth's total volume) and has an average density of %(+ grams per cm"? A) continental crust B) oceanic crust C) mantle D) core Answer! C #8) &he thic ness of *arth's crust ranges from A) + m to ,8 m B# mi to #0 mi)( B) 08 m to "+8 m B%# mi to 1++ mi)(

C) the surface to an un nown depth( D) the surface down to "588 m B1/88 mi)( Answer! A #1) Continental crust is basically 77777777) whereas oceanic crust is basically 77777777( A) thinA thic


basaltA granite C) graniteA basalt D) simaA sial Answer! C #") &he ma>ority of the earth's crust is composed of 77777777 roc ( A) igneous


metamorphic C) sedimentary D) carbonate Answer! A

##) &he principles of buoyancy and balance) when applied to *arth's crust) helps us to explain fluctuations in *arth's outer crust) a property nown as A) magnetism( B) 1oho effect( C) isostasy(


orogenesis( Answer! C

#%) ;laciers that once covered the 3udson Bay area melted /)888 years ago( As a result of this) the bay is gradually rising( @n another 18)888 years or so) it will have risen above sea level and become dry( &his process can best be considered an example of A) catastrophism( B) isostasy( C) accretion( D) orogenesis( Answer! B #+) &hree types of roc 9forming processes compose the A) tectonic cycle( B) roc cycle( C) hydrologic cycle( D) mineral cycle( Answer! B #,) 3eat energy and new materials are brought to the surface from the interior by the A) tectonic cycle( B) roc cycle(

C) hydrologic cycle( D) mineral cycle( Answer! A #0) Which of the following is not part of the hydrologic cycle? A) transportation B) erosion


sedimentation D) radioactive decay Answer! D #/) What percent of the earth's crust is composed of only eight natural elements? A) "+








#5) &he three most abundant elements in *arth's crust are A) roc ) water) and tectonics( B) magnesium) potassium) and oxygen( C) iron) aluminum) and granite( D) oxygen) silicon) and aluminum( Answer! D %8) An element or combination of elements that forms an inorganic) natural compound is called a A) tectonic roc ( B) granitic compound( C) mineral( D) molecule( Answer! C

%1) 1afic minerals are 77777777 minerals( A) dar colored) high density B) dar colored) low density C) light colored) high density D) light colored) low density Answer! A %") An assemblage of minerals bound together is called a A) granitic compound( B) mineral( C) molecule( D) roc ( Answer! D %#) Which of the following is matched correctly? A) granite metamorphic B) basalt sedimentary C)

magma lava D) sandstone igneous Answer! C %%) &he ma>or roc s of *arth's crust are classified into principal types based on A) element composition( B) mineral composition( C) three specific roc 9forming processes) i(e() the manner in which they formed( D) relative and absolute locations( Answer! C %+) A roc transformed from any other roc through profound physical andCor chemical processes is referred to as A) sedimentary( B) metamorphic( C) igneous(




B %,)

Which of the following is an example of an intrusive) igneous roc ? A) volcano B) pluton C) dome D) lava flow Answer! B %0) A batholith forms from A) intrusive igneous roc ( B) extrusive igneous roc ( C) metamorphic roc ( D) sediment accumulation in a depression( Answer! A

%/) &he Dierra ?evada mountain range in California is an example of A) an extrusive igneous formation( B) a lava flow( C) an exposed batholith( D) a volcano( Answer! C %5) A laccolith is actually a large version of a 77777777( A) di e B) discontinuity C) sill D) batholith Answer! C +8) &he mineral crystals in a sill would be 77777777 those in a lava flow( A) larger than B) smaller than C)

the same si-e as Answer! A +1) &he history of life on *arth is chronicled in which type of roc ? A) igneous B) metamorphic C) sedimentary Answer! C +") &he si-e of sediment transported from an area and subse$uently deposited is a function of A) the energy of the transporting agent( B) the relief of the area( C) the energy of the environment( D) all of these *) none of these Answer! D +#) Consider a beach environment with large) powerful waves brea ing along the shore( ;iven the nature of this environment) which of the following sediments would be least li ely to be deposited there? A)

gravel and sand B) sand C) silt and clay Answer! C +%) A roc made of clay particles is most li ely to have formed in which of the following environments? A) beach B) desert C) swamp Answer! C

++) @f you were driving down the highway and saw mountains composed of layered strata) you could be confident that you were loo ing at A) sedimentary roc s( B) extrusive igneous roc ( C) a shield volcano( D) batholiths or laccoliths( Answer! A +,) Dalt is an example of 77777777 roc ( A) sedimentary B) extrusive igneous C) metamorphic D) intrusive igneous Answer! A +0) &he presence of 1/89million9year9old salt domes in the ;ulf Coast region of the =(D( indicates that A) the area was once volcanically active( B) the area was sub>ected to plate collisions) which caused metamorphism to occur( C)

subsidence is now occurring due to the withdrawal of magma from the region( D) a sea used to cover the area but subse$uently evaporated( *) ?one of these are indicated( Answer! D +/) Which of the following is not a sedimentary roc ? A) sandstone


bituminous coal C) marble




C +5) Eimestone is an example of which type of roc 9forming process? A) sedimentary B) metamorphic C) igneous


A ,8)

Coal is a fossil fuel formed from A) dead marine organisms( B) plants( C) metamorphosed mafic minerals( D) blue9green algae( Answer! B ,1) &he ancient roots of mountains are usually composed of 77777777 roc s( A) sedimentary B) metamorphic C) igneous Answer! B

,") Which of the following is not true of the metamorphism process? A) @t can be accomplished by heat( B) @t can be accomplished by pressure( C) @t involves melting of the original roc ( D) @t can be accomplished by chemical processes( Answer! C ,#) 1arble is a familiar example of which type of roc ? A) intrusive igneous B) metamorphic C) sedimentary D) extrusive igneous Answer! B ,%) An unmetamorphosed di e could be composed of which of the following? A) granite B) sandstone C)

obsidian D) gneiss Answer! A ,+) &ilted layers of $uart-ite exposed in a mountain range indicate that A) the mountain was covered with water( B) sand was deposited on a steeply sloping surface) lithified) uplifted and then exposed at the surface( C) sand was deposited) lithified) metamorphosed) uplifted and exposed( D) limestone was deposited) lithified) metamorphosed) uplifted and exposed( Answer! C ,,) Which of the following is the fuel for continental drift and plate tectonics? A) nuclear fusion B) radioactive decay C) solar energy D) chemical reactions in *arth's core Answer! B ,0) Which of the following supports the continental drift concept?

A) magnetic field patterns preserved in the roc s B) plant and animal fossil records C) radioactive decay dating of roc s on either side of a spreading center D) All of these support the theory( *) ?one of these is valid evidence of continental drift( Answer! D ,/) 2late boundaries are associated with A) earth$ua es( B) volcanoes(


subduction( D) rifting(


all of the above Answer! *

,5) At which of the following locations is new ocean crust being formed? A) rift -ones B) along collision -ones between two continents C) along collision -ones between two oceanic plates D) in trenches Answer! A 08) At which of the following locations does subduction occur? A) along collision -ones between two continents B) at sea floor spreading -ones C) above mantle hot spots D) along collision -ones between continental and oceanic plates Answer! D 01) &he ocean floor subducts under continents because A) the ocean floor has a lower density and therefore sin s more easily( B) the ocean floor is made of felsic minerals and is heavier than continental material( C)

the ocean floor is made of mafic material and is therefore more dense than continental material( D) the weight of the continents is so great that they push the ocean floor material downward( *) both A and B Answer! C 0") &he ocean floor is a maximum of about "88 million years in age because A) the earth is only "88 million years old( B) the ocean floor is pushed up onto continental material during plate collisions( C) the ocean floor subducts during plate collisions( D) hot spots continuously destroy the ocean floor( *) ?one of the abovethe ocean floor is #(5, billion years old( Answer! C 0#) Which of the following are located along the midocean ridges? A) volcanoes B) outcrops of granite C) old oceanic sediments D) evaporite deposits

Answer! A 0%) Deveral large) linear la es are forming in *ast Africa( &his is evidence of what process? A) rifting




compression D) isostatic uplift Answer! A 0+) &he magma that fuels and produces the volcanic activity around the 2acific Fing of Gire is derived from the A) magma extruded from rift -ones that are developing along the 2acific Fim( B) rise of material that was melted in subduction -ones along the 2acific margins( C) rise of magma from hot spots) such as those that formed the 3awaiian @slands( D) rise of magma along transform faults( Answer! B

0,) &he 3awaiian @slands were formed as a result of A) a rising plume of magma from the mantle( B) an oceanic9oceanic plate collision( C) a continental9oceanic plate collision( D) activity along a midocean ridge( Answer! A 00) Which of the following is true of divergent plate boundaries? A) Fifting occurs there( B) &ensional forces exist there( C) ?ew ocean crust can be created there( D) all of these *) none of these Answer! D 0/) Convergent plate boundaries are characteristic of A) sea9floor spreading centers( B)

collision -ones between plates( C) lateral motions of plates( D) all plate boundaries( Answer! B 05) Which of the following is incorrect relative to hot spots across *arth's surface? A) 3ot spots can occur beneath both oceanic and continental crust( B) &hey remain relatively fixed in relationship to the migrating plates( C) &hey are responsible for the formation of the 3awaiian9*mperor @slands chain( D) 3ot spot activity is unrelated to the formation of @celand) which sits atop a sea9floor spreading ridge in the ?orth Atlantic( Answer! D /8) Which of the following is not true of geothermal energy? A) @t could be used everywhere( B) @t's in use in @celand) Hapan) and California( C) Eoss of a$uifer pressure and groundwater drawdown can reduce production over time( D) @t can be used to produce both heat and electricity( Answer!

A /1) 2angaea is currently dated at A) %(, billion years ago( B) about half the timespan of *arth's existence( C) ""+ to "88 million years ago( D) ,+ million years ago( *) the beginning of the 3olocene( Answer! C /") &he sea9floor spreading center that led to the formation of the Atlantic .cean accelerated dramatically between A) %(, and " billion years ago( B) %,+ and ""+ million years ago( C) the end of the 2leistocene and today( D) 1#+ and ,+ million years ago( Answer! D /#) Which of the following is not true? A)

&he 3awai'ian island chain will subduct in approximately %8 my( B) &he newest 3awai'ian island) Eo'ihi) should reach the surface in around 18)888 years( C) 1easured from the sea floor to its summit) 1auna <ea is the tallest mountain on *arth( D) &he formation of the island of 3awai'i too less than 1 my( Answer! A /%) A guiding principle of *arth science is the principle of uniformitarianism as opposed to catastrophism( Answer!

&rue Galse /+) &he earth's interior has been mapped using seismic waves( Answer!

&rue Galse /,) *arth's magnetic field is generated from within the entire planet) rather than in a specific region of *arth's interior( Answer! &rue

Galse /0) &he uppermost mantle is plastic9li e) whereas the aesthenosphere is rigid( Answer! &rue

Galse //) &he crust is thic est under mountains and thinnest under the oceans( Answer!

&rue Galse /5) &he principle of isostasy refers to the hori-ontal movement of *arth's plates in response to loading and unloading of weight) such as ice or sediment( Answer! &rue

Galse 58) &he geologic cycle is powered both by exogenic and endogenic energy systems( Answer!

&rue Galse 51) An example of an intrusive igneous formation is a pluton( Answer!

&rue Galse 5") Eithification refers to the cementation) compaction) and hardening of sediments( Answer!


Galse 5#) Dilt and clay are li ely to be deposited in a beach environment( Answer! &rue

Galse 5%) Alfred Wegner's theory of continental drift was immediately accepted by the scientific community when it was proposed( Answer! &rue

Galse 5+) *arth$ua e and volcanic occurrences do not correlate well with crustal plate boundaries( Answer! &rue

Galse 5,) Any roc ) either igneous or sedimentary) may be transformed into a metamorphic roc ) by going through profound physical andCor chemical changes under increased pressure and temperature( Answer!

&rue Galse

50) &he ocean floor is created along midocean ridges( Answer!

&rue Galse 5/) &he deepest places in the ocean are those in which rifting occurs( Answer! &rue

Galse 55) Dcientists recently succeeded in drilling through the crust to reach the mantle( Answer! &rue

Galse 188) Foc s that solidify and crystalli-e from a molten state are called 77777777( &hey form from 77777777) which is molten roc beneath the surface( 1agma is fluid) highly gaseous) and under tremendous pressure( @t is either 77777777 into preexisting crustal roc s) nown as country rock) or 77777777 onto the surface as 77777777( Answer! igneousA magmaA intrudedA extrudedA lava

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