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Monabiphot Fundamental Chemistry

4. Thermodynamics Exercises for Training

1- Calculate the enthalpy of sublimation of ice at 0C from its enthalpy of fusion (+6.01 kJ.mol 1) and enthalpy of apori!ation of "ater at 0C (+#$.0% kJ.mol1). - &e "ish to calculate the amount of heat necessary to perform the transformation at '$C of 1(00 ) solid ma)nesium (*)) into a )as composed of *)'+ and electrons. a) &rite the reaction of this transformation. b) Calculate the ariation of enthalpy r+0 by decomposin) this transformation into indi idual reactions (sublimation( first and second ioni!ation). c) Calculate the amount of heat necessary to perform this transformation ,ata for *)- sublimation sub+0 . +1#/ kJ.mol1 first ioni!ation ion1+0 . +%06 kJ.mol1 second ioni!ation ion'+0 . +1#$0 kJ.mol1 molar mass * . '#.01 ).mol1 !- &e "ish to calculate the standard enthalpy of hydro)enation of ben!ene C 6+6 into cyclohe1ane C6+1'. a) &rite the e2uation of the reaction b) &rite the e2uation of combustion of ben!ene C6+6( cyclohe1ane C6+1' and hydro)en +'. c) ,educe the standard reaction enthalpy r+0 of the reaction. 3ip- 3hink about the formation of "ater from +' and 4'. ,ata for combustion- c+0 (C6+6 (l)) . 0'6/ kJ.mol1 c+0 (C6+1' (l)) . 050' kJ.mol1 c+0 (+' ())) . '/6 kJ.mol1 ( +' ()) + 6 4' ()) +'0 (l) )

4- Calculate the standard enthalpy of ben!ene combustion from the standard formation enthalpies (f+0) of the rea)ents and products. ,ata- f+0 (C4'()) . 050($1 kJ.mol1 f+0 (+'4(l) . '/$(/0 kJ.mol1 f+0 (C6+6(l) . #5(0 kJ.mol1 f+0 (4'()) . 0 kJ.mol1 "- &hat is the standard 7ibbs ener)y of o1idation (reaction "ith 4 ') of 1 mol ammoniac (8+0) to )i e "ater and nitric o1ide (84) 9 ,ata at '5/:- f70 (+'4()) . ;''/.$% kJ.mol1 f70 (84()) . +/6.$$ kJ.mol1 f70 (4'()) . 0 kJ.mol1 f70 (8+0()) . ;16.#$ kJ.mol1 #- Carbon (C) is burned in o1y)en atmosphere (4') yieldin) carbon dio1ide (C4'). 3he enthalpy of reaction under standard conditions at '5/ : is r+ . 050.$ kJ.mol;1. a) &rite the e2uation of the reaction. b) Calculate r+ "hen the reaction occurs at 1100 :. c) Compare the alues of r+ at '5/ and 1100 :( and comment (supposin) heat capacities ha e the same alue at any temperature bet"een '5/ and 1100 :) ,ata at '5/:- r+ . 050.$ kJ.mol;1 (for 1 mol C) (Cp) for C( 4' and C4' are respecti ely /.$( '5.# and 0%.1 J.:1.mol1

$- Consider the follo"in) reaction-

<nder standard conditions at '$C( the enthalpy and the entropy of the reaction (1) are respecti ely r+ . $'.' kJ.mol1 and r= . '.1 J.:1.mol1. a) Calculate the alues of r7 at '$C. b) ,educe the alue of : at '$C. Comment on the meanin) of :. c) 7i e the alue of : at 0%C.

%- 3he combustion of methane (C+#) in o1y)en atmosphere (4') to )i e carbon dio1ide (C4') and "ater (+'4) is reali!ed in a reactor( "hich does not e1chan)e heat "ith the outside. 3hermodynamic data are )i en in the table. C+# %#./ 0$ 4' 0 '5 C4' 050.$ 0% +'4 '#1./ 0# 8' 0 '5

>nthalpy of formation (f+( in kJ.mol1) +eat capacity (Cp( in J.:1.mol1)

f+ are )i en under standard conditions at '5/ :. ?or sake of simplicity( all compounds are considered in their )as phase. a) &rite the e2uation of the reaction. b) Calculate r+ "hen the reaction occurs at '5/ : (for one mole of C+#). c) +o" is called a system( "hich does not e1chan)e heat "ith the outside9 @s the reaction endo;( a; or e1othermic9 &hat "ill be the conse2uence on the temperature in the reactor at the end of the reaction ()i e a 2ualitati e description)9 3"o e1periments( A and B( are made. 3he rea)ents are initially present in stoechiometric amounts( and react totally. @n A( pure o1y)en is e1tracted from air( before performin) the reaction. @n B( air "ithout any treatment is inCected in the reactor. Air contains '0D of 4 ' and /0D of 8' in molar fractions. d) &hat "ill be the final temperature inside the reactor in e1periment A9 e) =ame 2uestion as d) for e1periment B.

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